is mnrn taicen up witn tne roun Mr and Mrs (Minn. Minntck from Jennings canie up Saturday to stay over Sunday. o John Osmon from lakeside came up to spend Sunday with his family. He it work hit in the potash plant there. o The Fourth of July whs celebrat ed In (treat style at the old PlNll place, seven miles south u4 Spade, Nebr. There were some seventy-fit persons from In and around Jen nings in attendance. There was something doing every minute and some minutes there wore several things doing One of the features of the day was the Ih11 game. Of COM I'M there were two sides, some of it being the better half for men, wo men and children were all in the BJMM. TJiere were four women on euch side and to say that thoy all made good hits is putting it mildly. The game was won by the married folks, the Anal score being 6 to 8. A tug-of-war between the women and the single men was one that will be remembered by all in attendance for some time. It was a scream from start to finish. There was a wide variety of foot races, the fat men, the married men, and the children all taking a hand. A nail-driving contest was held between the wo men. Some were mean enough to usk how the women expected to make a hit that way. A shower came up about o'clock, causing all to take to the house. Bernard Schlrk of Alliance and Harold Petus from Plattsraouth put on a wrestling inech. After they had worked hard for eleht minutes the match wan declared a tie. o J. D. Reilly a nd wife of Salt Lake city, Utah, accompanied by Mrs. Uellly's mother, Mrs. Boness, made a trip from Atllanoe Sunday morning for a visit at the Klrt Sowers home at Jennings. Mrs. Sowers is a sis ter of Mrs. Reilly and a daughter of Mrs. Boness. They returned Mon day in a Ford and had a fine trip looking over the cattle country. Mr. Reilly is representative for the En tiled t-Johnson Company, shoo man ufacturers at Endicott, N. Y , in the Salt Lake City territory. He has been in the shoe game for the past ten years. The trip from Salt Lake City to Alliance was made in a car and they expect to return Sunday, making the trip ovorland. ! IK THE SHOTS KITH YOI TM E H WEAR IT" : t . By ADAM l l Ml My, I'm so afraid he's going to ruin his paper printing such stuff as appears in that Adam Liar column.' remarked one of Alliance's damsels after reading last week's column "It's perfectly Insulting for a lady of refinement and character to ftave to read such awful things as tnat ref erence to tissue paper was, and be sides I'm not a gossip, even if my tongue does get me Into trouble somet lines." Now what I want to know is, how in the world did this old damsel know I referred to her. Maybe I had someone else In mind. Anyway, "If the shoe fits you. wear it." o But talking about strong stuff wh v t Vt I a or I 11 m r la KaI n.ui compared with some of the stuff pull-j h?- or fro'" ed at some of the "affairs" staged by ' Rend" anyway and that the letter Alliance B. A. B.'s. I would call stole anemia. w nen inhhc met i beksh at the well she was walking with a pitcher. Sampson struck Ml a good many times when he beat the Philistines. Moses m:ide his first run when he slew the Egyptian. Cain made a base hit when he slew Abel. Abraham made a sacrifice The Prod igal son made a home run. David was a long distance thrower and Moses shut out the Egyptians nt the d Sea. The game was called off when the flood came on account of wet grounds. o Me hurried home the other night to get his sprinkling done before It rained. o The Tact that Texas Is raising eighteen billion watermelons this year convinces me that the South Is going to send a army or The Fourth in Svottbluff colored troops into action and wants! Scottsbluff, Nebr.. July 9, 1317. them well provided for. Editor The Herald. Alliance. Nebraska. Dear sir: As a regular reader of The Herald and a resident of Scotta- exptaina itsett ami reads aa toiiowa: I hope all the people of Alliance too knot ice of the splendid work done by your repreaentatlve. Lloyd O Thomaa. during the laat aeaaion of the legislature, for It really was splendid from the standpoint of the html work really done, aa well aa I'M intelligence, Integrity, and dis Cl limitation disptg 00 by Mr. Thorn as In his estimate of the various measures which came before the 1916-1917 legislature 1 believe that it haa been good ad ertlslng for the 73rd repreaentatlve district to have had a man represent fng us in the legislature who geta a recommendation like that from as prominent a business man of Omaha as Mr. Sherman. W .1 MAHAFFY. Want Ad Lost, near the postof-i Hce, a small table by an old maid ! with bent mahogany legs. - o - Will the young lady who lifted her skirt this morning as she crossed un paved Box Butte avenue please write me, as I would like to see more of her. rf o He's sure some worried It seems that he got a letter from his sweet- them cesspool frolics, from what 1 hear of them. No, William. I'm not a B. A. B., even though T do own a dress suit. As yet I have not cultivated the art of shaking hands with two fingers at a level with my -snoot or dancing the light fantastic in full dress or un dress with a partner so close that a knife drawn between us would be sure to cut me. I'm still sanitary, in I spite of my faults. Ah for shocking things, if I'd just cut loose as I might and tell some of the things some of the shocked and proper beings have done or are do ing, this column would be so impure it would have to be fumigated each week fo ra solid year, and then would still stink so bad you'd have to have a cold to approach it. o Anyway, they've changed their meeting place of nights from the via duct to north by west of the Central school building. I see a frequent caption in the ng- H. C. Mlneak returned to Jennings ricultural papers, "Keep the Calves Sunday morning, being the proud Growing." That might be changed owner of a n ew Dodge car. He was . to the society columns in view of the accompanied by hla wife. They say painful shanks so often seen In thin was lost. Now the question is who found it? Did she call him "Dear ie." or something else. He will not tell, but it seems to be getting his goat. o . lAke a Ie-leggel Man Did you ever notice that some peo ple put on lots of steam and appear to be working their level best but they don't get anywhere. 'They don't get ahead because they ure standing on their own toes. They are often like the peg-legged man who got on a drunk and started home Just after a rain. He got his peg leg stuck in the mud soon after dark and walked around himself all night thinking he was nearlng Ills destination. Communications A (itHxl IjegtNlative Record Alliance. Nebr., July 10. 1917. The Alliance Herald. Alliance. Nebraska. Gentlemen: I want to call your ut- 9 X i x l f 1 1 i t JeeJJJeJ COMING! i I I bluff, I want to tell your readers that Alliance isn't the only city In western Nebraska which can "entertain" Its clttftena with carnival companies. Itanium was right. Had he been on fhe streets of Scottabluff on the realized that Americans of today, no less than those fifty years ago. love Fourth of July. 1917. he would have to be humbugged. Main street presented an appear ance of a little "Midway", having been turned over to a carnival com pany, which wus thereby given an excellent opportunity (o gather In the stray nickels from those who had a momentary contldence In their abil ity to beat the games of chance. Alas! Many of the boys from the rural districts, whose pockets bulged with the shekels squeezed from the hungry public for two-dollar wheat, slxteen-dollar beef, and thirty-cent eggs, discovered loo late the rapidly disappearing amount of change in their "Jeans," us they very accom modatingly handed over ti.eir dimes for further attempts to perform the impossible. They tried In vain to drop the balls Into the kegs, to play tbv races, or cover the red circle with the tin plates. As each turned away, they wore that familiar "stung again" expression, so often seen near such places. The "educational" shows, the ever-present merry-go-round, and the Ferris wheel, were well patronized. Red lemonade, peanuts, namburgers and ice cream were procurable at ev ery turn. The baseball game drew the big crowd in the afternoon. A good clean game was played. The lirc workH in the evening was a display that has seldom, if ever, been equal ed in t his part of Nebraska. After the fireworks, u parade of automo biles was formed and driven through the principal, streets. About 2,000 cars took part. The North Platte valley's prosper ity, if measured by Its "rolling stock," Is equal to that of any sec Hon of the state. She may not feed the world, but she will 'do her bit. The three thousand acres of bean now growing in Scotts Bluff county, together with an increased acreage of alfalfa, beets, spuds and wheal, will not only help win the war, but will add another hunk to the pros perity of this region. But we were talking of the cele bration. Take It all in all. it was un Ideal Fourth; the day was pleasant, though very warm. Every one seem ed in i in tu 1 1 of patriotism. The car nival company, perhaps out of place on the Fourth at this critical year in our history, was enjoyed, and added greatly to the pleasures of the vis itors. They lacked one thing to make their aggregation complete They should have had a slut He of the Immortal Barnum displayed where the public could see it. and become more acquainted with the author of the slogan which is the basis for the prosperity of ull such organizations. A HEKALD READER. imt Rltbb ! Don't Walts the Cop! He's all Tired Out ratchlng criminals. Tits town is R sleep But it has nothing on the Cop. When the Cop sees this, will he not throw the Editor In the BoObl HiltchY Nope, the Cop is a good mi - tared OOSW and stands for Iota. That's why Everybody likes him. (With apologies to George Snyder) CARD OF THANKS We devoutly thank the Masons and friends for their help and kind ness to us in this our greatest be reavement. MBS. IDA M. SMITH HARRY E. SMITH. OLAH M. SMITH. MRS. ROSE Fl'SS t X 1 f X x x x x x x x x x x 1 Savidge Bros., Auto Polo Players Fair Grounds, Alliance, 2:30 P. M. Sunday, July 15, 1917 The King of 20th Century Dare-Devil, Hair Raising Sen sational Death-Defying Games Admission Children, 25c; Adults, 50c Grandstand free ORDINANCE NO. IBM An ordinance appropriating funds to defray the expenses of the city of Alliance. Nebraska, for the Semi year ending on the second Monday in August. 1918, and levying a taoi for the payment of the gener al and incidental expenses of said city, a tax for the support and maintenance and repair of the sewer system of said city, a ux for the support and maintenance of the public library of said city, a tax for the maintenance of the city park of said city and taxes to pay the interest and principal up on the water bonds, water exten sion bonds, light bonds, sewer bonds, and for the maintenance and repair or street lighting, sta tionary and printing, tire and wa ter, street and alley, officers' sal aries, and support and mainten anre of the Alliance cemetery. He it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Ne braska : Section 1 That there is hereby t i unnronriated out of the money to be raised by tax or otherwise by the City of Alliance 2 t x t t x x X and water, officers' salaries, for the Improvement of streets and alleys, for the support and maintenance of the Alliance cemetery, In funds ss follows: General fund 1 10.000 City Park Maintenance .... 2.000 Interest City Park Bonds . . . 300 Sewer Maintenance 3,000 Lighting Bonds 1.000 Sewer Bonds ' 1,600 Water Extension Bonds . . Water Bonds Street and Alley Lighting Stationery and 1'rlntlng . City Hall Bonds Fire and Water 1.500 8treet and Alley 16,000 Officers' salary 6, GOO City Library 2.000 Cemetery 2,000 1.000 3.000 fi.OOd 000 550 TOTAL $66,050 Section 2. That there Is hereby levied a tax of 16 mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alllanco. Nebras ka, for the payment of the general and Incidental expenses of said city. Section 3. That there is hereby levied a tax of 2 M mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance. Nebras ka, for the purpose of supporting and maintaining a sewer system in said city. Section 4. That there Is hereby levied a tax of 3 mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion or the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of supporting and maintaining a city library. Section 5. That there is hereby levied a tux of mill on euch dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of paying the principal on the water bonds of said city. Section 6. That there Is hereby levied a tax of 6 mills on euch dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of paying the in terest aniTprlnclpal on the water ex tension bonds of said city. Section 7. That there Is hereby levied a" tax of 3 milts on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance. Nebras ka, for the purpose of paying the principal and Interest on the sewer bonds or atd city. Section 8. That there Is hereby levied a tux or 1 V mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance. N'ehras wntcn mnriRRae sou tne neoi inuryey ' secured, the undersigned Is now Mie owner and holder, and no suit or proceeding has been bad for the re- covery of the debt thereby secured. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE 18 HKHEBY OIVEN, that because of such default, said mortgage will be forecloeed, and the undersigned will offer for sale and sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described personal property covered by said mortgage, to-wlt: Case 20 horse steam engine No. 20340: Case two-wheeled tender tank, pump and hose: Rumely fire bottom, 14-Inch breaker gang plow, together with all equipment and parts belonging to, or used with, any of aforesaid machinery, at home of Frank A. ('lark, located on north half of tract 18 In Duncan's North Side Residence Tracts, which Is at northeast edge of city of Alliance. County of Box Butte and State of Nebraska, on the 3d day of August, 1917. at 2 o'clock IV M.. of that day Terms cash. Dated nt Alliance. Nebr.. this 11th day of July, 1917. AD VANCE-RDM ELY THRESH BR COMPANY. Inc.. Owners of said Mortgage. B. H. MI'RPHY, Special Agent. 32-41-842-8343 Telephone Three-Four-Oh If N 11 A L I) CLAHMIKIKD Al It Tlsl.M! TM Five Cents per Llna Count Bti Words to a Line No Advertisement taken for I-es Than lie FITRNIT17HK MOVED MJviTFiFiniw We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pads will be used by us on all moving jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone II. 37-tf-6950 automoTiTlkIaIot ": ""paintyIdjir $3 I will send you enough of my high gloss enamel to paint your car. Im possible to streak or leave brush marks. Anyone can apply. It will make your car look like new, and you be the Judge. If not satisfied, I will gladly refund your money. J. C MILLION. 258 Columbine St, Den ver, Colo. 16-tf-818 AUTOMOBILES AUTOS FOR SALE-- A second i 'nd roadster and a second-hand Ford louring car for sale cheap. In quire at the Sturgeon garage. HOUSE FOR RENT FOR RENT Five-room house, electric lights. Phone l7 lor in formation. 2s-tt-8398 'FOR RENT ROOMS FOB RENT 5 furnished rooms. Call Maude Spucht. 31-tf-8362 "TiTit!ulH7ElrrKo Niobrara. Mrs. John il. Carroll. 28-tf-84K "FuRNTShKD ROOM fo7remTto gentleman. Modern, private home. Phone 17a. 408 Sweetwater Ave. 30-tf-8 4tr. FOR HAMHOUMKN F?5ir "SALE " A f "EXECtffffR'S SALE Two residence properties lo cated as follows: Loin live and six in block six, Wyoming addition to City of Alliance. The residences are composed of three and five rooms. These residence properties n list dc sold. Inquire ol L A Berry, Loom 9. Runier Block, Alliance, Nebraska. Phone 9. 8287-23-tf WANTED. A liable, mi il restion- ka. for the purpose of paying the Mible lady or gentlemen for outside principal and interest on the light- work, soliciting end collecting. Work ing bonds ol said city. (is pleasant and profitable. I'erman- Section 9. That there Is herein ,., position. Experieii'-f desired but levied a tax of mill on each dollar n( absolutely essential ir you have or the assessed property valuation of ability. Give Dill particulars in ap the City of Alliance, Nebraska, for plication. Address llox 33ft, In are the purpose or paying the principal and Interest'on the City Park bonds of said citv. Section 10. That there Is hereby , i,u1(jr(1, , levied a lax or 2 mills on euro uoi lar or the assessed propertv valua tion or the city or Alliance. ,ei)ras- Sf , onened for hnmmipuli ka, for the purpose of supporting un t Ki(, (.ntil,nlnl Bonu of bM, maintaining a public city park in . d ,,,,, ,n ,.u.d (states. Iirge said city. . Copyrighted Map. showing land by Section 11. That there Is hereh ,.,.,, ,, ,u.BOrlption of ol, iU levied a tax ol 1 mill on each dol- u, ralufiUl, elevations, tempera lar of the assessed property valua- , (m ,-B,,,ai,, 0u Dollar Mliunce Herald. Alliance. Neb. The Government needs Farmers as well as Tighter. Two million three l .... J 1 . ft. .J A i ii ii ii'i i ii iiinuHriiiu arret ol Oregon and California Railroad Co. Grant Lends. Title revested in United ti,ftr. of the Citv of Alliance. Nt bras ka for the purpose or supporting and maintaining the Alliance Ceine- . ... i . Iiliik mm' Illrwlrv ItinlI fuv K ' . ' , 1 ..,.11 on each dol- white hind feel. fetlock. White Grant Lands Locating Co. Box 610. Portland. Oregon. 31-13t-8446 LOST -on Saturday. June 30, a T z x ele Nebraska, the sum of $55,050. for the purpose or pay ing the general and incidental ex penses or said city, ror the support and maintenance or the public li brary of said city, lor repairing and maintaining the sewer system of said city, tor paying the annual interest and creating a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of the wa ter bonds, water extension bonds, 1 I sewer bonds, light bonds, and city park bonds of said city, and the i maintenance of the city park of said It-vied a tux of V4 mill on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance. N. bras ku, for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the City Hall bonds. Section 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and pub lication according to law. Passed first reading July 10. 19iV. Passed second reading July 10, 1917 Passed third reading July 10. 19 1 T Passed nnd approved this 10th day of July. 1917. W. E. BOUSEY. Mayor. (SEAL) . , Mtest: T P. ROLFSON. Clerk. 32-2t-841-8342 ( 'HATTEjT worth agk sale W'hereus. default has boen made in the conditions of a certain Chattel Mortgage executed by John M. Line, mortgagor, to Flnley P. Mount, re ceiver of M. Rumely Co.. mortgagee, dated on the 2d day of August. ioik and filed for record In the of fice of the County Clerk of Box Untte County of Nebraska on the e e.e eeeeeeeeeeeee. a .1 city, and for maintaining sireei 21 day or August, um, nun. -woneruior ;;K;;eK Bta(ion(r. a,d prin,ing, fire ture 0, BUCh default II the nou-pay j 32-31-868 snipper on nose. Six years old. Branded bar over five on right jaw. Hnder please notify I. E. Nussbaum, Alliance. 31-tf-8450 Phone 166 If you have anything to sell T. J THOMPSON. New and leeond-hand goods. The Conley Mil ler place. 27-H-7987 FOR SACElTlgh YriSeiypSmrit er carbon paper. The kind that given vou a clear duplicate. The Alliance Herald. Phone 340 Steady Job wantedfoli lanuor ranch by experienced capable young man. Phone 770, H. Laurence. 32-21-8587$ NOTIt ' K 'TO" NTH ACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education of District No 41, Morrill county. Nebraska, on or before July 81. 1917, for the erec tion of a 2 room school building with full basement, at Angora, Nebraska The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals submitted Plans and specifications can be se cured at Angora State Bank by de " positing $5, which will be returned on safe return of plans and specifica tions By Board of Education. A. D.