WOULD AMEND THE PROHIBITION BILL Nearly lOO Amendment Offered in Senate to Pry Measure Which P;i ..! I the House (from Lincoln Star. March 22) What the senate amendments do to the dry bill: Allow unlimited amount of liquor on hand. Allow Ethyl alcohol to be manu factured. Allow anyone to make wine or ci der for home use. Give saloon 30 days after May 1 to dispoBO of stock. Give distilleries time necessary to dispose of bonded Roods. Raise restriction against advertis ing liquor. Do not make it unlawful to have liquor in one's possession. Free property owners from prose cution when place is used for illegal I sale of liquor. Remove clause allowing suits for I'quor damages against cities and counties. r The first volley of the opposition to the present drafted prohibition law, H. R. 793, was fired in the Ne braska senate Thursday morning, When a batch of a hundred senate amendments were submitted by Rob ertson of Holt. The prohibitory bill had been re ported out on the sifting file and made a special order of business for Thursday. The gallery and the sen ate floor was packed with spectators expecting to see the issues threshed out on the floor. Instead of a consideration of the bill, however, the dry wing of the senate took Immediate steps to con tinue the discussion as a special or der of business next Tuesday morn ing. The drys declared they did not care to consider the amendments In the spur of the moment, without first having had a chance to study and di gest them. Replying to a question from Sen ator McMullen of Gage, Albert of Platte, who said he had the confi dence of both sides over the bill, as sured him that all the substantial changes to be asked by the opposi tion to the measure as It came from the house were contained in the amendments as offered. The amendments strike out com pletely or in part pome fifteen of tl sitty sections of the 'aw an I ni.icncl others to the following effect: Removes all limits on t' - amount of liquor that may be on hand May 1. Tones down the most drastic meas ures designed to facilitate law en forcement. Allows a nyone to make wine or cider at their home providing they do not sell it. Gives saloonB thirty days after May 1 to dispose of their stock. Permits distilleries in the state to continue disposing of their stock of goods outside the state, under fed- eral regulation. Permits the manufacture without ; restrictions of ethyl alcohol In thej state. The amendments propose to strike , out all those sections of the bill Which relate to the restrictions hedg-j Ing common carriers and consignees in the shipment of liquor into the state, on the ground that the federal Rood hill, prohibiting the shipment of liquor Interstate into dry territory will take care of this contingency. "The bill is now boiled down 'nto a simple, workable "dry' law, with all red tape removed," declared Senator Hobertson. Senator Beal, of the dry commit tee, on the other hand, declares the amendments are pernicious and such that they will positively not be en dorsed by the "dry" wing of the sen ate. lie says that the allowing of un limited quantities of liquor in private is the best inducement for bootleg ging, which condition will inevitably result. The amendments put fatal hindrances In the path of the en forcement of prohibition, he de clares. The amendments will make It al most Impossible to secure convictions since It must be established to a Jury that liquor sold is intoxicating, according to Attorney E. E. Thomas, of Omaha, an executive officer of the Nebraska Dry Federation. The Amendments The amendments strike out these sections and parts of sections: Sec. 5. To allow Judge to remit penalty for information as to where liquor can be obtained. Sec. 7. Clause prohibiting giving of Information as to where liquor is obtainable. Sec. 8. Prohibition of advertising of liquor on bill boards or In news paper or by price lists. Sec. 9. Making it unlawful after act goes Into effect to allow old li quor signs to stand. Sec. if. Unlawful to have liquor in possession, unless provisions of act are complied with. Sec. 12. Affidavits carriers were to require of consignees of liquor. Sec. 13. Requiring labelling of li quor shipped. Sec. 14. Filing by carriers of rec ord of shipments. Sec. 21. Clause prohibiting drug gist from selling liquor who is not a bonafide resident of state. Sec. 30. Prohibiting county attor ney from dismissing action, without good reason to court. Sec. 35. Tax assessment of $300 against Illegally-used building. Sec. 39. Empowers county attor ney to place witness under oath, In investigations. Sec. 4 2. No property rights In li quor or Hquor utensils. Sec. 51. To permit "dry" organlz atalons to hire counsel to co-operate with county attorney In prosecutions. Sec. 53. Action for liquor damag es against city or county where li quor is illegally sold. The Sections Amended The following sections are amend ed as follows: Sec. 16. Amended to allow ethyl alcohol to be manufactured. Sec. 24. Amended to require "statement." not "affidavit." In pro curing sacramental liquor. Sec. 28. Amended to exempt from prosecution gwoor of building nso4 illegally, if it Is without his knowl edge or consent. Sec. 29. Amended to allow only county attorney, not any citizen, to maintain action to enjoin DUlSSncS Own of building exempted from such action. Sec. 52. Amended to allow civil damages only where liquor Is "sold," not "furnished." Sec. 56. Amended to make respon sible for penalty of law violations on ly actual offender, striking out "by himself or agent." Some of the "drys" profess to be lieve that the liberal element hack ing the changes is asking more than it expects to get. merely to be as sured that It gets what It feels the law should provide. Treasure Found In India. A bronie goblet aecured In a topper vessel, which contained some copper coins bearing certain Inscriptions which are latsciphsfsbto, was recent ly found by two Indian agriculturists The coins bear the Impress of an Image on one side and, l ing of archenloglca) Interest, have been forwarded to th curator of the Government museum Madras. They are believed to havr been in use during the reign of Tamer lane. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD Oct a small package of Hamburg Hi-cant Tea, or as the German folks call it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea. put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and curs grip, as it opens the pores of tht skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensivt and entirely vegetable, therefore sat and harmless. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast 8ays we can't took or fsel right with the systsm full of poisons. RUB BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Rub Pain and Stiffnew sway with a small bottle of old honest St . Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and li or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or aebe, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It taki-e the ache and pain right ut of your back and ends the misery. It in magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the akin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame hack misery so promptly I DATES FOR COMING KVKNTH April 9-14 Annual State Bowling Tournament at Fremont. April 21-22 Missouri Valley Chiro praetor's Association Meeting at Omaha. CwSSCC Fair List Prices WSSSGifrwISSCC Fair Treatment BIG cr LITTLE 1 ax BLACK SAFETY TREAD TIRES Are Built to Last Whatever the size of the tire on your car, Goodrich equips you with the highest standard quality of tires at the lowest standard cost. A big fabric tire gets nothing more from Good- ncn rubber making than the smallest tire. Goodrich can mean but one quality; the best the oldest, largest and most experienced rubber manufacturer can produce. Goodrich means but one price, the low est possible with highest quality conserved plus a fair return on the Goodrich invest ment, and fair profit to the dealer. Moreover, the Goodrich Fair Treatment Stands as staunchly behind a small as a large tire, and is just as readv to fulfill any service the tire does no- The smaller your car the more Goodrich tires can do for you. The B. F. Goodrich Company AKRON, OHIO Also makers of the Celebrated Silvertown Cord Tires mm Km issmm . mmmm Where You See This Sim Goouuch Tires arc Stocked Ask Your Dc ler tor Them 3 TFXTAN is a fibre sole NOT rubber. It is water proof, stub-proof, flexible, mulches your shoes per fectly and outwears any" leather sole you ever wore. Ask your dealer TEXTAN the GOODRICH Sole Maculcoturol by The B. F. Coodrich Com nan y Akron, Ohio Brine he nti i Millions of folks bathe Internally now Instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an Inside bath?" you say. Well, It Is guaranteed to per form miracles If you could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, Immediately upon arising In the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate In it. This is a very excellent health measure. It is In tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid neys and the thirty feet of intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and Indigestible material left over In the body whk ii if not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels, the quick result is poisons and toxins which are then absorbed into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness. Im pure blood and all aorta of aliments. People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who simply can not get feeling right are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of internal sanitation. Just as sonp and hot water act on the skin. otoaaslnC. sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and hot water set on tho stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It is vastly more Important to bathe on the Instfr- than on the outside, because the skin pores do w not absorb Impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. Home-Made Qss. Home-made gas is used by the Span ish peasonts living In the cork-oak re gions of thnt country, the gas being ob tained from cork refuse. As described by one authority, the process consists In filling several large teakettle, with the waste bark, and placing each In turn over the fire during the evening, burning the volatile gas as It escape? from the spouts. The corbonlztnl resi due forms the One black-brown pig ment known to commerce us "Spanish brown." New Display of FINE PIANOS Just Received MASON HAMLIN CABLE NELSON BUSH A LANE and THE KURTZMAN Including Circassian Walnut and Mahogany Finish Beautiful In Appearance and Tone Quality Master Instruments at a Modeat Price. Our plan of sell ing direct from the factory to you saves a middleman's profit Make your house a HOME with music, cither a Piano or a v Player-piano. VICTOR VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS All the New Sheet Music OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOE Wiker Music House Opposite Post Office "WANTED A table and three chairs, also dishes and ice chest, need not be new if in good condition"- Of Can you imagine how you'd go scurrying out to the storeroom to look up "that old stuff out there" if you thought you could get $4.00, $5.00 or $10.00 cash for it? V But why wait (ill somebody comes and rings llie, hell and asks the question? Hundreds of people "want three chairs," hundreds want a table, too, and dishes, and coffee pots, and urns, and hall racks, and linoleum, and odds and ends of carpet, valises, Irunks, suit cases, stoves, cutlery, furniture, lamps, everything you can think of. There's always a demand and I fair price (if you reach the actual buyers themselves), and the only way and the sin e way to reach them is by a Herald Classified Ad. You can make dollars out of your put-away-old-things if you want to and even one ad will prove it. Make up a list and try it and remember that , Rate Per Line 5 Cents Classified Ads taken over the phone as well as in person or by mail. Phone 340