."'C- ftp. plll- Olebrated A Try happy occasion wm wlt awM In the home of Mr. and Mrs. . W. Davit, seven mllea northeast jmt Alliance Tuesday evening at 7:30 rlork when their daughter, Nora Jfarte, was led to the hymneal altar 4r BT Campbell. Only the relatlyes 40t the ramillea were present. Rev. A. A. Lnyton of the Baptist church M Alliance performed the ceremony. n surli a wedding supper was red was fit for a king. The bride re a gown of crepe de chine and rld ping and white chrysanthe- is. The decorations were all in and white. These with the wed bell and festoons made a beau- ttfnl picture. Mr. and Mrs. Camp- will spend their honety-moon on homestead he has filed on in Wyoming near Morecroft. They are BdlT young people and are ae- rlng of a long and happy life to- ier. Ir Students in BeHi l Tonight Thta (Thursday) erenlng the stu tHU of piano and voice of the Alli vacc School of Music will appear In m jvwital at Reddish hall. The recit jl grill start at 8:30 o'clock. The pub tic is invited. There will be no ad aption charge. One of the special featim'H of the recital will be the trio tor violin, cello and piano composed fry R. R. Unlacke, of the school fa rit. This is the number the trio unable to give at the community icort Sunday afternoon because of accident to the baas viol. fJbtertniiH-d at Htmttfr Party Mlas Elsie Carroll entertained at a theater party Tuesday evening in hon r of Miss Jane Close of Sheridan, Wyoming who la here visiting her brother. Ray Close. The Invited f guest h were: Misses Jane Close, Florence Williams, Ruth Morris. Catherine Knleat. Teresaa O'Donnell, Irene Rice. Charlotte Mollrlng, Edna Bowman. Dorothy Smith, Marie echsteln. Cynthia Davenport, Ag- Knieat. Helen Schott, Hannah Knlest. Ruth Reed. Eunice Eldred. Hannah Keane und Helen Carrol. sourl avenue. tn Kiln. i Indies Met With Mr. H. A. Orlbble The Ladiea Circle of the Christian Church met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. H. A. Grlbble, 206 East Third Street. Story Telling AT llbrary Saturday Saturday afternoon the regular weekly story telling hour for the children will be held at the Alliance Public Library. These periods are becoming highly Interesting to the children and the attendance la Increasing. W. V. T. I?. To (live Reception for Rep. Thomas Tomorrow (Friday) evening the W. C. T. U. will hold a Christian Cit izenship meeting at which Mrs. Lay ton, newly appointed state organiser will give a talk. Thla la to be fol lowed by a public reception in honor of Hon. Lloyd C. Thomaa. The Lad les Choral Club will sing and a pleas ant evening is assured to all who at tend. The public Is invited to attend. W. C. T. V Meet ! ...!,. W illi Miss Mable Young Thia (Thursday) afternoon the W. C. T. U. meets with Miss Mable Young at her home on Sweetwater avenue. The meeting atarts at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Holsten Hostess To Woman Guild Mrs. F. E. Holsten was hostess to the Womans Guild of St. Matthew's Episcopal church yesterday after noon at the Parish house. The limit' Entertained At I. ill Supper Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gants enter talned In a most pleasing manner Sunday evening at a chill supper. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Carl Modlsette, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeep, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wac, Miss Dorla Young and the Messrs W. R. Mett and H. M. Bushnedd. Jr. nam 3C Satisfaction . . . it's sewed into every garment we sell No matter what the price may be, you're assured of one thing your money is always ready if you are not satisfied. It should be keen satisfaction for you to know YOU TAKE NO CHANCES WHEN YOU PUR CHASE ANYTHING FROM US. Capps 100 Pure Wool Clothes $15.00 to $30.00 the Suit or Overcoat ACCESSORIES IN KEEPIN6 THE BEST AT THE PRICE E. G. LA IN G "Modern Clothe for Men" DC DC DGC DrH avenue, which was along home mis sion lines. The meeting was also a birthday meeting and those who has birthdays this month brought a pen ny for each year of their age. The meeting was a great success, being both lnstrcutlve and full of fun for ah. Woman Club Meets Wdi Mrs. J. G. Dole Tomorrow (Friday) the Woman Chab will meet at the home of Mrs. J. O. Dole. At this time the follow ing program will be given: Roll call, borne economics, home life In foreign countries; (1) Comparison of Na tional Dietary. Mrs. W. R. Pate. (2) .Effects, Mentally. Mrs. Lester, (3) rhysleslly. Mrs. Slaglc: Music on the Columbia grafanola. Mrs. Mitchell Hostess At Luncheon and Cards Mrs. William Mitchell pleasantly en tertained Monday at a one-thirty o'clock luncheon. Carda followed the luncheon. Mrs. Robert Reddish made the high score. Miss li 'i Is Young Entertained Tuesday Tuesda afternoon Miss Doris Young entertained in compliment of Mm. Victor Jeep and Mrs. Carl Modlsette. G. I. A. Ladle WiU Bo Entertained Tonight The G. I. A. Ladies will be enter tained this (Thursday) evening at a Kensington and kitchen shower to be held at the Odd Fellows hall . All members are. most cordially invited. Mr. Hliaw Entertained Friday Afternoon Mra. William Carson Shaw was hostess Friday afternoon In honor of Theater Party for Miss J 'lining At vt-. ilov At' nil I n tr Minn Mnlli Vhv ork entertained lit a theater party Mrs. Victor Jeep and Mrs. Carl Mod in honor of Miss Christina Fennlng. , Isette. who recently returned from a ho shortly will leave for Gering, her home. The guests were the MIb- Chrlstna Penning. Julia Collins, AJfoxeUa LaMon and Agues Ayl-"rard. ';M'-r i 'lie- Entertained Hp JUtin Club Friday The Caesar class of the. Alliance higb school entertained the Latin i'ut of the same school Friday even ing at the home of Miss Mabel Voting About thirty were In attend ant Latin games were played and .a dllghtful two course luncheon aerevd. visit In the east, Reception For New Memebrs At M. E. Church A reception was held at the Meth odist church Thursday night in hon or of the members who have recent ly affiliated themselves with the church. Games were played and a general good time had. The Ep worth League presented a most pleas ing program. Married at M. E. Parsonage Thursday. On Thursday Goldie A. Bennett of Marsland was united in marriage to Milton A. Patrick of Ansley. the ceremony taking place at the M. E. church. Dr. J. B. Cams performed the ceremony. The bride has been organist at the Methodist church In Marsland and is one of the leading young ladies of that town. The groom is an operator at Ansley. Iadie I'd. .r.il Club V Ming At Reception The Ladies Choral Club has ac cepted an invitation to sing and aa Ut at the public reception to be glv- i at the Baptist church Friday aigbt for Hon. Lloyd C. Thomas, ro I esentative from ilils district in the state legislature. Jtaptist Ladles Held rotriotJc Meeting Yesterday afternoon the Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist hurch held a patriotic meeting ai Ml-- Irene Rice Entertained Friday Eve. Miss Irene Rice entertained Friday evening at a pleasant kenslngton and card party at her home on Laramie avenue. The guest Hat Included Miss Hazel Bennett. Hannah Keane. Ruhl Morris. Cyuthia Dnvenport, Bernadlne French. Tresse O'Donnell. Florence Williams and Mrs. Frank Abegg. M. E. IMlie To Hold Sale Saturday The ladies of the Methodist church announce that they will hold a sale of home-made aprons and baked goods on Saturday of this week at the L O. O. F. hall, one door west of Darling's. The sale will be in pro gress all day and lunches consisting of sandwiches, cake, pie doughnutB and coffee will be served. Aprons should be left with either Mrs. Ach eson not later than this evening. laTtS him ir WEEK'S 111 3 M. E. liAdies Aid Met With Mrs. Thlele Yesterday afternoon the Metho dist Ladles Aid Society met at the the home of Mrs J. 8. Corp. 902 Mis-! home Df Mrs. Thlele. 512 Emerson Mrs. H. A. Cunningham and daugh ter went to Hot Springs Sunday. Mrs. Maleoni MacDonald and little daughter Margaret are planning on an extended visit with relatives at St. Ixniis. Mo., and Chicago, III. They left Monday morning. Mr chnrlon n Reed, ef TorrinK- ton. Wyo.. passed through the city Saturday on her way to unicaKo lor a short business visit there. Mrs. Jas. W. Gaddis and daughter Miss Naomi are getting ready to move to Hot Springs where Mr. Gaddis makes his headquarters since he was transferred to a passenger run out of there. D. F. Ktbble of Indianapolis has been visiting in Alliance the past week. Mrs. H. P. Toohey. who had been visiting at Pacta Junction returned lo Alliance Monday. Mrs. Ed Morrison and Bon of Craw ford were Alliance visitosr between trains. They were on there way to Kansas City. Regular weekly story telling hour for chllrden at the Public Library Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. AccoVding to the Scottsbluff papers ArchlB Gregory Is going right out af ter business since he opened up his shop as a registered optometrist at the Bluffs. An advertisement ap pearing ir. the Republican of that place is headed, "Oh. That Headache! Mr. Gregory has located his office In the Opera House block. Mrs. Shano and daughter returned from Ravenna Saturday. The Arthur Feaglns home, 422 Ni obrara, Is quarantined for scarlet fe ver. George E. Burke is at Denver this week on business. Chose Feaglns arrived home Fri day from Denver where he had been for several days on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bronkhurst have moved nito the Betebonner pro perty at 611 Big Horn. Miss Jean Close Is here from Sheri dan, the guest of her brother, Rou Close. Band practice Monday night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. L. Roseberry and daughter were here from Mullen the first of the week. Dr. H. A. Copsey is home from Om aha where he went to attend surgical clinics in the Cook County, Mercy and Augustina hospitals. Alliance was well represented Sun day at the tabernacle at Scottsbluff. a numebr from her going over to hear Evangelist Knowles who la con ducting a series of revival meetings there. The Christian church, where the meetings were originally held, was not large enough to accommo date the attendance, so a tabernacle was built on a lot adjoining the church. Reports from Scottsbluff are to the effect that Rev. Knowles s meting with great success in his meetings there. Everett O'Keefe. son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe. who has been at- endlng Cretghton University at Om aha, arrived home Monday. He came to Alliance to be operated upon for appendicitis, at St. Joseph hospital. a Services will be held at the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening at the usual time. VV Ci 'tt Shipment of Bungalow j L Aprons Kimonas and Fancy Work Just Received fat m Ob JR.. ....... - - , cih ee? Um A -- tit NIFTY THINGS FOR WOMEN WmCDJt ALWAYS A LITTLE DIFFERENT You Should See This Showing a ID tot wee Mrs. A. Simmons' First door south Herald office :DJCi LLOYD Will. ARRIVE HOME THIS AFTER NOO Alliance Junk Company OLD IRON .. BONES - EXTRA BIG PRICES FOR OLD COPPER AND BRASS $5.00 PER TON 10.00 PER TON L. Kulakof sky, Prop. PHONE 222 309 LARAMIE AVE. Hmi I.lovd C. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas are expected to arrive In Alliance this afternoon on wo. is Dmnha. following a day spent thorn after the adjournment of the legislature. The legislature adjourn ed late Tuesday afternoon aner a session lasting eighty-sis days. A public reception will be held for Lloyd at the Baptist church Friday evening. BAPTIST CHURCH WILL. OBSERVE RED t'KOSh Nmi x inv Anril 2ft. is Red Crosa Sunday for the Baptist Sunday school. The entire collection on mai iov win mn in the Alliance division of the Red Cross. An excellent pro gram has been nlauned. one or tne fufnrM of which Will De a cornei uiln , II i . I 1 1 :i " hv Verne Laing -,., ',.f Mr anil Mrs. E. O. Lalng. The general public la invited to the Bap tist church at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. All who contribute a dol lar or more are entitled to memDer I ship in the Red Cross. 1000 New Victor Records The largest ntock of new records ever received in a tangle shipment COME IN AND HEAR GALLI-CURCI, CARUSO, MeCOR M1CK, KREYALER AND THE SCORE OF VICTOR ARTISTS SELECTION IS NOW AT ITS BEST COME IK! The Wiker Music House OPPOSITE P08T0FF1CE