The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 19, 1917, Image 8

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    j HEMW8F0B0 DEPT.
Fred Melirk returned Monde)
from a h-mtlhenn trip to reaper. Wyo
Mrs. Todd ltnhbln and daughters
from over In the Ridge country weir
1olna some shopping here Saturda)'.
K. K. Kord from near M;rslini!
took 44 from her Monday going
oaet on a visit.
Little I. ois llaynes was quite ill the'
first of the week.
Miss Helva Oeiger visited with
friends In Alliance last week.
Mrs. Ira Phillip- suffered an at
tack of tonsllltls this week. At
this writing she is much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Melirk. Miss I
QrlOMM. -'ess Melirk and Hud Kins- .
ley returned Thursdn from . few
days' stay In Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Frohnapfel were
in Alliance Friday. Mrs. Frohnap
fel was having some denml work
M. R. Olds was a business visitor
in Alliance the latter part of the
Miss Kmmn Lyon arrived Satur
day from Bridgeport for a week'
visit with her parents and brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hucke depart
ed Tuesday for Montana where they
will visit relatives. They went by
auto route.
Public sales seem to be the craze
at present. On Monday Wendell
Johnson had a sale; on Tuesday one
at John Warn's, and still more to
Mr. and Mrs. Onus. Wardon of Min
neapolis. Minn., daughter and son-in-law
of William, came the middle
of i the week for an indefinite stay
with relatives and friends.
The auto polo exhibition given by
tbe Savtdge Bros, at this place Sat
urday brought out a big crowd.
Little Christina Melick had a very
narrow escape from serious injury
Friday evening. The hind wheel of
an auto passed over her. At first it
wai thought that she was seriously
hurt. A doctor was called but could
find no Injury, and at present the
little girl Ik appurently all right and
none the worse for the experience.
The ball game Ht this place Sun
day between an aggregation from Al
liance and Mi . home team was a farce
comedy from start to finish, with a
little bit of vaudeville interspersed,
resulted In a change of umpires in
the eighth inning, and not much ball
game at any time. Most of the
boys Beemed to enjoy themselves in
various wns some played ball, nth
ers tried to. while some took ,up th
time chewing the rag.
j O. K. Phillips left here Tuesday
i for n trip lo the const While gone
he will lwit Frisco, Seattle, Vin
convei a ltd other points of Interest.
Mr and Mrs. John Sampy were
over-night visitors at the Shepherd
home Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs Kussell Miller and
Mr. ami Mrs. F. Nagelwhnelder are
sightseeing up in W inning at pres
ent Hieil it Ihe home of his parents,
near t'urly. William, the 19-year-old
son of Mr and Mrs. v niter Hall,
from pneumonia Funeral services
WeTfl heM from the M. K church at
this place Friday, interment being in
th llemlngford cemetery To the
sorrowing family and friends we ex
tend our sincere sympathies.
11 P. Shepherd is In Antioch at
tending to business mutters this
Mrs Wuhl. who in in the Alliance
hospital, mention of which was made
lust week, is reported to be recov
ering rapidly and will he able to re
turn tO her home and family here In
a few daya.
Norbert Frohnapfel is moving his
stock of merchandise Into the K. L.
Pierce building, one door south of
Cory.s confectionery, this week.
Young tint YigoFDii ( trgajtiMtion
Helil Annual Meeting at South
Omaha Friday and Saturday
W'm, Carson Shaw, Dean
8 a. m. Holy Communion.
11 a. n. Mqrning prayer.
7:30 p. m. Evening prayer.
coi,. i: a.vs is n
OH thk wai: PATH
Wlllard M. Kvana. hotter known
throughout tins section of Nebraska
as "Colonel" Kvunm has filed a com
plaint in the Juvenile branch of the
county court asserting that a 14-j
year-old lad is incorrigible and asks I
the court to restrain the lad from
molesting the colonel. The parents
of the lad have been summoned to
appear in county court at 10 o'clock
Saturday morning.
Col. Evans, as he is called, has
been having considerable trouble for
some time past It Reams that the
boya are in the habit of calling him
"Bryan", which amounts to the same
thing as shaking a red flag in front
of a mad bull. The colonel has n
habit of chasing the lads with his
crutch and judging from the way he
swings that crutch around, anyone
that is unlucky enough to come in
contact with said crutch is going to
need medical attention.
The boys do bother the old man,
but, in the opinion of the writer, Mr.
EvaiiH places himself In a position,
many times, to receive undue attention.
The second annual convention of
the National Traders' Live Stock Ex
change was held In South Omaha at
the Exchange building Friday and
Sm unlay of last week. The meet
ings were presided over by President
James H. Bulla, who is president of
the Omaha exchange as well as the
After two days of business and
pleasure, during which time Import
ant business was transacted and a
resolution pfiKsed commending Pres
ident Wilson on his stand in the
world war, proposition, and pledging
the support of all members at this
time, the election of officers was :i
compliment to President Bulla and
Charles II. Huntzinger. secretary,
both of whom were re-elected.
Vice presidents were elected as
follows: Frojn Chicago, C. II. Mar
tin; from Sioux City, L. D. Hudson;
from St. Louis. W. H'llilton; from
Kansas City, John B. Reese. After
an Invitation extended by R. S. Mos
ley of Kansas City, fhe next meeting
of the exchange was scheduled for
that place.
Mayor Dahlman's ' address Friday
naturally took a patriotic turn and
it was here the cowboy mayor ap
peared at his best. His tribute to
the live stock interests for theirv
steadfast upholding of the hands of
President Wilson In the present cria
ls met with a hearty response from
his auditors. The president can
count on every man engaged In the
live stock business to do his whole
duty at this time.
Tin annual banquet in the even-
ing on tne root garaen oi me uiacn
stone hotel was a most enjoyable af
fair In every way. Beautiful ap
pointments, a tasty menu, good mu
sic and a paucity of after-dinner
speeches added very materially to the
pleasure of the occasion. The talks
by "Hattie" Block of the Ak-Sar-Ben
board, of governors and of Stock-man-Lawyer
Farrar of Kansas City
furnlahed an agreeable exception to
the rule.
Would You Like to Join the Strong
est Fraternity in the World?
? ?
This fraternity has 400,000 National Members
Its members are the ablest public incn, the moat distinguished lawyers, the most proRics
sie business men, the ambitious and riainjf men in every community.
A membership in this fraternity entitles you to Sick Benefits of $5.00 per week for 10
Funeral Benefits of $60.00
The Services of a physician for the wife, the minor children, the member, and those who
are dependent upon him for support. ,
il You can be admitted to membership for
, Our Dues are $1.00 per Month
No Fees No Fines No Assessments.
If vou would like any farther information regarding this fraternitv, call at the Battles
Club Rooms, 114 West 4th St.
We meet Thursday at 8:00 o'clock.
K. W. HICKS, Secretary.
LLOYD C. THOMAS, Worthy President
Aerie No. Iil6
Chance to See. a Thrill.
I Hotel Attendant "Get your head
out of the elevator shaft. What's the
matter with you?" Dade Kben ".lust
u minute, son. There's a fellow just
made im ascension in that durn thing,
and I'm going to watch him inuke the
parachute drop." Puck.
t -
Arbor Day in Spain in Future.
By royal order tne celebration of
Arbor day has been made obligatory
in every township and municipality iu
Spaiu. and tree-plant lug is to be car
rlcd on upon a more extensive scale
than heretofore.
Bare Chance.
"Suppose Shakespeare were living
today. Could he sell one of his plays
to a Broadway manager?" "He might."
replied the Indiana man. "If he could
persuade one of our other literary ce
lebrities to write him a letter of In
t rod uctlon." Bl rml ngham Age-Hera Id.
.demand far greater than the supply.
If you could rent a room or rooms'
for light housekeeping you will not
alone be adding to your own revenue
but you will be rendering a real
service to Alliance. People are com
ing to Alliance every day, and they
must be taken care of. The Herald
has requests every day for rooms of
this kind. Order a room-for-rent
ad in The Herald and the chances
are yon will have your room rented
before the paper cornea out. That's
just a part of Herald service. Win
dow cards, too, for advertisers in
The Herald classified columns.
Pecipe for Happiness.
"Happiness. snid Uncle Kben, "Is
de ability to fofgei alatut de shower
lu admlrln' de beauty of dc rainbow.'
Real Estate. Loans and lnsur
tnce F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15 tf-6727
Haven't you got a spare room you
could fix up and rent or maybe two
or three rooms you could rent for
light housekeeping? There is a great
demand for rooms of. this kind a
Buddhist Custom.
It is snid that peculiar to
jtiuildhists is thai .f wandering about
the count) y with hammer ami cuUel
and carving holy symbols upou rocks
by the wayside.
Sawed Off Sermon.
Some girls seen) to have a great deal
Of STSSlc iu them rami the neighbor
are always sorry when ny of it es
capes. Indianapolis Star.
Pessimist's View.
When troubles tio break their rule
and come singly, they make up iu
nuulity what they lack in quantity.
liichmoud Times-Dispatch.
One of tre Common Follies.
One of the common follies Is to b
II .1 i . W. . ,.. . .1 ... L- K .
ueYe inn i Mii.u is eiineu wie Htiesi in
the best. Albany Journal.
We inaugurated our First Semi-Annual Clearance Sale, July 14th. The Sale to date is a big success, is
to express, it mildly. We have pushed out of the house hundreds of dollars of Merchandise. We expedl
to do till better and make our First Big Sale one long to be remembered. We are going to make a very
special offering for Friday and Saturday, July 20 and 21. We are going to give you the Biggest lot of
goods for your money you ever before have received in this man's town, or in these parts; also, indiredlly
give the candidates a show for the Grand Upright Piano we will give away Free, Saturday night, July 28
at 10 o'clock. We advise you to be here early these two Big Days, and get your share of these unheard
of Bargains. Ju& a few items quoted to show you what is here awaiting you. GEO. W. WILTSEY.
50 Children's Winter Coats valued up to
flO.00. Sale priec $2.50 to $5.75
."o,ooo Extra Votes given with eaeb. Cost.
75 Loldies1 and Missis' Winler Coats valued
tip lo 138.00. Sale price $3.75 to $10.50
lOO.tHK) Extra Votes Riven with each Coat
We have about 30 Summer Dresses left.
Styles are not up-to-the-minute; but the
Styles are conservative. You can buy them
at just one-hali" former selling price.
We will ive 50,000 Kxtra Voles with each
I trees sold.
$1.25 Men's Overalls now 9H cents. 50
cent Hoys' Khaki Knee Pants only 27c. 1
lot of ladies' llandkrchiefs only Mc each. 1
, lot of Bleached Turkish Towels, :55c value,
now 19c.
Now is the time to buy your shoes for
yourself and entire family while the pick
ing in good and styles complete.
1'iiday and Saturday will see Big Cuts Ui
the prices and a large amount of Kxtra
Voles will be Riven on eaeb. pair sold. Our
advice is to Ituv vour needs in shoes
We have about twenty different styles
and grades of this eeaaon'a Wash Goods.
We are selling thtm about one-third leas
than formerly priced. The time is NOW to
buy your mid-summer Dress.
Double Votes given on each yard sold.
Extra Special Notice
Do not fail to see the Prize Box. Nothing in this box worth less than 25 cents, and many
articles valued up to $1.00. Your choice, 25 cents. 30,000 Extra Votes with each purchase..
4 Cans D. I Monte Peaches, Plums, Ap
ricots or Qrspes for $1.00
4 Packages Quaker's Mogul or No-Vary
Oatmeal $1.00
lb' Package B. r. Corn Flakes $1.00
I 10,000 Kxtra Votes given with every $1.00 j
We ask you to come to this Big Sale Friday and Saturday. $100 will do the work here
of almost $2.00.
Yours for Business,
George. W. Wiltsey
Hemingford, -:- Nebraska
With One Sack of Couch's Best I'lour,
Three Packages No-Vary Coin rlakea. Two
1-pound cans IJoast Beef, Two ! oz. Jars No
Vary Preserve, all for $5.00.
50,000 Kxtra Votes with litis erf1 pur
! chase
50,000 Kxtra Votes will be Riven with
each Sack of Qsoeh's BsOt Hour. Only one
sack to a customer.
I ' "
Don't forget you can buy Hats and Caps
during this sale at One-Third off.
10,000 Kxtra Votes on men's.
5,000 Kxtra Votes on boys'.