'iW.'IWii'M'Mi'WWR THE RUMER MOTOR COMPANY ANNOUNCING JacksOIl Valve-in -Head Eight No Hill too Steep-No Sand too Deep We are distributors for the Jackson cars for all Western Nebraska, the north part of Colorado, eastern Wyoming and the southwestern part of Dakota. We want agents in every town in the above territory. With the securing of the distributing agency for the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight the Rumer Motor Co., again demonstrates its ability to serve the automobile buying public better. We have bought the cars and we will have them to deliver. No disappointments. No delay. We are glad to announce the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight, a pradtically new car to this territory, but a car in universal use over the United States generally and one especially adapted to this sedtion of the country. The Jackson company has been making cars for fifteen years. No car made has ever given better satisfaction. A few have been sold in Alliance and vicinity. Learn from the owners what they think of the Jackson car. Then let us demonstrate to you what the new eight will do. What the Valve-in-Head Means to the Eight. A NEW TRIUMPH has been writ ten into automobile engineering history by the combination of the two great features of engine design Valve-in-Head and the Eight. Heretofore the advantages of the silken -powered, flexible Eight wrere somewhat offset by additional gas consumption over fours and sixes. The eight was not so accessible. Oiling the motor while running was more difficult than in the four or the six. It took almost an engineering miracle to give you in the Eight the fuel consumption of the four its accessibility and oiling at high speed. But ingeniously combining the great Valve-in-Head principle with the Eight, the miracle has come in the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight. Its gas consumption of 17.7 miles to the gallon in owners' hands is better than moil fours and sixes. Your foot S throttle automatically regulates the oiling as you feed the gas. The higher the speed, the greater the oil flow to all moving motor parts. When idling the oil supply is automatically reduced. The accessibility of the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight is as simple as the four. Everything is within easy reach. You can adjust all the valves in 12 minutes. Now every reasonable excuse for not enjoying the advantages of the Eight is wiped out by the wonders of the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight. A fifty million miles test 5000 Jackson cars averaging 10,000 miles proved by astounding performances the success in combining the Valve-in-Head and the eight. Jackson . power was increased 20 per cent. Do you know of any other motor of the same displacement or weight that gives or claims to give equal horse power? Its . silk-like smoothness is almost uncanny for a piece of machin ery. You can creep along at 1 1-2 miles an hour in traffic in high. From a standing Start you can speed up to 30 miles an hour in 7 seconds. Climbing a winding eight per cent grade over four city blocks, the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight went over the top at 30 miles an hour in high. Summed up the Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight means emergency power; absence of gear shifting; ability to surmount anything; comfort in traffic and quiet, smooth going leaves you without fatigue at the end of a three hundred (300) mile one-day trip. Come See A Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight See how the Jackson engineers have mastered this great engineering feat of -combining the Eight with the Valve-in-Head principle. See the wonderful Eight construction, with its maximum flexibility, supreme power, and surprising economy. 5 Passenger Touring Car $1195, 4 Passenger Cruiser $1395, 5 Passenger Wolverine louring $1395 Prices F. 0. B. Jackson, Michigan jackson I THE RIMER MOTOR CO. jackson ALLIANCE Phone 290 116-18 Box Butte Avenue IN 4