The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 26, 1917, Image 4

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LMYD C. THOMAS, IUikJiipm Manager
Published every Thursday b
a d Thm.
President J. rl Th-min.
John W. Thomt, Secretory
Vice Pre
"niprori at the rnit office at Alliance. Nebraska, for transmission through
I) man ".""l-flMi Matter
If your ropv of The Herald doea not reach yon regularly or satlsfac
ly. tow should phona 140 or drop a card to the office The beat of arr
is (a what anr-ous to give, ao don"t hesltat to notify us without
ty kT acaa yor paper.
Hon. M. P. Kinkaid, long time congrcsamftn from the Sixth Ne
braska district, is for peace when possible but is also patriotic and
wants the readers of The Herald to know it. He informs us that the
controlling consideration with him in voting against the war resolu
tion was the letters, telegrams and remonstrances sent him to the ef
fect that the sentiment of his constituents waa overwhelmingly
against a war declaration, and these advices included a resolution
passed by the house of representatives of the Nebraska state legisla
ture to the same effect. Mr. Kinkaid further says that as we are now
solemnly committed to war he deems it his official and patriotic duty
to stand firmly and earnestly for it speedy and successful termination.
In the issue of The Herald of April 5 was an editorial under the
caption, "Making An Ounce Count," showing the importance of us
ing care in trying to avoid accidents. A constant reader of the pa
per sends us the following regarding the editorial:
Getting Caught on a Crossing
"I have read your editorial about automobile accidents at cross
ings, and find much in same that I can agree with.
"It is going to take some hard work to break up the careless hab
its that so many indulge in. The trouble is that this is such a money
making age that people go along pondering in their minds the best
way to make another dollar.
"Some folks are so eager for more dollars that they cannot quit
thinking about them as they drive up to the railroad crossing. They
should figure a little more on saving the money and property they
already possess. Why would this help? Because any plan to safe
guard their property would have to include some scheme for saving
those good motor cars that are thrown onto the rubbish heap when
struck by a train at the crossing.
"Trying to save your money and your property is all very well,
but watching out to save your life is a thousand times better. We
have heard of more than one person in our own time who, having lost
every cent he owned, has made a fresh start and amassed more wealth
than he formerly possessed. While there is life, there is hope. When
life is gone, you might have a job playing on a harp, but that chance
maybe is a slim one unless you are more of a musical genius than
Yours truly."
Saturday for a visit wltb friends and
relatives In Ohio.
Mrs Meyers, wife of the machin
ist at the Olds shop, arrived from
the east Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
Meyers expect to reside here in the
D. W. Butler and Howard Hayffes
were AMIance visitors Sunday.
Mrs. F. W. Mnllck entertained the
Kebekah Circle Tuosday afternoon.
A very pleasant time Is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Fosdlck who have
been visiting their daughter Mrs. L.
Clough and family returned to their
home Friday. They were accompan
ied home by Mrs. dough and the
children, who will visit for some
Will Crossley, wife and babies
came Friday and visited at the H. R.
Olds home until Saturday afternoon,
when they continued their Journey
westward to Wyoming, where they
will hold down a homestead.
Walter Walker has been confined
to his room for several days with
NOTICE OF 6 li is..
In County Court of Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ferd
inand Basting, Deceased:
To all persons interested in the
estate of Ferdinand Basting, de
ceased: You will take notice that on the
18th day of May, 1917, Samuel B.
Otto, executor of the estate of Ferd
inand Basting, filed in said court his
final account as executor of said es
tate, and that Bald account will be
for hearing on the 20th day of Ap
ril, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the
County Court Room In the city of
Alliance, in said county; and you are
required to appear at the time and
place above named and show cause,
if any there bo, why said account
should not ho allowed.
It is ordered that said Samuel B.
Otto give notice of the time and
place of said hearing, to all persons
Interested in said estate by causing
thiB order to be published in the
Alliance Herald, a newspaper print
ed and circulating In said county.
for three consecutive weeks prior to
said hearing.
Dated April 25. 1917.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Department of the Interior, Unit
ed States Land Office, Alliance. Ne
braska, Anr. ?3, 1917.
To John H. Darnell of Alliance.
Nebraska, contest ee:
You are hereby notified that Jos
eph Derr, who gives Mlnatare, Nebr
aska, as his post-office address, did
on April 20, 1917, file in this office
his duly corroborated application to
contest and secure the cancellation
of your homestead, Serial No.
017353. made October 9. 1915. for
Lots 1. 2, SEV4NE4 of Section 4.
Township 24 N. range 52 W. and E
SEK of Section 35. Township 25 N..
Range 52 W. of the 6th Principal
Meridian, and as grounds for his
contest he alleges that John H. Dar
nell has wholly abandoned said
homestead since date of entry; and
that he has never resided upon said
land or placed any Improvements
l hereon, that suid failure to comply
with the homestead law Is not dne
to any military servico in connection
with the operations in Mexico or
along the border, or In mobilisation
camps elsewhere or in any military
or naval organization In the United
States or National Guard of the sev
eral states during the time of war.
You are. therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations will be
taken by this office as having been
confessed by you, and yonr an id en
try will be canceled thereunder with
out your further right to be heard
therein, either before this office or
on appeal, if you fail to file in thin
office within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of this notic.
as shown below, your answer, under
. . I I. ...... i ... . M . MAittit. n , i
j uni u, iumu iuwi lug hiiu iv
sponninc to inese allegations or con
test, or If you fail within that time
to file in this office due proof that
you have served a copy of your an
swer on the said contestant either In
person or by registered mail. If this
service is made by the delivery of a
copy of your answer to the contest
ant in person, proof of such service
must be either the said contestant's
written acknowledgment of his re
ceipt of the copy, showing the date
l l . ...... ... ilu ofRl.ii'lt tt tkfl
rage bill and others being brought out from their hiding places and j person by whom the delivery was
passing with good majorit ies. 'made slating when and where the
On looking over the record of this session we find that it is h new (copy was delivered; if made by rec-
record for constructive legislation. Laws were patted which-are pro
gressive and beneficial.
The 1917 legislature enacted an effective prohibition law. It
enacted laws for state hail insurance, limited woman suffrage, com.
When the member! of the Nebraska legislature returned to their
homet early this week, following the close of the biennial session,
they had the right to feel that they had had the privilege of taking
part in the most important session in the history of the state. Some
Nebraska newspapers have taken it upon themselves to say that the
sending of members to Lincoln has been a waste of the people's mon
ey and of the time of (hose who attended, We do not agree with
The session just closed lasted nearly four months, being the sec
ond longest in the history of the state, and covering eighty-four days
of actual work.
It is admitted that the passage of progressive legislation through
the state senate was delayed for days anil weeks by the hold which
the unholy "machine" had on that body. And it is undoubtedly
true that the eighteen senators, members of both parties, who com
posed the machine held back the passage of jy ogressive bills which
should have been passed.
The breaking of the hold of the "machine" came with the fight
over the prohibition bill. This bill had come from the house of rep
resentatives with practically a unanimous vote for it. When it
reached the senate it was attacked by the "machine" and one hun
dred amendments were taeked on the bill. Did the eighteen senators
who voted for these amendments expect the house to accept them? We
do not know. But the house, knowing that it bail the support of the
people of Nebraska back of it, stood pat and refused to Accept thole
amendments which would have destroyed the purpose of the bill and
made it a protection for the bootlegger and the manufacturer of
"near beer."
Public sentiment became so strong that the hold of the leaders
on their "machine" was lost. When it came to the final showdown
the bill was passed through the senate as it was approved by the
house - the "machine", leaders and all, jumped into the bandwagon
and voted for it, only three senators refusing to vote for the bill on
final passage. Then, the hold of the leaders having been broken, pro
gressivc legislation was rapidlv pushed through the woman's suff-
The Greatest Sale of the Season
Be Sure And Do Not Miss This Big Sale At
The Fashion Shop. The Big Sale Starts
Friday Morning And Continues Until The
Entire Spring Line Is Sold.
No obstacle now remains to the immediate completion of your spring; and iiimmer ward
robe. The time Is ripe for you to buy the assortments are as yon like them. Our new hot
weather merchandise will soon begin to arrive n-nd In anticipation of their arrival we are mak
ing prices unheard of generally at this season of tm year. When The Fa ion Shop advertises
a sale, you know It is a real one.
The Important savings offered on our entire line of Ladles' Suits Coats, Drew and Skirt
sweep away your last excuse for delay. Fridny morning should find yon lit our Mere taking
your early pick of these remnrkahle bargains which we offer you nt a
Saving of From 25 to 50 Per Cent
.Baataaaaaaall tas m I LaaaaaaVfcaaaf aLw aS aaaf La 3La fcw sH "Maaal gaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaieaO
Classified Advertising
Five Cents Per Line Count Six Words to a Line
No Advertisement Taken for Less Than 15c
prehensive building of good roads with federal aid, encouragement
of irrigation, four- ear-terms for county officers, shortening of the
ballot, non-partisan election of school officers- both local and state,
for city managers if desired by cities of the state, for a vote of the
people on a constitutional convention, for the better detection of auto
mobile thieves, for the protection of the stock shipper, for the protec
tion of the honest debtor, for improvement of the workmen's compen
sation and employer's liability law, for the consolidation of state de
partments, for double election boards in populous districts, and for
greater efficiency in our state government.
Nebraska can well be proud of the legislation accomplished bv
her servants in Lincoln during the past four months.
ter. five miles west of town. Also
two desirable residence properties.
Inquire 603 I.;hm avenue, ATI i-
aeae. Nebraska. 21-lt-8242$
"FOR SALE Well-improved farm.
NWV Sec. 4, Twp. 24. Range 47.
1 ;"-;t-S162
r..r. .nsii I
Tom Beal was up from Alliance
the latter part of the week.
Mrs F. J. Elliott and daughter
Miaa Jessie were Alliance visitors
Friday, between trains.
N. Frohnapfel was transacting
business at the county seat during
the week.
Oscar O'Bannon was up from Alli
ance Friday attending to business
Mr. Taylor of the Central Granar
M Co. made a short visit to this
nlace Monday forenoon.
II. C. Beaumont was an Alliance
visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Shepherd and Pearl
Lorenson were in Alliance Tuesday
Mrs. Clark Olds visited Alliance
.tames Hunter is one of the Alli
SBC4 iies who was doing some trading
Willi out merchants Saturday
Mrs. C J. Wildy entertained Sat
urday in honor of Mrs. Paradis of
Denver Those from Alliance who
were present were Mrs. I. E. Tash.
Mr B. F. (iil man. Mrs. J. C. Mc
Corkle and Mrs W C. Mounts
County Clerk Mounts autoed up
tn i i Alliance Sunday
Mrs. D. W." Kenner visited with
friends in aud around this place the
latter part of the week, returning to
her Lome at Alliance Sunday.
.1. C. McCorkle was up rroni Alli
MMt Friday on business.
John Kinion and J. C Scott of
SI-jux county were hauling rye to this
ninrkct the ttrst of the week
Mr and Mrs. Ed Martin and N.
Frohnapfel autoed to Alliance Tues
day afternoon.
Nil and Mrs Hutton left on 44
istered mail. Proof of such service
must consist of the affidavit of the
person h w hom the copy was mailed
slating when and the post office to
which it was mailed, aud this affida
vit must be accomrrnied by the
postmaster's receipt for the letter.
You should stute in your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire future notkfs to be sent
to you.
J. C. MORROW. Receiver.
Date of tirst publication. April 26.
Dale of second publication. May 3,
Dale of third publicuion. May 10.
Date of fourth publication. May
17. 1917
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of sale issued by the
dark of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebr
aska, within and tor Box Butte
county, in an action whoreln Jona
than L. Miller is plaintiff, and Thom
as C Bcadley. et al. are defendants
I will, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the
?0th day of May. A. D. 1917, at the
west front door of the county court
house, in ihe city of Alliance. Box
Butte county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following
deacrlbed lands and tenements, to
wit: the southeast quarter of section
31. in township 26 N. of range 47
W. 6th P. M.. Box Butte county, N
Given under my hand this flit
day of April. 1917.
C. M. COX. Sheriff
Burton It Reddish, Attorneys.
FOR SALE Ranch within ten
miles of Alianlce. 1900 acres, in
cluding some farm land suitable for
alfalfa. Will sell part interest or
whole ranch. A bargain and a money-maker.
Address Box 7828, care
Alliance Herald 60-tf-7823
Pterce Arrow "38" Touring.
Rulck, Mg "6." runabout.
Peerless Conpe.
4 1 . 1 1 .
in u, (im'iv(fiH(i n -passenger.
Hudson Sedan.
National. 4 passenger runabout.
Franklin runabout.
Packard Troek.
The ahpve list gives to ypu a range
of prices from $4 50 upward. Each
car capable of rendering splendid
"The Hons.- of Satisfaction"
1544 Court Place. Denver. Colo.
Main 8539
5 i5I!iJi-K53L
ED ROOMS The Herald has fre
quent calls for rooms, both furnish
ed and unfurnished. In most in-
ai u " nam ii paixt
i PAINTYoifRwlriHoar
$3 1 will send you enough of my high
, gloss enamel to paint your oar. Im
possible to streak or leav brush
marks. Anyone can apply. It will
make your car look like new, and
you be the judge. If not satiafled, I
will gladly refund your money. J. C.
MILLION, 258 Columbine St., Den
ver, Col. 16-tf-8180
sired as to his whereabouts, also us Btancwl this office is able to rent your
to his son ueorge uarry jonn nnr-. rooul8 for you before your classified
ry is now 56 years of age, was a lo-1 advertisement appears. If you have
comotlve engineer for the Burlington i something to rent, list it with the
1 tin. OA's nnrl r.iu i f A II in MAO w , . . . . .
lain srv o, u . ..i.-.. 1 M'Tit 1(1 V.lWiUlll UtMilY.
and Sheridan. yo. riense anaress fiYvfiT
,,- t- t.- li,..,...
III. r.. Ihlirn, vuuii iiuuiir, ,.i in ii.
polis. Minn.
WANTED 100 head of horses for
pasture, uooa range and good wa-
FOK SALK TOWN LOTS , ter Address. Fred Hoover, Alli-
vKtMAnv ance. Nebr. Phone Birch 8031.
uiiv vawA a .
SALE Lots five and tlx In block
six, Wyoming addition to City of Al
liance. Inquire of L. A. Berry,
room 9. Rumer block, Alliance.
Phone 9. 8138-13-tf
land roadster and a aecond-hanc.
Kord touring car for sale cheap. In
tutre at the Sturgeon garage.
"M6NEY tTTlOAN On Box Butte
county land and ranches in the sand
hills No delay in making the loan.
We inspect our lands and furnish
the money at once. J. C. McCorkle,
Nebraska Land Company. Alliance,
Nebraska l-tf-6554
FOR SALE One goad grade
Shorthorn bull, weighing between
1600 and 1100 pounds Will sell
for $12&. ("heap at this price, but
I don't need him. Inquire of Chris
Neppr, Alliance. Phone Ash 8023
bwn, weight 1,700, coming
years old. Write or phone DAUGH-
ERTY BROS.. Lakeside, Nebr.
WANTED Man "tTTIeTiprganiie
a company to build a custom ntill in
Colorado to treat gold and silver ore.
tiave goon ore leased, enough to
keep mill going for years. Good
money for myself and associates
Write. K. E Seaman, IJbby. Mont
ana. 21-21-8240$
FOR RENT Modern housekeep
ing rooms. Phone S67, Mrs. John
McDonald. 8234-20-tf
can depend upon cars In which the
value of every dollar of their price is
GOOD used automobiles are wor
thy of your consideration.
Scrlpps Booth, 4 passenger. 8 cyl
inder. Cadillac "8" touring
Locler Touring.
Franklin Touring.
Moline Touring.
Overland Touring.
Abbott Limousine.
Packard Touring.
We have equipped our dray wag- Big Horn. Phone Walnut 8092.
ons and auto truck with the latest , 21-21-8251$
appliances for moving furniture; I.IaiT"lRHSKkKPINiHM.s
without marring or scratching or do-1 FOR RENT Three light house
ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pads keeping rooms. 219 Yellowstone,
will be used by us on all moving phone 529. 21-tf-8252
joos jijii.n it. nniiitiH, fhone 15.
FOR SALE Furniture for a" five
room house -two bed room sets, par
lor, dining room and kitchen furni
ture. Am leaving the city. For sale
reasonably Inquire 904 Box Butte.
. l .-. r . a . r, .1 r
i-none uv. sv-ii-B.'. ,
FOR SALE One mission dining
room set; water power washing ma
chine; child's bed. 904 Box Butte.
Phone 750. Sl-lt-8253
ROOM8 FOR KENT- 132 Chey
nne Avenue, Alliance. Nebraska.