The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 19, 1917, Image 12

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    News of Interest to and Pertaining
I to Railroad Men I
Commencing with No. 42 July 16
and No. 41 July 17, Herolngfoni waa
made a flag stop for No. 41 to let off
passengers from Grand Inland and
Mai. and to pick up passengers for
the Black Mills and for Sheridan anil
want. This does not Include Edge
niont proper. No. 42 will atop at
Hentlngford to discharge passengers
from Sheridan and west and from
Blark Hllla points (this dooa not In
clude Kdgemont proper) and will
atop on flag to pick up passengers
for Grand Ialand and east.
Brakeman G. F. Wilaon of Alli
ance haa been tranaf erred to diaper
division, leaving here Wedneaday.
Brakeman L E. Sheard left for
Ravenna Wedneaday. Mr. Sheard
went to Oreybull Wedneaday.
Operator K. W. Dickaon of Mars
land came to Alliance the latter part
of last week on business.
M. S. Hubbard who haa been work
ing at the Alliance atock yarda waa
called to Denver, he leaving here
Wedneaday. Mr. Hubbard goea aa a
member of the National Guard.
Brakeman D. L. Bennett went to
rasper Thuraday. He la on a vaca
tion for a short time. He will go to
Hot Springa for a few daya before
returning to work.
Mra. C. E. Wills and daughter Jan
Ice went to Crawford for over Sun
day. Mr. Wills is now on the Craw
ford helper.
Mrs. B. K. Robinson went to Edge-
mont Wednesday.
Brakeman C. E. Hunaon haa been
tnoved to Kavenna which will now
be his headquarters.
Conductor H. C Walters and wife
of Ravenna went to Broken Bow for
a visit the latter part of last week.
Mra. Mary Turney, mother of Con
ductor C, A. Turney, is visiting at
the home of her sOil at Ravenna
Mra. It H Htm left here on 41
Friday for Dead wood for a couple of
weeka' visit.
Car Carpenter Fred Neilaon and
wife ipade a trip to Bingham Sutur
day. C. H lleldenhich has recently
been employed aa operator at Lake
aide. Brukenian K. A Schanke returned
to work Monday after a couple of
days' vlait in Casper.
Mrs. J. M. McKclvey of Kdgemont
went to Seneca for a vialt the latter
part of last week.
J. Cantlln, son of Conductor Cant
lln.. went to Deadwood on No. 41
- Tax Agent Pollard of Omaha stop
ped at Alliance between trains Fri
day on bUsineas, leaving here on No.
44 that day.
C. L. Emerson and wife and son
are visiting at the Dole home for a
few days. Mr. Emerson was former
ly road foreman of the Alliance div
ision and in now master mechanic on
the Denver and Salt lke railroad.
R. V. Andreas who has been em
ployed as chief clerk in the chief
dispatcher's ofllce has accepted a pos
ition as brakeman.
Mrs. T. 8. Abar and Mrs. R. E.
Mendenhall left today on No. 44 for
Chillicothe. Mo., for a visit. Mrs.
Abar's daughter will accompany
them to Alliance on their return
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reed left Sun
day morning for a visit at Atwood,
Kans.. with Mrs. Reed s folks. They
will spend a few days in Omaha also.
Brakeman J. V Heincy left Wed
nesday morning for Great Falls for
a couple of weeks' vacation
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Campbell went
to Denver on 301 Wednesday morn
ing for a few days.
Conductor Frank Mackey len on
No. 43 today to visit his folks at
Brakeman G. M. Anderson left the
latter part of last week for Seattle
to visit his father and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burke return
ed Sunday from Friend, Nebr., after
a couple of weeks' visit with Mr.
Burke's folks.
George Keough of the general
superintendent ' office left on 42
Tuesday night for Chicago and oth
er points east. This trip will be
greatly enjoyed by Mr Keough, this
being his ttrst trip on sleeping cars.
N. O. Robbins of the de
partment went to Denvie Sunday
noon on business.
Yard Master O. E. Williams and
Switchman F. A. Lane left on 44
Tuesday for Chicago for two weeks'
vacation They will also visit in
Dispatcher 11. E. Marvin and wife
went to Denver the first part of the
week. They made this trip on ac
count of the poor condition of Mr.
Marvin's eyes. They made the trip
to have Mr. Marvin's eyes examined
and fitted.
Misses Doris and Mable Young left
last Wednesday for Spearfish canyon
where they wlU spend a ten days'
John Beach went to Deadwood
Sunday. Mrs. Reach and the baby
have been visiting near Deadwood
for some little time and they will all
return together.
Ia L. Smith was employed as
brakeman on this division Tuesday.
On account of the Increase in bus
iness at Alliance. Conductor J. W.
Coleman of Ravenna came to Alli
ance Monday, where he will make his
headquarters from now on.
Theodore Weldenhamer was em
ployed on this division as brakeman
this week.
Brakeman F. B. Killlan and Roy
Riehey have been promoted to con
ductors. Chief Clerk A. V. Arnold and
Train Master Gurley made a trip to
Seneca Sunday on inspection engine
on business.
P. M. Scott left Saturday on No.
44 for Ottumwa. Ia.. for a day's vis
it at his home returning on 41 Tues
day morning. Mr. Scott's three
brothers have enlisted, and he went
home to say good-bye before they
A. V. Gavin, J. Emerson, E. B.
Kronvall and F. H. Bronkhorst went
to Marsland on motor car Sunday.
Switchman Caylor left on 4 2 Wed
nesday night for Quincy, III., where
his family is now located. He ex
pects to bring hlR family to Alliance,
where they will make their future
O. B. Andreas returned to work at
Alliance yard office Wednesday
morning after two weeks' vacation.
R. J. McKensle, yard clerk at Al
liance, will be off duty for about two
weeks account of having an attack
of appendicitis.
N. C. Young, yard clerk at Alli
ance, went to Omaha this week for a
week's vacation.
Mrs. W. Keane find son of Girard
came to Alliance Saturday, where
the boy Is taking medical treatment.
Art Payne has ben employed as
brakeman on the Alliance division
this week.
Mrs. O'Connor and two sons went
to Ellsworth Wednesday where they
will spend a few days on their farm
Operator J. N. Brennan of Provo
wet to Bridgeport Saturday. Where
he will spend ten days on his farm.
Mrs. J. S. Robbins left for Denver
Sunday where she will spend a few
days. Brakeman Fairchild has been em
ployed as brakeman on the Alliance
division. Mrs. Fairchild came to
Alliance Wednesday and they will
make their future home here.
Mrs. J. F. Elliott and two daugh
ters of Hemlngford came to Alliance
for a few days this week.
Operator G. C. Heinze went to An
selmo Wednesday where he is to
work as third trick operator tempor
arily, relieving 0. O. Madden, who
goes to Hyannis aa operator perman
ently. Brakeman M. L. Hudson and wife
went to Guernsey Wednesday for 'i
Mrs. C. H. Giese went to Utchfleld
Wednesday for a visit.
Mrs. McRanolds of merino, Colo.,
is comiug to Alliance soon for a vis
it with her daughter. Mrs. O. W.
R. H. Stevens, who has been em
ployed as agent at Dunning, and wife
left for Denver Wednesday.
Brakeman K. F. Dun gey resigned
and went to his home at Deadwood
to help on the farm.
4 .
Miss Marian Mote who has been
snendinc a vacation at Warrensburg,
Mo., returned on No. 43 Thursday.
Brakeman George Ormsby laid off
for a couple of daya this week going
to Ravenna He will return on No.
43 today
Mrs. J. W. Heed and three daugh
ters went to Guernsey over Sunday.
Mi-n Kohkar Again Conducted Sue-
ceMtful s-i i-x of .Meeting among
Itok Untie Farm ttn
I-im week a ver successful series
of meetings for the women of Box
Butte county was conducted by Miss
Mary Itohkui of the I'niversity K
tension Service. -Mis Rohkar has
been doing woman county a Kent
work this spring ami summer in
Box Butte. Sheridan and Dawea
The subject for discussion and
demonstration at the meetings held
last week was the planning of well
selevted meals, studying the needs of
the body and how these needs can
best be met in the selection of ordin
ary food material. Several uew
recipe were auggeated for making
new combinations of foods. Fo: ex
Chicken Scuffle
Two cups finely-chopped chicken;
one-half cup bread crumbs; two ta
blespoons butter; two tablespoons
flour; one and one-half cup milk;
one teaspoon salt; one teaspoon par
sley; one-fourth teaspoon paprika;
one-eighth teaspoon pepper; three
eggs. Make a white sauce of the
butter, flour and milk; add the sea
sonings and cook the bread crumbs
in the sauce. Add the egg yolks
well beaten, and let the sauce cool.
Add the chicken and well-beaten egg
whites. Bake very slowly till it
springs from the finger.
Si. -(lined Entire White Bread
One-half cup granulated sugar;
one-half cup molasses; one teaspoon
salt; one teaspoon soda (dissolved in
a little hot water); one teaspoon
melted lard: one cup sour milk; one
and one-half cups sweet milk; five
and one-half cups entire wheat fioiir.
Mix flour sugar and salt together.
add molasses and sour milk mixed,
and then soda and sweet milk and
melted lard. Pour into buttered
moulds. Steam two hours. Bake
fifteen minutes.
ItliiilMii'h Pudding
Three cups rhubarb sauce; one-
half cup tapioca (instant); sugar to
taste; three tablespoons lemon Juice;
two egg whites. Add tapioca to
boiling rhubarb. Cook until clear
add sugar and lemon Juice. Fold In
stlftly-besten egg whites. Serve cold
with whipped cream
All who attended can testify to
the palatabllity of these dishes, and
a glance at the materials used will
show their food value.
Several conveniences. for the
household suggested and their
use demonstrated. For instance, the
iceless refrigerator waa shown. This
consists of a simple framework for
shelves, enclosed with a screen. The
framework is covered with canton
flannel, completely enclosing the re
frigerator. This cloth is kept wet
by having the upper end In a pan of
water. If the device ia kept out of
the direct sunlight, where the air cir
culates freely, the temperature with
in will keep 20 or 2.1 degrees lower
than the surrounding temperature.
Miss Rokahr also had a small mill
for grinding the wheat for the entire-wheat
bread mentioned In the
recipe. This Is an inexpensive mill
by the use of which much wheat and
corn can be ground at home, and al
so conserving the entire food value
of the kernel. In some rases It may
be more economical and in any case
it makes the home more independ
ent. The pressure cooker was shown in
operation, and the extent of its use
explained. This works on the prin
ciple of high temperature obtained
Ithiu pressure cooking foods quickly.
thus saving time and fuel. For ex
ample, at ten pounds pressure gen
erated in the cooker, navy beans may
be cooked in ten minutea. Tough
meats will -ook tender in twenty
m nutes under twenty popnds press
ure. Interest in these meetings is grow
ing all the time in spite of the in
creased demands of the time of the
women. The first meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Enoch Boyer.
with an attendance of about twenty
live. The second, Tuesday, was held
by Mrs. D. E. Purlnton, with an at
tendance of twenty. Mrs. Fred Na
son iieji the third, about fifteen at
tending. Thursday Mrs. Pete Jen
sen was hostess to twenty-five, and
Friday they met in the Community
Club rooms at Hcmlngrord, attend
ance twenty. At each meeting the
women brought their lunches, mak
ing the occasion one of social enjoy
ment as well as economic profit.
The Imst Series
Next week Miss Rokahr goes to
Dawes county for a similar series of
meetings returning to Box Butte
countjr in August. Her schedule
here hext time will be as follows:
August 6 Mrs. L. Boness.
August 7 Mrs. F. Gileran.
August 8 Mrs. Wllford Griffith.
August 8 Mrs. Fred Abley.
August 10 Mrs. Fred Black.
'I his will be the last series Miss
Itokaht will hold in this county.
Don't burn your old papers, mag
azines and mail-order catalogs. We
buy them. Alliance Herald, phon
flWe do not claim
that the mere use of
want ads will produce
IJBut it seems mor?
than a coincidence that
most prosperous people
are quick to recognize
the value of classified
tLet us supply your
wants through this page.
Phone South 750
Call Us Any Time-Day or Night
Rosenbaum Bros.
Live Stock Commission Merchants
Stock Yards Station, Omaha, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois - Sioux City, Iowa
G. J. Ingwersen, Manager and Cattle Salesman
R. R. Keenan, Cattle Salesman
F. L. Crone, Feeder Buyer
E. G. Smith, Hog Salesman
G. S. Campbell, Sheep Salesman
F. E. Randall, Sheep Salesman
os. Krejci, Hog Salesman
E. V. Keagle, Office
Orders for Feeding Cattle,
Sheep or Lambs
Carefully Filled