HAS HISTORICAL PKNH Llnroln, April 21 -HeprescntRf ive Lloyd Thorna of Alliance hni three I Hns whioh will be of historical In terest to the at at iv They are 1 ho pens which were used in the niimin of House Roll 793, the prohibition hill, and Hons.' Roll 222. tin- suffrage bill. Both bills wore slKned by t ho same pens. One pen was used by Speak er George Jackson and Chief Clerk Q. W. Potts of the house of repte aentatlves. Another pen was HMO by Lieutenant Governor Kdgar How ard and Chief Clerk K. A. Wnlrath of the senate. The third pen was used by Governor Keith Neville In affixing his signature to the bills af ter they had been approved by the other officials. Mr. Thomas plans to eventually give the pens into the custody of the state historical society for perman ent safekeeping. bronchial affections gist, FiOc. Adv 2 At your drug- I.I Till HANS WILL OATH Kit IN OMAHA TO I M HA'H Lutherans of Nebraska, Iowa and surrounding territory will gather in Omaha. June 3 to 5. the occasion be ing the Lutheran Reformation Cele bration in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the great refor mation. National tlgures In Lutheran cir cles will come to Omaha for this af fair. Many unique plans are being made for the event, among the fea tures being a combined choir from the Omaha Lutheran churches. This organization will consist of 300 voic es. Rehearsels have already begun at the Kountze Memorial hnll. Had Cough? Feverish? Uripp) ? You need Dr. King's New Discov ery to Btop that cold, the soothing balsam ingredients heal the irritated membranes, soothe the sore throat, the antiseptic qualities kill the germ ' and your cold is quickly relieved. Dr. I King's New Discovery has for 48 I years been the standard remedy for coughs and colds in thousands of homes. Get a bottle today and have it handy in your medicine chest for couglre, colds, croup, grippe and all Heal Skin Kmptlons Painful eczema is more active In spring when the blood is over-heated, the burning itching torture is un bearable, relieve it at once and heal the eruptions with Dr. Hobson's Ec zema Ointment. This antiseptic rem edy is promptly effective in all skin troubles. Pimples, blackheads, acne, tetter, ring worm, Bcaly blotchy skin, all respond to Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Get it todr.y at your drug gists, 50c, guaranteed. Adv 2 MANY ATTENDED THE MANUAL ART EXHIBIT llMM Who Visited Annual I xlnl.it at KnionuMt School Saturday Favorably Impressed On Saturday afternoon the manu al training department of the Alli ance schools held its annual exhibit in the shop at the Emerson school. There was a large nttendnnce from among the patrons of the schools and others interested In the work of the department and In the students. Much interest was shown by the visitors and many expressed surprise at the work of the students. Patrons were asked to vote on the merits of the several classes of work done by the students. The votes were widely scattered, the opinions of the various patrons being In favor of a wide variety of pieces of furni ture. The winners of the prises were: Floyd Lotspelch, table; Leon Edwards, desk chair; Howard Rider, table lamp. Sprains and Strains Relieved Sloan's Liniment quickly takes the pain out of strains, sprains, bruises and all muscle soreness. A clean, clear liquid easily applied, it quickly penetrates without rubbing. Sloan's Liniment does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy plasters or ointments. For chronic rheumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, gout and lumbago have this well-known rem edy handy. For the pains of grippe and following strenuous work. It gives quick relief. At all druggists. 2r.c Adv- 2 IDGAL DISCUSSION OFFICIALLY SETTLED Navy Yard HollermakerN Paid as High as l IN per Day, Merhan - ics as High as 94. (M) Following a discussion among l cal men as to the salary paid to boll ermskers at the Washington Navy Yard, F. W. Hicks, secretary of the local civil service board, wrote the commission to ascertain Just what pay boilermakers receive. In an swering Secretary Hicks' communi cation John A. Mcllhenny, president of the United States Civil Service Commission, said: "In reply to your letter of April 9 you are Informed that the wage paid for boilermakers at tho Washington Navy Yard ranges from $3.52 to $4.48 for an eight-hour day. Time and a half Is allowed for all over-1 time. All navy ysrd employees are granted 30 days' leave of absence with full pay at the expiration of one year's satisfactory service and for every month thereafter they are granted 2ty days' leave of absence with full pay. "It Is not known what the wages are for boilermakers in Alliance, Ne braska, but It will be seen from Hie miiw Just quoted and the conditions of the employment In the Navy Yard Service that the rate paid for com petent workers for this class of work is as high as is paid to employees outside the government service. "The wage paid for all-round ma chinlsts In the Washington yard Is from $3.60 to $4.56. In view of t In urgent need mechanics are employed at the highest rate of pay, the gov ernment reserving the right to rc rate them within ten days In their shown ability. "By direction of the Commission. "Very respectfully, "J. A. McILHENNY. Pres." This subject seems to be of par ticular Interest to a certain class of Alliance residents. The Commission has directed Secretary Hicks to as certain, as far a possible, the local boilermakers and mechanics who will accept employment in tho navy yards at once as well as those who will ac cept employment In case of emer gency. Tho names of those who will work for U&ctt Sum In rase the cnuv try ii'-i-ds ii en to do this work in order that the federel ships and BU u-of-war may be kept In repair are be ing filed. The locnl rate of pay for both boilermakers and nn'-ha tiles la 4f cents an hour. Considering aa eight-hour day, the dally wage would be $3.60. (Tlear your Skill In Spring Spring house cleaning means cleaning inside and outside. Dull pimply skin Is an aftermath of wis ter Inactivity. Flush your intestines with a mild laxative and clean out the accumulated wastes, easy to take, they do not gripe. Dr. King's New Life Pills will clear your com plexion and brighten your eye. TtT Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight and throw off the sluggish winter shell. At druggists, 25c. Adv 2 At. Mi MAN DROPS DEAD Ellsworth. Nebr. A. B. Coe, aged 68 years, dropped dead Saturday morning In the door yard at tho home of F. J. Ellsbury. north of her. He arrived Friday from- an all-winter visit at Chicago and had Just call ed on his nearest neighbor. It Is presumed the excitement due to his return to the home place, together with the exertion of a short walk, wss too great for his weakened heart. The Rumer Motor Comp'y Distributors for Crow Elk-hart and New Era Automobiles Agents Wanted for Unoccupied Territory (f To Automobile Buyers Maw. Eight Months Ago we took the agency for the Crow Elk-hart Automobile. We purchased 53 cars which were shipped in August-and September. The car was a good looker and a good seller, but some of our friends claimed the only objection to the car was we could not get repairs. We advertised giving the strongest guarantee ever given for any automobile in the state of Nebraska. We guaranteed for six months to furnish repairs the day order was received or furnish repairs free of charge. We have sold 48 of these cars up to this date and have never received an order that was not filled the day received, with the exception of two springs, which were fur nished free of charge. We are going to continue to handle the Crow Elk-hart car. They have in creased their capital one half million dollars, and are among the big factories of the country, and no guarantee on our part is necessary; however, we will guarantee to furnish repairs. This season we have taken the agency for the New Era car, $685 f. o. b. fac- ,2 2 9 0 tory. Some of our friends are more antagonistic over this car than they were over the Crow Elk-hart. They tell you the factory has gone out of business and it will be impossible to get any repairs. Now we want to say Just a word regarding the New, Rra car. This factory was at Jollet, 111., and was taken over by the Elgin Motor Car Corporation of Chicago, who make the "Elgin Six" and have millions of capital. The machinery and material were moved from Jollet to the Elgin factory about March 1st. When in Chicago about January 1st the Elgin Motor Car Corporation made us a pro position on 75 cars which they were assembling at the Jollet factory, with the under standing that we accept and pay for all cars by February 1st. We accepted their proposition and have received the 75 cars. We did not care to show every prospective buyer our contract with the Elgin Motor Car Corporation, which contained the price, the discounts, and guarantee as to repairs. We wrote them about March 1, asking them to advise us what we could say to buyers regarding repairs, and their reply is shown herewith: We believe the New Era is the best car on the market today Helling un der $800.00. The chassis was selected by the Elgin Motor Car Corporation to be used as a truck; it certainly is a good one. And we know the Elgin .Motor Co. will furnish repairs, and we make this- proposition We have de posited $100 in the First State Bank for six months to be paid to the purchas er of a New Era ear to whom we sell at retail in Alliance who orders repairs and we fail to furnish them within a reasonable length of time. Link Lowry, .lames KVcler and .1 I. Nieolai will be the judges as to what a reasonable time should be, and this money is payable to their order. These men are all relia ble and responsible and "ill certainly do the fair thing by all. The one con dition we make is that broken parts and cash for amount of repair accompany order. The New Era ear sells tor $7Ii5.00 f, 0, b, Alliance. The sooner you buy one the sooner vou will have a chance to make $100. FACTORY: 61st St. and Archer Ave. TELEPHONES: Harrison 61 13 6114-6115 Elgin fl&otor Car Corporation 1650-1556 McCormick Bldg. Chicago, U. S. A., March 10, 1917. Rumer Motor Co . , Alliance, Nebr. GENTLEMEN : -It is our intention to keep in stock all parts of- the New Era Car, for the purpose or supplying the people who are driving these cars, with necessary parts . The chassis we are building now for the light truck are the same as used for the New Era Pleasure Car. I do not see any reason that you should have any worries re garding this matter. Thanking you for your inquiry, I am, Very truly yours, Elgin Motor Car Corporation. G. Kneedly, Sec. and Treas. The Rumer Motor i... i i i . - Alliance, INe DISTRIBUTORS FOR Crow Elk-hart and New Era Automobiles We Carry A Complete Line of Tires and Accessories ,. i s rt oa