The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 09, 1917, Image 13

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    Live Stock Transit Insurance
Lire stock men over the entire west are forming the habit of INSURING
THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and
quick returns
The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy
protects shippers of live stock, and is the only eompany offering a broad pol
iey easy to understand, clear in its terms whieh gives absolute protection
against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing,
trampling, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury
while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier.
We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United
States and Canada, and locally by
C W. HPAtUT, OTMINCirpftP, Nebraska
W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager
Live Stock Department
Heal skfo ' Efrnptioiis
Painful eczema is more active in
spring when the blood is over-heated,
the burning itching torture is un
bearable, relieve it at once and heal
I he eruptions with Dr. Hobson's Ec
foma Ointment. This antiseptic rem
edy is promptly effective In all skin
.roubles. Pimples, blackheads, acne,
letter, ring worm, Bcaly blotchy skin,
All respond to Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment. Get it today at your drug
gists, ROc, guaranteed.
Adv 2
1m Starts Work on Another North
American Hotel Company Build
Iiik at Ognliillrt, Nebraska
The Dankers Realty Investment
Company has just announced that it
ts to build complete a tine new
three-story Masonic Temple for the
Masonic Lodge fl Kivcrton, Wyom
ing, to cost close to $80,000.
This is the best evidence of the
growing popularity in the west and
middle west of this Company's "Single-Contract"
system of conducting
ill of the many parts of a building
operation under a single manage
ment. Many prominent Masons who have
seen the Riverton Masonic building
plans say the keen foresightedness
displayed by the Dankers Realty In
vestment Company's architects in de
signing this building, so as to be ca
pable of earning sufficient rental in
come to make it a revenue-returning
investment, makes it a model well
worth patterning after by any lodge
organization which is seeking a
home capable of producing sufficient
rental income to make their build
ing not only self-sustaining, but pro
ductive of profit as well.
The Riverton Masonic Temple
plans call for a very handsome semi-
fireproof building of the most mod
ern type, with an exterior finish of
mat brick and terra cotta.
The entire ground floor will be de
voted to a fine group of modern
banking rooms and four store rooms,
and the second floor will have twenty-one
very flue office suites, the
most of which have already been
! leased to professional men and a
number of progressive firms, of
which there are a considerable num
ber in that vicinity.
The lodge room, which is seventy
five feet by forty feet, is located on
the third floor, together with para
phernalia rooms, cloak rooms, a
large and very beautiful banquet
edy handy. For the pains of grippe
and following strenuous work, it
gives quick relief. At all druggists,
Adv 2
Talking about the rlrrus. Are you
going to watch them unload? I'm
not as young as when I was born,
but I'm still n kid when (he circus
0SSMS to town. Maybe you Just take
the children. What?
"Ain't it arfuF. Maggie' They
know me. I'm so vicious that tl,e
mere mention of tny house nn mil
ls enough to make them want to
have me put under peace bonds, (lee, I
but I'm ao mud. Listen to me now
are you listening O-r-r-. Ain't It
nrful." She's some piece at that,
lb) say.
He's not so tall, himself. If said
that last night he tried to kiss a girl
almost six feet tall. "My goodness,
I said, "what were you up to?" He
replied. "Up to her hips " Well
room and a modern kitchen in which
to prepare banquets, luncheons, etc.
There will be a fine suite of club
roouiB for the Masons in the base
ment, and a barber shop.
Together with the announcement
of the Riverton building, the Dank-1
ers Realty Investment Company also
snaotmsesi that it has recently com-1
menced work on unother very fine I
hotel building of the modern fire
proof type at Ogallala, Nebr., for the
North American Hotel Co.
The hotel building work completed
and that now under way, either un
der actual construction or on the
tables of the architects of this firm
of architects and builders for the
North American Hotel Co., already
represent several million of dollars
worth of contracts.
Published under direction of the
Bureau of Publicity of the Hanker
Realty Investment Company. ien-et-al
Offices: Omaha, Nebraska.
Sprains and Strains Relieved
Sloan's Liniment quickly takes the
! pain out of strains, sprains, bruises
and all muscle soreness. A clean,
' clear liquid easily applied, it quickly
1 penefrates without rubbing. Sloan's
Liniment does not stain the skin or
clog the pores like mussy plasters or
ointments. For chronic rheumatic
aches and pains, neuralgia, gout and
lumbago have this well-known rem-
ADAM l l Alt
I was sort of off duty last week,
or maybe off color. Anyway, I fail
ed to provide the material for this
regular weekly uplift. As a result.
this omce has oeen nooaea WITH in
quiries, asking what ails Adam Liar.
Gosh-all-hemlocks, can't a fellow
take a vacation from the stiff work
of getting up this column, once in
a while? But I don't blame you all.
I admit it's good stun You'll find
my llne-o-dope this week, that's cer
tain. Yes, I was off duty. Dul I wasn't
dead. There was a rumor out that
I was dead. But it was some other
fellow. I knew it wasn't me the in
stant I heard it. Maybe this stuff
sounds about like what you imagine
something dead would smell. But
I assure you that if you stir it up It
will smell worse than any dead thing
you ever sniffed at. If you don't
believe it. Just start something.
It is getting dangerous to cross
unpaved Box Butte avenue these
days. The reason? Gosh, there are
so many able-bodied men following
the flag on their automobiles.
The way they have been arresting
them the last week or so and hauling
them before Judge Tash leads me to
wonder if there hasn't been some
thing more than water around here.
I heard a fellow say yesterday that
at that, the only way some men can
escape being bone dry 1b to wet their
heads. Ossifer, he's out again.
The other day I saw two young
sters scraping. I guess they were
fighting. They were over between
the freight office and the creamery.
In the tussle one of the lads got
knocked down and while still on the
ground he queried:
"Would ya hit me when I'm
"Na," gallantly responded the vic
tor. "Well," quoth the vanquished yet
cautious youngster, "I'll lie here till
you go way."
He was explaining to her how to
run the car. They were up on Third
street. "This confols the brake,"
he aald, "It is put on very quickly in
case of an emergency."
"I see," ahe replied, "something
like a kimona."
I told them about a girl I knew
who had a cow and a pair of fine
calves. They wanted to know who
had the calves. I had to tell them
the cow did. And when I spoke of
her dimple they wanted to know
which had it, the cow or the girl. I
told them this girl was a regular
book worm, explaining that a wom
an who loves books is a book worm.
One of them said that from that ex
planation he guessed a woman who
loves silk must be a silk worm.
I saw a piece In the paper the
other day about the war.
They have been taking up a col
lection to send the soldiers in France
some tobacco. But they'll have to
send them something else besides
some of our popular brands of cig
arettes if they do.
Th remainder of thin line-o-dntie
is posiponeu unn i nexi ween on ac
count of an apparent inclination on
the part of the elements to cause a
downpour from the heavens and I
want to be in on It.
suit of an offer of the Dairy Exten
sion Service to aid tanners la bay
ing such stock. 112 inquiries hare
beeS) rerelved, and nineteen men
have purchased 116 calves. In
quiries and orders are still coming
in, and many have Indicated their
Intention to buy after the hot months
have passed Complete Information
regarding the purchase of such
stock will be nenl free upon applica
tion to Dairy Extension. University
Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska.
You Need a Spring l,atlve
Dr. King's New Life Pills will re
move the accumulated wastes of win
ter from your intestines, the burden
of the blood. Oet that sluggish
spring fever feeling out of your sys
tem, brighten your eye, clear your
complexion. Get that vim and snap
of good purified healthy blood. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are a non
griping laxative that aids nature's
process, try them tonight. At all
druggists, 2 5c.
Adv 1
If canned fruits and vegetables
are to keep safely thru the winter,
rubber rings of good quality must be
used on the glass Jars. If these are
of poor quality (and the rubbers on
the market this season are said to be
of poorer quality than ever before),
the food may spoil. Most good rub
bers will stretch and return prompt
ly i- place without Buffering a
change of Inside diameter or break
ing, tho certain satisfactory new
brands of rubbers will not stand this
teat until after boiling. They must
be reasonably firm and able to stand
bending without breaking. They
must also be able to endure steril
ization in boiling water.
The Government needs Farmers as
well as Fighters. Two million three
hundred thousand acres of Oregon
and California Railroad Co. Grant
Lands. Title revested In United
States. To be opened for homesteads
anD sale. Containing some of best
land lert In United States. Large
Copyrighted Map, showing land by
sections and description of soil, cli
mate, rainfall, elevations, tempera
ture, etc. Postpaid. One Dollar.
Grant Lands Locating Co. Box 610,
Portland. Oregon. 31-13t-8446
The Herald buys old newspapers,
magazines, catalogs, and scrap paper
of all kinds In good condition. We
pay twenty cents per hundred pounds
four dollars per ton. Lots of one
hundred pounds or more called for
If within the city limits or Alliance.
Phone 340.
Many Nebraska farmers are tak
ing advantage of the opportunity to
buy high-grade dairy calves ut low
prices in Wisconsin. Very good calves
are being sacrificed there, owing to
the prevailing high price of milk
and other dairy products. As a re-
Women's committees of county
councils of defense are urged to
perfect their organizations as rapid
ly as possible, following the example
of the Nebraska State Council of
Defense women's committee. As
soon as these county committees are
ready for work, a registration day
for women will be named by the gov
ernor. This registration will be held
at regular polling places, and every
woman In the state will be urged to
register bo as to place herself In
line with the national food conserva
tion program.
Those who think of buidling, this
spring, should see us at once.
m Box Butte Ave.
Tagg Bros. & Moorhead
U. S. YardsOmaha
"The Great Live Stock Market of the We"
This Firm has Both
A. W. Tagg, Cattle Salesman
Coley Wilkerson, Sheep Salesman
Bert Anderson, Hog Salesman
Ellis Wright, Feeder Buyer
f r
H. W. Johnson, Cashier
W. B. Tagg, Manager
The be& indication of what a Firm can or will do is what they have done. We point with pride to our
pat record of high sales. Ask your neighbor or banker about us.
Our weekly "Market Comments" is free write for it.