The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 19, 1917, Image 10

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    They report a very pleasant
W. H. Ostenberg of Omaha, who
is one of the owners of the Potaah
Products Company, is visiting the
plant at Hoffiand today, returning to
'mnha this afternoon.
F. W. Jimmy) Hicks expects to
nv' Alliance Friday noon for Lln
. oln, taking down to a sanitarium at
College iVew Dave Miller of Mars
land, who is being sent there by the
Odd Fellows organization, of which
both are members.
The remodeling of the Burlington
reight depot at Alliance is practic
ally completed. The depot will now
have ample capacity for caring for
(he rapidly Increasing freight ship
ments to this city. Secretary Bush
oell of the Commercial Club has
taken much interest in the work of
increasing the capacity of the depot,
for it is an indication of the rapidly
.rowing business of the city.
F. W. Harris, cashier of the Alli
ance National Bank, is spending the
latter part of the week with his fam
ily who are spending a vacation at
'.Minor.', in Spearfish canyon in the
Black Hills.
The trees in the Alliance city park
haVjo all been sprayed this week to
nrbtect them,. from, worms ajuj harm
ful insects. E. if. Boyd, chairman,
nd H. M. Bushnell, secretary, of the
ity park board have been very busy
lately installing two excellent tennis
ourts for the use of the public, who
are invited to make good use of
'h"in Friends of "Bush" and
"Spike" suggest that the former use
the courts to work off fat and that
the latter use them to work on fat.
The courts are promised ready for
ose by Monday of this coming week.
A -hint to the wise is, etc.
C. G. Keogh is taking a vacation
from his duties with the Burlington,
visiting Colorado points this week
uid going from there east.
Henry Merk returned last week
from West Plains, Mo., with his
family, after a visit there with rela
i ives.
Earl D. Mallery and! Walter R.
Mete left Wednesday on a business
rip to Greybull, Wyo., in the oil
Miss Hazel Fitch of Tacoma,
Wash., passed through the city Fri--iay
on her way to Wheatland, Wyo.
-S 1 . MM
Conductor C. D. Reed and wife
left Saturday night for a trip includ
ing Chicago, 111., Superior, Nebr.,
i ad Denver, Colo.
A warm afternoon or evening is a
mighty good time to take a swim in
the public swimming pool maintain-
d by the Alliance fire department on
the lot bark of the city hall. The
pool is thoroughly cleaned and the
water completely changed every oth
r day. The water is heated to a
mild temperature and patrons of the
pool find it a mighty fine place to
h-pend a pleasant hour. The flreboy
invite the general public to make
PH ELAN house
Always lOc
Go to the Opera House where you
will see
every night for 10 cents. Every
seat in the house 10 cents. No
raise in prices.
Tliurwliiv, July 19th
Pauline Krederich, in
An Unusually Powerful Drama
Friday, July 20tli
Fannie Ward, America's Favorite
Photo-play Star, in
Sattirduy, July ga
Fannie Ward, in
Sunday, July 22nd
John aBrrymore in a Comedy of
Romance and Adventure.'
Monday, July 2.trd
Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle, iu
Showing how brains can be pitted
against crime.
Tueaday, July 24th
Irene Fenwick and Owen Moore,
Wedaeaday, July 35th
Charlotte Walker, In
use of the pool. Under their super
vision careful watch is made that no
objectionable person can use the
pool and every precaution Is taken
to insure its being sanitary and
Miss Ruth Reed and Mrs. Belle
Reade spent Sunday at Guernsey.
Wyo.. with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Reed.
Mrs. Jack Miller left Monday night
for Omaha and Fort Crook for a vis
it with her husband. Captain Jack
Miller of Company G.
Miss Alfretta LaMon spent Sunday
at Gering.
O. E. Williams left Tuesday for
Chicago and several Iowa points.
Miss Anna Senner of Lincoln is
spending her vacation in Alliance,
the guest of Miss H.ittle Renswold.
Norman McCorkle was a week-end
visitor in Denver.
Miss Irma Lotspelch made a trip
to Lakeside Monday.
J. R. Phelan left Monday for Den
ver. Regular services at the Br.ptist
church Sunday morning. Sunday
school at 10a m. Young people's
meeting at 7 p. m. Join In the
Chautauqua services in the evening.
Plans for the dedication of the
Baptist garage occurred this noon.
M. E. church services for Sunday.
July 22: Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m!; subject,
"Dangerous to Go to Church." Ep
worth League at 7 p. m. on parson
age lawn. Attend Chautauqua at 8
p. m
Earl W. Wambaugh, who has been
employed on the W. W. Beck ranch
thirty-two miles southeast of Alli
ance in Garden county, went to Den
ver lust week and enlisted in the
United States navy. He has return
ed to Alliance, having been assigned
to this city on temporary recruiting
service. Mr. Wambaugh is making
his headquarters at E. G. Lalng's
store and will be pleased to give any
information in his power regarding
the navy to all interested parties.
Art Schieb. who has been employ
ed by the Burlington at Alliance as a
machinist for si. years and who is a
prominent mculer of the Alliance
Volunteer Fire department, on Tues
day resigned his position and left
Wednesday evening for Eaton, Colo.,
where he will manage an auto gar
age for his mother. Art's father, E.
K. Schieb, was buried at Eaton June
20, and Art will take up the busi
ness left by him. His many friends
at Alliance learn of his leaving with
regret but wish him success at Eat
on. tea
The big July clearance sale in
which an upright piano is being giv
en away by the George W. Wiltsey
general merchandise store at Hem
inKford Is a hummer. The bargains
advertised in the last issue of The
Herald have brought large crowds
to the store and they have found
that every article is as advertised.
Mr.. Wiltsey is giving genuine bar
gains for cash at this sale. All farm
produce Is taken the same as cash
at the store. If you are in Hemtng
ford territory and have not yet taken
advantage of the opportunity to save
money by visiting the store be sure
that you do so at your earliest oppor-
nnity. In addition to saving actual
dollars by trading there you have
the chance to help your candidate
win the piano. Remember, the clos
ing date is Saturday, July 28. and
get there as early as you can. An
opportunity to save actual dollars is
given you here. A visit to the store
will convince you. Read the adver
tisement published in this issue of
The Herald carefully and you will
find why the store is drawing the
crowds. The advertisement in this
section tells more about it.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II. Biles of Pres
cott. Ariz., are in Alliance visiting
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Buckley. Mr
Biles is a sister of Mrs. Buckley.
They will visit here for a short time.
then going to Yellowstone Park and
home via California and the Pacific
Dick o'Bannon returned Wednes
day morning from a business trip to
Denver. He went down Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. John Hhein and Mr
and Mrs. M. M. Reynolds are expect
ed home Saturday from an auto trip
to the Black Hills in the former's
L. C. Thomas, representing I he
Denver branch of the Ford Motor
Company, was an Alliance visitor
Monday, While here he compared
initials with Lloyd C. Thomas or The
Herald. Both decided that they hud
better live in separate towns to avoid
Miss Eunice Burnett of the facul
ty of the Alliance School of Music
returned Tuesday morning from an
extended vacation, covering three
weeks, motoring with friends in Col
orado. While in Colorado ahe took
the opportunity to vin Camp Bald
win, the training point for three
thousand members of the Colorado
National Guard, who will soon go to
California for training to fit them
for service In France. She received
a much-needed rest and left this
week, after a short stay in Alliance,
for the ranch near Mullen, where
she will slay until returning to take
up the fall work at the School of
Mualc. there
A near riot tu ihrei toned at the
Burlington shop; Men lay noon when Probably 500 persons were in at
the shopmen dlsodTorol a teamster tendance at the fair grounds Sunday
mercilessly Whlpplna a horse. The afternoon to witness the auto polo
shopmen, who resented the Inhuman .game staged by two of th Savage
treatment f the dumb animal, were Brothers teams. The teams played
with difficulty kop' from using draa- under the names of "America" and
tic measures on the teamster, who "France." The French team won
is reported to have had no reason the game by a score of 9 to 8. The
for such treat ment. Several shop- ga ie carried with It the expected
men reported that they regretted the thrills, the cars being turned over
absence of an officer of the humane several times, and a few tires punc
soclety at this point. A man can tured. The Savage players had live
mistreat a Ford or even a Cadillac Ford cars stripped and with special
these days without evoking much protective frames attached. The corn
comment, for It only hurts his pock- pany waa composod of eight men.
et book, but when he mistreats a The teams played at Hemlngford on
horse he makes a serious mistake.
J. F. Lawrence and F. J. Hough
ton of Chadron were In Alliance on
business Tuesday. The men drove
Saturday afternoon, coming across
I country Saturday evening from Hem
lngford. I
I County Superintendent of Schools
over by auto In the morning, return- Opal Russell announces that she will
Ml in the afternoon. Mr. Lawrence Rive teachers' examinations at her
was formerly secretary of the Chad- office In the court house on Thursday
ron Commercial club and Is a prom- and Friday of next week. This will
ineni business man of that city. be the last examination given before
r as r v. w 'th opening of the fall term of
W. M. Robinson, Omaha piano gehool.
dealer, a pioneer In the business at j
Alliance, waa In the city Monday and Complete editions of each week's
Tuesday, looking after hla farm i8BU of Amance Herald are for
northwest of Alliance and attending each woek at G,pn Miller's Newa
tr. business matters here Mr. Rob- Wand wt Thlrd ,treet nt door
insen has developed hla farm from totha posioOVc and at George Flem
raw land and this year has twenty- lng.a ;tt 2l6 unpaved Box
two acre, of corn, aoventy acres of Bmti9 yQU can purchase
oatB. and has cut twenty acres of al- th,. XaXmi editions at either of these
!,f, .OT lh nr8t. t,me;, lW? -feacs Thursday afternoon of each
He left Tuesday for North PlaiU. jWMk prlrfl it flVe cents per
where he will attend to business uhuth.r n mnr la
sixteen pages or thirty-two pages.
matters before returning to Omaha
Ferdinand and Adolph Nlkont
well-known farmers living fifteen
Captain W. H. Corbin left Sunday
miles weat of Hemlngford. autoed Jr Montlcello. la for a visit at the
down Tuesday on business, paying ho,me f Jjf ne?hewKI From , Mon &
The Herald office a pleasant call be- c" ' to Chicago where he
fore returning home that evening. y. -i-p
Ferdinand Nlkont has eighty acres f, hlS?K J al,ai.n C,orbi,J ,0, !!?';
in crop and reports it doing excell- rrk; M,ph ttT h,s annual W
ently in spite of the extremely warm
C. A McLean, who has a ranch
nineteen miles northwest of Bayard,
was in Alliance Wednesday on busi
ness. s a a
Mr. and Mrs. Art Groves expect to
Field Secretary Mrs. Owen S. Dow
of the Des Moines branch of the W.
F. M. 8. of the Methodist church de
livered a missionary address at the
First M. E. Church here Sunday
morning. In the evening a patriotic
aong service was held with short ad
leaVe tonight for Fort Crook to pay ' dresses by Mrs. Jerry Rowan and Dr.
their son. Philip, a visit before he, J. B. Cams.
starts for Camp Cody, at Demiug,
New Mexico, with the rest of the
boys of Company G and the Fourth
Wilbur F. Patterson is a new mem-
The local Red Cross chapter has
received a S3. 10 donation from the
Berea Sunday school.
J. C. McCorkle and W. R Harper
ber of Company G. the Alliance com-; I"? the last of the week for Denver
nv now at Fort Crook. Coroorals KOing via Cheyenne. They made
Kockev and Reardon are busy round- ihe trip by automobile
ing up new recruits for the company
before it is called to the sunny south
for Intensive training.
0 m u
T. K. Katen of Alliance, accom
Miss Nellie O'Donnell arrived the
last of the week from Omaha for a
visit of a month at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. O'DonnelL
panied by his brother John Katen of and other relatives. Miss Kather no
Dead wood, left Wednesday afternoon 'O'Donnell who is at Pocate lo. Ida
for Reno, Nev.. for the bedside of i" expected home Thursday to spend
their brother. Mike Katen. who is .her vucatlon.
seriously ill. They went via Sidney . . Cha(lron AX
w. .. ... VI,",.,. va nor. last of the week. He returned with
SMI . ifllU IHtn, vi j iii, . I'"'
enta of Mrs. Lee Basye, are here for
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Basye for
a few days. Their home Is at Lin
coln but they will visit relatives in
the North Platte valley before re
turning home. Mr. and Mrs. Kates
were in Alliance 'for a visit last year.
The Wiker Music House
i new Chevrolet automobile for th
Keeler-Coursey Co.
Frank J. Was returned Thursday
night from atrip in the Black Hills.
' e
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Was. who have
been guests at the home of their
son. Frank J. Was. returned Thurs-
Miss Ruth Moore of North Platte
was a guest of Mrs. Lloyd Johnson
the past week.
i '0. 4
Mrs. G. Larson left the last of the
week for a vielt at the home of her
mnn i '
1 j : v. . . . I. . . ; I. .. t
the stile of large Victrola talking ma- '"" '
chines to Mrs. Fred Black, Loui Vas-,"1"1"
qued, W. M. Ault and Frances Nolan
of Alliance; Chas. J. Root of Hem
lngford; F. J. Coil of Marsland;
Fred Vaughn of Bingham and Gene
Hall of Angora.
Mrs. J. .1. Phillips nnd daughter.
Mrs. E. D. Henry. Wm. Phillips and ( ' . . '.
Mrs. Ine Henry, composed a party Miss Ijturn Cams arrived last
which visited Jack Phillips at Fort w,-(-k to spend the summer vacation
Crook the first of the week, return- with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. .1. B.
ing Monday. They found Jack and earns. Miss Cams is a teacher in
the other members of Company G the schools at Billings. Mont.
The Misses Hattie Kenswold. Ituth
Rice. Laura Mounts, Mable Pilklng
ton of Oregon, Anna Senner of Lin
coln and Nelle Shrewsberry enjoyed
getting along excellently and much
interested in their work and train
ing. a a
Th. Alliance Volunteer Fire De-
nartment and the Burlington fire t-ta fv davs' camping on the Shrews
partment apent a couple of hours berry ranch near Ellsworth the early
Sunday afternoon fighting a tenac-:part 0f the week.
ious fire in a stock car, flllod with old
ties. The tire, which was started by Alex Lee left Sunday for Lincoln
a passing engine, was well started following the receipt of a telegram
when the alarm was given. It took announcing that his brother had died
a lot of wat. r. much handling of at that place.
burning ties, and more patience, be- j
tore the fir.- was extinguished Sun-' The Joseph Moore family are
day fires have been common lately j camping near llenryt his week
itnH ilin hre boys feel rather uncom- ... , , , , ,
una me ' nr. oojs ivvi i . i Friday evening a social was held
mon When no called out in tl i oir , h M fl p country.
sundry duds to pour a HtUe ter,An BUlUta ,0 th(. uIUnC6 9
on a blase he loss Bundajr after- (oss w is fom4 loerc 1(t 9
noon tO the railroad WM abpOl 150. . mh,Hn(1 irs Kow.
F E Holaten and Dr. H. H. Bell- :in of this city mud-' Interesting and
wood have aroused the ,-nvy of their Instructive talks at the meeting, !!(
friends several times lately by jour- of the work of the lied Cross
neving forth In the evonini and r.-- and materially aiding in the organ!-
turning a tev. hours later laden with aiHMI ol ttie auxiliary
Mrs HHpbringtT m company with.
Iter sistafdn-law, Mrs Bent ley, left
Sunday night for a month's visit in
Sklle.Hunt Wedding a
tnd. t.- Surrtae.
Miss Fmily Sklles and Mr. Vern
Hunt, both of Alliance, were united
in marriage Tuesday , at Dead wood,
S. D.a by Ioan William i 'arson Shaw
of St. Mntthew's Epiacopal church of
Alliance. The announcement of the
marriage of theae two well-known
young people cornea, as a great aur
prlse to their many friends, both In
Alliance and over this section of Ne
braska. Nothing Is known here as
to the future plans of Mr. and Mrs.
Hunt, the wedding coming as a sur
prise at this time. The bride and
groom were membera of a camping
party which had been enjoying an
outing In Spearfish canyon. Dean
Shaw was also camping In the con
yon. The bride Is a niece of Mrs.
Charles Tully of Alliance and has
made her home here with the Tullya
at various times during a period of
several years. The groom Is a trav
eling salesman representing the
Woodward Candy Company in this
territory with headquartera In Alli
ance. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hunt uri
well known over this section of Ne
braska, their friends being almost
without number.
. Chautauqua opening Wednesday af -
' fnriirvAti
Catholic I ,ifllex Hold
Sorlnl Tiifttday Evenki.
On Tuesday evening the ladlea of
the Catholic church served Ice cream,
cake, aandwlches and coffee on the
church lawn.
Alliance Eight-Waek
club In Organised.
What Is known as the "Alliance
Eight Weeks Club" has been organ
ized in this city with Miss Laura
Hawkins as leader. A preliminary
meeting looking towards the organ
ization of the club was held at the
M. E. church on July 6. Another
meeting was held Friday night, at
which the organisation was perfect
ed and officers elected as follows:
Mable Ormsby, president; Anna
Reeves, vice president: Lorn Nason,
secretary; Vera Broderlck. treaaur
r. While It Is the Intention of the
club to meet on Friday nighta the
meeting this week was held Tuesday
night at the Ormsby home, the
change being made ao that it would
hot conflict with the Chautauqua
now in aesalon In Alliance. At the
meeting held Tueaday night com
mittees for the several branches of
the club's activities were appointed.
A general Invitation Is extended
to the young ladles of Alliance to
attend the meetings of the club and
to become interested in the work of
the organisation. The club was or
ganized to cover an eight weeks' per
iod. While the club is somewhat of
a sarlal nature the idea is for each
member lo do some Christian serv
ice that will lend to be helpful and
work for the betterment of the com
munity in general. It is stated that
this work will probably be done in
co-operation with the Alliance Red
Cross chapter. The club Is under
the dlrect-supervlsion of the state Y.
W. C. A.
True I II ue I, i Week.
lull Organised nl Here.
What la known as the True Blue
Eight Weeks Club has been organize
ed at Berea with a mcmberahip Of
eight young ladlea. The club la un
der the direction of Mlaa Laura Haw
klna and la an auxiliary organization
of the Young Women's Christian As
sociation under the direct supervis
ion of the state Y. W. C. A.
Jadeti-Ludlow Marries;
Thursday Afternoon.
At G:30 o'clock on the afternoon
of July 12 County Judge Ira E. Task
united in marriage Mra. Mary Jaden
and John F Ludlow. The bride la
a resident of Cherry county, while
the groom is a resident of Box Butte
Kiitertained at
Ham inn Part).
Norman Newberry entertained at
a dancing party at his home Tuewday
evening. The guests were the Miss
es Ruth Morris, Hazel BcnnoU. Char
lotte Mollring, Cynthia Davenpflrt.
Irene Rice, Berdandine French, and
the Messrs. Michael Nolan, Martin
Nolan, Orvllle Davenport, Bradley
Minor, and Bernard Holaten.
I ittertnined for
Niece Wednesday.
Mrs. E. H. Boyd was hostess Wed
nesday afternoun at a 1:30 o'clock
luncheon given in compliment to her
niece. Miss Creighton of Omaha, wh?
is her guest.
Bridge Complimentary
lo Mlaa IbidrllftV.
Mrs. Robert Reddish was hostess
Friday at a delightful bridge party
given in compliment to Miss Ann
Radcliffe of Sidney. Who has been a
guest in the city.
Christ l,n ( hm, I. lAdlt
Met Ttieday Afternoon.
The lAdlea Circle of the Chrlatlan
church met Tueaday afternoon at the
home of Mra. A. J. Cole. 821 Box
Butte avenue, the hostesses being
Mesdamea P. G. Gleaaon, Malcolm
MacDonald, A. D. Wheeler and A. J
Cole. Refreshments were served.
The meeting was held Tueaday this
week Instead of Wednesday, because
of Chautauqua opening Wednesday
Mrs. Huckley Hoatess
at Bridge Party .
Mrs. H M. Buckley entertained at
bridge for a few friends Tueaday af
ternoon at her home. A pleasant
and enjoyable time was had.
Prosperous Fanner
Takes a Wife.
Married, at the M. E. parsonage
Thursday, July 19, by H J. B.
earns. Mlaa Nellie M. Peaae and John
L. (Roy) Slsley. The bride is from
Omaha and the groom la a prosper
ous farmer living Ave miles north of
Wedding Wednesday.
On Wednesday. July 18. at the M.
E. parsonage, occurred the marriage
of Fred D. Homan to Mlas Ethel Kat
ron. both of this city. The cere
mony was performed by Dr. J. B,
Cams. The groom is a Burlington
machinist. The bride has been em
ployed In the city and both have a
host of friends who wish them Joy
and happiness In their new life. The
happy couple took 41 this morning
for a trip through the Black Hllla.
Mrs. Oantz Entertained
Monday at Bridge.
Mrs. Harry E. Gantz on Monday
afternoon entertained at a very pleas
ant bridge party- given for Miss Ann
Radcliffe of Sidney. Miss Radcliff -won
the high score.
a nice caicn oi rain oaiinvnaa, pi
est Ash, to use more correct term.
A few of their friends doctded lo
follow them the other evening and cairoj.m.(
it hi so. going twenty-oil:- nines iw ,
to the Kilpatri.k dam. .luat what The K M Martin. Fred Tiabert
kind of hokey-pokey the two sports- aml Jonn Snyder families made an
men used on their bait waa not automobile trip Saturday evening tp
learned, but they sure pulled in the Henry for a short camping lri.
big-mouthed bullhead. "Bwlah" i .
would go a line. "Plunk" would go I Miss Nevt Howe went to Ilotfland
the Bluker. "Flop" wiuld come the Monday for a visit with her pa rente,
line out again In u few minutes and who live at that place.
another toe one added to the siring
Inasmuch us Mr. Holaten is a drug-1 Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell ex-
Kusl and Mr Bellwood a doctor their Ml to leave this coming Sunday on
friends think they should not keep ' camping trip in Spearfish canyon.
the secret but ahould give "fishing Th' Mitchells have a cottage there.
lessons" to a few who are not so sue- and each summer spend some time
. . . , t f h . rn ,-t, ini uii iiiilin.
i.ssiii in r;i i'tini: ine memoers oi J
the tinny tribe.
A. G. Isaacson of The Fashion
Shop left Tuesday noon for New
York city. He expects to be gone
some four or five weeks. Whilo tu
New York, Mr. Isaacson will make
purchases for fall and winter trade.
Mr. Iaaacuoa makes aemi-annual
buying trips to New York in the in
terests of his business.
Mrs. L. A. Berry of this city and
son. L. M. Berry, of Lakeside, and
hla family were visitors at
Wyo., last week where they went for
a visit with their son and brother,
Lyle Berry, who is manager of the
Hemingford is to play Alliance hi
a fast baseball game at the fair
grounds Sunday afternoon, the game
starting at 2:30 o'clock. Thia la a
return game on the game played a
week ago at Hemingford, which waa
won by the Alliance team.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Crone of Hast
ings, Nebr., were in Alliance Tues
day, the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. T.
R. Crawford. They were making
an overland trip to Yellowstone Nat
ional park. Mr. Crone la preaident
of Hastings College at Hustings
Miss Margaret Brenuan la enjoy
ing a visit thta week from Miaa Ail-
Mesiiame Prankle anil
Cogswell I ntel lain
Mesdames Marcus Prankle uud
Percy Cogswell were hostesses Tues
day at a bridge party complimentary
I to Miss Ann Itadcliffe of Sidney.
Mhiiv Attended Ituru
Dance Held Saturday .
A barn dance was held t the Bust
idace north of Alliance Saturday i
enlng. Mrs. J. T Wiser of this elt)
furnished the music for (lie occasion.
There was a large crowd In at ten I
ance, ull of whom enjoyed the even
ing greatly.
' Daughter of Isaltella
Sew for llie lloital.
The Daughters of Isabella met
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
Chas. BrOOnan at her home at 10
uramie avenue The afternoon wua
spent in sewing for St. Joseph's hos
pital WultyiH'-stineman
Nuptial- Celebrated.
On Saturday morning Miss Visna
Watt.vne and N. W. Stinemun were
united in marriage by Rev. Father
P. J. Manning of th" Catholic church.
The bride la a daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Churles Watteyne of Alliance.
The groom is an employoe of the
Alliance Steam Laundry and la also
a member of the Alliance baauball
club. The happy couple left Satur
day morning for a abort honeymoon
trip to Denver. They returned to
Alliance Tuesday morning. Their
many frienda unite in wishing them
happiness and prosperity throughout
their wedded life.
municipal water and light plant Nelson of Omaha
M. E. lilies Aid Met
Tueaday Afternoon.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M.
E church met Tueaday afternoon at
the M. E. parsonage with Mrs. J. B.
emus The program dealt with
home missions. The meeting was
held thla week on Tueaday instead
of Wednesday on account of the
Services of the Christian Science
soclety of Alliance will be held as
usual Sunday in the old Maaonic hall
In the Adler block. Sunday school
at 10 a. in . to which all up to the
age of twenty years are admitted
The regular Sunday morning lesson
sermon at 11 a. m. On Wednoadny
evening at 7:30 is held a service at
which experiences, testimonies nnd
remarks on Christian Science are
given. All are welcome to the serv
ices. U
Warren L. Jewell of Portland.
Ore., has been in Alliance this week
looking after business matters. He
is one of the old Box Butters who
went farther west. Mr. Jewell owns
a tract of land about twelve miles
west of Hemingford. He is here
getting the title to his land straight
ened up.
Chas. C. Tush of the Alliance Auto
Supply company spent several day
the last of the week visiting a num
ber of towns along the river in the
interest of hi firm.
Chester K. Snow, u newspaper
man of Fairbanks. Alaska, member
Ol He. Alaska legislature and one of
the influential men in thv political
life of Alaska, is h-r- visiting his
biolher, OttgrlOa Know, and his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. 8now, an-1
other relatives. He has been spend
ing several days this week ut the
Sno.N ranch tif u miles front Alli
ance y
C. W Kenner of aGlena. Mo., fath
er .,i D, W Kenner of Alliance, ar
rived this noon for a visit of a few
days with Mr and Mi Kenner at
their home in this city.
Mrs. Ilobert Morgan and children
returned this noon from a visit with
relatives at Wyoming points "Bob"
didn't ROOd to tell The Herald's re
porter that "the folks" were coming
ho oe. His smile from ear to ear
showed it.
Attorney BNVnM Burton left this
. . (i ulini-i hnui lions trin to
North Platte valley points.
I'.vpert lady IkHuonMrator Will
Teach New and aVIuable Tilings
iu Canning to Old and Young
A free canning demonstration is to
be given at the Chautauqua tent Sat
urday morning at 10 o'clock, to
which both old and young are Invit
ed, iu connection with the Junior
Chautauqua, the garden work of
Prof. A. T. Crawford and the work
of County Agent F. M. Seidell.
An expert lady demonatrator will
give the canning and drying demon
atrationa. There will be an exhibit
of home-made drying trays. The
meeting will be valuable to both
old and young and bouaewivea ar
urged to attend promptly at 19