Leading Newspaper of Western Nebraska The Alliance Herald READ BY EVERY MEMBER NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ALL THE NEWS OF ALL! A NCR AND WESTERN NEBRASKA OFFICIAL OROAN NEBRASKA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES HEADQUARTERS FOR M "00 FIREMEN 32 Pages 3 Sections 70LUMK XXIV ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA,) UN S 14. 1(H7 NUMBER 28 Monster crowd big red cross IS COMING HhhwuM of hdtors Kxpected for the SUwkmcn' Reunion and Old Weal Celebration THIjft: D A v s. tVHtl J7. M, M RALLY SUNDAY Delegates to heaver Oonveutkigj iti Kaplatn Plans ami Tell How Money win Be WwiwUwl ( AMI'M(. sTABIS ON MOttOAl Thxu-jin.u and Thousand-. ..i Piecea f iCverj Pena Collected Placed In Al of Adv ortlsitt:: Matter Being Distributed This Week Preparation t coins rapidly ahead for the annual Stockmen's Bcunlon and celebration to be held nnce Wednesday. Thursday day. Junx 27. 28 and 29. possible efforl is being pal Bum the reunion three days at which those Who liancc Bunks to I redit oj' Sec. retnrv of F. S. Treasury in Alli nid Frl Kvery forth to emit gut attend will In o i)oaKPl that when another year rolls round they and their friends will lo here briaht and early. Monday morning all T. P. A. 'a leaving the city loaded up with ad vertising matter for the reunion and this week the not ire Western section of Nebraska and the eastern part of Wyoinini: is being billed for this event. Literally, Ford loads of ad vertising mailer went out of Alliance the first of the week and by this time ' much of it is up. Next week a fresh ! supply is Being up. Advertisements have been inserted in sex'enty-fivi- j newspapers in this section this week , and these together with the reading notices jnd the billboard advertising i ought to make this great ' Reunion I and Old West celebration one that j will always be remembered both from the point of the great lime had and Iron the point of attendance. The mules have been secured. There are going to be some mule H( that will cause spectators to Ret 10 their feet. More than that, these rail's will be the talk of the panhandle country for some time to come. Many, entries are already in for the varlObS racing stunts. There is still h 11 opportunity for all who desire to cnte; These races are Op en to the world and It's just a mat ter of competing. The money is here for ihe winners. faree big days of relay faces, wild Mi i - cowboy Mid cowgirl rac es, running races burden races, pota to races, etc., will make a three-days frontlet program that, will sure be a winner. Alliance is making preparations to entertain the largest! crowd of people ever attending the city In a body. From miles and miles people will come to attend this great combina tion event. arniviil Coming One of the features of the Reunion IS the nat ionally-nkown Wortham Brothers Carnival Company. Wor tham Brothers are coming here for Stockmen's Reunion week and will show on Ihe streets of the city. They have twenty new. rtDllling. .-.onsa-toinal shows besides a number of free attractions, riding devices and a line lot of concessions. Without question the can nival Itfielf will prove an attraction to thousands. The carnival will provide mure shows than any county fi.ir can put up along its midway, and they'll be belter shows, too. If you. friend reader, live outside of Alliance, plan now (a attend the annual Stockmen's Reunion and set what a wonderful time you i an have at a celebration which combines a reunion, old-west celebration, carni val, and racing meet. Cosae. You will be one of thousands. AN OPEN LETTER TO ALLIANCE PEOPLE Alliance, Nebraska, June 14, 1!MT To the People of Alliance gntl Vicinity : I wish ill tliis lime to call your attention ti the ni 1 1 1 fined of support iltirinu llie c ClOM campaign to le Waged next week, front .lime IHth to 25tn. It is not nec essary foi' me to jro into details regarding, 'he eniepaiirn tr tne need of your Bnaneial support, These are explain e fully by ihe newRpapem, tin Sunday evening. June 17. at S o'clock, a bin Bed Cross rally will be held at the Phehtn opera house. It Is the patriotic duty of every citizen to attend this meeting. There will be no services in any of the churches Sunday night, all churches uniting in ! dismissing serices for this occasion. At the rally to be held Sunday night the delegates from the Alliance ' Red I'ross chapter to the convention I at l)enver will Live to the people of jthis city tjh.e information given to thorn by the representatives of the government at Washington. Red toss Week , Ued Croat week. from .Monday, June IX. to Monday. June 2T.. has j been set aside by President Wilson in formal proclamation as the period In j which the nation will devote Itself to ! ralslnS 119.000, 00. for ihe eom- Jfort ami relief of the country's fight tag men, the sick and wounded, as well as dependent families of enlisi- ed men and desiit'ute non-combat-: ants. Financial Flan The financial plan and accounting system for the Red Cross work will lx explained at the meeting Sunday Bight, Every penny and every dol Ifl collected locally will be placed Ofi deposit in the local banks in the name o( the treasurer of the United Slates of America. The only possi ble way this money can be with drawn from the local banks is by a tr: usury VplBCher drawn by the sec retary of the treasury of the United Siates. A record of i teolpts must be sent to t'ie treasury department of the federal government. treasury department auditor Will come to Al liance 'o audit ihe receipts. The Ued Cioss is Doing operated on n business basis. D is all business. The emergency is here and is must be met. Despite the many calls upon the patriotic for financial geahttanoe, this campaign for the lied Cross is al ready assured ihe magnificent sup port it will need to carry. Frist, preliminary work on the part of ihe campaign comnjlttee has enlisted the most powerful and Influential men in all the large centers gecrotary jonn Tumulty; in behalf of President Wil son, lias wired to hundreds of prom Lnenl men throughout the West and has received from them enthusiastic as. malices of support. in Box Untie county the campaiaa is being conducted aloag ihe lines uageated by representatives of the federal government at the Red Croe coitventioo held at Di nvei. Dos Untie county's portion of the total amount is goinn to be raised in the w. ek. There is no question sbOUl that When this .sum Is raised there will be lie further appeals in behalf of the fund. Orsaulzathm omplete Tho orunni7.:ition iri comtdete for I Mi Alliance campaign. The Hem im.fnrcl chanter is beinu organized Initai Whan the week is oer Roi Butte count iii have resooad and ev ST! man. wonum have done his or her s the leadins iii doing h.' H onleil Altianot lUUSl not fiii property owners, have a duty to i earnestly uiue insi lint h old and JrOUtlg, join tin I'ross and coutributo as liberally fnntl of 410 OIMI which we are mm th.. weeh V. K H'SKV, ii our eily. of tbe Red low ai ds t In of western Nbr VoU as citizens p( rform w Inch each mid Allianct ml i raise utirillff ciinnot eitiicn Chapter lis pONsihle eavoriug to Mayor. RAILROAD MEN ARE IMPOSIER TRIEO TO RED CROSS ROOSTERS GASH CERTIFICATE Burlington KfcnptoyOes Makiua Effort li to CaiTJ the Banner hi Next Week's Campaign DOVered l Accident WtMMJ IC Owner lianeeil lo I'ass Bank A I rested at Crawford Sup. rlptondent W. M. Welden- bamer of the Burlington here has been named as captain of the rail road team in the pox Butte count) Bed t'rosh campaiun. Supt. Weidon- bamer has entered into the spirit of the rampalmi and has Ifamefl a rer) efBctenl campaign committee to help him. Me wants to Spa the railroad it am toil the list. fualtOf 1&UI ""' railroad men can and will rally to ti e cause and "put it over" nil other teams. Mr. Wvidenh Imel Ibis morning Is sued a notice to I'll employees of the Alliance division of th Burlington, which says in part : ll Employees Of the Alliance Div ision : The Bed Cross tf Box Butte COUn ! has been asked to raise $7. nun for Ued Cross work to he used in this wiir. A plair has baOfl made ti form Bed Cross tetiins with a capt.ilfi of ach team, who will sei ct his lieu tenants. I have the honor of ha itiR been selected as captain of th" railroad team and will appoint as lieutenants J. (i Dole, F. (I. Cnrley. A. V. Qsvln, A. V. Arnold and J T (llfmore I want to see .he railroad team at ii" top of the list. Showing the bi sesl amount contributed 1 wish we COlild raise the $7,000.' I know yOUldO? are all good loyal Americans and bat rlotlc and 1 t us do our best to sboa MAN"i A John Doe warrant was issued by Judge Ira K. Tash Saturday for a iron who attempted to cash n certif Icate of deposit at the First National Bank ai Chadren, the sertlflcata be lonuini; to John Abraham, a Syrian, who is employed in the railroad here. Vbraham bad deposited 1400 in the First National Hank of Alliance and had been niven a certificate of deposit for that amount. A man, Davidson by name, appropriated the bortlficate ahum with a .38 calibre re volver, an alarm lo k and JlU ash si" in inn same from Abraham iiaik. Anratrim dii! not know a bad been, robbed until he chanced by the First National Bank on Satiirdn I and was called in. , The bank at Crawford had sent n special deliver letter to the local '.i'tik. askinc ir it should cash the certificate of deposit. The descrip tion pi ven corresponded to that of Abraham and the bank was about to notify the CraWfOrd bank lo po ahead ! when Abraham chanced by. i The Crawford authorities were tin i titled and Davidson at rtsted. I'eputy .Miller went lo Crawford and bfOUghl Davidson buck Sunday. The beating lias not yet been had. Davidson signed the certificate with his mark. CITY MUST PAY FOR FUMIGATION ' I Dads Decide, after I'erusHl of Boles of Stale Board of Health, tUtl Must Stand Fe-ns,. DAXIDsON MMvI S IIOWTHIV Coiinclhni))) Johnson Remnuneuds Fiirclinse of IJkIx Tractor for -n ! flmdtng and Work After an hour spent In discussion. Willi talks by city official! and visit ors, the city council decided Tuesday SVt Difig, at the regular monthly taeetlhg for June, that the ity must pa) fpr the fumigating of roaldeneas and rooms followina the recovery or death of patients suffering from con Isrious diseases. T. J. Threlkeld, who has been do iUK the fttmlgatlnl for Ihe city for several years, was present mid asked thai ha be advised definitely wheth er or not the city would pay the fumigating bills or whether he should look to the tenents for his pay. lie stnted that the city had I ii paying for this work for se- Sral years. The mayor Stated, after a careful I" mail 1 ot t he rules of t he State Board of Health, lu published pain phlet form, that the occupant of the premises should pay the expense. This caused n division of opinion, niil: ili' result that there was much discussion, the question dually re solving Itself Into the meaning of "cleansing, renovation and disinfec tion." The state hoard of health rules stated that the 'cleansing" and "ren ovating" must be done at the ex pense of the occupant, and the "dis Infecting" at the expense of the city. The book ib iined "cleansing" as meaning the washing of woodwork, etc., the removal of dirt and other work of that nature "retiovatini " was defined as repaperlng. ate. "Dis lufedtlng" was defined as sterilising chemicals, drugs or II wiu? t In n deflnite rdt I ed thai I lie city the expense of hav- 'we 'iidm. IP Use of no ' hods. elded and Ii ue Id pat the lu Do you know what 1!." cents will till I.XBOI.I I D IN I ANMMi M'HUOI that we are. These hoys need out assistance, they need cur encourage- mnt. they-even aeed our love and i! over forty enrollmenl cards have bope the dav will come when this j been received si tie pffice of County whole world will be one brotherhood Agent F. If, Seidell from women d ,,, j,),.,, siring to enroll in the canniOl schort to ii- iieiu in aiiwnce, rnair ami Saturday of next week. Ai first it and child w ill bit. I'M, AT vll-TV GOOD IEXKMPTIOII Alliaiu-e youni: men who gave the affliction of fliit feet" as reason lor exemption from being selected far mervice under the conscription act. when I hey registered last week, may hud som unfurl in the following tine incident.: A husky strapping youth, the pic ture of health and strength, present ed htins it at rocrulttng office and. after examination, was rejt.-d. "What's the matter with me'.'" hs asked in greal surprise. "Vmi have flat feet." was the reply. "What's that got to do with It?" You can't walk. rhe hell 1 can't. I can walk down anj man you got," "What's vour business? track Walker foi' tfie 8SUta Fe." Never theless the Mark walker for the San ta Fe. who had actually tramped IS miles to offer his services to Fiub Sam. was rejected on the unaltara Me assumption that be would fail in ifn army's march because he gad Hat or una rc hed feet. A COMIT.IMFNI FBOM THF M BB4.SK FBI N't Fit The Nebraska Printer, official ' organ for tin- Nebraska Press Association, in its May issue contained the following eoagpli- ment regarding The Herald and its ediloi "The Alliance Herald stands ace blah in the state as a real ouptry weekly and without the leadership of Lloyd Thomas it would he Ilk.- a ship Without a sail Take it from us you will hear more about Uoyd Thomas from now on for during the re- rent legislative session he made a record as a top-notcher In the ' soli Ileal world " .. Twenty-live rents will put a neu White" Fol ic, vviio; Machine 111 yom home on theea.-v payment plan. ODD Fl .FLOWS' MFMOBI L SIB 1CKN The president of the Fnlted States has deslynsted J)inc IS to 2." as Bed Cross days'and we want to gat our Contributions in not later than th" ;r,th U possible Vours truly, W M. W l"l I KNH A M KB, Bwperlntt ndent, Alliance. thodist enurcn. stwrn mj will pu) .h ,.yily to an Inspiriuu sei inon by j ...,SH..hiH . ..ndition. Annual lueiuorial services were held by the Odd Fellows' various or ganisations in Alliance Sunday after noon The members first met at 1 he FlraJ M I listened , Dr. J. H- earns, the pastor. I 'ie thai journeyed .in autos to Green wood cemetery, where the s raves ot (ten deceased members were deiorai- i ed w ith the usual o-n monies Of the : ritual. I ANOTHfW Bill FAFFIi THIS WI FIv i Herald readers are givatj SUOlher i big paper this week, caused b the j large amount of fresh news arm ies Mid locals and by the liberal adve,- tiaing pafroaaaa of the merchants and buaiaeas firms who realize that ; this paper is an excellent madldfil fm reaching the people II you, SS r ...... mlSS Sn one of the thirt) two pa;es, in three Hectioiis. you are missing something wtrth looking for- We endeavor to glVC till the ttWS m readable, accmute and i nlerest iu lot in, and ludflna from the larg number Of new subscribers aotag constantly added to our list, we are ueeeedlng in this. After you are through with the paper pass it on to vour neiehlMir if he doesn't lake ii if you receive a copy and are not ;i subscriber you are invited to join our "happy family " MM W'aldron, who works on Ho A. M McConauuhy ranch fourteos miles southeast of Bushville. was in Allisnc- on a shopping tour W'dnes day He drove down by unto re turning the same afternoon ; was believed that about forty-five ; could be accommodated at the local lea an' na school, but Investigation has shown thai not more than thtrty dv i can take jhe work at one lime Fn roHmantS are coming in every day and it is eznected that more than lif- ' ty ccnls w ill have been received by the Hme the school is la be held am W eek. t a 1 1 UKAUKII As a result of the large number o I entailments, it has been decided to Box Butte county I anlli Ihe enrollments, part of those desiring the work taking it next jveek. grd pari el a date to he an noumted later All out of town wo 1 1 1 1 e ti enrolled and representatives of oi itnisaHcnS will be taken care o at the rebool next week as far as possible Berne enrolled will be ai ipulntetl as alternates and will take tie Word Si the first School in the event thai some enrolled do not ap pear Tl ose w ho cannot attend the school a! the rtrst session are certain to tal.e when the second school is held. Mis-. Miry itohkar. woman county agent, is in charge of schools ..i Chadron, Si o. tsMufl . Allianct Celebrate July 1th in Bcottsbluff FR41M Fl IB BASF OF FOBB Alliance and uood-roads boosters are urging tie county rommlaaieaera to purchaea some kind of a road mailer Which graded mails in Passable condition who have seen them in operation arc thai a second-hand or new Kord auto chas sis lie purchased and that it be equip ped with one of the attachments which make a tractor out of the Ford A Ford converted tr.Otor will run about hve miles per hour. Dullins a grader. One or two men could ban 'die it easily. The Investment would not amount to more than flOfl or ' 17110 - The amount saved in lime land labe would lie many times ih.it during the summer and fall, ihe bad condition of the county roads de mands that something of this kind be done, as the ordinary rond grad hie out lit . with teams of horses do ag the pulling, cannot beglg to cov er the many miles of road which needs working an. The ciuuiissioners have ordered "runway" gates placed in 'he county on the Si oi t -Mutt roao Thee SS I eg consist of four deep holx and two wooden runway. CaMle or other stock can vot gel through the narrow runways, but an auto, if the driver i sober enough, goes through awhoop iug. IteKUlar yaies are placed be side the runway ggtag for the use of teams pasame through I wo new cates ot this kind have recently tieen placed in Icotts llluff county on the Scotisbluff Mliance road and have nci with inst:nit favor t it her boois wurkenT, Tliose who have not sent n their cards and who denire to lake the work should make application imine t! at tiy lO Count) Agent Seidell Tlnsc vlo do not take the work a Do- . Iiool to be held m il week w ill be eerie a MB take it at the next ; S'h00 r.n'l.ll!i I) il Y'tlSOlj, Vew. Moore, SnydWr, Hills und Johnson were preeent at the meeting. Coun cilmsn Davis und Spencer being ab sent. Councilman Johnson rcpoii. 'l that the alleys of the city were belt) rapidly cleaned up. He also recoin tui tided that a light gasoline or kero bCne trai tor Tie purchased for doing the neoeaaary grading of streets ami other work of (hut nature. The council and mayor decided to invea tigatc the proposition thoroughly and report at the next meeting. Conn i iltiian Davidson slated that he had a good tractor which he pun based gew last fall and which had been used for plowing, this rprlng. which he would sell af a discount. II would not set a definite, price for the i rector but intimated thai be would hrow off the freight, at least. In spite of ihe fact thai tractors have ;one up in price Bines he purchased his. Mr. Davidson stated that he was con inn back "to city life", as farming was rather strenujus for man ol his advanced years. Councilman Hills reported thai teal was SOOn to he made of the lite department's hose by put tint; on tn Sgure with (he new, big pump and ih, it a report would be given soon as to the amount of hose necessary to nun base for lire lighting purposes city Treasurer Frank fikefa call ed attention to the fact that Ihe city l as been losint probably at the rate of fifth par year on account of not taking advantage of the discounts iv i ii for payment of obligations in- curred with ihe usual time lea days It was decnfeii to have IBS superintendent of the tghi depart ment pay all bills v 1 1 ti I ii the limit ami secure the discounts. Councilman Davidson Mmrcsted thai the mayor and council donate 'heir wlarlee for the '':" to ithe Bed Cross. The mayor laugh ingly ruled him out of order, flewsr districts number Ik, :il and :il are Mo be given an extension of the city -ewer system ana mas tor mir wois u e to he advert isod for at once The bids will be opened on Tuesday. June a. The plumber who has been fur lisbine the .it. lead s I V lie pipes tin the canning j water was guaranteed the difference Bridgeport, tin nrlre of lead between the tune be and Valentine mmAtt Ihe cotnraii and the present SHOOTING EVENT HELD SUNDAY Alliance Shi nil Meld bj Alliance iut Club Attracted Crack Shots from Three Slates HHJH SCOBF. I BII B I AFFAV Fifty. one Shooters Fnicrcd fo tum sln lls KNd All but TWO Hit through 175 lllrtl Score Fifty-one shooters, forty-seven amateurs and four professionals, took pnrt In tho 175 blue rock event staged here Sunday by the Allinnco Bun Club. The shoot was a success from every viewpoint. The visiting gun men all expressed themselves as highly pleased at the reception given them In Alliance. "Farmer" Tappnn of Hoagland. Kebr.i whose Initials are "C. C". won the high amateur and drat prlso trophy. His brother, Boh, dropped a fe.W hints and was "called" by Cheney, who Suggested that ill the future he remain on the farm doing chore' tint! the like, or at least, prac tice up until he could enter tho lists agalfmt real shooters. The two Tap pans are "some" shooters. They load their own shells with DuPont pow der and pull down trophies from that company, c. 0, Tappan killed Sixty-six straight and had the high run at the Sunday shoot. He also won a DttPonl trophy here. Poor 11 of easlonals Here Four professionals were entered In the shoot, being Bush Razee, W II Bowman, Captain Hardy and Karl Morgan. Among the "big" men in attendance were Bert Koriti, Denver drug store capitalist, and Bert Marsh of Denver, president of the Great Western Sugar company. Shooters were here from Colorado. Nebraska and Wyoming. The prir.e winners were C. C. Tap pan, hlch amateur and winner of the second prize trophy; B. K. Moritr. sand-hills champion and winner of the trophy with a score of twenty- dve slraicht in a twenty-five special event. Tho Denver Trap Club won the three-man team shoot. The Den ver ti nit, w...s composed of B. K. Mor- !ti U K. Varan n tfl w it. Thomas. The' DuPont company was repre sented by William Bowman Bow man made a run of 121 straight mid there b added another trophy to bl many. Frank Uendel was second with 19 Straight. C C Tappan was third with 66. J. L Nit olai copped fourth, with 61, and Bush Bazee (if ih with 53. The shoot held at Alliance Sunday was cliiiost as large as the state shoot held last year ir Columbus. day a total of lQ,iini Bred All but two went 17.r. bird score. One of dropped out was called back to T)i liver and the other s shoul i. , . i 'it and he had to uuil Pttrse for l-ovv Men purse of f20 for -the live low v .i made up by Dr. H A. C.op- Charles Brlttain, B. l Bishop 1 1 B. W. Jones. When Cas- y Jones I sde the diSCOVery that he was one of the live low men In the day's shootlns he refused to enter and left the jmrse to Van Cott, Knapp. Bak er and Darnell. The following Is the standing of the mi n entered s n.udy. l.'.K. slorits. l :t : ffanl, 1.".2; Bray. ; Siansbury. l.r:i; Ha ze.. Lag; Barcander, 161; Thomp son, 15J: Thomas. 16.r.; Stitll. 139: ttrifflng, I-": Saul. W. A.. 139: Bice. IftO: Baker, Mil Arnold. 14k; Ho- witt. 12: Newman, tdfil wrtz. I4f; S idtutm. 17; I'laek. tfii: Bowman, lgf; Hstiworth, ISC; Nic nlsl, 16J: Denekos, 16"; Mevaan, lift; Reddish. 154; Marsh, l'.l: Kel ley . 1 :: Vancon. 1 28 : Haniit. 14i; I Well.--, lis: Knapp. 131; arney. Kerr. 1 r, ! Darnell 1 l ; Bre. -l .7 : l"air. 1 tl . Manning, ti ! Jones, 134 ; Uenuenball. tso; Man- ey. : W'ertz lr.n; I-iinn, 146; C. C. Tappan. 161; Dawson. 14K; K. Tappan, i"4; C. Wood. lr.".: Hard niK. 1 ".1 : Franz Mendel. 167. During the shells were through the llldse Will) A nif n s . iiiel u" i j ::i don. are in charge of other prices. vt ihe time he made the col, trait Pad was selling tor nine cents per pound It now is hritmnig four:e:n c nts, and still aoilttt hlgh- jer. At the request of l.loyd ThomBS who represented the ladies in shargs ! of the city mission, the council voted ta at. mi iltnat- Ihe sum of f 1 '.' S l"i ! helping maintain the mission during the commit vear Tin- money is to v lt. d Cross mass Sseetfag is to be i n,. j,uij j monthly payments tti held at the opera house in Allianee I thoss in charae f the lulsainn Sutuiay evening. startiiiK at K o'clock I r W'arren, representing the Oed Ul of the city churchea ate expected j mii, .. lu-viMon Conimission. of 41S lO join in the meeting ami close, t heir , j.-,,,,,. building. Lincoln, devoted doors for that evening half an hour to explaining to the Muse will ire furnished by the Community Club, chorus Speakers will b. Mayor W K ftousey . Mrs Jerry itowan and Dean Win Carson Shaw You are urgently invited to attend council the work done by the people m be " presented He explained thai IBS commission consists of s corporation of lawyers who furnish (Cont in led on page 6) fiPl'OK FBOM TFVAK Alii Ol Ml HM D C I' Qlllette', eniotnolog.st for the stute of Colorado, has issued a quar antine order to take effect on June 2o agalnet nea potatoes from Calif- nrnla which are afflicted with the po tato tulci moth, an insect pen known as the "Phthortmaen oparculatUi Zell." The potatoes alHicted with this m eome only from certain sections of Hie two states named, but the pest is a had one and very harmful io growing potatoes. Nebraska auth orities me Investigating and will probably lag.- similar action to that taken by Colorado in order to pre vent injury to Nebraska potato crops. Touigbl at f o'clock T P. Rolfaon, who has leased the Kiiifi Hilliard Parlor, will re-opes the Kiag Parlor lo ti,. public The place baa been stoned for several day.-, during which I inn- ii lias been l emooeieu. cieaneo. putaied and the tloor covered A new billiard table has also been plac ed in the parlor Klectric bells have b-eii placed at each table. Mr Rolf trends an invitation to all to attend bis opening and inspect bia place