The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 03, 1917, Image 10

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Gordon Journal:
Rtnce h at week some changes have
been made In the Indian Congress
which was to have boon hold In Gor
don on the 3rd. 4th and Rth of July
1 connection with a big Fourth of
July Celebration.
The dates as they are now set will
bring these activities on June 19, 20
and 21 nnd they are, In the opinion
Of many more desirable from tho
Standpoint of attendance on the part
of tin- Indians who do not seem In
clined to break away from their tra
ditions of the past and celebrate the
Fourth of July away from the reser
Yatton. A meeting of the committees will
probably be held next week and we
wll Ibe able to give more In detail.
before he was needed, and died Just covered, and fine were paid, and
land Ai'i'ii aiskk Apronmn
Douglas Budget :
The appointment was announced
last Saturday of Dr. B. F. Davis as
lard appraiser for the federal land
bank of Omaha for the district of
Wyoming and western Nebraska. The
place is one of much responsibility
and commands a good salary. The
appraiser passes upon the loans asked
for farm lands and his recommends
tion Is accepted as flnul by tho offlmcl
als of the bank. Probably no one
In Wyoming Is more familiar with
agricultural conditions In this state
than Is the new Appointee, his work
for many years as state veterinarian
taking him Into every section. He
will assume his duties right away,
having gone to Cheyenne for a con
ference with Judge Carey, vice pres
ident and one of the directors of the
bank, and from there will go to Oma
ha for a conference with President
Dr. Davis will probably retain his
residence In Douglas, as his work
can be done from here as conveni
ently as from any other point.
that much too late. But he Is dead,
and It is not for us to speak ill of the
dead, even such as he.
And few tears fell at his wake,
which took place at the warblers'
retreat In Bridgeport ono evening
this week. Indeed, at times there
were strains of music harmonious
- tuneful -and at other times well
Just strains. And around the funer
al bier or, should we say beer
were many oral tokens of love and
respect, celery, onions, limhurger
and worse. Funeral meats there were
a plenty chicken, sardines and var
ious things from various shaped
cans. Banked high around the bier
(we leave the spelling of that word
to the Inspired comp) were crackers
- - Sunshine crackers wet weather
crackers, climate-proof crackers and
some of the famous 57.
Well, we have burled poor, old
John B. In the dark of the evening
the mourners stood for a moment to
cast one eetlng glance at his last
resting place. A few a very few
of the mourners stood more than a
minute even all night. But the
spirits of John B. wore gone gone
to the great discard where rests hlH
kindred evils gambling, lawless
ness, povorty. crime, celluloid collar
and overshoes.
It was a fine patty "a grand time
whs hud li all" ixn-jil a ' iiei!,
bors. a doctor, merchant and some
body'a bull pup. May John B. rest
In peace, for many of uh have need
of a little rest, also.
Crawford Tribune:
At the parlors of the Congrega
tional church on Friday evening, a
farewell reception was given In hon
or of Rev. and Mrs. Walter C. Rott
dln. who will soon depart for their
new home. There were about 300
per una present, including members
of the Chamber of Commerce , of
whi-'li Rev. Rundin Is secretary , and
met iliers of the Volunteer Fire De
partment, of which he is state chap-lln.
Custer County Republican :
Custer county has been found to
possess a mineral deposit which will
prove valuable, it l thought. On I
tract of ground owned by Neil Ln-
gan. real estate dealer of Arnold
there Is a strip of white line powder
which has been there for years un
noticed except for the fact that it
hears no vegetation. A sample of
this sent to Lincoln for analysis
BBOWS that it is silicon bearing and
very pure. As soon as It was found
what it was Mr. Logan had offers to
buy (Tie material and he has sold
several car loads. Recently an Onu
ha man has bought an option on tin
land for sixty days paying a good
figure for It. It is said that the di
posit can not be told from "Old
Dutch Cleanser."
' There Is a great deal of the depot
it in this one tract and over in Lin
coin county there is a great ileal of
it, although it Is not so pure.
For years Nebraska has been class
ed without a mineral of sufficient
valHS to mine or export but within
the last few years the potash indus
try has come"' into being and plant
with capital amounting to millions
have rlsett on the prairie. Now we
have found a valuable silicon depos
it in available form
partial restitution made to the com
pany. Mr. Burke, on behalf of the
railroad company, did not Insist on
rigid prosecutions as it was evident
that about all were first offenders,
his desire appearing to be the break
ing up of such practices wlthdut un
duly humiliating or persecuting the
offenders. The Investigation Will be
continued as evidence is all the time
accumulating, showing that .there are
still more who are culpable.
Scottsbluff Republican:
The funeral service over the body
of the late Henry Safford was held
at the home of Mrs. Broshar, the
mother of Mrs. Safford, Wednesday
evening at 4:30. On Thursday
morning the body was taken by Wil
cox & Company's funeral car to
Hemlngford for burial.
Mr. Safford was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. K. P. Safford, nnd was born
at Sycamore. IM., on July 29, 1872.
After graduating from the University
of Illinois, Mr. Safford came west, set
tling near Hemlngford, in Box Butte
county. In 1908 he was united In
marriage to Miss Myrtle Broshar.
About ten years ngo Mr. Safford
came to Scottsbluff and engaged in
farming and stock raising, in which
he was greatly Interested and suc
cessful. He leaves besides his wife
his aged father and mother, a broth
er, and two sisters, who live at Syca
more. 111., nnd a brother, Charles, of
P tSO i.trf. rT-rt . lAn. r" " --
MBjMSjSsBMBMBMMWWMMSWSsajMPiMMiui i 1 1 1 1 n iMsWrs-MMWfcrtMfclWMMIfflfcfr'flr"" ' '
i - rr -v w r - a nrs nr m a s r r S
Fremont, Nebr., Monday, May 7, 1917
Ohadron Chronicle:
Albert Aergood. a young man of 23
years of age, was brought to Child
ren yesterday fro-n Marsland by Con
stable Bennett and tried before the
Insanity commission. Aertood has
been working on the ranch of N. !.'
foole near Marsla.' 1 fo- tin past. 4
years, during which time he has been
hard wrklng and conscientious In.
every particular. The past year.
however, he has been growing mel
ancholy, but not until he in some
manner received a shipment of bad
whiskey from a Kansas City firm, did
his condition become serious. He ,
commenced to imagine that someone i
waS attempting his life and fought Ht'HKF RFA'OVF.RS FOR
to protect himself rrom me unseen
enemy. When he learned that he
was to be taken before the Insanity
hoard he attempted to take his own
life with a rasor, but was prevented.
He will be taken to the state asylum
at Norfolk for treatment.
Gordon Journal:
We understand that Ray Sailor
will soon start the erection of a till"
auditorium in Cordon. The build
ing if erected will be ".0x100 feet,
and will be used for public gatliei
ings. nances. wrestling niatcnt
skating rink and other
clean entertainment.
Bridgeport News-Blade:
(1. K Barrett, who holds the posi
tion of chief electrician In the Unit
ed States navy and whose experience
has been largely confined to submar
ines, was in the city Monday and
Tuesday in the Interest of the gov
ernment In getting voluntary re
cruits for the navy. The community
club issued advertising matter and
assisted in arranging for a meeting
of the people at the Kssig hall Mon
day night. At this meeting Mr. Bar
rett gave a very instructive lecture;
on submarines, his knowledge coin
ing from actual experience on th-
boats as electrician. The hall was
well filled and everybody showed in
terest in the subject. Mr. Barrett is
a very pleasant gentleman and is an
example of what a young man may
make of himself in the navy. His
position is an important one and his
pay Is larger than that of the lower
cades of commissioned officers. He
iMtaan as an annrentice about eleven
yean ago an dhas acquired a good ,
place for himself as well as a valua
ble education
750 Three and 4-year old Steers
(Dehorned Shorthorns and Hercfords)
350 Two-year-old Steers
1000 One and Two-year-old Heifers
1000 Yearling Steers
Also a Bunch of Registered Hereford Bulls
These cattle will be sold in lots to suit purchaser. They
are in the pink of condition, and good enough to go
to any country. Now, come and help yourselves.
Your price is ours.
Freight paid to any C. & N. W. point to Pierre, S. D.
Winner, S. D., or Chadron, Neb.
TERMS: Cash or Bankable Paper
Rd J. Askwig and Tim Preece, Auctioneers
l-'dgemonl Enterprise:
Mr. Burke, a special auent for the
Burlington, and our capable and en
ergetic states attorney, Mr. Adams,
assisted by the sheriff's office, were
instrumental in bringing to book
last week a number of culprits who
Cordon Journal:
Sketches have been made in antic
ipation of erecting u Carnegie Lib
rary In Gordon and the opinion oft
prominent citizens is being sought on
the subject.
It is planned to try and secure a
fund from the meat philanthropist
to erect a building costing in Ihn
manner of neighborhood of $8,000. !t will be1
36x41. and built Ol terra cone ami
l enient. The site. we understand.
lias not been decided on at this time. !
The Revised Village ordinances!
provide tor me suppon u iuch a" i,.rs
stltutlon and work pi securing me
library seems to lie on the efforts of
our progressive citleoe.
A beautiful building of this kind
would be a wonderful improvement
to Gordon and we hope to se It
pushed to a successful conclusion.
I crops and wear mail oredr clothes.
I Thus has the world, including you
and I, through some misinformation
or other possibly because of the
s(age version of these characters
come to look upon the n enibers of
these various vocations and profes
sions. Jnsf how wrong such ideas
are, anyone who knows any normal
Individual of these groups can easily
And yet it is a tendency which is
I natural and marked. If you or I see
I g person who is or seems to be a type
of one class we immediately anil au
tomatically place every other member
'of this class in the same catagory
wl'h him. regardless of whether he is
a type or not.
Of course the natural and reason
able thing to do is to employ a small
bil of thought and common sense be
fore forming an opinion of this kind.
Now we'll see what kind of gard-
weather. Satur-
i hiivit .Mniriiii'hiii'il to their own use
Bridgeport News-Dlade: 'articles taken from merchandise car. Calling cards lor U M les
John Harlevcorn s dead. Of to- in transit tnrouun me cugeuioai run..-.. . --
bust constitution, he weathered jards. These case Were handled in Herald
luiiv a utnrm A mone.r ol Kloil- a masterly niailllfi. r.vmeme .r ..nun..
eers, he came
i I'HFIH I ' .'" is Mini ' i i --.-.--..-.-.. ' "
to this country OB secured, some merchandise was pe- prices, or call at tne omce
1 .
I reiently saw a little card with 0
that seems suitable to many
persons ami many occasion?. The
verselet read like this: "All men are
liars except thou and 1. and sonie-
.1 . ..... ,1. .!.., ..K..iit ''
lllliei I 11,11 ! 1 1 J uuuirii' tiuifu. uiuu.
Hul at thai I don't mean that all j Talking about
I he liars belong to my family. That s (.iy morning with a light, wet, snow
just a family name with ine. you j trying to fall, and the ground all ootr-
know. Hliwever. I never use to ,.riMj wi,fl ., wf,ite blanket I saw three
robins in our back yard. Yes. I hey
were robins. I saw them ami it was
early in the morning and I know 1
was all ri'Jlit
o I
Which calls to mind the question.
"Did you lay in your supply?"
But is this necessarily true? Is a
friends to he barrde from true friend
ship simply because he is a new
friend? TJiat is not the intent of
tills adage as I see it.
I consider old friends best friends
mainly because of their experience.
I look back at them through the haze
Of the years I have known them. I
see them in the light of the joy we
huve shared together, or in the gloom
of the sorrow which has struck mu
tually at both our hearts. I remem
ber the times they have stood loy
ally in hours of need, or embarked
blithely with nie on pleasure jaunts
when peace and happiness reigned.
In short I associate an old friend
with the years which his friendship
has been tried and tested in the heat
and cold of experience, just the same
as you approve or condemn on em
ploye who has served you for such a
So then, in my opinion, the adage
ners some of tlie boys are. You know : should carry no significance counter
they're uoinu to plant the Burlington j , tn,. value of friendship of a new
as soon as the WSaUier j friend. He may be loyal, true and
disappoint anyone and in my ettort
to nive von the dope 1 might slop
fflce. The prices are reai- Jusl ,h(. nfM. 1 want you all
IMione 340 for samples an understand that all of this dote-
isn't fiction.
a little hit.
You'll get my drift In
staved with the p. ople." 'Tis I
'tis true, dear Mr. I'epe Sttes.
Stock Cattle For Sale Spring Delivery
2 tun
i frtfii th. iiiimmt nt St'lt
& esteem on which you bare placed ( exclaimed.
sincere, as loyal anu true anu sincere
as the old friend, hut his worth has
not been tested by the years.
There have been any number of
people in the office this morning all
kinds pf people. I don't know how
one could classify them, .lust as I
started to write this three men came
into tin- office, three different kinds
of men. I was just thinking that
th eydon't fit their types at all. Ever
think about it ?
That lovely i reaturt
Ins some gooil OIUS
We will have a large number of
White Face yearlings, two and
three year old steers for Sale. May
first delivery, shipped on any road
freight paid to destination. These
cattle are good color and strong ages.
yourself often fail to see that there is
ood In others and that there might
be a little bad in you. And there an
j I time and places where $." offend
Y I to a girl to keep her muzzled Blghf
A I create more of a rumpus than L' V
AT090. I'll bite." eh? dnash your
teeth on that awhile and then coine
back for another bone Oh, you
. Settle rascal.
5 o
i That suggestion I mad
is nide puii
"Dear me!"
I didn't know the
were uslnu elect lie It v to Kill people a i annus hi urn- un mis iiisiasr
in this dreadful war. But I see in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
the oaners that one side stopped I lie 1 W
other side with its batteries."
Whooping migli
of the most successful prep-
M ( 'linton, Blandon Springs, Ala.,
: writes, "Our baby had whooping
I cough as bad as most any baby could
I've seen a good many dead OUOS have it. I gave him Chamberlain's
around since Monday night but the Cough Remedy and it soon got him
biggest dead one that has appeared i well." Obtainable everywhere,
in front of my vision appeared before ! Adv- may
week's doge seems to be bearing
fruit already. Gosh. I didn t Know
there were so many who knew so
much. But come on boys and girls.
I'll try and accommodate you all
bui one afa time though
this dry spell came on. It was that
gentleman of color found on the walk
in lastl"" ,,ox lllHt week.
A good many Alliance housewives
are now making housewives" for
the members of Company "O."
have discovered
: two women can fully
a subject that
agree upon-
Wa have on our ranch 12 miles north of Lakeside, Nebraska, 800
two-year-old steers of same quality as the ones we will have for
sale for Spring delivery. These steers are on full feed of hay and
can be seen at any time and aie also FOR SALE.
Anyone interested in purchasing stock cattle please correspond;with
Cox-Jones-Van Alstine Co. nebraskaaha'
Mrs. J, A. Miliary and Mrs. Nellie
HUlier are planning on doing a pat
rlolic duty in turning land that oth
erwise would be idle into a potato
patch. Mrs. HtUter owns fifteen
acres of land adloininc Letan that is
" - ihe subject comes up w lien DOI0 worn ,.ul off floni tj,p balance of her prop
One of ley kind friends sugg.sii disltks soother one of the same ry by tbe rairoad. and is incon-
Ihal If the width of the strips ... mens B-d i v( to farm Mrs MaU
shirts keep on Increasing, fellow, miller will hav this tract
may as well have his sh.r. made of ,t ltS Wid that .he German gov, in Vl-n.t "l u, potatoes hlrin. the S
two of them, one in front and the Saesfi has issued an order forbidding P' the oik
i. timr in the hack women's styles to be changed I'll i
o bet a year's subscription to the Her-
Bditors smoke long black cigara l tBU oredr wma agitated hjr s
or COD pipes aim wieiu oiue I" i m.irri,., ,an' lliev swear savagely l'rofes-
e i
Y ! sors are absent-minded and impracti- The Crawford Courier offers ih
A I . i . . .. 1 .. .mala a I ... ,1..., .......a,., vlll.ti: 1... nli.i,.
- ial. .vllllisieis v -a i nnif, iw..-. miki-hiiuu iii,i im"ii .,u,.
t'lear Away the Waste
Bowel regularity is the secret of
good health, bright eyes, clear com
plexions, and Dr. King's New Life
Pills are a mild and gentle laxative
that regulates the bowels and re-
i..,. ...... f-,,.,.n MiiHiiians anil noets .,.,1 .,i,,,lt. i iiurliimton rittit-nl
stare about dreamily from under! WMy 8o that the mail trains may have.lieves the congested Intestines by re-
their tlowing locks ('.amblers wear a nttle catsup (ketch-up) .s.-e
! gorgeous tie pins made up of enor- -I
inous jewels. Cowboys carry small - Old friends are best friends.
n...hi.. auns and battle fiercely with To judge from the frequency with
I . I . I 1 ..... , i f ,'. ., ;
'the irresisiauie I'lruirum
moving the accumulated wastes
without griping. Take n pill before
retiring and that heavy head, that
dull spring fever feeling disappears.
far from which this adage is quoted it would Get Dr. King's New Life Pills at your
t i tftttftfru ttttti tttttt g ' Mtrig rTmet
the Dleasures and comforts of clvili-jseem that new friends are arbitrarily druggist, 25o
xation. Farmers discuss nothing but .barred from the class of best friends Adv S