Fhemingford dept. "j Mrs C. Olds was a between 'rains visitor in Alliance the latter part of the week. ). K. Phillips was an incoming passenger on 4 4 Tuesday Mies Mary Kuhn was an Alliance shopper Tuesday. Hen Johnson was an Alliance vis itor Tuesday . A II, Ml tier hal business In All I MM tlM fore part of this week. William .iollinraKo was OM from hero who visited Alliance Tuesday. Representative Lloyd Thomas was up from Allla net- during the week. Mrs. Fosket and granddaughter Hazel Woddoll won- In Alliance Sat urday. Miss HSSel is taking treat ment for her eyes. Mrs. Greene ancl daughter Klsie who have spent the past several months in Lincoln where Miss Klsi' I has been attending business school ! Johnson. Mrs. Wlker, Capt. Jack returned to their horn- at this place las' Friday. lira. T. I Hopkins. Jr.. and fam lly ft W mad I ( w ilays ago from a two months' visit with relatives in Ohio Miller. Mr Isaacson and sovernl oth ers whoso names wo did not got. The band boys assisted by local talent will hold a concert In the M era homo Saturday evening. May 19. The band box s are In need of new 1 Mra M Clung departed Saturday instruments, music. etc, and as this night for Lyons. Nebi . where she is n very worthy cause thpy should will visit her parent! for some tine, receive a liberal patrons Re. Brery- Mrs. A. Daiibom and son Milton.! body xvho can should turn out and Mrs. Karl Hockey and little son. , help good cause alone, with A. P, Haynes at the wheel, an-! Mrs. S. A. Crimes who has bpen toed tO Alliance Saturday to do some cnulliicd to her bed for some time Is shopping. i Bgaln able to be out, a fact we are John O'Keefe came up from Alii- 'pleased to state, anca Lha latter part of the week and The addition to the Phillips hotel spent a day with old friends and is fast nouring completion. When relatives here. .done will add very murh to the con- ImimI faaaa. Alii ,,,, .. were here v. nience of the hotel wen Tuesday to assist in organising a Red Cross chapter. Owing to the hour of the meeting being changed (oily a small crowd was present and the organisation was postponed, which no doubt will be held in the near future. Some who came front Alliance were: Mrs. Uowan. Mrs Mrs Krskine and son Clayton Were Alliance hapfMfl the middle of the week. Mr and Mrs. rt T. Butler and lit tle daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Sparks atltoed to Alliance Tuesday afternoon. K. i.. Pierce was in attendance at 4k 1 1 t I i 1 T Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Gloves Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Tobaccos NEW LOCATION . I have moved from my old location at 115 Box Butte, avenue to the new location at 107 Box Butte avenue. 1 am opened and doing" business as never before. My new location is the buHding until May 1 occupied by Rehdcr's Last Chance Saloon. The building has been re modeled ami newly painted. New fixtures have been installed. New merchandise has been purchased. It will pay you all no matter who you are in dollars ami cents to buy your merchan dise at my store. You know what you have been paying for groceries, meats, dry goods, shoes, hats, etc. If you have not been a customer come to my store. See for yourself what I have to offer and note the prices. I'll leave it to you 1o judge. You can save money here. If vou nre looking out for the dollars, vou will trade wilh me. Tom Steilos General Merchandise 107 BOX BUTTE AVE. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA . .. M.4jc .1 PHONE 753 V t 1 1 ? ? 1 t t ? ? ? ? i t r ? ? 1 I i 1 1 ? o WE ARE NOW THE . - a i ' . - JUS Ik.ht 8i Heat Corporation SERVICE STATION BATTERY i -aeeeeeae THE REGAN STORE Closing Out Sale Is Continuing with unabated vigor At last the Bludgeon has fallen And all is over so far its profit a are concrrned. Stocks are piled on counter, slacked on racks, heaped up everywhere all over the store, the beat of merchandise, loo. Tost, Less: Than Coat, Half Tost will be welcomed with open arms until this big stock is sold. Children V Misses' anl Women's w caring apparel of til kinds And the best are to go at Cut Slash prices as soon as possible. That is the order wo have given T. Buttertield & Co. Merchandise Adjusters, and he is now on the ground ripping and tearing down prices all over the store. New lots will be added each day lo the tablea and counters until all is gone. jii nt ok uvauwnofM With our stock of xiniiiK mercr.a Bdlaa eomplfte. with avarf Utldn selectetl with .. to giving th graatael vh1u for the money, you inn easily wupply our iiendK her). Waisth Mats Ribbons Flowers Shirts House Dresses .Aprons Middies Illoomers PrlncnM slips CemMeatl suits NiKht Oowna corset oevan Kimonus Uader- sklrt.- Corsets Krussiers Union Suits lloslsr) Hu ndker. hi.-ts Atitotuobile CaM Auto ils- Veiling- Kuibroidcry liar Narkwaar Silk Jl.it Cloves LitifM ChlUlran'l Dresses- Children's Huts CblMfva'a Caaa Children's Hose- Infants' lack ts Infants' Hoods Infants' Bootees Slumped Infants' Dresses -Stamped Children's Dresses. I lo i yesrs Library Searfs Draar Scarfs Laundty Hans Shoe Ilas Btaaklaf Baps Hillow Forms Lunch Ch I LUMfe Sets f'illow Fringes Baby Blat, kets- Baby Kiiuonas Boudoir Cups Creti nne J'ori h S.-ts Baskets Stan ped 'J"owel 8taMIM4 PUloar Cases Itojal Society PftfkuB ttintits Stamped Searfs and Ceniei I'iec Stamped Fud;e Aprons Doilie Rolls .-tamped Sofa PHloU Tops Ha Maad Nlchl (loarai Cradkal and Taltinu Books Initial KomU Crochet Thr-ad Kinhroider Tlireatl and Floss Croehet Hooks Bit k Uaek and Stickeri Bruid Linen and Cotton Tapes LitiKerie Braids and Ribbons Varus COMt AND INVESTIGATE The Regan Store X i a ! a I The elecfric stnrfinft mid lightinft butlcr question has been one of the most tcrnti tlinigti wiih which inutnr 'h utviii'is have bid lit contend. As di alers we were hmh rr. d hy the general wnrth lessm ssidstartei Imiteries. Si t hiially ilelei mined, Mtva hm ail. m lMik itiHi this hufiiu s (r out s Ivea Wtr did - W e found I lint the reel cvtel of a itood l.ai it i .t iii the iunir N erly ill makers dupli ente riertte) details sueh a dovelled anddiivetailed hoi s. lead coated ennm a!a. etc.. hut they " fall down' latHM ! ctiine to the inaiiiilx.cf me oi the " ptetrn H the real. ital powci sioring, power-giv-uig element i if the haltery. Hfnt Plate Are Made raillery plutcs- are now made mi two vas hy the Ma "hand pasmiil" proueat jnd h the inodcin I SI "inaebine-pasfed" proceaa. In the lormer the plates Ate tilled hy hand ; the rVnrkmin "rubhtnin the oxide pate hist on une side and then on the other. I his process is upen to m-ny objections. As it produces an imperfectly welded tilling, full of flaws, lissures and weak spots in. perfections which result in an uneven flow of cur rent, a breaking up of the active surface of the plate, a consequent r.ipid dete rioration and curly failure of the battery. This is not true of the 1 'SI machine-pasted plate. IV, the Mach me-Pasted Piatt ia Superior At the USi. plunt, we found that thcold fashioned hund-pjsling method had been tepl.iced hy an ex elusive mm hine-pasting pro cess a greatly improved method by which the paste is quickly and thoroughly forced in, under great pres sure from both sides at once. I Ins improved, ex clusive I J S 1, process pro ducesa solid, compact plate, ot equal density through out, which wears evenly, give oft a constant flow of power, does not crumble under vibration or road shock, does not wash away, and, therefore, lasts longer than any other starter bat tery plate made. Recent tests and actual usage convinced us that thia was true. Up-to-date Battmry Equipment We immediately started negotiations with the L) S Light and Heat Corpora tion, with the result that we are now able to oflcr the motor car owners of this city and vicinity a bat tery and a battery service heretofore unequalled. IS Month Guarantee If you buy a U S L, you can bring it to us at any time. We will be gl.id to test it and hydrometer it as often as you wish free ot chaige W e sell the U S L on a IS months guaranteed adjustment plan. Made in All Si zee for All Care LIS 1. batteries are made in all sizes for all cars or starting and lighting sys tems, no matter what ty pe or yearly model. We can give you an attractive ex change proposition if you wish to trade in your old battery USL Hat terns Widely L'eed USL batteries are the composite issue of 16 years of constant expert work on the part of a score ot'ehemi cal and clectricalengineers. I J S L batteries are used by B radically all of the great Railways of the U.S. Great telephone companies, sig nal concerns, vehicle manu facturers, here and abroad, have installed USL bat teries because they last longest and give most effi cient service. You are buying a proved product when ou purchase a U S L. Come in and see before you buy your next battery. We guarantee prompt, courteous service. Atk for our Battery Tettbook, "Tha Black Mystery Box Ks plainati." Prior SO cents by Ire lo all iHtiitir . ai owners. USL SERVICE STATION Charles F. Schafer i 14 Mast Third Street, Phone 63 Alliance, Nebr. W want good dealers to handle thia battery in I his territory. Write ua for our big profit making plan. 5187 the liiphlundor ronvention hull nt Alliance Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. Sparku returned to their home at Newport, Nebr., Wed nesday after a few days visit with I .Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Butler. Married, at the M. K. cbOrcB in i (this city Wednesday morning at 11 O'clock, Mi. Dick Path and Miss Nel-1 lie Haehes, the Kv. York oflieiatinfi. We extend to Mr. ami Mrs. Path our most hearty congratulation. not in the cookery olaiis were on 'seven years In the stute penitentiary, commit teen for decorating rooms and 1 Thursday afternoon by Judge West- tables. The following delicious me nu does full credit to these girls: Fruit Cocktail Mashed Potatoes French Peas Meal I'te Jelly Olives Pickles Salad Nut Meats Strawberry .Sherbet Cake Marguerites Whooping t'ough One of the most successful prep arations in use for this disease is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 8. v . Aicenmou, inantion springs, : i.. .. s, ,1MI writes, wur oaDy nan wnooping cough as bad as most any baby could. MiH(i r..,,.k u, n.irriKii Sat- have it. 1 gave him Chamberlain s unla , ,., juApo ln u. Mtnt.. Cough Remedy and it soon got him j humorous contest whore there were delegates from various parts of the t ioffea li ru planned ho of t he above menu '. fifty cents a plate, ! for b members of good linn Chocolate that the expense was covered bv Which was' paid the model high w:;s i m joyed ,b well.' Adv Obtainable everywhere, may "H BUM AN I A" KX ltN BUT Hill I I l-l'll. vl'l IK The exponent of Hermann.. " WH- M.dt'"H " . i..- .... m-ft.a una'.. r MIHIIHL iW i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' uiiriMii ' urn , n . .i . n , .check for S27 to the Alliance News in payment of printing and for which ... .1 ... I... flllwllA tfk . ..V . ! i. '.I i ' found cutting potatoes in a cellar '. ,m" . " .J; I""; 1. prei.aru.ioii iur i.t -uiiie;.i uuti the entertainment of the Judges and uoiiuiMapia. i'n haiuru; i i . . the visitors were taken out to Mon- atate. BttperlBteBeeats raw en of Hot Springs and Swaring of Doug las, VVyo., were the other Judges. decision on Miss Clark re ports a ve.y good work .lone hy contestants and a grout amount enterprise on enthusiasm and near the freight house. Giles was not aware that he was wanted. He explained to Judgtt Tasb of the coun-i ty court thut he told the News man when he gave him the check that he! did not have money in the bank, but an agreement had been reached whereby the News was to wait until he earned the money to take care of it. The "Hermania" idea did not toke hold here and Giles in order to provide for his wife and child went to work euiting spuds. Giles' epunation was accepted b Judge Taak and the exponent of 'Hermania" went back to work. He is pajrlas 'he cheek as he earns th mone the of the the in over, who held an adjourned session of the district court on that day. The men stole a large tpiantlty of knives from a BurllagtOB freight car some weeks ago. They were arrested by Burlington Special Officer Burke, and at first denied they had stolen knives. However, tin- evidence waa too atrong against Hum and .. j ue nje.i lo plead gunty. Hunlon was ill most of the time while he wan in the aettat jail awaiting trial. itv am roi sr mm.s AltK HOT 1 1 KM ITV MOW i MAOKON NORMAL MOTKM On Suturda three of the Cookery alaet prepared and Mrtad a four course funcheon The young women w ere Miss Iio:. Reniclld -i . IllSi An BS Smith and Miss Wiln.a Bruce. Tin whs the tr:.t of I 'inv of luncheons glvea b the domertic tcl nce dapert Plant. Kui h girl was re Bpoasihle for cert.un things, and the attoceea Of the aflair was due to the . .lie v. i'Ij which the did this work. The Normal is justl proud of I he cf licletlc) of these oung ladle, Illai Palne'a room was used for the dln inu room, and was made unusunll attraetiva on aaeoaat f the plants aad lawais alwajri found la m.i- Paine- i buHroaax. Th a tenth irade -irln in the nuclei blah lehoal cooker) class prepared and served a thlWecOUraa b.' "nie. i. Ille liwuih"! ot the ll.odtjl high Iprhaal .nd tl.eii leaefcwrn aad prar ilea i ea f i. ers ea Ved)eaeeai evening. The resi of the model blah ht.i roe (?nyon nc.rth of Harrison, for g most delightful auto ride and on Sun day .hey made a trip to Agate Spring ranch, twenty miles southeast. Here the) hud the opportunil) of seeing the geological collection of Mr. Cook. also Die aottestlon of Indian relics and beautiful gems. The parly are indebted to Harold Cook espccinllv for his very Interesting explanation of the geological collection. The vis itors enjoyed a picnic lunch on the lawn and returned to Harrison by way of the Coffee Cattle Co. ranch. (TP ere the) ;iw the beautiful home of Guy Coffee and his wife. Miaa Clark wus glad to Hnd roost kindly feeling and enthusiasm for the Nor mal school and enjoyed seeing alum ni members, Miss Mettle Parson and Miss Bessie Newlin. Mr. and Mrs. Guv Coffee and Rex Coffee NO ! U K TO hKTT? K All im count iritli The lU'aali More ml .-etlled during m lochia -ui Hale will be left at the banik for col lection. I tngc all who owe me tit c III alHl -.III. li.tr ... .ilH.I- vtilhin ilu i.. v. f. la aiMl I ex- peel In be entirel mM owl lMfore long I an. going oil! of 1. 1. n. ami ii i alrMluu-l ii"esai ttuU all . on nt. le MrttltNl ai apte. If ou owe me, kindl u. thi. nialler o.ir attentinii at once. MARY K KG A .N . td4'I4-ll KttKIGIIT 'Alt TH I KV Ml SKN'T IX) PKNTTKN I IAItV William Ha Plop and It. . I Smith, who plead guilty to robbing Burling ton freight cars, were sentenced to indeterminate term of from one to The Box Butte count) Jail and the Alliance city jull are uotn euptv. llanlou ami Sunlit, box car thieves, were sentenced to a term in the pen itentiary. G. H. Sauer, the Greek who served a ten-day sentence for alleged assault upon Mra. A. B. Wheeler at the Western hotel, rou plcted his sentence last week and leleaaeO, This left the county Jull empty. The cit jail has been empty since Mny 2. The drunks hauled in dur ing the "celebration" over the stale and clt) going dr were releaaed on the second of the month and' no ar rests have been made since tha. time. This is remarkable consider ing the fact that for year there ha always been from one to a dozen drunks brought into police court nearly every morning. YOM VI KKK KKGIKTHAItM N'KKRKII IN BOX Hl 'IT'K I In accord:. lice with the I.. in. Hon of i he President of the t'nited States and the Governor of the state of Nebraska, the bourd of reg istration for Box Butte caowtv N braska, requests the free aerricea of two regiairara, the same i w ai pointed by the board at an early date. The date of registration been set by the president board of registration will h--'M not but the ;ive the notice to all registrars as soon as the day is set. Volunteers should be men of good ability, willing to secure the supplies and make the official returns to Al liance: also to image for the regu lar polling pl.n .-. and in fact, do the patriotic act free of any expense to the government. Ownera of polling placea and ' hra of districts where elections have been held am aaked to communicate ith I lie coun ty clerk, tendering the respective pla.es free of charge. All applications arc it. lie address ed to the county clerk. Alliance. wh. Is clerk tif the board. We trust that you will act at once. C. M. COX, Sheriff 1)11 C K BLAGUE, Count) Phjraiclaa w c Mot s rs County Clerk.