1 aoo ROOMS SAFETY FIRST 800 KOOM8 pi When vnn a ra in Omnha romp whfr nil Slnrkmcn ntnn Vnn will always find your friends and acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE 16TH AMI JON I s sTs,, OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely lire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In the city. Rooms with private both, $1.60 to 11.75. Rooms with private toilet $1. Oood car service to the 8tock Yards and Depots. Hare your commission firm telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLK, Prop. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE O mble. You Got a Souaro Deal in. Value here. Modern Garages, Barns and Cribs There's style to garage or bam building as well as to home building. The modern, up-to-date barn provides many conveniences and im provements that make your work easier and your crops and live stock safer. POULTRY HOUSES SHEDS No matter what kind of a building you need or whether it's for farm or town we can be of service to you. We have building plans for all kinds of buildings and all the necessary ma terial to make them. Our prices arc the lowest and our advice is free Phone 73 ITKMS OF INTKUKST tXNCKHNINJ i i 1 I Mr. John Class who has been sick for three weeks with appendicitis wan taken to the hospital by Dr. Hand to undergo an operation which was successful. Rev. T. B. J. Barclay who preached at Crawford Sunday reports a Rood meeting. Bishop II. It. Parks of Chicago will spend one Sunday In Alliance during July. Get ready. Quite a number of colored men w.T brought in by tin- Burlington to work. We hope they will prove to be good citleens. Mrs. Cleveland Lewis and son re turned to the city after ten months pent in Chicago. They will live with W. B. Lewis In Hlll'sttddltlnn. o 1 R. J. Campbell left for Hot Springs S. D., where he will cook in a hotel, HKI.l TIIK KllflVWYK Alliance ltetlerw Are lernlng the Way It's the little kidney llls- The lame, weak or aching back Trops.. Buffalo, N. Y. spr 6-1! TKACHKKm' kxaminatiom A special teachers' examination will he held. Saturday, April 21st The unnoticed urinary disorders 'The regular Friday subjects will be Farm LOANS Ranch IE want your real estate loan business, will make rates and terms to get it. can put over a loan for any amount, will save you money on your loan, solicit the opportunity to show you. The WOODRUFF BALL CO. VALENTINE, NEBRASKA DYE & OWENS Transfer Lint Colored citizens of Ashvllle. N. C, at a mass meeting held recently sub scribed sufficient funds to adopt Bel gian babies. The money Will b used to buy food for the tots and will keep fifty of them in condition for 3 months. Colored schools and church es were active In bringing about this meeting. It Is good to have a uni versal spirit of universal brother hood. o Africa is to be the Christian battle ground for the southern M. E. Mis sionary society. Mrs. B. W. Lips comb of Nashville, said that the mem bers with southern ancestry were ver peculiarly fitted to help the race, and that white women would do well to organize such clubs and present iiuip ful subjects to the colored women and direct their discussion. She said that the largest C. K. S. In the world Is found on the Congo, being com posed of 2,000. They are hungry for the gospel, 8,000 attending one com munion service. Denver officers of the National com mittee of the Africlan Race of Amer ica have sent broadcast a call to a convention to be held in Denver next August. Delegates from every state in the Union will be asked to attend. The chief purpose of the meeting is to consider the rights of the Ameri can negro as citizens. If the con vention decides tho race cannot be accepted into full citizenship In the United States with all the actnal priv ileges by other race groups, they will 'discuss the possibility of colonizing Liberia In Africa. o Why not work and make an hon est livinginstead of depending on wife or the other fellow to make it for you. No disgrace is. attached to work, but It is a shame to be a para site, (let sometthing and have some thing and then you will be some thing. Why not send your news in to ye editor. Let us have it by Tuesday as the Herald is printed and out Thursday. So read it. Mrs. E. Willis of Denver-Is cook ing at the Shelton cafe, where she pleases the taste. Just drop in. Mrs. Julia Shelton is up and assist ing in the cafe. Rev. J. O. Minor conducted the ser vices, Sunday while the pastor whs at Crawford. want good citizens in our town who will stand for right and Justice to all men, for (lod created all men equal. o The colored men will Boon organ ize a Protective and Order League. An Easter Program will be ren dered at Hamilton's hall Sunday night. You are invited to come. Don't forget the rally for the new A. If. E. church on the 15th. P. E. Pope will preach. Hear him. The K. of S. will meet Friday night at their hall. All members must be present. Business of importance. That may lead to dropsy and Brlght's disease. When the kidneys are weak. Help them with Doan's Kidney Pills, A remedy especially for wenk kid neys. Doan's have been used In kidney troubles for 50 years. Endorsed by 40,000 people en dorsed at home. Proof In an Alliance citizen's statement. Mrs. Lftt Moore, 114 Platte Ave , Alliance, says: "Because of the help Doan's Kidney Pills have given so many people whom I know, as well as what they have done for me, I know they ure a good medicine. I had spells of kidney disorder. My tiack was lame and weak and ached in I steady, wearing way. Keeping up around at. my housework was hard Then, too, I had headaches and was nervous. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of this suffering." Price !0c, at all dealers. simply ask for a kidney remedy given Saturday forenoon and tne Sat urday , subjects on Saturday after noon. No reading circle examina tion and no life subjects will be giv en MISS OPAL RU8S1 LL, County Superintendent Catarrhal Deafness Cannot lie OWN by local applications, ah hJF cannot reach the diseased portion il the ear. There Is only one way 10 ure catarrhal deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedy. Catari'hnI Deafness is en used by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the Inflamma tion can be reduced and this tube re stored to Its norrasl condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever. Many rases of deafness are caused by ca tarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca- Don't i tarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on get the mucous surfaces of the system. Doan's Kidney I'ills the same thnt 1 We will give One Hundred Dollars Mrs. Moore had. Kostei-Mllburn Co., for any case of Catarrhal Deaf hubs that cannot be cured by Hall'a Ca tarrh Medicine. Circulars free. All druggists, 75c. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O. AdT apr EIOHTII OHADK COUNTY EXAMINATIONS The regular Eighth Grade county examinations will be given at the court house, April 19th and 20th. MISS OPAL RUSSELL. County Superintendent Hafe Medicine for Children "Is It safe?" is the first question to be considered when buying cough medicine for children. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy has long been a favorite with mothers of young child, en as It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given to a child ns confidently as to an adult. It Is pleasant to take, too, which la of great Importance when a medicine must be given to young children. This remedy Is most effectual In re lieving coughs, colds and rioup. Ob tainable everywhere Adv apr Mr. Business Man, on your nesi trip take along some artistically printed business carda. The expense Is light and they are business getters The Herald's Job printing edpart ment will turn them out promptly Phone 340 and we will call. . 1 1 i f t 1 X 1 t t i 1 t 1 i Stock Cattle For Sale Spring Delivery mm We will have a large number of White Face yearlings, two and three year old steers for Sale. May ,first delivery, shipped on any road freight paid to destination. These cattle are good color and strong ages. Wa have on our ranch 12 miles north of Lakeside, Nebraska, 800 two-year-old steers of same quality as the ones we will tave for sale for Spring delivery. These steers are on full feed of hay and can be seen at any time and are also FOR SALE. Anyone interested in purchasing stock cattle please correspond with Cox-Jones-Van Alstine Co. Shaskmaaha t x t i i f 1 i y ? f t 1 ? I HOUSEHOLD OOOD9 moved proaptly. and Transfer Work solicit Dray Phone H few' Residence phone 6S6 and Blue I7 ANOTHER NEW TOWN DEAVER, WYOMING IN THE BIO HORN BASIN I leaver is the new town for the 'Jtl.(KM) acres of the Government ' Irrigated lands in tin Basin on the Burlington's main line just cast of the model Irrigated locality about Powell, Wyo. Dee ver will be tin trading center for over .'KM) farms and will prosper from the start. It offers business chances that are common to any new and growing town. The first unit of 12,000 teres of Government irrigated free homestead land will probably be offered July 1st, 20 year payment plan, no interest for water rights. Ploce your name and address through my office, on lile with the Government Reclamation Service in the Basin go you may be cur rently informed about the granting of three valuable farms and be given the opjortunity to secure one of them. . Write for Big Horn Basin Polder descrih- ing litis wonderful territory. S. B Howard, Immigration Agent, C.B. & Q R.R. 1004 Fa mam St., Omaha, Nebr. THRICE l'KO.MINKNT WHITK MRU OUTRAGE COMHtKI) I itl. A few days ago In Uirard, Ohio, a colored nirl, fourteen years old, while on an errand was approached by a white man named Mritush and decoyed to a barn where two other white men were lyinv in wait. Both were married men with families and belonged to the wealthy farm lies of the city. They seized the child and kept her in the barn for three days and night. She was moat shamefully abused and outraged, then released and threat ened with death If she told of her treatment that she received at the hands of those beasts incarnate. Un daunted by the threats of these fiends she went at Once and reported the matter. A warrant was promptly HWoin out, but a conspiracy was formed among the law enforcing power and he warrants were never served. The mayor went so far as to prostitute his office for a little money consideration, and he took the child to Virginia. He, no doubt, thought the matter was over, but the colored men of the city came togetheir in the defense of his outraged child, brough her back from Virginia and employ ed the best legal talent. In twenty four hours the three nice beasts were in the county jail. Yet some will say that all such crimes are commit ted by black brutes. A man can have a white skin, but if his Ijeart is blac k, full of prejudice, envy, strife and un righteousness, he is blacker than tho blackest man on earth. The better class of both white and colored citi zens are considerably worked up over i lie matter and a vigorous proserin ion of the three men now in jail is assured Office supplies at The Herald of flee Phone 340. Easter Greetings from Haddorffs A Piano Store Worthy of the Name The character and quality of the Instrument that make up the Haddorff stock are such as immediately inspire confidence in the mind of the prospective purchaser. The peerless HADDORFF PLAYER PIANO heads the list followed by an array of re nowned Haddorff made instruments that afford you a wonderful assortment from which to select. Kvery one of the Haddorff pianos has absolute merit not only in tone quality but in its entire construction, and we have so much that's good to say in regard to each that we will appreciate an opportunity to talk to you, either by seeing you in our store or by calling at your home. liiWRtijlpt" Mam h..,l.. Remember, we are manufacturers not dealers or jobbers. A child can as safely deal at our store as the most experienced shopper, as our player pianos and pianos are marked in plain figures and are absolutely one price. These price are placed on the instruments right at the factory assuring you the best quality for the money. PARTIE8 LIVING OUT OF TOWN SHOULD CALL AT OUR NEAREST STORE STORES AT BROKEN BOW, SGOTTSBLUFF, CASPER. WYO. ; EDGE MONT, S. D. ALLIANCE, WESTERN HEADQUARTERS. Haddorff Music House B. T. PROUT, Manager Western Division ALLIANCE HOTEL BLDO ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA