- News of the Railroads and of Railroad Men daya there. Agent C. H. Firming of Maraland la spending aeveral days in Wheat la M, o., on business. NGTON TO PAY FOR AM. OYERT1ME APRIL 17 Tuesday. April 17, will ho a nig of for the men employed In the sMfht and yard service of the Bur Lacton, for April 17 Ih not only pay . f ut it If the day when the men j care 0f the ranch temporarily v I .. m . . . I . , . t .... I, f . , .- all . M . sMMtlmr from January 1, 1917, at a , w of twenty-five per cent Increase mwr former pay. The work of making oit the ffeeek was started Monday of this ok at the Burlington offices here. , fee extra check will come In handy , p the boys about the middle of Ap- apONOMY is i ' in i hi: RAILROADS' watchword F. J. Miller of near Ardmore, fa ther of Francla and John Miller of this city, suffered a paralytic stroke one day last week which Is causing him no end of suffering. Francis was called home Sunday to help in the care of his father and to take till other arrangements can be made. Frank E. Murphy, formerly an en gineer out of this place, was greeting old friends at the depot yesterday morning. He was on his way to Buffalo, Wyo., where he has secured a lucrative position, and he will also file on some land. He has been working as engineer at Omaha for some time past and looks the picture of health. He la the same old Frank of former times and wishes to be re membered to all his old friends. It la aaid western railroads are ,1 raring on enforcing a rigid econo Bj the like of which has not been ijon for a long time. This, it la y aid, comes about as a result of the . arforeement of the eight-hour order, y which the strike was averted. It ie said within the past week two big -Hftraska roada have held official inferences at which economy possi bilities nave been the sole matter dls- ftTJRLINGTON STRAIGHTENS AND REDUCES (MADE l'l Kl l UP IN PASSING Mr. and MrB. It. V. Andreas re turned Tuesday noon from a two weeks' vacation trip which Included Chicago, Galesburg and other points in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Arnold return ed Friday from an extended trip through the 8outb. Along with the double tracking of fast main line between Ashland and rJawenwood. for which the Burling ton ia now arranging, and which .veck ia expected to be completed 6kl season early, the company will reduce grades, change the line and fit out curvoa. Leaving the Ash rtd yarda there will be about one ,ad one-half miles of new lines, iilch will necessitate a large .o. mount of grading. There the chan nel of Salt Creek will be changed, jOa main line will be moved over to ward the creek from the bluffs and . . y.harp curve and heavy grade will tM eliminated. In the line between Ashland and Oreenwood less than tro miles of the present line will be s ft in Its present location. The a di will be changed or the linn will moved on a greater part of this track. This Is said to be the biggest , l most Important Job the Omaha 4rtslon of the road gets this year. On the Lincoln division two nota jA improvements will be undertaken -od perhaps finished. One is the smtargement of the Lincoln yards iut the construction of a yard line Avdween the yards and the Burnham week yards, and the other will be rebuilding of the Platte river ftx-idge. and the line changes necessl 4ted by which curvature and grades II be reduced. Bridge material j'd workmen have been taken to the , nand Inland bridge and the work -.ere will aoon be well under way. jMCMULIZATION WOULD NOT HI A UK EAT TASK NOW Railroad men do not look for a ynaot atraln on transportation faclll ' M during mobilization of Nebraska vos because of the prospect that it few regiments will be transport- ,4f.-r. many of them being used for ftard duty along transportation it ' and river crossings In or near jtolr home state. It will differ, in Tie beginning at least, from the bor-. , r ajiovement. where many troops moved from New ork ana Mew Superintendent W. M. Weldenha mer went to Ravenna Tuesday to meet the vice president's Bpeclal. Master Mechanic J. O. Dole and Trainmaster Ourley accompanied him to Havenna. General Superintendent E. E Yo ung left on 42 Tuesday night to meet the special. Diapatcher Archie Gregory made a trip to Scottsbluff Tuesday. Extra Dispatcher O. H. Newman relieved him. Agent W. H. Prettyman of Hyan nts returned Monday from a two weeks' vacation and went to work Tuesday, relieving Extra Agent W. A. Hack. Miss Janet Orassman hac taken a position with Mitchell A Oanti fol lowing the resignation of Miss Hat tie Renswold. sea Miss Dollle Hagaman and James Ponath left Thursday noon for Letnn to spend the week end at the home of Miss Hagaman's parents. Mrs. Marohn came down from Crawford for a few days visit at the home of her brother and to attend the meeting of the Eastern Star. The baby boy of Dr. and Mra. H. J. Mahaffy died Tuesday after an Illness extending over but two days. The baby was about a year old and had taken the measles, which later developed Into pneumonia. The fun eral was held at the home Wednes day, the services being conducted by Dr. J. B. Cams of the Methodist church. The body was taken Wed nesday night to Iowa for burial. Dr. Arnold Mnhaffy, brother of Dr. Ma haffy. arrived from Mullen, Nebr., for the funeral. Yes, We Do Job Work You will find our prices satisfactory Come in HERE TODAY Sat. and Monday A Traveling Representative of THE CITY TAILORS Conductor J. W. Oaddla will go to Hot Springs the first of next week to take the Hot Springs run. Mrs. W. D. Rumer and daughter, Mrs. F. A. Hively, will be hostesses to the P. E. O. society next Monday afternoon, April 2. Brakeman R. W. Murphy Is laying off sick. Brakeman I, W. Helncy, who has been in Kansas City for the past sev eral weeks, has returned. Switchman J. W. Calahan was called to Omaha on account of the aertoui sickness of his mother. Conductor and Mrs. F. O'Connor left the latter part of last week for a visit In Ottumwa. Ia. Brakeman H. C. Stizman went to Ft. Morgan today for a few days' vis- It. Yard Clerk A. R. Frederick leaves tonight on 4 2 for St. Joseph. Mo. Mrs. J. A. Armour and children went to Denver last night. I .in lit rui i liiulles Meet With Mrs. V. W. Itehder. Last Saturday afternoon the ladies of the Lutheran church met with Mrs. F. W. Rehder for the purpose of organizing a ladies' auxiliary to the church. Mrs. Worthraann was elected president and Mrs. Fred Mey ers, secretary and treasurer. The next meeting will be held the first Saturday after Eaater. s mum khsi m mum mm ! J ' ini i Finest Clothes to Measure CHICAGO, U. S. A. With Woolen a full line of Goods in the piece 400 STYLES TO SELECT FROM Mrs. C. O. Davenport and daugh ter Cynthia spent Monday in Denver. Mrs. R. C. Hoag went to Mullen on 44 yesterday. Ben Andreas, of the yard office clerical force, is spending a few days in Sheridan. Farewell Reception for Kev. and Mrs. H. J. Young. The ladles of the Christian church tendered a farewell reception to Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Young last evening at the church parlors. They were pre sented with a library table, Roy Oregg making the preaentation speech. Leon Alter also presented Rev. and Mrs. Young witj a card tray which he had made In the man ual training department of the city schools. Music was furnished by Miss Burnett, while Prof. Wilson of Crawford gave an address. Refresh ments were served and an enjoyable time had by all present. Come in and have your Measure Taken E. G. ALLIANCE, LAING NEBRASKA I iiiiiiH Mrs. F. (J. Gurley. wife of the new S2adtO he "Ti bordVr a dK trainmaster or thl. division, arrived SE, of approximately two thousand ,! Alliance the latter par of last The Nebraska troop, were week, and they are making their . .Ia k.Tf ,u, home at 315 Cheyenne. toted half that distance. ,T)e shortage of equipment will j art interfere with troop movements ? T(re troops are to be moved mill vary neceaslty wll lsupersede all otn ,t Hsu! Of tri (lie with the result that I iav, pa and lrop equipment and nec- rl'lea will be moved first. Whether the troops are mobilized 4l Lincoln or at Fort Crook will sake little or no difference In the 'Often to be placed on Nebraska iw.li If they mobilise at Fort Jwk four companies will be wlth a marching diatance of the fort. In ji.. Fourth regiment called out four pnnies have headquarters at Otn K' alx can reach Omaha on the 1ci hwester ! road In addition to the nHary detachment at Fremont, one . scluslvely Union Pacific, and ibm-m others are on Union Pacific '4t.s Kearney, York. Friend and PVfiuont are on the Burlington. It Is aaid i hat the railroads can bjva oulckly a larger number ot than the war department can ?eiv- uble In the middle west. It r..M'd be onlv were a great troop ju.v uunt to the coast to start that OOaafOataM f main transportation ererioa might be looked for. Then if, .-on test u o. would be greatest in E east, it being believed that the IP MMOntlnental lines of the west ha i die any number that may be awl to them wtthout a great deal of troiihie. A aerieans have no idea the num laer of men who will be necessary for n nd duty along the lines of trans oenatlon, if a real war cornea, rail way men say. It will be neceasary o ?uard every mile of main line that uaed for troop transportation and aornty routea. A special train, with Vice Presi dent H. E. Byram, and several other llurllngton officials, arrived in Alli ance at 8:30 last evening and spent the night here, proceeding to Sheri dan today. They go from Sheridan to Billings, thence down to Casper and Denver. Service at Lutheran tliurch Next Huitday. At the Lutheran church Sunday, April 1, Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Services at 10:30 a. m. The serv ices next Sunday will be In English, as will be those on Good Friday. All are Invited to attend. Operator D. O. Woolery and wife are spending Thursday In Broken Bow. They go Friday to Halsey where they will make their home. Baptist Iitidtei. Will Not Meet Next Week. The Ladles' Aid of the Baptist church will not meet next week on account of the annual roll call to be held on that day. Married Here Wednesday by the (' tj Judge. Mr. Chas. O. Johnson of Edge mont and Miss Louise M. Vaneck of Denver. Colo., were united In mar riage Tuesday morning by Judge I,. E. Tash were bound over to the district court on bonds of $300 each, which they furnished. Two of the four police officers who conducted the raid were their attendance at the meeting. The Wilson-Dunbar 'Chaffing Iron which is used for taking up the slack between the locomotive and placed on the witness stand. No j the tender is the practical invention wvidence was offered at the hearing by the defendants. The hearing of the cases against Charles Nation and Joe Moore, charged with the alleged operation of a gambling houce or room under their control, will be heard Wednesday. April 4. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to all of our friends and neighbors who so kindly gave of their sympathy and cheer during the sickness and death of our son Richard. Your kindly acts are appreciated and your words cherished. DR. AND MUS. W. J. MAHAFFY of an experienced railroad man, L L. Dunbar. It has been patented and has also been tried out and proven a success. It will mean a great saving of time and expense. Under the system now in general use It costs about $3.50 every five weeks for shortening the draw bar head to take up the slack. With the Wilson Dunbar Chaffing Iron, this Is done at an upkeep of about 60 cents per year and only a few minutea' time is required to make all neces sary adjustments. Agent L. Hall and wife of Antloch leave the first of next week for I trip to points in Colorado. Operator J. L Hughes of Seneca goes to Broken Bow the latter part of this week to take a position there. Agent J. B. Kennedy of Ellsworth spent Monday In the country on bus iness. Operator S. E. Stewart took his place. J. M. Callender worked second trick at Ellsworth that day. Sophomore (lave Oass Party Monday Evening. The Sophomore class of the A. H. S. gave a class party last Monday In the high school gymnasium. The evening was devoted to games. Re freshments were served and an ex cellent time enjoyed by all. Agent and Mrs. W D. King of Whitman are coming to Alliance Friday to attend the dedication of the Masonic Temple. Operator M. A. Patrick of Mars land has bid In a trick at Ansley and will go there the first of next week. C. L. Stockdale, formerly night culler at Alliance. I aft Saturday for Ravenna. night KAILKOAD NEWS FROM KDGKMONT KXFKESS C. M Bowel 1 has resigned his plii e as car Inspector and la getting iwady to take up aprlng work on the aanch Ernest Stroniberg haa left the em ploy of the Adama Express Co., and fees gone to Lincoln to enter the tram eervice A. W. Newberg and wife were ne tting friends In this city Tuesday. Be fore returning to Alliance "Swede" me In and aubacrlbed for the Ex ajree for the coming year. Night Yardmaater McKelvcy left Monday night for Kansas City where be h.ui gone to make a short visit arlth his brother. Dr. McKelvey of tax place. - - - - W. F. Gross has taken the caller's position here. Mrs. H. H. Phtltlppl. wife of the agent at Thedford, went to Thedford the first of this week, after a visit with her parents, at Mason Extra Agent H. E. leaves next week for a LouIb. Harkleroad trip to St Entertained for Rev. Nuabaum Monday Evening. Monday evening the Methodist church entertained at a 5 o'clock din nr at the Alliance hotel for i)r N'usbaum and Folsom Jackson, who are now conducting special meetings in Alliance. The guesta were ur Nusbaum, Folaom Jackaon, Rev. A A. Layton, Rev. Lewis Mclntyre, Kev J. B. Cams and Rev. H. J. Young Rebecca ttrcle Meets at Burrows' Thursday. The Rebecca Circle meets Thurs day Anrtl 5 with Mrs. L. Burrow, 6it MiBHonri avenue. This is a business meeting and all members are urged to be present. STAR RANCH HOUSE AND BUILDINtJS BURN RKAMF.RY IS PAYIMJ 42 CENTS FOR CREAM GUTHRIE Will. TALK TO INSURANCE AGENTS Peru Normal. Numbers will be giv en by the Men's Glee Club and the Women's Glee Club. Miss Reta Thomas will give a piano solo and Misa Jeanette Meyers will sing. The program has been so arranged as to be of apecial interest to tho.se con nected with the Normal, either ae faculty memebra, student teachers oi prospective teacherB. Every student who cares to do so will be permitted to attend. A special train will run to Peru aft re the evening program Miss Mable Carey la spending her vacation with friends in Beatrice. Fanners und dairymen are cer tainly coming into their own this spring. Right at this time when cream generally takes a big slump in price the price has advanced to even a higher price than it has been. The Alliance Creamery la this wee kpaylng 42 cents for churn ing cream delivered at the creamery. Forty-two cents will look mignty ood to all who have cream ana there is reaBon to believe that the local creamery will receive an abund ant supply of cream within the next week. Mr. Spencer of the creamery ex plains the extraordinary high price by stating that there la a great de mand at this time for butter. Wages are better than ever and almost ev eryone la employed. The Increased demand makes the increased price. The creamery la also paying 22 cents In cash for eggs. Those desir ing cash for cream may also have It the same day if they request it. John W. Guthrie of Alliance has been invited to appear on the- pro gram of the annual convention of the Nebraska Aaaociatlon of Local In surance Ag uts at Kearney, April 24 and 2 5. He haa been asked to pre pare a paper on the opportunities of the local agent In the Insurance bus Ineas. In writing to Mr. Guthrie, F. T. B. Martin, aecretary, says; "You have a broader experience by far than most local agenta and ap preciate the value of sprinkler leak age Insurance, compensation and lia bility insurance, use and occupancy and other forma." Prof. Ralph Uniacke la in Wyom ing this week on business. Harold Brenaman has returned from Grand Island. Typewriter ribbons of all klnda The Herald carries the largest atocfc In Alliance at all times. Phone S4G Mrs. A. W. Walraer la entertain ing Mrs. Moxham and Mra. Chase ot Crawford. Mrs Con Llndermann of Crawford 1b being entertained at the home of Mra. Joe Began. FINE ENTERTAINMENT IMPERIAL THEATER PERU NORMAL NOTES Mtaa Margaret Carmlchael, sten ographer at the freight houae, apent a few daya laat week In Sidney. Miss Lena Prleas. of the High School com mercial class, took her place while ahe was off. Mra. R. E. Jonea, wife of the agent at Seneca, moved to Seneca thla week from Ashby, where they for merly resided. Mra C. M. Gerard and sons Kelly and Wealey ot Edgemont went to Denver thia week to spend a few Sunday, the ranch houae and aev eral buildings on the Star ranch were burned. The damage Wa conaider able, although not aa large aa Aral reporta atated. The Star ranch is one of the largeat and beat equipped cattle ranchea in the panhandle. If not the weat. ALLEGED (J AMBLERS BOUND OYER TO DISTRICT COIRT Charlea Nation, Lynn Sparka and H. L. Brown. he three men arrcBt- ed in the early morning barber shop raid, Thuraday, which reauited In the arrest of the three men on a charen of alleged gambling, were given their preliminary hearing Fri da afternoon before Judge Ira E Th Thev Dlead not guilty and WILL HOLD MEETING TO INCORPORATE Railroad Man's YaluaMe Invention to Be Manufactured and Sold by an Alliance Company There will be a meeting at Wilson Brothers' store, Monday night, Ap ril 2. at 8 o'clock, for the purpoae of organizing a atock company for the manufacture and aale of the Wllaon-Duuba- Chaffing Iron. If you are interested, come out. COMMITTEE. The above notice will, no doubt, interest all Alliance people because or8 of the prospect of establishing in thla city a manufacturing eatabllah ment that will probably require a lurvw number of workmen to oper ate within a f w yeara. The Herald numDer Miss Mary Ogg, who has been book keeper in the office for the pastthree years, haa resigned in order that she may take work towards her degree. Miss Rachel Withers, who haa Just completed the work of the commer cial department, will take Miss Ogg s place. She will begin her work next week. Students and faculty are enjoying a vacation which began March 29th. School will be resumed April 3. The Burlington provided a special train to Lincoln Wednesday afternoon which made connectlona at Nebraska City with the Omaha train. During commencement week a caf eteria will he run in connection with . l. t . .. OjvlAnAA nnorlmant at l tit IlMIICriH VUv the new training building. The dormitory la alao arranging to give meala to two-hundred additional per sons. a a A committee has Juat finished a survey of the town and determined that between 250 and 300 rooms are available for commencement vlsll- The homes of Peru have been thrown open aa never before. tcuntinued from page 1 thia section mentation of the orchestra waa al most identical with that announced through the newspapers, nearly all of the memebra of the orchestra be ing present. Charles Spacht and J Carl Thomas of Alliance assisted The musical program consisted en tolrely of selections played by the or cheatra with the exception of a vocal aolo, "The Little Grey Home in the Weat," by Miss Wonda Richards of Crawford, a student of the State Nor mal. The following selections were play ed by the orchea.ro: March, In Storm and Sunahlne: Intermezzo, Cavallera Ruatlcana; ov erture, Calliff of Bagdad; Fifth Hun garlan Dance; March Vaahti; March The Cuckoo; II Trovatore, Anvil Chorua; characteristic Pahoon Trom bone; March, Happy-Go-Lucky; Ser anade, A Night In Juno; Vocal Solo. Little Grey Home in the Weat; Over ture, Queen of Autumn. FIRE BOYS ELECTED OFFICERS LAST EVENING The Alliance Fire Department elected officers last evening. W. W Hall waa elected president; Carl Hockey, vice-president; L. E. Pllking ton, chief; "Dutch" Maunler, aecre tary; "Bill" Edwards, chaplln. Thc Friday, April 6, will be known aa ; bouse committee la composed oi Peru Day at the meeting of the South ( Sheib, McCormick and Trabert. eaat Nebraska Teacher'a Aaaociatlon I The Masoni- order gave a 6 o'clock in Nebraska City. On thia day all dinner Friday evening in the new it an IntereHt a of capitalists sufficiently to aecure musical numbers wlil be furnlahed by j temple in honor of their guests