(SLEWED) LEfifes . KISITH OF l o r ami DISCO VKRRD AT HHOADWATKR Broadwater News: Large deposits of potash have been discovered near town and arrange ments are being made to build a big potash plant here, the Indications are that the whole valley in the vi cinity of Broadwater is underlaid with an immense body of potash baring mud and water. There is also strong talk of build ing a pipe line from here to the pot ash fields and lakes north of town and either syphoning or pumping the water from the lakes to a refinery located lt Broadwater. The plan is entirely feasible as we are at least 150 to 200 feet lover than the lake country to the north. riot ism of the citizens of Rushvllle, and enjoyed the parade of sixty school tots, who marched through the town, each carrying the Stars and Stripes and keeping step to the boat of a drum. He declared that the spirit of '76 was Installed In the blood of the younger generation. QERINO COUPLE ELOPE m WOMAN LEAVES FAMILY ScoUsbluff Star-Herald: Sheriff Koenlg kept the wires hot all yesterday afternoon In an effort to locate Arthur Randall and a Mrs. Cohen, of Gering, who are reported to have eloped Saturday evening. Ac cording to the sheriff's reports the couple icft Gering about 6 o'clock and were seen going thru this city in an auto about 7the bame evening. Since then their whereabouts haa been a niyrtery. The Randall fam ily is one of (ho pioneer families of the valley, tboroly respected In ev ery way, and this action on the part o f the man in the case is a mystery, for he leaves a young wife and two small children. The woman also leaves a husband and two children. Mr. Randall has been carrying the rural him 11 for some time. The cou ple left in a Ford of 1914 or 1915 n-.odel. Mr. Koenlg hopes to locate them in the next day or so. KLVE HAVE APPLIED FOR ENLISTMENT AT HUHHYILLK Rushvllle Standard: B. A. Price, a representative of the V. S. Navy, was In Rushville Wednesday in quest of volunteers. Nine young men llBted to the call and ook the examination. They were: George W. Picolet, Arthur D. Pere ten. Jay B. Furmaii, Harry It. Stwal ley, Wm. T. Holsapple, William Ar thur Shabram, Albert Lee Miller. Harvey Wampole and Sylvester L. Novotuy. Furman and Holsapple could not pass the physical examina tion, and Shabram, Miller and Wam pole, being under age, had to wait the consent of their parents. Pico let, Pereten and Stwalley left on the evening train with Mr. Price for Omaha, where their further examin ation will take place. Mr. Price was very much impressed with the pat- SAYS NO BAN ON MARRIAGES IN SHERIDAN Rushvllle Standard: Contrary to the rumor that is go ing the rounds that no more marri age licenses will be Issued, County Judge Dorr wishes it made known that such a state of affairs does not exist and that he Is still issuing li censes at the old stand. Even war cannot outwit cupld. DISASTROUS FIRE WORKS HAYOC AT THEDFORD Hyannis Tribune: At about 1 o'clock Sunday morn ing fire was discovered In the Hynd shaw livery barn at Thodford, which rapidly spread to the Thedford gar Jage, (he Leper residence, Bauder's j barber shop and Thedford restaurant and then swung around the corner to 'J. H. Figard's merchandise store, de- Straying this entire block and entail jlng a property loss of between $30,- 000 and $40,000. The large amount of oil and gano- line stored in the Thodford garage exploded from Umi to time, shooting columns of flame hundreds of foot into the air and driving the fire fight ers back from the flames and forcing the occupants of other buildings to flee. The occupants of the several build ings destroyed being awakened by shouts of the fire fighters and explos ions ran half dressed to shelter amid a roaring gale and snowstorm. Eight head of horses in (he llvory barn were burned to death, and a number were saved with great risk to the fire fighters. All the glass fronts on the opposite side of the street were broken In by the intense heat and successive ex plosions of gas. Early in the even ing a prairie fire broke out on Goose creek, about twelve mileB north, and a number of (he citizens had gone to assist in extinguishing the flameB. STARS ELE4T OFFICERS AT SCOTTSBLITV ScoUsbluff Republican: Dome Rock Chapter No. 215, or der of, the Eastern Star, has elected officers as follows for the ensuing year: Worthy matron. Mrs. A. J. Shumway; associate matron, Mrs. A. K. Delahoyde; conductress. Mrs. W. A. McCain; associate conductress, Mrs. C. H. Fuller; worthy patron. Clarence G. Steen; secretary, Mrs. H. A. Johnson; trensurer, Mrs. C. II. Westervelt. Mrs. Beach Coleman, the present matron, will attend the grand lodge at Lincoln in May, as will Mri. A. J. Shumway, the matron-elect. STOLZ RELEASED BY LINCOLN HALL CLUB ScoUsbluff Republican: "Lefty" Stolz, who pitched for the ScoUsbluff baseball team laat sum mer, and who has been trying out with the Western League at Lincoln under Ducky Holmes, seems to be a little too wild with his delivery to suit Boss Ducky, as will be seen by the following article, which wo take from Tuesday's State Journal: "Bosh Ducky has released 'Lefty' S(olz, huge twirler from ScoUsbluff. Stolz has every essential but control BosB Ducky gave the big pitcher a lot of fatherly advice and "Lefty," if he follows It, shopld be back In fast company In ayear. Ducky would be pleased to carry and develop this hurler but for the stringent player limit rules in this loop and but for the further fact that his staff is al ready complete. 'Deac' Meyers and Clifford Hans will bo left at home Ducky will make an effort to place this pair. He gives them the high est sort of praise, but the fact that both have been troubled with sore arms, hinders their progress at this time." FREE-FOR-ALL FIGHT STAGED AT GLUING ScoUsbluff Republican: A free-for-all fight occurred at Gering Saturday night in the Japan ese restaurant over there. It seems that a parly of about a dozen per sons started to clean out the restau rant and that as a result the whole place got n ixed up In the fight. The sheriff is looking for a Jap who wit nessed the affair, and whom It WWII necessary to have before the guilty ones can be prosecuted. The sheriff was busy all day yesterday trying to locate his man, but up to this time, had been unable to locate him. SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER TURNED OVER TO SHERIFF Hay Springs News: . A man about 4 5 years of age, whose name we did not learn, has been wandering around south of town in the Ed JohanBon, Walgreen and Ireland district. He wrs brought to town Saturday morning and de livered over to the sheriff. From all appearances he was not of sound mind. He clnlmod to hp.ve come from Chadron and to have a sister at Gordon. He also claimed to be In search of work, but seemingly had no dlsponltlon to work, as he made the same round in the neighborhood several times and came back to plac es where he knew work was not to be had. His stories were so conflict ing that the parties in the neighbor hood thought It best to give him ov er to the authorities for further ex amination and so as Mr. Housh and Mr. Sandoz were passing the Johnn sen place last Saturday morning on their way to town, he WM induced to come along w ith them. As it hap pened Sheriff Bruce was down from Rushville that morning and took the man in charge. A Little Stick of ww aiiiw wuvn vi a WRIGLEYS Makes the Whole World KinS No climate affects it for the package protects it. WRBGLEWS goes to all parts of the world in all seasons, to all classes. Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. ' It aids appetite and di gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet The Flavor Lasts Three Fine Flavors mWk - ss" ei After every meal" SOLO IEPS IN EUROPE JAPANESE 6I9LS IN TOKYO sweep HEaoea in Ausraau njew in"s'ngapowc j WSUU-MO BBS MiSi OLD TIMER COLS CRAZY SCARES WOMEN Chadron Chronicle: Grif Jerrollman, an old timer of 'the county, was taken to the Insane j asylum at Norfolk Monday evening 'by Sheriff Vet Canflell. A number of years ago he owned and lived on a I farm south of Whitney, but of later yean has met with financial reverses and dually his mind became unbal anced. Although apparently harm less and perfectly rational at times, he seemed possessed of a mania to frighten women, at times imr.glned thai some one was trying to kill him, and when under one of those spells would brandish a knife or any kind of a weapon he could lay his hands on. He was picked up in Sheridan . . ., mm afc K . CKj.rifT I)rilfl lUUUl lam " ' . f uj ,.w 1111 and as he is homeless and withour any means, he became a charge of Dawes county. Despite his advanced age. It is thought that his mental re covery might be possible in the state institution. I 'ST Kit COl'NTY FLANS A BIG CELEBRATION Custer County Chief: Arrangements are progressing in a most satisfactory manner for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Nebraska's statehood, which will take place at Broken Bow at the time of the County Field Meet and Declam atory contest on Saturday, May 12th. The committee appointed by the may or some time ago to carry out this matter ha8 had several meeetiugs. Prof. S H. Martin has been made chairman and various other commit tees have been appointed and the work Is now well In hand. The celebration will be in the na ture of a grund pageant, the parade being made up of historical floats, which will depict the advancement of Nebraska from the time of the Indian the present time. There will be a large number of floats and it la ex pected that other towns of the county will Join in furnlsMng features for this parade. An attractive part of this pageant will be the automobile parade. This will be made a special automobile day and the program we believe will be so attractive when it Is completed that It will attract hun dreds and we believe thousands of automobiles to Broken Bow. A feature of this celebration will be the taking of moving pictures. Ar rangemonts have already been made for this and several thousand feet of Alms will be made which will later on be shown In connection with the historical work now being done by the State University Extension de part meat, The Chief asks the people of Custer county to keep their eyes open on fu ture announcements of this celebra tion, because It is going to be well worth Beeltig. The athletic contests of high school students of the county In the afternoon and the declamatory contest In the evening will be big fea tures and with all May 12th will be a mighty big day for Custer county. MI LES CAI SE HOME EXCITEMENT AT HAY HIMtlNGH Hay Springs News: Pies Smith who has been working his mule team and putting our streets In good condition, had a live ly runaway Saturday afternoon. He had the mules hitched to a lumber wagon when the tongue dropped and away went the whole shooting match with Pics holding the ribbons. They started In front of Peck's furniture store and ran north to the first cross ing and then west about a block, where they attempted to cross north up an alley. Here the tongue plow ed Into the dirt and brought things to a standstill. No damage was done although there were a good many autos parked on mr.ln street and Pies was exceeding the speed limit. He managed well and had the team Blnwed down to a trot when the tongue caught. The accident was due to someone having put tho double-trees on upside down and ono of the pins to the whipple-troo clevis dropped out. REPORTS OK OIL STRUCK AT LUBK Chadron Chronicle: Reports reached here the last of the week that oil had been struck In paying quantities at Lusk, causing considerable excitement here, Inas much as a few local men are Interest ed up there, and also because it seemed to give new assurances for prospects for oil hero. We have been unable to verify the report, In fact, It appears to be a false alarm, although it Ib Bald that Indications are very good In that district to strike oil very soon. CRAWFORD LADIES GIVE RECEPTION FOR RUNDIN Crawford Tribune: The ladles of the Congregational church will hold a farewell reception Friday evening at the church parlors In honor of Rev. and Mrs. Walter C. Rundln, who will leave here May 1 for Mitchell, Nebr., where Rev. Run din has accepted a position as pastor of the federated churches. The mem bers of the Crawford Chamber of Commerce and Crawford Volunteer Fire department have been invited to b present. GKTS lOc EACH FOR TWO-DAY OLD CHICKS Chadron Chronicle: Mrs. Lucy Denton has worked up quite a chicken Industry at her home on T.'ears street. Huee large lncu- bat.iri full of eggs have already been hutched and Bold ind second on the way With two-day-old chicks sell ing at 10c per, this proves a very profitable business and id worth close attention. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid 1 In one minute your clogged notri! will open, the nir passages of your lii-ad will clear and you can breathe freely. No more li-iwking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No Htriigglinx for brenth at nulit , your cold or catarrh wm or (rone. det a ninnil bottle of Fly's Cream Balm from your druggist new. Apply a little of this fruirru.:, aatissptie, healing en-am in your nostrils, It j-ii etratea through every nir passive of tin head, sont'iri the inllaiiicM or swollen mucous membrane an.f relief comes in stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed -up with a cold or natty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. 4TH ORDERED TO NEW LOCATION I'r. -ent Coinimiiles of tho Fourth are Moved to Fort Crook, -Near Onialut NO ORDERS YET FOR CO. "G' May I ..IX, stati- Humored that Fifth Will He MuMtered Hack Into Service Shortly Officers of tho Fourth Nebrnska regiment, of which Company "()" tho company organised here is a member, have beon ordered to make their headquarters at Fort Crook, near Omaha, until further notice. At this writing no orders have been re ceived hero for Company "O", al though the call is daily expected. Col. Baehr of Omaha has complied with orders and has removed his men to the government fort near Omaha. Significance is attached by nation al guard officers to this move, which Is taken as an indicatlcn that the Fourth will, within a month, be ord ered out of Nebraska fur active serv ice, either on the Mexican border or on the Pacific slope. Rumor has It that the Fifth Nebr aska will be mustered back Into fed eral service shortly to assume the work of guarding point of military strategical value which have been under the watchful eye of the Fourth. This is expected to take place before the Fourth is ordered out of the state. Estsblishment of headquarters at Fort Crook means that It will be the station not only for Colonel Baehr and his office staff, but the regiment al quartermaster and cupply com pany and the sanitary MMiMUt Several carloads of supplies and equipment will be stored there for distribution, when needed, to their stations about the state. Headquarters for Major Todd of the Omaha battalion will remain In the First National bank building at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, Omaha. Safe Medicine for Children "Is It safeT" is the first question to be considered when buying oougb medicine for children. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy has long been a favorite with mothers of young children as It contains no oplcm or other narcotic, and may be given to a child ns confidently as to an adult. It Is pleasant to take, too, which is of great Importance when a medicine must be given to young children. This remedy Is most effectual In re lieving coughs, colds and croup. Ob tainable everywhere. Adv apr top of a big tank of high-test line. 'I h vapor escaping froas opening traveled 200 hundred to the tar kettles of the Natl Roofing Co, which set fire to vapor. In an Instant the whole of gasoline was burning. Ol of this quality Is now worth 20 !-- cents a gallon, making the loss $2,000. The blase was spert and cniild be seen for several mliew Spring Spring Is looked upon by man a the most delightful season of It year, but this cannot be said of rheumatic. The cold and weather brings on rheumatic which are anything but pl They can be relieved, however, mf1 applying Chamberlain's Llnlf Obtainable everywhere. Adv apr CAR OF GASOLINE HUHNS Omaha. Neb. 10,000 gallons of gasoline was destroyed at the plant of the Manhattan Oil Co., 11th and Paul street. The fire was caused by the blowing out of a stopper In the AKREHTED UNDER MANN Grand Island, Neb.- Claude nn emnlove of the McDoland rnnrh. wua nr rested hv federal MHtS' orltlea and arraigned before Com?' mlssloner Cleary of this city on tM' charge of violating the Mann met W the transportation of a married worn an from Iowa to this state. He wis bound over and taken to Lincoln W await trial. Calling cards lor the ladles printed promptly and neatly at Tlx" Herald office. The prices are rear onable. Phone 340 for samples in " prices, or call at the office. BOO ROOMS 800 I rooms! Yon Will SAFETY FIRST When you are In Omaha some where all Stockmen stop. always find your friends and acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE 1TH AND JONES 8TB., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely flre-pronf hotel. We welcome the Stock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In the city. Rooms with private both, f 1.60 to 1 1.76. Rooms with private toilet 11. Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLE. Prop. COMFOR WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE How it looks when illustrated "My, we were out in it all, and it just rained pitchforks." MR. AND MRS. NEWLY WED Need never be disappointed or have the customary quarrels about the qual ity f their Daily Bread Bung, Pies or Cakes if they join tho ranks of OUR SATISFIED PATRONS F. F. PHONE 69 STEPHENS BAKERY 207 BOX BUTTE AVE ? mm i mm ai . imbmbp QEapr I - f "r- "v . V Paint is Best for Walls and Ceilings Lincoln Walamo is a sanitary dull finish paint for walls aud ceilings. It combini N the durability of an oil paint or an enamel with the soft, velvetry beauty of water color or fresco. Lincoln Walamo is the ideal finish for walls and ceilings. It is much superior to wall or wall coverings which arc held in place with unsanitary, germ breeding paste. Let us assist you in selecting suitable colors and estimating the quantity requider for those rooms that need refinishing. F. E. H0LSTEN ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA