KING'S CORNER I On Draft THE OLD BUDWEISER CORNER is now operating under th name 14 KinR 'n torner" with ".Johnny" formerly mixer at KinR & Wil son's In onarge. The Reft-rsliing ami Non-intox-Icttitlfl Beverage, on draft ami In bottles. delivered anywhere in town at $5 a ease of !16 pint. $1.25 rebate for return of ease. SOFT DRINKS, LUNCHES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDY KING'S CORNER John Hodgkinson, Manager THE ELECTRICAL WAY 11 The modern and efficient way to light your home and lighten your work. Eliminate the drudgery of needless toil and reduce the high cost of living by devoting your time and energy to more profitable work. The cost of electricity in Alliance is exceedingly small. II Let us install your electric equipment, lights and fixtures. All our work is done by men of long experience in the busi nessthus insuring you complete satisfaction. r! There is an electric appliance for every need- ami many of them are adapted to your needs. We carry a complete line of fixtures, lamps and labor-sav-iiiK devices. Confer with us and save both time and money. Our prires are as low as any in the world. Alliance Auto Supply Co. B LEjOTB ICAL DBPA HTM ENT Are You Going to Build? You hae Wren planning, perhape, to repair your barn, build a garage, build a chicken house, put on new root' or ereel a new wing to your house. You waul to do it WELL, buf CHEAPLY. Thai's where W'K OORie in. If you're going to do the work yourself or liave it done by th.- day's work, get our fg. Ures on lumber and supplies. We know what are are talking about. We invite you to PUT rs TO Tin: tkst. Alliance, Nebr. Phone 73 EPF Alliance Junk Company OLD IRON $6 00 PER TON BONES 10.00 PER TON EXTRA BIO PRICES POR OLD COPPER AND BRASS L. Kulakofsky, Prop. SOrMSOKE Lesson (By T. O. BEIXKRH. Acting Director of il. Hundav fk-hool Course of trie Moody Hlbl tnstltuta.) CopyrluM. 11117. Wplrrn Krvipapfr Tnlon. PHONE 222 309 LARAMIE AVE. LESSON FOR JUNE 17 THE RISEN LORD. T.RPPON TEXT-.Iohn (JOLIjKN TKXT -nut now Is t'hrlRt rln from th (lend, nnd become the flrat trulls or them that slept. I Cor. 15:30. TJie death of Christ made n deep mpression upon the beholder (Luke 2H:48, 4fl). Joseph. ho seems to have een n secret disciple, obtained the im1v, nnd anve It burial (Mini lf: 2-47). In Mark's record we have tbe story of ( lie discovery of the resurrec tion by the women, and Matthew tells R liv his cnejnics dealt with that faet. Re sure to use a good hnrmony of the four gospels In presenting all of these lessons, etw aome lniKrtnnt detail will be overlooked. I. Mary's Visit to ths Tomb (w.l 10), The Siiblmih ended al sundown. nnd the shops were then open, and llflrjr MaedaleiH' was able to purchase Spleen with WHICH to anoint the dead lody of Jesus. There Is atronir prob- sbllity that the women paid a visit I" t!ie tomb lata on Saturday (Matt. 'VI. It. V.). Staffing the next moni tor, "while It was yei dark" (v. 1), they came to the tomb to perform this t service of love. .Tesus had W need of such service (Matt. 1(1:27: 20: l'1). but the women were rewarded by receiving the first glimpse of the risen Lord. There were Ave appearances on this first day of the week : (1) to Mary Macdalene, (2) to the "other Women." (.'() to peter; (41 ro those on the way to Kmmaiis. and ") to the ten dis- elples. Thomas being iihsent. None of these seemed to expect Je- sns to he risen. fr thev ban each Called to listen to and ponder bis words. The extent and genuineness of the affection of the women is found In that they went to serve .Testis when apparently nil hope had failed (I Cor. IS:8. It. V.). As soon as Mary saw the stone rolled cwny. she concluded that the tomb had heefl rifled, and hastened to rejiort to I he dlM-iple (v. 2). This reKirt of the women to the disciples was Considered "as Idle labs" (Luke 24:11. Willi Intense eagerness Peter mwl .Tohn run to tbe totub thus reported as aetUX rohbed. Tolin. Ihe yomiger. reached the tomli first, but In reverence did not enter, only stooping to look In (vv. 4. K), Peter, tbe Impetuous une. rushes In side, nnd sees the linen clothe lyln". and the napkin that bad been aboi t the bead carefully folded and lyimr In a place by Itself (v. TV This appar- eiuiy Inalgnlfleitnt detail is one which Is really significant, inasmuch as It shows that the tomb had not been rifled, leaving disorder behind. Ttt 'lead of excitedly snatching the nap kin from bis ffceo, and hnHIni It Whither It might fall, be had ipiletly taken it off. and In an orderly way laid It aside. It is In sueli minute d -(nils a tliis Hint ve see the greatest evidence of the veracity of this r ord, It. Mary Weeping (vv. 11-1.1), The '' lp's return "I t" lltelr own homes, ihtnbtlcws in ihe other disciples (v. lft), hill tbe loving Mary remained iMiilnd In ih's place etude Moved as !ia ng In nscd lite body of the Lord, ll is natural for us (o linger in silent meditation In places ,,f our greatest revelation or "f nur deepest eonl ex- lieiienee. Jemta had told his disciples over him! over again that he should ri rgnln. and it sccys atfUUge ihat his etc ' lies should hflVC remembered it (M- '. "7 KBl) and his friends not III. Mary Worshiping (vv. HI'S) There must have been an Inflection In the volee. of Jean, for. npon 'he iittcr auce of Ihnl one word. "Mary." she I'ccogl i ied her risen l.olil. .Toyfllllv she c.laimed. It-bbonl." that Is to say. "Master" (v. Ill), and would have poured oct her Uve and worship at his feet, .Icsils. however, docs not Sllf fee h r to hold him fast. Mary must leave Id mi, and tell the others. LHei ". )i s-iys, "14 I'oi lay hold of mi i!l go cad make 1 e. n the srhtd trull m 1 am risen strain The risen Lord ll nst ret inn to ly fsther" and "My ;-d" where! tic cue who would tdailly haw remain l at bis feet mnsl j.i io the brethren, and make known be fads of the fUIUMnl of prophecy and the r sprreciloii of our Lord. The bribed soldier spread Hbrom! he tale that tbe d ' ciotes hail stoler his boily. The later lives of these ills (.I. s. their heroN- i ami martyrdom cvhbit f th" nbMirdlty of any KQCh act ell their p::l't. The reiirrecili.n of .Tesus Is a vln tltm of hi- rlalt i to brim Ihf Son if Cod. We do well o Huphana hi li. kmI to rlwell much upon hi tenth, yet hats of ihoM hate aa si seliii.ll xallle apart from his resmrcc tioii. Apart from this, (he cross Is the end of a failure. The resurrection dem onstrated that JeMis Christ's red' iup Hon was not completed upon the cross. The resurrection Is better sathcatical ed ban any other cent in history. Tin- rNeii Ijttt called this wesl hand of disciples "my hrethreu'' (Matt. -'S:10).XHe is our brother stil' and we are lo proclaim Ids work of redemption, the proof of which Is the resurrection, unto others wh know It not. for this story hi no fiction. It Is the world's most tremendous and sw Don't Have Catarrh One eff.cL'ni w Jo remove nasal catarrh to lru.t itscaue which in most cases is physical weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested liauid-iood, and you should take a spoonful of SC0ITS EMULSION after each meal to enrich your blood and help heal the sensi tive membranes with its pure oil-food properties. The results of this Scott' Emulsion treatment will surprise those who have used irritating snuffs and vapors. set the Genuine SCOTT'S "The House of Courtesy" HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room with detached bath, $1.00 up. Room with bath, $1.50 up. Cafe prices most reasonable in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System. Complete Safety. Management, Rome Miller OBITUARY After a short illness, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dunbar, as sistant builder and constructor in the American Potafh plant of Antloch. Nebr., passed away, May 29, 1917. Genevieve Ruth Dunbar was born in Peoria. III.. October, 1899, and was 17 years. 6 moid lis and 3 days old at the time of her death. Genevieve has been a greatly be loved daughter to her parents and family. In disposition she was Ron tie and very considerate of others. last BaSteftlde, one year ago, she ntered into the fellowship of thfl Methodist Episcopal church. In Chi- iKO. Here she devoted much of her time to her Iord. Coming with her patents to Antioch last fall she soon was favorite among her ac quaintances because of her worth. Illness set in which has baffled all skill and counsel. The parents and family took her to Denver and the mountains, and exercised every pos sible care, but no relief was had. Throughout all of her serious ill ness, ueuieve nas Been Drave. cou- riderate, courageous and cheerful. The funeral service was held at the home. May 30, at 10:30 a. m . conducted by Kev. J. S. Dick, of the Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dunbar took the remains to Peorui for interment in the fam ily burying ground. The potash plants closed from 10 to 11 a. m., and many of the em ployees, including the superintend ent, attended the service. The peo ple and homes of Antioch were well represented and every sympathy ex tended. A company of twelve men fro mthe plants carried the remains to the depot with tender cre. The flowers were uncommonly rich In beauty and color. The "Gates Ajar." presented by the American plant as a token of esteem, was the work of an artist, and most beauti ful. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar expect to return home about June 5. w Si w m ss D P 2 1 mT 8 T B 0 "i 3 a z M K 9 BJ X C 5 ? fl m 5 3 I If 1 2 S 5 5 Famous Collins Saddle Best saddlef made. Have stood the test for 60 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp'y Successors to Collins A Morrison. 1210 Fariiam 8t.. Omaha, Neb. mm i i mml 1 l w I LLU5TRATOR5 r NORAVr-K r(iuyvii g T C M I N G Wyoming Oil Stocks We deal in high-KrAde stM'ks Wy online nntduHasj and opcrAting oin ptiie. Infortitalion fnriiKbed upon re quest. Casper Oil Brokerage Co Lynch Bldg, Casper, Wyo. Mr. Business Man. on your dx trip take along some artistic!)) printed business cards. Tbe espflnsf Is lipbt and they are business getters The Herald's job printing edpart ment will turn them out promptly Phone 340 and we will call. YOU NEVER SAW A MEXICAN WITH A BALD HEAD Wi have learned their wonderfi and carefully guarded secrets of price less value, and have embodied then in our Pence's Origiual "Mexican HertyHair Tonic" Stops Falling Hair This tonic is positively guaranteed to cure dandruff, relieve eczema sores and itching scalp and stops fall ing hair, thereby safeguardinc against baldness. Money back if not as represented Just try it. As an introductory offer. Bend us this ad which is wortr 40c and 60c in two-cent stamps and we, will send you prepaid a full-slsort $1.00 bottle of this guaranteed pre paration. The Irwin Industries sa.3 Trout Bldg. . . Kl Paso, Tex a MONEY TO l,OAN ON MONTHLY PAYMENT Those who think of biiidling, this spring, should us at once. F. K. KFDMSII ft SON, aMlt Hox Hutte Ave BM1PI4SR W BKAH KING Clyde Bhlpler, Alliance barber, is fas! (iainini: :i reputation as "the baan kinn of tho northwest," accord ing ton all reports. The bean kiny ind Cy I. .in,;- started out to plan' their 160 acres of beans one morn ing recently. They had purchased a new planter in order to make tin- work easier. Clyde didn't know how to set up the machine. Cy, better known as "Sarpy" . said he did and he thought he could. Hut in potting in the plates which turn the beans loose to be planted he got thon up side down with the result that when the planter started it threw the beans up into the air. The language heard in the immediate vicinity for the next few minutes was worse than any bean report and the partnership came near dissolving. Sarpy took off his overalls and said he was go ing down and watch them play ball and he did. However, according to the latest reports, the plantinu is now progressing favorably and we look for a good report. Hot Water for Sick Headaches Talla why cveryont should drink bst water with phosphate In it before breakfast. Headache of any kind, is caused by autointoxication which means seif poisonlng. Llvei and bowel poisons called toxins, sucaed Into tbe blood, through the lymph ducts, excite the heart which pumps the blood so fast that it congests in the smaller arteries and veins of the head producing vio lent, throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You become nervous, de spondent, sick, feverish and miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to acetanilide, aspirin or the bromides which tempor arily relieve but do not rid the blood of these irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a teaspoon- ful of limestone phosphate in it, drank in-fore breakfast for awhile, will not only wash these poisons from your sys tem and cure you of headache but will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for a quarter pound of limestone phosphate. It is in expensive, harmless as sugar, and al most tasteless, except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. If you aren't feeling your best, if tongue is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds, indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos phated hot water cure to rid your system of toxins and poisons. Results are quick and it is claimed that those who continue to flush out the stomach, liver and bowels every morning never have any headache or know a miserable moment BE YOUR OWN FOOD DICTATOR U't Tatro Help Yon with your Garden. We have thousands of Tomato Plants Cabbage Plants Pepper Plants Cauliflower, etc. in many varieties. Lettuce, crisp and fresh, ready (or your table. If you desire information about your garden, ask Tatro. He will tell you. TATRO The Florist Store in Imperial Building Phone: Store, lia. Itesidence, 188 "1 A l.rxt H i:s. SANDWICHES, ETC. 1 am starling up in business again at tho Kinn Corner. Third and Box Hutte avenue. A good" place to eat. t'ome in and see me. K.H. TIB IMA. SON Live Stock Transit Insurance Live stock men over the entire west are f ermine the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. Thev do it lor safety, economy and quick return The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy protects ahippere of live slock, and is I he only coin an y offering a broad pol icy easy to understand, Blear in its tci ius, which gives absolute protection against loss from haai'ds of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampling, tire, collision, train wreeh and every font! of killing or injury while the animals are ill the custody of the common carrier. We are represented al all of lb live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally ly FRED E FEAGINS, A. D McIVOR, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HYANNIS, NEBRASKA M G ANGEL, SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBR. W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Live Stock Department STOCK YARDS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA