ALUAWCB MWWAiJi, APRIL 1, 1017 I WEEK'S 1 Cream Puffs on Fridays and Tues days at F. F. Stephens Bakery. 170-1 5-tt Harry DuBuque was at Scottsbluff n business the last of the week. Mrs. W. W. West returned to her home at Whitman Thursday follow ing a visit with Mrs. Frank Cantwell. Real Estate. Loans and Inror mce. F. S. REDDISH, Reddish Slock. 15 tf 6727 The leases held by the Potash Pro ducts Co., on hand belonging to Arthur W. Taylor. William, Wilson. J. Krall and John Krause were set aside following a hearing before the district court In session at Rush ville. John McCoy. M. D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 Miss Hazel Minor spent her Easter vacation at Hyannis with her par ents. Prof. Ralph Unlacke, who had been at Moorcroft, Wyo., where he took up a homestead, returned to Alliance last week. His brother and sister who live in Connecticut have also taken homesteads in the same terri tory. They accompanied him here. J. E. Barge manager of the Lake side potash plant, was an Alliance business visitor the middle of the week. see Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Reddish were Omaha visitors the last of the week. Harry Delsing was here last week from Ounlap on business. J. W. Guthrie has been In Chicago the past week on business. Mrs. Earl Oilllard left Thursday for Oshkosh. Miss Hazel Meeker left for Osh kosh Thursday for a few days visit with her sister Mrs. Earl Oilliard. The usual story telling hour was held at the public library Saturday afternoon. It Is Btated that Harry DuBuque of the Imperial Theatre has contracted for five lyceum entertainments to be shown In Alliance this coming fall and winter. As a general rule lyce um courses are handled by a commit tee but in this instance it seems the responsibility is to be taken by Mr. DuBuque himself. O. C. Moore has bee selected as a -delegate to represent the Woodmen of Box Butte county at the state con vention to be held at Norfolk. Dr. John McCoy has been selected as al ternate. E. E. Thompson was here from An tioch on business the middle of the week. Mrs. J. H. Weir returned to her home at Ellsworth the middle of the week after spending a number of day here. Following the receipt of word that hiB mother was seriously ill at Los Angeles, Claude Vaughan left last week for that place. W. W. Young was here from Lake side on busines a part of last week. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones at the F. E. Allen home on Monday, April 2. Mrs. A. I. Copperthwalthe of O'Neil, Nebraska following a winter spent at Long Beach, California, haB been spending a few days at the R. M. Tingcum home in this city. e Mrs. Fred Jensen of Sheridan who underwent an operation for appendi citis at the local hospital last week Is reported to be getting along as well as could be expected. O. T. Bates was a business visitor at Whitman a part of last week. Miss Eva Seidlow, employed at the Fashion Shop, was called to Sidney last week by the illness of her mother During her absence Miss Hazel Kat en took her place. see Miss Amelia Buchflnch has been visiting her parents at Hyannis the past week. D. H. Vance, of Oreeley, Colorado, was a business caller In Alliance the last of the week. Miss Edith Reddish returned Sun day from a several days visit at Omaha. Miss Ella Holltnrake of Hemlng ford spent several days last week In the city. Mrs. Heber Hord was here from Central City on business the middle of the week. It Is stated that a geological sur vey Is being made of certain leased lands to determine the commercial value of the potash contained therein. MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Thorn who think of buldling, this spring, should see as at once. F. EL REDDISH SON, SBOatt Box Butte Ave. 8188-16-St Dr. F. M. Knight is home again following a visit lasting several weeks at Decorah. Iowa with hi mother and also with friends at Omaha. Today and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, County Superintendent of Schools Opal Russell giving eighth grade county examinations at the court house. Those that pass the ex aminations may be admitted to the high schools without further examin ations. Mrs W. H. WllkBon left Saturday for a few weeks' visit at St. Louis The Oirl Guides will meet at the Episcopal parish house Friday even ing at 7:30 o'clock for organixatlon and drill. Mrs. Ida Richards and children visited with Mr. and Mtb. Ellis Ray at Scottsbluff over Easter. Mrs. Joseph Bogan spent the week end at Crawford with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hall of Antloch. who spent several days here last week, returned to their home Satur day. Company A of the St. Matthews Cadets met Tuesday evening at the high school gymnasium. Company B met at tin- parish house. Couijmnv C meets tonight at the parish house. Percy Cogswell is this week in the East attending a convention of the United National Clothiers, represent ing The Famous clothing store of this city. He was accompanied by Mrs. Cogswell, who, on the return trip, will visit in Iowa. Following an Easter visit here with his parents, Aubrey Young left Monday for Grand Island o return to the baptist College. Howard Hale, employed at the potash works at Antioch, was brought to Alliance Monday to re ceive medical attention. He caught his hand in the machinery, with the result that it was badly cut. Mrs. D. D. Barton is hero from Du luth, Minn., thiH week visiting with Mrs. C. E. Wills and Mrs. Fred Feagins. She is on her way to Spo kane. Following several days spent here on business in the interests of the National Cash Register Co., of Day ton. Ohio. Walter Campbell left Sat urday for his home at Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauer left Tuesday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they expect to remain for at least a couple of months. Mtss Elizabeth Piessiuan, employ ed at the Bogue store, is this week In Denver. She will return the last of the week. - J. D. Whitehead and family of Mitchell were guests of the F. W. Harris family Sunday. They made the trip from Mitchell to Alliance by automobile. Mr. Whitehead is cash ier of the Mitchell State Bank. Last week Lycargus McCarthy was up again before Police Judge Rob erts and drew a fine of $30. The judge informed him that the ante would be Increased each time Mc Carthy was brought up. ee Mr. and Mrs. Irving Thurston have returned to their home at Ashby fol lowing a visit here with friends. George McFall left the first of the week for Ardmore in the interests of the Haddorff Music House of Al liance. He is now representing Jhat company on the road in this terri tory. Miss Florence Williams visited her parents at Hot Springs the pust week. She is employed at the Bogue store. The real estate firm of Mailey & Jeffers has sold 320 acres to Hall & Graham. The land is located in the vicinity of their ranch and squares one end of the ranch. Henry Reiser will manage a new pool hall to be installed by the Mal lery Grocery Company at Hoffland. The company will put In a new Boda fountain. A new building is under construction there to be used by the company. Chase Feagins made a business trip to Julesburg. Colo., leaving Al liance Saturday night. Saturday night Roy Burns and Mrs. Charles Nation furnished the music for a dance held at Hoffland. Miss Julia Frankle spent the Eas ter vacation here at the home cf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Fran kle. She returned to Denver Sun day to again take up her studies. Mr. and Mrs. L B. Murphy of Scottsbluff were Sunday visitors in Alliance, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnett. e e Miss Eunice Burnett, of the facul ty of the Alliance School of Music, left Monday to visit her parents, at Mullen, for a week. Miss Burnett has been doing strenuous work the past few months and the rest will be most welcome. see Miss Delia Holsten, who spent the Easter time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Holsten, left Mon day for Omaha to resume her studies at Brownell Hall. Miss Mary Wilson was an Eaater visitor at Rushville. Miss Wilson la a member of the faculty nf Hip aiii. ance schools. Sunday night about 10:30 o'clock the fire department was called to 119 Missouri to put out a fire In a barn belonging to Dnntol Dunn it Is estimated that 175 will cover the damage. Secretnrv M ; Aimol nf ih Scottsbluff Commercial Club, was In the city the last of the week. He accompanied a bunch of recruit for Company O from that city. Miss Marie Hansen was a week end visitor at the home of her nn r- ents, at Hemiugford. Mrs. J. G. Beck on Sunday left for the ranch near Bingham. Harold Weidcnhamer. who had been at Chicago on a short visit, re turned Friday. I Charles Tully was at Lakeside on business Monday. see Following a short visit here with his parents. Adrian Keane left Sun day for Hoffland. Mrs. S. J. West left Monday for a visit at Schuyler. Nebr. see Following a visit of several weeks here Mrs. W. T. Schlupp and small daughter. Josephine, left Sunday for Stoux City. Ia., their home. Roy Close, of the Alliance Cream ery, made a business trip to Sidney the first of the week. A baby boy was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Osnes of Ellsworth at the home of her moth er, near Alliance. Mrs. Thos. F. Hoban died at Hy annis Sunday. The body was ship ped to Omaha for interment. De ceased was 2 7 years of age. Blood poisoning was the cause of death, e e e Mrs. Kay Frost arrived in Alliance Thursday to make her home with her husband, who Is employed at the Darling store. Miss Catherine Cable has been vis iting at Casper, Wyo., the past week. She left Thursday. Miss Frances Nolan spent Sunday with her parents, in Alliance. She is teaching in the schools at Scotts bluff. F. G. Gurley, trainmaster, was an Edgemont visitor the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bennett left Monday for a ten days visit at Kan sas City, Mo., and Parsons, Kuns. They went to visit with relatives. Miss Florence Williams is home from Hot Springs, where she visited over the week end with relatives. E. C. Barker of the Nebraska Land Company is spending the week a' and near L'ncoin, on business. Four plain drunks were fined a dollar and costs each Wednesday morning "by Judge Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Oscur O'Bannon re turned home Sunday night following a week spent at Omaha and Seward. At Seward they attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of the marriage of Mr. O'Bannon's parents. e e Among the visitors at Omaha the last of the week who were registered at Hotel Fontenelle were Mr and Mrs. H. E. Reddish. Miss Edith Rod dish. Carl ModiBett. Eking Bennett, who has been at tending the university at Lincoln, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bennett, this week. Roy Close is visiting at Deadwood this week. Mrs. J. C. McCorkle was a llem ingford visitor yesterday. see Carl Witham was at North Platte last week as a delegate to the state convention of Yeomen. At this meeting delegates to the grand lodge to meet June 12 at Detroit were sel ected. Omaha will make an effort to secure the next meeting. Eugene Spencer has been visiting at Burwell the past week. He loft Thursday. One of the nationally known Rex m II "One Cent" sales will be held next week, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. April 26. 27 and 2R. KOLSTWf. S 0. Oilman of Mondovl. Wis., Is In the city this week closing up the affairs of his late deceased brother. B. F. Oilman see Arthur Feagins Is home from a trip west. He was gone several weeks and reports the insurance bus iness good. Charles Benjamin Is here from Washburn. Mo., this week. He 0SBM to be in attendance at district court see Another great Hexall "One Cent" sale is booked for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. April 26, 27 and 28 Remember the place Holsten's. Remember the dates. see R. B, Wilhlte of Rushville has hcen attending court here this week, and to defend an action brought by the J. I. Case people. Mr. Benja min has made some three trips here and hopes he can get finished up now before long. Mrs. Charles Matthews and Miss Goldie Bennett of Marsland were Al liance visitors the last of the week. R. M. Radcliffe returned Thurs day to his home at Ayr. Nebr. He had been visiting at the Cantwell ranch. Attorney Fred Wright of Scotts bluff has been in the city this week In attendance at the sessions of the district court. Governor O. A. Abbott of Grand Island, at one time lieutenant gov ernor of the state of Nebraska, Is In the city this week attending district court. e e Do not forget the date of the "One Cent" sale next week Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Holsten's. John Wlker of the Wlker Music House was at Hemlngfprd last week on business. ElAfi OF. THE RAILROAD liunce about 11:30 Tuesday morn lug. H. E. Cochran, who has been act' ing as ticket agent at Alliance, left Monday for his assigned position as cashier at Seneca. W. A. Hack is checking in today as agent at Hecla, relieving Agent H. E. McKnlght. who will make an extended trip through Missouri. Monday evening as Extra 5204 was pulling into the Alliance yard, a rail turned over, derailing the en gine. Three cars of autos were dam aged and one car of autos totally de stroyed. These cars were back In the train, fifty cars from the engine. With the help of the derrick the main line was cleared at 4 a. m. No. 4 2 was delayed at Alliance 3 hours and 4f minutes. Agent F. W. Koch of Hoffland Ipaves Sunday for vacation. F. L. Kolar. who has been working in the trainmaster's office the past several days, left Monday on No. 43. A temporary stairway has been built on the north side of the depot, leading from the windows in the medical examiner's office, for the uso of employes, while a new stairway is built In the building. The old stair way has become well worn, and the stairs somewhat broken up. Trainmaster F. G. Gurley left Tuesday on 44 for Broken Bow. Superintendent W. M. Weidenha mer went east on 4 4 yesterday, re turning on 42 this morning. Brakeman 11. Clark and H. Sltz man resigned last week to enliBt in the army. Brakeman H. E. Dunn Is spending a few days on his homestead near Ellsworth. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Mark returned Sunday from Denver where they spent a few days. pninnnnnmraDiniraiiiiM Telephonel when you want that next job of Printing You will get nrst-cl&s work, and you will get it when promised, for having work done when promised b one of the rules of this office. If you prefer, send the order by mail or bring it to the office in person. Lot Ua Show You What Wo Can Do Traveling Auditor H. C. Holzbach and family spent Sunday in Denver. Conductors F. C. Moore and G. F. Dill and Brakeman J. T. Case arc in Alliance today as witnesses in a law suit against the railroad. Brakeman J. A. Shay left on 44 Wednesday for a few days In Chica go. Brakeman C. L. Finch Is laying off to build a new bouse on Emerson avenue. Brakeman J. W. Heincy went to Ravenna on 4 2 this morning to work out of there. Miss Mabel Sward, of the general superintendent's office, went to An tloch Tuesday to assist in a recital given there by Mrs. Zedlker's pupils. N. A. Robblns and J. E. Walker of the general superintendent's office returned Tuesday from a trip to Great Falls, Mont., on the Great Northern. cry .s Monday evening Mrs It I fasts serevd a six course dinner In h fiTlnr of her son. Ralph. Monday afternoon the Toast Club met with Mrs. HarryOantz. The Women's Guild of St. Matthew Episcopal church met at the parish house yesterday afternoon. Bishop Beecher of Hastings was In attendance. The W. C. T. U. meets this after noon with Mrs. Lnmon at 412 4 Nio brara at 2 o'clock. The ladles Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church met yesterday after noon In the parlors of the church The ladles Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. E. Mark. 904 Big Horj All members are requested to be in attendance at this time as matters of Importance are to be taken up. REVIVAL CAMPAIGN IN NKAIUNG LOSI The revival campaign which began at the Methodist church Sunday, March 2G. and will close next Sun day, April 15, has been, In some re spects, very unusual for this city. First, the tone of the evangelistic work and the efforts made to deepen the spirituality of the church have marked this revival effort as the one that has been distinctively different. Then the participation of the evan gellat In community Interests has made Ins visit to Alliance and' his work here a matter of general re mark and commendation. The work of the evangelist, Rev. C. 8. Nusbaum, D.D., has been mark ed with great earnestness and deep spirituality. He has made a strong effort to Improve the spiritual con dition of the church In which the meetings have been held and of oth er churches so far as they have been reached by the campaign. In this respect it Is hoped and expected that the Influence of the meetings will have been only well begun when the last service has been held next Sun day night. At the 3 o'clock meeting at the church thiB afternoon the subject will be, "The Master 8plrlt." To night will be high school night, the subject of the sermon being "A Young Man's Victory." At 3 p. m. tomorrow. Friday, a women's mass meeting will be held In the Imperial theatre. This meet ing was to have been held last Fri day afternoon but was postponed on account of the patriotic, meeting that day, at which Dr. Nusbaum gave an address. The subject at the women's mass meeting will be, "The Glory of Woman." Every woman who can possibly be present ought to hear this nd dress. The Friday evening meeting will be in the church at 7:45 o'clock. Whether there will be a service Saturday night will be announced Friday night. The series of meetings will close Sunday with three groat services, In cluding a mass meeting for men in the Imperial Theatre at 3 p. m. The morning service will be at 11 o'clock and th evening service at 7:30 at the church. So far there has been seventy-eight persons forward in the meetings as seekers, and with a rls ing tide and deepening Interest it is expected that the number will go well above the hundred mark. It Is confidently expected that next Sunday will be the greatest day of the campaign, and It Is hoped that It will be the greatest day religiously that Alliance has ever seen. the effort that no mall wll be coved at the poetofflr? litrawitij any point in Oermany. In th wsjSV thmt -tler re nialed to troll S Germany they will be sent to Oftr dead letter office. Money vlOlO ' win not or Mtiol for 41 for German delivery. ALLIANCE HAH RED CROHN CHAPTER Organisation Perfected at Ing Held al Court Hoiim Alliance now has a chapter of taV' American Red Cross Society, It w organised Monday night al ' Ing held at the court house attee . by almost two hundred persona, iV H. Highland was elected presides a the Alliance chapter; jure, B Lalng was elected vice prosldeet, k 0 Charles Britton was elected tresavr er. The chapter will meet r Monday evening at the court bow The purpose of the local ft Cross Is to prepare aid and eessf H for the soldiers of Undo Sam. V ,nt will make bandages, soldiers' hi and take care of the needs S i arise. The local chapter will In for field work, but instead help In the first-aid work. I1RIDGIC NEAR BROKEN HOW BURNED AT M(. Monday night a wooden mile west of Broken Mow waa tan, ed. No. 43 was delayed some hours. The damage Is estli between 350 and $400. m w PERU NORMAL NOTES a 0 0 The Girls' Glee Club has auepHKt an Invitation to give a concert tO Brock Saturday evening, April tl. Dr. and Mrs. House mid Hr5S and Verne Chatelaine gave a suerwf concert In Shenandoah, la., fteadHjS April 2. Professor jGregg spoke before fH Butler County Teachers Associatl) last Friday giving an illustrated lec ture on "Vitalised Teaching of Hf glene." Special stress la being pot aSjsJt s the preparation of the oratorK Stabat Mater, which is to be gtrOT at the Festival of Music In June. Tift chorus will meet for two evealeff id hearsals each week In addition fta the regular class work. Dr. House has accepted an ii tlon from the Omaha Peru Club Sr. Bpeak to an Informal dinuer on Sfte evening of April 20. The list of candidates for grades Hon. Including those who will r" celve the Bachelor of Education d gree, now numbers 184. Wltksfti doubt this number will be materiel ly increased by those coming IB fa" the summer session. Dr. Weaver of the University oT Nebraska spoke to the Science Ctm& I Wednesday evening on "Hot ea ! Northwestern United States." Dvt I - 1 . a , I . W i eaver was inirouuceu uy i w C. Jean, who is doing graduate I In the university this year. Do.;'!d Graham of Lincoln th' week end with his slater Jflfc Beetle Graham, who Is prlvi te Iretary in Pr-sidei.t D. w. Keren CAN'T SEND LETTERS OR ORDERS TO GERMANY Robert Graham, postmaster, an nounce that Instructions received from the postmaster general are to The Alliance Herald Is II af year. Issued 62 times. Runs fr 12 to 24 Dages per issue. au Ireaaure Found In India. A bronze soblet secured iu a vessel, which contained some cmpwrf coins hearing certain insci IptH .. which are Indecipherable, was ly found by two Indian agrlculti The coins bear the Impress of an on one side and, being of archcologtarf' interest, have been forwarded to One curator of the Government museeW' Madras. They are believed to be been In use during the reign of Tamet lane. eeaeeaeeee if T T S T 1 t a V jtiign i est Vjasonne ana Former Trainmaster D. J. Nelson and family passed through Alliance Friday on their way to Newcastle to attend the fiftieth wedding annivers ary of his parents. Operator C. C. Dye, who has been laying off and taking a trip to Went worth. Mo., returns to Alliance this week. CARD OF THANKS To our kind neighbors and many friends who so generously aided, sympathized and contributed so free ly of beautiful and greatly-appreciated flowers, during tho past few weeka of alckneas, death and burial of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. H. L Ormsby, we wiah to extend to you all our most heartfelt thanka H. L ORMSBY AND FAMILY. i t 1 1 e e 4 t ? Y y t 1 ere Kerosene Don't ruin your auto starter by using low-grade gas oline in your motor when you can get the best. Our gas oline starts quickly. WE SELL FEED CORN, OATS, WHEAT and CHICKEN PEED If you are figuring on doing some painting this spring it will pay you well to investigate our most complete line of MARTIN SENIOR PAINTS AND VARNISHES We have a paint or a varnish for every purpose. Your satisfaction will be complete when you have painted with paint from VAUGHAN & SON PHONE NO. 5