SiiiiiiiiiiinHMtininiiiMinnnMinHiKiiiniiH!niMMininiiiiammn Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association President Harry J. Mauser. Fremont. First Vice President John W. Guthrie. Alliance Second Vice President Wm. P. McCune, Norfolk. Secretary E. A. Miller, Kearney. Treasurer -F. B. Tobin, Sidney. Chaplin Rev. V. C. Rundin, Crawford. Board of Control Jacob Ooehrinp. Seward, chairman; C. H. Mas ters. Auburn; C. R. Frazier, Gothenburg; II. H. Bartling. Ne braska City; Clyde Beckwith, Crawford. A lcmrtinent IM-vnteil to tin- Inter-! of Hie Volunteer Firemen of the State of Nehrnkn Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, State Publicity Chairman. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS DEPARTMENT ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED Address envelope to: State Publicity Chairman Firemen's Ass'n, The Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska m.ik. I" 't'l'le stop ami n flc. t tx fore they spent money for this useless, sense less, extravagant pastime " WITNFSS WIINISN AM.IANt F Sm b F.v bleiM-e Our lteailer CMMMM Dispute WOULD STOP THK SAIK OF FIIUOWOICKS State Fire Commissioner W. S. Uidgell, in a bulletin issued recently, ores that the indiscriminate sale of fireworks should be prohibited by law. He urges city councils to prohibit the sale and distribution of them by ord inance. Mr. Itidgell gives the following warning in the bulletin: "Every Fourth of July disastrous fires occur on account of carelessly handled or stored fireworks. All fireworks are highly combustible. They are dangerous to life as well ac property. Children should not be allowed to handle the highly explosive kind; In fact, children should not be allowed to handle fireworks at all. The fact that they must use matches and fire to set them oft is sufficient reason to keep fireworks away from them. The .mount of property destroyed by 'children and matches' each year is enor mous. "All dealers selling fireworks must keep same nnder a glass cover and no broken packages should be left uncovered around a store. We would request all mayors, fire chiefs and Bpecial deputies in all towns throughout the state to see that this order Ib enforced. All fireworks when taken from original packages must be placed under a glass cover such as showcases, etc. When the original package is broken it should be taken outside the store at once and placed under a showcase on a stand or table and the fire works sold from this stand outside the store on the sidewalk or some other convenient place. In case of fire the flames could be more easily extin guished and the fire confined to the showcase. Don't sell any fireworks fiom counters inside of stores. "The sensible and safe way of celebrating the Fourth of July would be by patriotic speeches, music and parades and fireworks are not neces sary for even the most enthusiastic patriotic celebrations. If citizens feel, however, that fireworks must be a part of a patriotic demonstration the iiiife way to display them would be for the city to buy a quantity and then hire some experienced person to arrange the display in a public park where citliens can view them without endangering life or property as they do when each citizen takes it upon himself to buy his own fireworks and Icti acu member of his fumlly participate in setting them off. "It Is our intention to prohibit the indiscriminate sale of fireworks next year, except for exhibition purposes, and the cities and towns in the state will govern themselves accordingly. "We would advise the city councils in the different cities to pass ord inances prohibiting the use of fireworks in their respective towns. This is the only effective way to abolish the extravagant unnecessary , needless prac tice. "In ten years 1,739 people -ere killed. 38,069 wounded, maktim a to fal of 39,808 accidents due entirely to the use of fireworks. Think of if. In ten years a total of 39,808 people the equivalent of nearly forty regi ments were killed or injured in Fourth of July celebrations. "It would surely seem these statistics alone would be sufficient to As we take up the Herald week by week, we are strurk by the hear ty, unmistakahle way in which wit MM after witness speaks out as Mrs. Ackerman does here If these peo ple were strangers llvlnt miles away, we might take little not lee of them Hut they are not. They are our neighbors, living among us Their word is too easily proven to admit of any doubt. They speak out in the hope that their expeiience may lie a guide to others. Mrs. Thomas Ackerman, 621 W. Second St., Alliance, says i know Doan's Kidney Pills are a wonderful medirine. I have used them occas ionally and they have always reliev ed any kidney disorders I have had. When troubled that way, I have suf fered frOIH a dull, heavy pain across my back that seemed to be pulling me down. At night I couldn't rest because of the aching and my kid neys acted too often During the day I would feel tired and worn-out. Doan's Kidney Pills have been the means of keeping me free from this trouble, so I am glad to recommend them." Price 50r, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Ackerman had. Foster Mllburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo. N. Y. Adv June ISINCII M I I I Ms Mr. and Mrs. it. R. Kincaid was In from the ranch for a few days this week. It has been a long time since so many of our people luie come to gether to combine duty with pleas ure. Mrs. Rowfln and Mrs Johnson, both representatives of the Bed Cross chaptei'of Alliance, were there and made interesting talks. The neat sum of $14.31 was added to the fund and many new members added to the roll. o M r and Mrs I.. K. alllicnucr are entertaining Mi W'elden. a brother-in-law from the eastern part of the stale O The Sellers family went to Hyan nis on Monday nigh I to attend Chan lail'iua Bl tight !H was well represented on Suudav at t lie liyaiuiis Chautauqua. All report an excellent program. o Frank Anderson entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Bert Shafenlterg and Mrs. Dora Quacken bush o Mrs. ! VV QllMUgfa made a trip to Alliance to consult a doctor Mr jttilbaiiKh. who is In Colorado, is do ing well under the doctor's care o Next Sunday will be children's day at the church. It is hoped there will be a good attendance for this special program. o Mr and Mrs. John Skipper. Mrs. A. A. Colson. M. U Kincaid and son (Jerald, Phil Castle, Geo. Dudley and J. J. Granning made up a ftBhing party that went over Into Cherry county last week. They reported a good catch and we couldn't doubt their story as Mr. Kincaid distribut ed substantial evidence McKiuley Burton, Lawrence Glen non, Herbert and Jesse McCarty went to Alliance Wednesday, making the trip by auto. o Pat Welch came up from Rackett and spent a part of the week with the family on the Kincaid. There was quite a destructive hail storm south of town Tuesday even ing. o Claude Anderson made a business trip to Alliance the first of the week. Andy Applegarth made a business trip to our county seat Thursday, re turning Friday. R. F. Marcey of the Farris and Marcey Commission Company of South Omaha was here looking after the interests of the firm and visiting friends. Celebrate Juy 4th in ScottsblufT. Ilovvel Complaints In India In a lecture at one of the Des Moines, Iowa, churches a missionary from India told of going into the in terior of India, where he was taken sick, that he had a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy with him and believed that it saved his life. This remedy is used successfully in India both as a preventive and cure for cholera. You may know from this that it can be depended upon for the milder forms of bowel complaint that occur in this country. Obtainable every where. Adv-June I.ylc Derr whs down from TorrlnR ton last week and bought a new wind mill in Alliance, which he took back with him to his homestead. - o- Claieme Sllkelt and Bert Miller weie stacking alfalfa for Ed Dueker last Thursdax o Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dueker were shopping In Alliance last .Friday. ' a Albert Ackers was a business call er In Bayard Saturday. o The dance at Bert Miller's. Satur da night, was a grand success. A dainty luncheon was given at mid night. All present report a tine time Miss Nellie Silk'ett spent Tuesday night with Eva Miller. o A I bell WtlKht was in this neigh horhood last Friday on his way from Alliance to his home In Scottsbluff I o ! Ralph McCorke attended the In spection in Alliance last week. o Mr. and Mrs. Guy Worley were up to their ranch last week one day. , I o Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Derr were down from Torrington a few days last week. o Jcn Burk was a caller at Bert Miller's, Friday afternoon. o Mr. and Mrs. Joe Derr visited Mrs. Sharp near Hope last Sunday. o Chas. Teinan and Geo. Burke were visiting up at Mitchell last Wednes day. o Jamos Derr spent Sunday at Bert Miller's. Mrs. Miller and children spent Thursday visiting at Mrs. Dueker's. Mr. Business Man, on your nx trip take along some artistically printed business cards. The expens la light and they are business getters The Herald's Job printing edpart ment will turn them out promptly Phone 340 and we will call. writes 8 If Murphy, druggist, Wells burg. N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Adv-June scons EMULSION OF NORWEGIAN GOD LIVER OH usually stops a stubborn cougb or chest cold when ordinary specifics faiL It helps strengthen the lungs and throat adds energy to the blood and gives the system the force to help resist disease. Use SCOTT'S Refuse Substitutes Scott Bowse. Bloomflrld. M. J, OOODSTKFAK ITK.MK Miss Iva and Kate Cogar returned to their home Monday after a few days' visit with Miss Kva Miller. Master Harry Miller spent last Sat urday v.isiting with Johnie Dueker. The Red Cross social at the home. o of Mrs. Ruth McCarty last Thurs-j Miss Eva Miller is reported on the day evening was a decided success, sick list. To the Publlr "I have been using Chamberlain's Tablets for indigestion for the past six months, and It affords me pleas ure to say I have never used a rem edy that did me so much good." Mrs. C. E. Riley, Ilion. N. Y. Cham berlain's Tablets are obtainable ev erywhere. Adv-June WANTED. A capable and respon sible lady or gentlemen for outside work, soliciting and collecting. Work Is pleasant and profitable. Perman ent position. Experience desired but not absolutely essential If you have ability. Give full particulars in ap plication. Address Box 3369. in care Alliance Herald, Alliance, Neb. "The House of Courtesy" HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room with detached bath, $1.00 up. Koom with bath, $1.50 up. 'atV priccN most reasonable in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System. Complete Safety. Management, Rome Miller Stomach Troubles and Constipation "I will cheerfully say that Cham berlain's Tablets are the most satis factory remedy for stomach troubles and constipation that I have sold in thirty-four years drug store service," We Are Always Ready to serve you with good printing. No matter what the nature of the job may be we are ready to do it at a price that will be Satisfactory fwsi !i mm G R T N G TO OUR: WESTERN FRIENDS r t t ? T 1 uur service High Sales Correct Weighing 1 Up-to-date Infor- & Y We Point With Pride to Our , ,. . i Splendid Record of j ,,i f 1 mation 1 1 Prompt Remittal!-1 X ces . S i I Loans to Respon sible Parties ? AA. M. AA. ASk BA A, 4hA J. t f For Our Friends and Neighbors I J f i f 2 21 Years GOOD SERVICE Our Facilities Expert Salesmen M 7 1 S men, Splendid yard Locations i t X I 1 1 i i t t f Our Own "Market Com BSM ments" w Experienced Office Force i ! Financial Strength Tagg Brothers & Moorhead Union Stock Yards Omaha, Nebraska