The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 03, 1917, Image 4

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ated Into Laws
Fifth Session
of the Bills
t the Thirty
Newspaper I'nion News BstYtee
lowing Is a complete resumo of
appropriations and other bill
laws enacted by the Unity fire i.
of the Nebraska legislature
adjourned April 24th. after
longest sitting, but one, in the
of that body.
llushfte. Kimball Bill
from running Into or
on aliened.
Btishee, Klmbnll Amends frer
numeilcal entries vy count)
Bushes. Klmhnll Provides for dlvl-
of Irrlsatlon dlntrlcts of more than
seres upon vote of majority 01 mini
to prevent
wallowing In
Huhrmnn. Howard Provides that all
nortcages and conveyances or real
.shall hereafter state actual coiibIU-
m W 1 . 1 1 . .. 1 W I r.hli.u
. ass Howell, Uouglaa Duplicate of House
.12 No. 41.
g. Beal. Custer liaises bond of depul
plasm n Kenerai to $2fi.000 and eliminate
iseennc- H bond.
gg. Morlarty, Douglas Providing foi
gVe deputy county attorneys In Douglas
'. LAhners, Thayer Deetarlag it un-
ful for any pereon to water live Block
t a private or public trotiKh. except by
the use of a bucket or other conveyance
n-4 by the owner of the stock.
Si. Baiuuelaoii and Hoost lulates to
jJafB or deaths In mortgage matters.
gg Chappell. Kearney Helates to
4roof and allowance of claims and time
.Attested creditors to present ilulnin
gainst estate from 60 to 10 days.
SS. Beal, truster Provides for eom
AMinliy visiting nurse.
40. Neal, Nemaha Provides for n nun.
4ier of Issues of publication of Irgal no-
, , AS l I .
41. Neal, Nemaha- Provides for iiwnnl-
law custody, care and maintenance of
Altinr children In case of divorce.
46. Beal, Custer Piovldes for an lh
Areaee In maximum school levy to 4ti
estus, under certain reslricttons.
61. Handall, York--Maki x io.nhIIiIo foi
gseJority to vote electric light bonds in
AlUee of r,000 and up
63. Morlarty. Douglas Klxea aggregate
chool tax at 5 mills In Omaha school
66. Morlarty, Doualas Amends home
gteag succession Inw.
St. Dotithett, DawMltV Adds penalty
U tiansinlsHlon line law violations.
At). Mattes. Otoe Similar to Hoffmels--er
bill in House. reorganising Stats
gjeeJth department according to Dr. Kox's
4B60Otnmenda t ions.
gg, Bennett, Douglas Similar to t'lad
tock bill in House, allowing Insurance b)
fraternal societies of cliildreii between
BJMf of one and eighteen.
gT. Beal, Custer .loin I resolution to
effBRfgf urging government ownership
Atf ratlioads.
M. Mi Muii. ii cage -Increases tine ami
imanXti of Jail sentence for automobile
et eating
fg. Bushee and Ail:t ins -Provides a de
SjAsttory for state funds, of competitive
gl. Morlarty. Douulas (lives countv
Sreaeurti authority to collect .tnd dis
tunes water district funds
gg. chappell, Keame) Relates to su.
geuslon of execution ,r nilMleineanoi
al. Custer Provides for I lie reg-
fit nOtOrvJ'Clee and fee to be
81. Morlnrtv. Dui:la Provides for
the manner In wliich municipal taxes
gball be levied ami collected.
St. Morlarty. l..iu 1 . Provides for A
gsise In salary from ll.GOO to fs.ouo In
o Matties having more than M.898 and less
Awn CO. 000 Inhabilaiils, for register of
l, and In counties of more than t',0, -ihabitanis,
11,884 for a deputy.
Jr. jpegj rosier Amend law relating
T tteeignation of unknown heirs.
ot. klortarty, Douglas itei.ttes to
muikjlng a f lae statement regartliug Itnan
oLl conditions of person?, llrnia or oor-
tig. Adams. I aw. s "iitme commlssinn
lniiea-n;n iHinilier of tleputies and
ng geneial came l)t o Islwns.
---ea llenneti Douglas- rrnvnloa for a
Asian of $l for unity comptroller In
IsBBBge i population of l.'iO.OOO and
tg. Wilson. Ifctdge Provides city
-eaasutgei form of Koerumeni tor cities of
41ie grsl class.
egg. Tanner. I Junius - For 1 lie payment to wiiions tt deceased poller
Aien in cities or metropolitan class.
tg4. A lie Ills lllleiitlllie statute t.-lo
eating counly m it.
gg. 8plrk. Hallne - Making It unlawful
ttftaost adi ei ilsitiK i.iailer on In nip: cm.
130. Moiinity. Duuglaa Ralaee sain i
AT PUIIIIC tleletllel In Dmifcll I'OUIIIv
fioeu l,Itl to :i.0nii pel aiiiiiun
IPS. Moll M,M ,lf ,11111 t
SMSSirllng sale of premises bv n l shall
Jtlso tlx the place within the county and
MSSfia of sale.
7. Albert. Platte -- l.egalires publi
AAiMiiiienis i i-r, u, n it tvn years
sjbi. it, nneit, iHjugias rioiiiles for
iliiallitn :iiil i lect'oii of coiinli coin
oners in ih.iikiii cuunty Iiy dlsliicls
. Allien. Plalte. - Piovlib-N for tile
ntment I v Hie sunn me court f six
oou mil i -i ,i ii-1 Tor a term of four
Mrs at s saiarj "' is.eos per snnunt,
66. Unnit ColfdS -- Aiiieml public
Srelnni-i ict.
163. Bennett Douglaa Prohibits br
Aertng m Sunday,
egg. Albert, Ptelte Covers fees of
of district court.
.Seal. Nemaha -Pixes time of pay
of assessmeni paving.
466. Mui lai ty. I totiglas Provides that
larks of the district courts shall report
All moneys receive.l 111 the naturalisation
Af aliens as fees in other CAJS
ttt. Mt'Miilleit. el al -Piot i,i,. m for lite
Jilent l. ihe slate auditor Willi I 'I I 1 I I I -
for the amount due foi the luainteii-
of insane patients
ITS). Morlarty, IMukIab Provides for
SM appoint merit of messeiiKer bv the
.xsanty attorney of ifc.uglas county at a
iSSlssry i izj tier month
Sam. McAllister, Antelope Put the
SSSSsasrnaAuon or oveineers of road dls
Msets In such sum as the county lioard
1. Chappell. Hajger Tanner Author
an cities and villages bavinr less inhabitants to provide for
or cemeteries and levy a tax there
CBappell. Kearney Authontes
snnct courts wmi power to call grand
jftw in us aisi'retion.
McAllister. Antelope Makes eli
gSMe for bar examination the clerk of
viae supreme court or any district court
S""u i" servea eijnt year
gSS. Bennett. Mortar. y. Tanner. Doug
is riunuti mat metropolitan water
a.-v claims must De fully I'emlied
ana audited: also prescribes pri-
mm e-i.i f wier rn..ini eiec
treasury I fund
g. TW finer Douglas Raises salary af
rmnha fire chiefs.
t4 Bennett, Douglaa Prrivldes tnai
ttlee artverilee for bids on coal, hay or
other supplies nt any time. Present law
In tyecemner.
f46. Ktltit H'lonal Committee Fxtend
aggregate scl'tsal tax exclusive of bond
snd special warrsnt taxes from a.", to gg
Mt Doty. Beward Provides that
warrants drnwn on the stale
need not be drawn for at least ten days
from dais claim la preaented to auditor
CA6. Wilson. Dodge- Requires that be
fore pivlng bonds shall be Issued where
such bonds exceed I1V000 same must be
submitted to electors at a special or gen
eral election
88t. Kplrk. Saline- Ilv request Pro
vides that school districts containing
within Ita boundaries of village having a
population of more than Tno Inhabitants
shall elect the district school board upon
separate ballot.
979. Mi Mullen, Cage Provides for the
approval by clerk of district court of
license to guardian to sell real estate be
fore sale of property.
171, .M. .Mullen Amend section SZf.
Revised Statutes of 19U.
280 Ilushee Klmlmll Provides that
drainage and litigation districts may pur-
hase real estate a.t tas sale.
9Mf. Sandall. York Makes Tnrrens
system of land registration mandatory.
2SA. McMullen. Oage--Provides optional
plan for city management In i Hies of
1 ooo or more.
300. liberties. Ijincaster Authorises
Ismrd of control to contract with coun
ties for use of convict labor on roads, or
manufacture articles not In competi
tion with other Institutions.
SOS. Oates. Sarpy County surveyor
must not be Interested In county contracts.
S14. Channel! Mlnden P,elalln to the
duties of state entomologist.
sie. Morlarty. Doug as Re atlnr to
S. toty and Morlarty A bill to
amend serllon 147 Revised Statutes of
Nebraska for ISIS.
S30. Oberlies. Lancaster Relatlna to
Irrigation districts.
33. Wlhion (Dodge), Adams, Chappell
-Prohibiting unlawful use of telephone.
2 Norton, Polk Provldee for call of
nnstltut tonal convention.
7. Hnffmelster. Chase Requires rall
oad companies to construct niwl anuln
ill unused rtsht-of-wav.. KxemntK ln-
S. Nuvlor. Dawea Couniv bond
for grndlng rind imnrovins ' nubile roads
IS. Bates. KleelwiMHl and i ,.u,.-
changes basis of school fund apportion
16. Thomas and Walto -Authorixes the
state education.. I land and fund board lo
exchange school lands for forest re Be ITS
I'.oio.iH alid V. rjiSe- -Pravld.-a foi
establishment of forest ureas by coun
ties, cities and villages.
It. Dafoe, Johnson Widens nowers of
' out i ,i. t oi nmi i led oman
21. jHcobson. Dawson Efimsti li
censed embalmers from Jury service.
. inns, alley- .Non-partisan election
f state and countv scIkhiI -un. ih ' i
I en Is.
26. Moselev. I.ancastnr - Right of wr
lowers giantril to light companies for
lowers aa well aa DOtefl
2b. Relsilli'k. liiclianlNoli - immirktaa
$211,000 for legislative expense
29. Thollias. liox Hulle - Declares on,.
lines which carry potash or other mineral
solutions to be common carriers and puts
ihem under railway Jurisdiction
31. Gills. Vallev Authorises Irnm
companies to Invest funds in federal land
bank bonds.
33. Shannon. iHllllrlls lrnvi,li muni.
monthly liny day r.u railro;id emol oves.
30. Ollls. Valley Provides for Invest-
ment of pel Ilia llenl school fiiiiilu In i.,.
era! land bank bonds.
38. Allien, limine Provides f kr il lain u I
Hon of fees e. lined by countv officials In
cases of death, resignutlon or removal
from pHlce. r
SS. Kelslilck. Richardson A nn , , ,i , i In I
fi'S.TOO for state inlnter, emergency
40. Iilggidt and Nort on .- Prut Id, ! foe' nl. uti. hi of fi eight cars on basis af
ili'OUlit of grain shinned from ea.-b sin.
41. Rales and Relsnee I 'l',iui'rllii,ii
method for laxntlon for maintenance of
county high school districts
42. Hoffmelster. I'hase i;, 4m.
lion board lo pre:cire and return to coun
ty clerk results of all general and pri
mary elections.
60. Trumble. KhermAn Reittilates w..s
Of undei takers
66. Fries and Howard -Pl-mes ,i lll'IIVH
of conveying boys lo state Industrial
sclindi on the county rrilher than the
61. . Unlay. .Vance - Hlia-ht 1 I ! i 1 i i ) I ' t I I I
law for
63. DoUklas- l". nil I' I lelesnl Ion.. -Siiroi.
lar to senile file No' -'ti
7. Ilreenw.ill Custer - Allows on, on.
tlon of mixed trains on lieu lv . i .i . 1 , 1 1. i ... i
6g. Mills, fiiincaster l'rovides countv
relief for worthy blind.
72. Schwab. Red Willow Provides for
licensing and regulation of billiard and
lKii nans ami i...Hi ng allevs.
74. s.iss, rM in AnAiyyAnaTaa tian noa
for new r.liil.llrig at state fair irrounds.
S6. Klansliurg. linc:isler - Covernhut
leversnl of cases in supieme courl
Si. Relsilli'k. Rlrli.-i rdsoii Ammmrhlu
$2S.70( for slate priuter. liinci Kencv.
92. Fries, Howard Pinhiblts frannlnu
catching or killing fur bearing animal-)
between February IS and November Ctli.
101. Hoffmelsler. Chase Dellnes pounds
per bushel of different farm products.
103. Hoffmelsler. Chase Prohibits
practice of medicine l.v Itinerant phy
sicians. Mc.
104. Hoffmelsler, i'hase Provides
county high schnl IhuiiIb may be Issued
without vote of people upon filing of
petitions by stgty-flvS per cent of voters.
106. Lamar, ie.unden Provides for
birth and death i ee. 1st rut Ion with countv
107. Rales and others--Double election
baa ri.
109. Taylor and others Rotation of
names on ballot In counties of W.geg or
111. Laaoaatar Delegation Adds one
district judge to Lancaster Count v. Knier
gi in') .
112. jfeegan. lViuglaa Raises salaries
of IWiuglaa county dputy sheriffs to $1.
L'Ot) a year
117. tilson, llnlan -Relates to dam
ming of di. iis and dry water courses
11g Stream. York -Makes live super
visor districts in counties where change
noni town.-rip vsiem.
120. hues of Howard Provides that
servey of sections in state shall be In
accordance with the United States law
122. tJOOd. Nemaha Provides for an
nexation of tracts of land belomrinir to
state to cities or villages of atate
126. I pen Saunders Provides for
un. Ii innatlon of land adioinliiu cemp-
terlea of more than twenty vears estab
lishment and with more than a hundred
bodies buried therein.
1S1. Cronln. Holt Makes the usual
state aid bridge levy.
132 Iiovely and Keearan. IViinrlns
Provides change of venue from justice of
peace to municipal court in Dmaha.
13J. iiovelv and Keeuan. Doualas
Prohibits munii iudiceB from nraetlr.
ing law.
134. Keeean and l.nvelv rvonrlaa
Provides that munlrlpal Judae shall act
Tsdice judge w henever vacancy oin-urs.
135. Keegan and laivelv. I lunulas
n enures muririp.ii court rees, and ex
einius inaigenr persons from costs
civil suits.
137. Keeean and Tivslv rwuiBa
Limits jurisdiction of justices of ths peacs
to ineir respective n str rts
1S6. Keegan and Lovetv, Douglas
Limits jurisdiction of iusticea of the
peace in attaching goods to his district.
isi sirearns s. ottst. urT Provides for
confirmation of acta of Inlaatlon district
board by dlstrlrt courta before auch acta
go into effect
state Irrigation districts
States reclamation serv-
1tg. Jacobsen and Johnson Approprt
stss 120.000 for payment of soldiers' fares
to Vlckshurg reunion.
IAS. (iooti and others - Regular ap
propriation of sr. mill, levy for support
of state normal schools
170. Oo.kI arid others Appropriates
cash funds snd miscellaneous receipts of
stste schools to their use.
171. flood snd others Appropriates In
come from normal school endowment
i ' i niffc '.-aissx.''i.
onveyrag real
ei ecu i Ion end making same
evldenck In the courts of this
m defective
estate, curing de'ec ts In
14- Chappell. Minden - Authorises
lea to establish and maintain county
' l " ' minoen itequires per-
i n'"i i-wnirwcts io erect, repair or
siBUTc ouiuung. ro nrei pay labor and
aTe. unappell. Minden Provides for
avectaj laeeetlgatlon of law violation by
Mtwisu wnw oiiecien oy couniv at
nlt.e.. Appn prlat.M
Natldnal ftuard Ii - ,,,,,,,
146. Stearns
co -operation of
with ths United
150. Stearns
ittshluff Authority
irrigation aisirict to comply with fed
eral reclamation act.
162. Daihev. Richmond and Dau
Workhouse bill.
183. White, Brown Defines corporate
limits of cities of second class and vil
lages. 166. Regan. Platte Changes time for
making of railway commissions' annual
166. Del bey O .ge Number plates for
All cars used bv dealer required under
this act.
ibwid and others -Appropi I i lea
normal library funds to their use.
Kulls. Kurn t Reduces certain
fees of county Judges.
176. Hopkins, Douglas Raises pay of
supreme court stenographers nnd clerks I
fifito a thousand dollars to fifteen hundred
177. Anderson, Phelps Kmpowers sec
ond class cities to purchase or accept by
gift auditorium for public use. or to
buy ground end erect them.
7. Ktuhr. Hall Makes automobile
stealing a penal offense punishable by one
hundred dollars to five hundred dollars
1S4. Puller Seward Prohibits use of
paved public highways by tractor engines
or heavv vehicles
1S9. Steams. Scotlsbluff -Fixes lei."l
methods for messurlng hay In the stack
192. Hopkins, Douglns -Authorises and
regulates exchange of reciprocal or Inter
insumnre contracts and empowers cor
porations generally to make such con
tracts. 163. Fries et al Piovldes for elimina
tion of electors' names from ballot and
their appointment by governor.
164. Fries, Howard Candidates run
ning on two tickets can not accept minor
ity party nomination if he iOSSS rnajority
party nomination.
166. Fries and Howard -Relatives of
insane need not pay for thdr care at
stale hospitals when would be a "grievous
hardship to do so.
199 Dafoe. Johnson Fruir years term
foi county officers and allows people to
rote on abolishment of countv attorney's
201 Liggett. Reward Disallows prior
ity claims In cases of failed banks Where
funds have been obtained to help such
bank through Ita period of distress.
202. Schneider, Dotigl is- Hives county
attorneys instead of county judge right
to aid two other county officers in tllllna
county board vacancies.
203. Lam tsier Counly Delegation
Amends county paving district law In
Lancaster countv
206. Stuhr, Hnll - University 1 mil) lew
207. Fuller, Sewnrd Eteglttnr thrr'e
qusrter mill lew t'nlverrllv building 1, II
208. Ilelshlck. Richardson -Approprl"
ales Ml 7'-:' state institutional deficiency.
212. Dorsey. Franklin -Comprehensive
road bill providing for designation of
county roads ami their maintenance.
215. Fuller, Sowlii'il Repeals Inw fn
providing for naming oi attorneys for
surety companies.
222. Norton, Polk Limited suffrage foi
232. Files. Howard -Appropriates $1,,
77" for past salary of supreme court com
mission neparlineiit
233. Flnainc Committee
JS.000 for expense of
lileii(al to muster out of Fourth and
Fifth regiments
236. Aulen. Boone l'rovides for keep
ing of extensive record on transfer of
motor cars by county treasurer.
287. Dalbey, Ghage- Provides for ap
point mint Instead of election of road
228. ullls. Valley--Provides for sale of
Stale experiment station at Culbertson.
.39. Tract well. herry Piovldes meant
for selling city owned realty In cities
of a thousand to live thousand popula
tion. 249. Sluhr and Sru.ldrr - Mavor an.l
city council of cities of second class mitv
provide for sewer construction costing not
more than $200,000. and flOuiiOO for other
classes of improvements.
252. Thomas an.l Nav lor- Mnl.t s ptoe
Unrs common carriers and provides for
their regulation by the state railway com
mission .
253. Provides for bond Issue for public
Improvement by majority instead of two
thirds vole in cities and villages.
254. Murtey. Caw In batiks of less
than $aO.O0O capitalisation, bank officers
can administer oath on iiuarterlv report.
256. Anderson. Boyd $5,068 relief for
widow of Frank Hunke, injured in build
ing const ruction at Not folk asvlum.
257. Trumble. Sherman Adds to team
and vehicle Insurance provisions accident
At Injury, fatal or non-fatal lo pel sons.
2C2. Steirns. Scot tsbluff Piovldes for
establishment oi school of Irrigation al
Scoitsiiiuff s experiment farm
263. Klcliinond, Douglas
county .mores from dlavrlmlnating be- I
rwcen attorneys ror practice in their
283. fJOrmtey and Parkinson County f gir.,000
aui in Kiiinzniions must nist pay premi- 697
inns iieioie paving oilier expenses from
the donation from county.
301. CunteV, Dalbev and Burmwes--ncreasee
salary of deputy clerk of the
district court In counties from 30 000 lo
68,000 population.
3C2. Dulbey, lings Provides foi pay.
menl of cattle killed by state order.
Which are afflicted wjth. foot and mouth
disease. ,
307. Radke, Cedar - Where practical
and public goisl public roads may be es
tablished through private grounds with
out owner's consent.
309. Ufgett, Sew ad Dimming law
Tor atitnnliibile lights.
3!6. Swarisnn and Peterson Pi ovldes
that residue of t he capital together with
surplus and other funds of every domes
tic Insurance company may be invested
in drainage or Irrigation bonds or in any
farm loan bank.
323. Dau and Sehaffer Provides for
establishment of new roads through pri
vate property.
324. Aintay. Nance Provides public
mads shall not be vacated or changed
without consent of a majority of the vot
ers living within two miles; eliminates
non -appllcai Ion of this to loads having a
bridge over sixty feet in length
325. Norton. Polk -KetatliiE to elec
tion ' publishing proposed amendments to
328. Finance I'omnilitee Appropriates
Il.tiOO for emergency use of railway com
330. Swanson and Schwab Adds new
penalties to violation of law governing
operation of pool and billiard halls
332. Batereon. LancAstsr Makes ap-
propiMutlou and creates comniislsun to !
Improve eondtllons of blind.
336. Reischlck and Parkinson Re
quires state conservation commission to
preserve records of well building in Nebraska.
SS7. Stearns. Soottsbhiff- llelales to
Issuance of general fund warrants by
Irrigation districts.
339. Thomas. Box Butte Makes It a
misdemeanor lo leave gutes open on pri
vate pioperty.
341. Sass, Sarpy- Appropriate $1,000
for repairs at state fish hatchery and
for new fish car
S42. Hoffmelster. Chase Relates to
property bequests to orphan asylums
maintained by national fraternal orders in
this state.
344. Nesbltt and Koch Ten-cent
bounty for killing pocket gophers
346. LaBounty et al Appropriates
$5,000 for aid of southwest Nebraska fair,
at Maywood.
380. Cnddock, Douglas Provldee for
rural school teaching courses In stats nor
mal. .
S61. Nelson, Douglas Provides that
any persqn owing from $50 to $1,000 may
provide for gradual payment of debts by
listing same with municipal court at Om
aha. 368. Fries. Howard Fixes hotel regi
stration fee on basis of number of rooms.
360. Fries. Howard Provldee for as
sessment of power plants where main
plant la located.
363. Liggett. Seward -Provides for flt-
1 Ing of reports by Insurance agents when
applying ror license, on their past rec
ords 366. Schneider. Douglas -Appropriates
$1.V000 for state fish law.
S68. OlUa An act to amend chapter
116, of the Session laws of Nebraska for
1916. being section 674.1 Revised Statutes
of Nebraska for 1613. relating to the
length of time school shall he taught and
to repeal said original section and to de
clare an emergency.
S77. Dorsey Franklin Makse county
treaaurer county fiscal agent
383. Car Shortage Committee Joint
resolution urging congress to compel In
terstate commerce rommlsaion to give
reuer tn car shortage
S87. Douglas County Delegation Om
aha Commercial club good roads bill for
irougias countv
860. Peterson and Flansburg Valldat
ment and
$92. Peterson and Flansburg Valldnt
Ing conveyances by foreign sxecutors of
real estate and providing for probate of
foreign wills wthout administration In
certain rases.
401. Shannon, Douglns Provldee dis
trict rlerke ehall not retain certain gees.
406. While. Brown Relates to Inade
auate facMitles of schools.
414. NerT- Mlsdemeanor for county of
ficers not to sttend to road and culvert
418. Stearns. Scotts Bluff Relates to
stock shipping law
420. Stearns. Scottabluff Amendment
1 to Irrigation law.
423. Provldee aero company for nation
al guard.
428. Dorsey, Franklin Relatee to vot
ine in sunervlsor districts.
431. Taylor and Norton Unltee hotel
and food commission in accordance with
flovernor Neville's recommendation.
440. Taylor, Custer Creating a bureau
of printing and supplies.
448. Cood, Nemaha Relating to for
eign insurance companies.
451. Rickard -Oil Inspection fee bill
469. Ijtbor Committee Regulation of
private employ nieiit agencies.
481. Dills - Board of control shall have
power to name all Institutional heads.
490. Flansburg, Lnnrister Apptoprl
ates 5.13". 00 to heirs of Robert Scott, for
mer Mllford home Inmate.
494. Ijtncn'-ter County Delegation
Relates to public schools of Lincoln.
4fiJ. Peterson, Lancaster Relates to
registration of preclti' t bonds.
496. Peterson Providing that no fran
Chlse light to streets and alleys can be
secured by user.
500. Peterson Appropriates $1,508 for
sanltnry district of Lincoln for benefits
to state farm.
501. Peterson Relating to interurban
railway Incorpors lions
511. onis, Valley Makes food commis
sionei hotel ootnfnt as loner,
513. Anderson, lioyd Provides that
gov . i nor In case of vacancy for Unit I
SI iles senator may fill bv appolntinen.
517. Oetermafl and others Province
the slate of all hall ani
Douglas Relating to the
to employes of state "f
salaries of
Alliance Junk Company
L. Kulakof sky, Prop.
1 ooo
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The largest stock of new records
ever received in a single shipment
come mi
foi p.iv ment oy
siefM damagei.
6:5. Howard,
personal injury
Nebl :iKa.
527. KtcKald It' la till- to
countv superintendents.
530. Thomas. Pox Multe Provldlnt?
for the Investigation and prevention of
firee -md providing additional duties for
the tire commlsisoner.
537. TrumbUlL Miei man--Dividing the
slat, into six districts and the employ
ment nl an inspector of eights and
m i H s in each district, fixing the con -
pensatlon at ?."i B da) and traveling es-
i 510. BwanaOn, Clay -Providing that the
I Insurance board shall not Issue ni"
license to any Insurance company UlitU
it lias eon idled with the law i elating- lo
unlfoi ui i i i nk foi ma,
i 541. Kwaneon (by ritiieHi)--provid. t
Hint ;.ll fees received from insiirai
shall he placed by Hie sla.o
Into ihc i-cncial fund account.
Bat, Defoe, Johnson - Providing that
an) one entering any building arms i
with a dangerous weaHin lo be used to
hold up persona shall be- sentenced ki
from twenty years in life.
560. A Inlay, Merrick (by request) Re
lating' to associations organised for ii
purpose of laising money to be loaned
among members.
573. Hopkins. Houglas Adds three as
sistant probation officers in Omaha
583. I.eldigli. Otoe -delating to finan
cial conduct of school districts.
586. Ollls, Vulley To provide for lli
re-districting of all school districts, aui
provide for necessarv suiveya.
597. Ollis, Valley Regulating the sale
of agricultural seeds.
599. Mills, !...: ..I Excepting as
S ess ment associations from the law re
quiring a deposit of ail investment se
curities with insurance board.
606. Peterson, limraster Relating to
Improvement of streets and allevs in Lin
coln. 608. Knits. Kuruna Elimiii iting the
ten dollar permit charge collected untl- r
present law from retail dealera for Imi
tation butter and cheese
629. Cood, Nemaha Appropriates $2,
0K for relief of LetUe May Wiser.
681. Anderson, Boyd -- . iii. iii- pure
food law relating to percentage of alco
hol contained in articles.
645. Peterson, Luncuster Modifies law
regulating sale of securities under Mine
t 668. Thomas et al. l'rovides for state
Prohibits i publicist.
ti. Tayior. i.'uster Amend school dis
trict luw.
891. Pates, Cheyenne Appropriates
for Irrigation experiments.
Hughes, and Heaan ASM out laics
131, UXI ror land at Norfolk hospital
701. Balks. Douglas Uegulntes sale of
aiuMMing cholera seium.
702. Bulla. I ouglas Provides lor
treatment of lice infected cattle.
703. Hunt, Saline l'rovides for ac
qillremenl of land for cemetery purposes.
717. Finance. Ways and Means Com
mittee, by request of Hoard of Control
Appiopi Iatlon for buildings at tile follow.
Ing institutions- Addition to hospital
building, etc., Ue-ittice institute tor
feeble-minded youth. Ms, 800; cattle barn,
etc, girls' industrial school at Qeoeva, IT,
608: boiler house und new machinery
tolvlieis' and sailors' home, Grand Island,
lt'..2; inipiovemcnt Inglcslde hospital.
320. 000, improvement state industrial
school, Kearney, 1 8,580: tubercular hos
pital. Kearney, l0,&00; Nebraska hospu.ii
for insane. Lincoln, $143,000: ortbopedl
hospital. Lincoln. fl.MO; state peini si -tiarv,
$41,300: Nebiaska industrial home,
Milford. $10,374; soldiers' home. Mild. i a.
$3,000: Norfolk Insane asylum, $117, 0o0;
Nebraska school lor deaf. Omaha, $'. .
home for deVeiideitt children, Lincoln,
720. Andersen, Boyd Appropriation
150,000 to state penitentiary.
722. Road Committee Meets require
ments of federal aid road fund appropita
729. Hughes and Kadke Provides for
exercise of power of eminent domain tor
purpose of s. c ii ing library siles.
730. Neff, Knox Defines flugs for pub
lie Kchool grounds.
731. Keegan, Douglas Increases salary
of Douglas, county assessor to $4,000 a,
i year.
750. Cronln, Molt Provides ror pur
chase of county supplies in open market
753. Harris and ilostet'er Appropri
ates (II.UOO for pun base of land at Staid
tuben lo. .-on. 1
768. Stearns, Scottabluff Changes time
of payment and rate of payment uf bonds
Of in (gallon ditches.
769. Stearns. Scottsbiuff Provides for
water suspensions where irrigation taxes
remain unpaid for two years or more
770. Stearns, Scot tsbltlfT- - Hclales to
transfer property in irrigation ditches
771. Stearns, Hcottsblun Authorises
Irrigation district boards to borrow fund
on payments to the I'nlted Slates
793. Joiih Inhibition Committee
Prohibition blil
784. Appropriations for salaries of state
796. Reischlck, Craddock. Oreenwalt.
Hoimieisier, fuller, Ollls. Oisad, feterson
Cronln and Mears Apprupriaiion for tii
Current expenses of the state government
ana miscellaneous items for ths ears
ending March 31, 1918, and March 31, rjl'J
and d-clarlng an emergency.
786. Committee on Claims and Defl-
clenci.s Appropriation for the payment
of miscellaneous Items of Indebtedness
arising from claims and owing to the
etate of Nebraska and to declare an
717. Fries Appropriation for mlscel
laneous Items.
798. Richmond, Douglas Authorizing
tne or county commissioners in
counties having 150,000 population to sell
land or lot for the purpose of securini;
funds to erect a poor house
788. By the Oovernor To validate and
connrm title in aallne land of Nebraska.
euu. ny tne oovernor An act to mo
vide for the promotion for vocational edu
cation In accordance with an act of con
aui. oovernor nieviiie staking an ap
proprtatlon for the purchase of medals
for members of the Neeraaka National
guaro ana declaring an eineigency
802. Beal Making an appropriation
ror tne expense or mobilisation and ma i
tenance of Nebraska National guards and
all other regiments snd parts theieof
crulted organised or mobilised within the
etate and declaitng an emergent v
ew a inn tor an act to amend sec
tlon 31(0 of the Revised Statutes for 1913,
ana to repeal sain original section as no
The Wiker Music House
It isn't surprising if you mn into difficulties in your building
plans at times.
We have had considerable experience in figuring over such plans
and our services are freely at your command.
Make this yard your headquarters when you want lumber and
building advice.
News of Interest to ard Pertainirg to
Alliance Colored People
Edited by Rev. T. B. J. Barclay
Th two children of Mrs. If. E. Ford
are leportc: to be very ill.
jit, it the
in -Yffcted to
nofM P Mrs.
V. iiliani I i.rd is in Cherry county
on nuisinesH.
HiHliop H. II. TarkB of Denver
will spend cne Sunday here in July.
It 1b hoped thai there will be a large
audience out to here him speak at
tnat lime.
Tasi B itida; a series of meetings
Blurted at the A. M. E. church. A
general invitation Is extended to all
to attend tnese meetings. Preach
ing every evening atS o clock. The
meetings need you and you need the
The A. V, K. Sunday school is mak
ing a great effort to secure the Sun
day school convention to be held in
June for Alliance.
J. E. Selby 0l now farming to help
raise the much needed produce to
help leett Europe.
Barclay, living in Hill's
reported to be indis-
Mtb. It, L.
addition, is
Mr. Winston, living on Sweetwat
er, is HI. we nope to see uim uui
again soon.
Miss Neoma Slaughter is confined
to her bea.
Mrs. Jennie Morgan it Cherry
county wi'.s in the city a iew nays
visiting Mrs. Barclay. She I8JC1 lor
Colorado Springs to visit her aaugn-
Clem Linear has m. timed from
Cherry county.
The Negro soldiers have served
with distinction in every war that the
United Sstates has waged. In the
Revolutionary war there was an av
erage of 35 negroes in each white
regiment. Under General Washing
ton's immediate command 775 ne
groes fought on August 24. 1778
This did not include those from New
York, New Hampshire and Connect
icut, about 3,000 in all. Some of
the most heroic deeds of the awr for
independence were performed by the
Negro soldiers.
In 1812 Commadore Petrry spoke
highly of the bravery and good con
duct of the Negro soldiers under bia
command at the Battle of Lake Erie.
In 1814, 2,000 New Yorkers were
sent to Sackett Harbor. Two bat
talions of 500 Negroes distinguished
themselves in the Battle of New Or
leans. Near 178,975 Negro Boldiers took
part in the Civil War and were in
some of the bloodiest battles. Near
ly 2,000 were in the Confederate
army at New Orleans. The fighting
9th and 10th won the reputation of
being the best Indian fighters on the
frontier in 1898. The four colored
regiments were among the first or
dered to Cuba and they did their duty
and proved their heroism in all the
battles In Cuba. Their work at San
Juan Hill will always be remember
ed. In all of the wars whore the white
Boldiers have died the Negroes have
died also and 30,000 are ready to go
to France. If needed there are a
million Negroes who will go and all
they ask is a man's chance.
The first blood spilled for America
was the blood of a Negro, Crispus
Attucka, who was killed in Boston
March 5, 1770. From that time to
1 the present the Negro has continued
i to be a defender of Old Glory. On
'land or aea, in Mexico or in Europe,
the Negro is ready and willing to
serve, regardless of all mistreatment
insult, abuse, disfranchiaement, Jim
Crowism, prejudice, and hatred, and
I all because of his color. The time
will come again when the Negro will
prove to the world that he la human,
patriotic, loyal, brave and true. He
just ask's a man'a chance.
Those who think of buldltug;, this
spring, should see us at once.
802 H Boi Butte Ave.