The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 02, 1917, Image 11

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    M .1 I N I H I It XI.IV TIM l!S., AMa sT 2. MM 7
Live Stock Transit Insurance
Live stock men over the entire west are forming' the habit of INSURING
THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and
quick muTi.
The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy
protects shippers of live stock, ami is the only company offering a lroal pol
icy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection
against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing,
trampling, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury x
while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier.
We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United
States and Canada, and locally by
W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager
Live Stock Department
t'tire for Cholera Morbus
"When our Utile boy, now Beven
.years old. was a bahy he wan cured
of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons,
Rair Haven, N. Y. "Since then oth
ar members of my family have used
this valuable medicine for colic and
bowel troubles with good satisfaction
and I gladly endorse it as a remedy
of exceptional merit." Obtainable
everywhere. Adv aim
Rrief War f.fimmpnt
L i i I, "I
Federal Judge Landit. of Chicago
believes in punishment to tit the
rime. A few years,ago he fined the
Standard Oil Co., J29.000.000 for vi
olation of the Sherman law, and now
he has sentenced 121 draft evadors
to one year and a day eacli of hard
labor in the Chicago Hose of correction.
The boy emperor of China abdicl
;d in his fifth and resumed his rtign
in his eleventh year. But he must
have regarded his second reign as
hardly worth the trouble of putting
on a crown, for after only a few days
i repttbltoan victory in battel forctd
him to abdicate again.'
Such is the scarcity of lestherin
ihe German empire that the people
f Soxo.iy h;-ve been recommended
tty the authorities to go birefootod
in order to save tli'ir she a for win
tor. The.-a was one; a "barefoot
core" if German origiu. but to be
BlUMlMfl Involunt" rily under th- l -mar.d
of leather cons rv .tij;i will be
found le3S agrerabzle th.n to go s3i'
less in search of heal'.h amoag plenty
of shoes.
language, but it points straight to
ward the origin of the attack on pub
lic officials offence consists in
The quiet of the reiUOM and incor
rigible Villa is strongly ".u!ive of
the grave and certainly tends to con
firm the belief that he was killed in
Pershing's aXBOdltton 111 o Mexico
last year and that si-ic' then hi
ghost has beo-i employed by name
merely in order to keep hh dwindling
brigand ounris together B 1 to t ike
from Americans the cr dit of putti ig
an end to him
Only twelve states have so far re
sponded fully to the app al fro re
cruits for he regular army : nd "re
cruiting week" left thi.t force about
5,000 short of its full war strength.
This humiliating result in explained
on tve ground that With th draft im
pending, ;.nd with the public adjusted
to th" view thai BDlOCtlVO con ;ci ip
tion is the re 10I solution of the rrob
lem of a great army, the vo.-nleer-ing
Impuite hi 1 virtually subsided.
At first ;hi' 8a roans .--fusej to
b' lieve that a-y ric.Jl soldi 37
had Leachod Franco. Then they ad
mitted that a ha ;dful had arrivd
and sneeringly assort od tliat those
were being carried round like cir
cus for the French to look it and he
cheered by. Tiie Germans ar woi-conn-
to th- ii harmless merilment un
til they hre ma eta serious by contact
with Americans on the b tie front.
mightier than the noise of many wat
ers. "Hut the Kai.ier's perch is not as
high as he thinks it is and the wat
ers of tribulation are steadily rising.
The nation's three gr at tasks,
daft, food and ships, all involving dif
ficult problems, are naw. after many
weeks, in a fair way toward satisfact
ory accomplishment.
! The sale of boots and shors in
Germany to persons without official
P'-rmits is "verbot?n." The Itnltod
'supply must go to the soldiers and
the princes of privilo;;".
' Kerensky. new Russia's strong
man, proposes that his country be
come a "federated republic" modelled
'on that of the United States of Amer
ica, Such a union of free Slates and
'free men would be a happy solution
Ofltberted Russia's problem.
I The extinction of afternoon tea was
a great privation in England, but in
this country , outside the narrow
realm of the ultra-fashionable, there
is no afternoon tea to extinguish,
and Mr. Hoover's recommendation
will cause very few tears of regret.
I Win It Itot'TK TO
The Herald a Bee has received
word thai the road by way of Lan
der. Wyo., to the southern entrance
tO Yellowstone National Park, is no
open This road, which has hither
to been little used by tourists, has
recently been put in llrst-class con
dition, and, Otrini to its scenic gran
deur and the abundance of wild game
In th vicinity. Is bound to bo partic
ularly attractive to motor tourists.
From the park to I. unlet, t he dis
tance, which Is 200 miles, can be
easily covered by auto In two days.
This road Is expected to be one of
the popular feeders of the Lincoln
Highway, which passes throtigh
RawIlM, inn miles from Lander,
Other roads leading from Lander
which are now In good shape for
tourist travel are from Lander to
Casper. I.ri0 miles, and from Iander
to Hock Springs, approximately 140
The Heal bfJRJMtte
To keep the bowels regular the
best laxative is outdoor exercise.
Drink a full glass of water half an
hour before breakfast and eat an
abundance of fruit and vegetables,
also establish a regular habit and he
sure that your bowels move once
each day. When a medicine Is need
ed take Chamberlain's Tablets. They
are pleasant to take and mild and
gentle In effect. Obtainable every
where. Adv- iiug
There is a lesson of great Import
ance that spirited young Americans
who go to the firing line in r ranee
must learn This ti to keep their
pride and daring under control anil
avoid exposing themselves unneces
sarily. Front a French drill master
who has had American recruits in
training are quoted these significant
words: "As human beings and raw
material your men are the very beat.
But they need a deal of training. The
hardest thing to teach them is not
to be too brave. They must learn
first to hide. Thnt's the first essen
tial in this war. Bravery and human
flesh are no good against machine
guns or barrage lire. Those splen
did fellows will want to go right nt
the enemy just us the English did,
who are just now learning how to
strike without risking themselves
too much. Methods In this war are
largely those of stealth; In using
nu n wllh plenty of artillery, machine
guns and airplanes."
Herman nut hods have robbed war
of much of Its former glory snd
caused a reversion to the tactics of
primitive ssvngery. Hard though It
be, the young American must curb
his pride of nlor and fight as his an
cestors were compelled to fight the
Indians. We and our allies are at
war not only against autocracy and
for the safety of democracy hut for a
restoration of civilised methods In
order that war may again become at
last suggestive of a gentleman's
game. Humiliating defeat for the
German militarists Is necessary for
the latter reason ns well as for the
certainty was Impossible. Transport
liter transport passed through float'
lug oil streaked with slimy red and
patched with wreckage." This ac
count. while disposing of the charge
of exaggeration, is st the seme time
a tribute to tho destroyer.
According to Senator Town3end of
Michigan, it is not the advisory com
mission of the Council of National
Defense that the public has to fear,
ss alleged, but "the horde of vultures
who have swoopod down on Washing
ton looking for fat contracts, and
who, disappointed at not getting
them, have become scandalmongers
villifying those who have kept them
from getting their clutchen on the
government's money." This is strong
There can be no popular r volution
in Germany, accord;-'- io M--.X Nor
dau, because "the G.rman s:ul has
been methodically perrorted, demor
alized by the Instruction if LJl6 ad
ministration, by literature and prop
aganda,, by InteUaetttC fraud deceit
fullly organized, and by terrorism in
academic, official and socie.l circles."
The new First Lord of the British
Admirality is to "concentrate on the
subhniarines." To b? original he
ought also to sink a few.
Michaelis. the new German Chan
cellor, evidently bases his hopes of
victory on his country's submarines
and America'.s lack of tonnafe. All
thi more reason for putting an end
to the dissension in our Shipping
Hoard nndpr Qceedlng with the work
of acquiring touting 0 at topmost
General Von Stein. Germa.i Minis
ter of War. having called attention to
"an excessive anxiety and faint-heart
edness that is troubling many per
sons." the Kaiser, who had noticed
the same thing, sought consolation
in a sermon from his court chaplain
on the text, "The ord on high is
The Berliner Tagoblatt's parting
kick at Bethtnan-Holiweg includes
the complaint that the retiring Chan
cellor "regarded every warning
about avoiding a breach with Amer
ica as a symptom of incurable phllo
Yankeeism or of shameful weakness.
It remains to bo Been wh:ther Mi
chaelis is any less stupid.
A man hr.s been sentenced to a
year's imprisonment for circulating a
rumor that there had been a disaster
to the American navy, another has
been punished for cursing ihe Amer
ican flag, and still others have been
sent to jail for talking against the
United States. If the disloyal have
not learned to keep their mouths
shut, it is not because they have not
been duly warned.
Both sides have learned that the
submarine hasn't a chance against
the destroyer as a fighting craft, ac
cording to a London correspondent
of the New York Sun. Among the
reasons given are that the submarine
can not travel nearly so fast as the
destroyer, that the destroyer haB
more guns and heavier ones, and that
it can dodge the torpedo, while the
submarine can not dodge the de
stroyer's gun fire. All this Is Inter
esting In connection with the effort
to belittle the story of the submar
ine attack on our transports and the
effective fight put up by our destroy
ers. This effort, with Its charges of
exxageration against the official ac
count Issued from Washington, has
been surprising, to say the least.
Both the story of the at
tack and the claims of efficiency
made for the destroyer are confirm
ed by the account of an "eye witness"
secured by the New York Times. Dis
cussing the second and less serums
attack, this eye witness says that a
line of bubbles was left on the water
by a torpedo that missed Its mark,
that an American destroyer ran
down the line of bubbles at a speed
of 40 miles an hour like a hound on
a trail, and that there was evidently
a collision. "A column of smoke
und foam rose a hundred feet In the
air, and In the waterspout that fol
lowed It the soldiers on the nearest
transport distinguished clearly piec
es of wood and steel and some dark
blue fragments that a moment be
fore had been living men. Any un-
Few things are done which prac
tically everybody approves and noth
ing Is done to which some one does
not object. There Is some criticism
of the names of four of the canton
ments and much criticism of the lo
cation of a majority of them; yet the
criticism of names can be understood,
while the criticism of location Is dif
ficult to explain. Four of the thirty
two cantonments are designated by
the names of four officers of the
Southern Confederacy, Lee, Beaure
gard. Gordon and Wheeler, while
twenty-eight are named for northern
officers of the Civil War and for of
ficers of our other wars. It Is only
to be expected that at least a few
northerners' of Ihe older generation,
win .till remember the Civil War
with bitterness, should object to the
inclusion of even these few Confed
erate names. For this part of the
criticism, therefore, there Is reason,
though not good reason.
But for the criticism of location
there Is no reason at all. Twenty Of
the cantonments are located In the
South including Maryland and Ken-tucRy--and
soldiers from many
northern states will be trained there.
Only twelve cantonments are located
In the North, West and the Pacifis
states. It Is charged that the South
has been favored, and there may be
commercial advantage In the near
residence of training troops. But It
is at once obvious that It Is the tax
payers who are really "favored" by
the choice of so many Southern loca
tions. The government can not af
ford the needless expense and waste
of energy Involved In both winter
and summer camps for training men
and from the practical point of view
alone It Is highly desirable that as
many cantonments as possible be lo
cated In mild climates where the
snow will not He In winter.
Those who think of buldllng. thle
Miring, should see us at once.
8024 Box Butte Ave.
All-year-round Stove
Keep cool in summer and warm in
warm in winter. Cook economically
with either coal or ker
osene. Why invest in
two stoves, one always
out of use. when you
can buy the two in one
and save space and investment.
317 Box Butte Ave.
Phone 98
Hopes every man and woman here will adopt
this splendid health habit.
Says a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it washes poisons
from system, and makes one feel
clean, sweet and fresh.
Why is man and woman, half
the time, feeling nervous, despon
dent, worried ; some days head
achy, dull and unstrung; some
days really incapacitated by ill
ness. If we all would practice the
drinking of pbosphated hot water
before breakfast, wha a gratify
ing change would take place. In
stead of thousand! of half -sick,
anaemic-looking souls with pasty,
muddy complexions wc should see
crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people everywhere. The
reason is that the human system
does not rid itself each day of all
the waste it accumulates under
our present mode of living. For
every ounce of food and drink
taken into the system nearly an
ounce of waste material must be
carried out, else it ferments and
forms ptomaine-like poisons in
the bowels which are absorbed
into the blood.
Just as necessary as it is to
clean the ashes from the furnace
each day, before the Hie will burn
bright andV hot, so we must each
morning clear the inside organs
of the previous day's accumula
tion of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women,
whether sick or well, are advised
to drink each morning, before
breakfast, a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it, as a harm
less means of washing- out of
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the indigestible material,
waste, sour bile and toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and puri
fying the entire alimentary canal
before putting more food into the
Millions of people who had
their turn at constipation, bilious
attacks, acid stomach, sick head
aches, rheumatism, lumbago,
nervous days and sleepless nights
have become real cranks about
the morning-inside bath. A
quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will not cost much it the
drug store, but is sufficient to
demonstrate to anyone its cleans
ing sweetening and freshening
effect upon the systeia