AI.I.1AWOK HKKAIO, MAIU'll H, .017 List of Suggestions From the STEPHENS BAKERY Phone 649 BREAD Buns Parker House Rolls Tea Rolls or Biscuits Whole Wheat Bread Vienna Bread Rye Berad White Bread Coffee Cake Cinnamon Rolls Cinnamon Twists CAKES Angel Food Cake Devil's Food Cake Chop Suey Cake Jelly Rolls Ginger Bread Lady Fingers a Sunshine Cake , Cream Puffs Eclairs Cup Cakes Drop Cakes Layer Cakes COOKIES Almond Macaroons Cocoanut Cake Cocoanut Macaroons Fruit Bars Lemon Cookies PARTRY Apple Pies Pineapple Pies Raisin Pies Berry Pies Mince Pies Cream Pies Lemon Pies Chocolate Pies SPECIAL ORDERS FILL ED FOB ANY AND ALL OCCASIONS. CAKES TO YOUR SPECIAL ORDER WE WILL PLEASE VOU. STEPHENS BAKERY PHONE 649 ALLIANCE, NEB, News of Interest to and Pertaining to Alliance Colored People Edited by Rev. T. B. J. Barclay . April 15 Ib the date Ret for the big rally, at which time the big effort will be put forth to raise funds for the work of building the new Afri can M. E. church In Alliance. There are a number of men who will give 25 towards the work, while a few of the women will give $10 to help the work along. The members and friends of the A. M. E. church In Alliance propose to make the start themselves. Nothing will be asked in the way of aid from anyone out side until funds to a sufficient amount to make a good start have been secured from among the people. The church owns two lots In Alli ance. It is possible one or both of these lots will be sold and a better location purchased or one lot sold and the money applied to the build ing fund. The A. M. E. church Is going to do things for itself. It is going to stand on its own feet as far aB possible and when the time comes that it is found necessary to Beek aid outside the church Is going to bo able to present a businesslike propo sition. The membership and friends of the church will show that they are capable of doing for themselves. On Tuesday night, April 17, the stewardesses of the church will give a big entertainment for the benefit of the building fund. Come out and help the fund. The entertainment will be held at the K. of S. hall. P. E. Pope of Denver held the quarterly conference for the A. M. E. church here Thursday night. He also preached a sermon. There were quite a number in attendance at the quarterly meeting. Those who fail ed to attend missed a treat. Rev. Pope Is an able preacher of the gos pel and delivers his message with power and force. CAM) OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends for their assistance during the illness and death of our baby, al so for the floral offering. L.EO LANEAR. ALLIE M. LANEAR, M. L. BARCLAY, T. B. J. BARCLAY. SO.MK NEWS NOTES oughly amused to the need of a gov ernment institution to train the ne gro In the art of war. Of course, if we are to prepare' soldiers, much may be said for the proposed school. The negro has stood beside the best sol diers In the world as brave as a lion, and more willing ti fight for the flag than many to whom the flag has meant more In privilege. But Is It not worth thinking about that wo should be so suddenly solicitous for the training of the negro in times of war and bo little solicitious in time of peace. Suppose the congressman from Tennessee had proposed a great national training school for the ne gro fifty years ago to fit him for the common duties of American life? If You Were If you were busy being kind. Before you kne wit you would find You'd soon forget to think was true That Bomeone was unkind to you. Be kind. If you were busy being good And doing ust the best you could, You'd not have time to blame some man Who's doing just the bet he can. Ge good. If you were busy being true To what you know you ought to do You'd be bo busy you'd forget The blunders of the folks you've met. Be true. If you were busy being right, You'd find yourself too busy quite To criticize your neighbor long Because he's busy being wrong. Be right with God and man. Worms liandit jip Your 'MM Worms drain the strength and vi tality of children, making them dull and listless. Their power to resist more serious diseases is reduced and energy and interest In play Is lack ing. Kitkapoo Worm Killer is a mildly laxative remedy In candy tab let form that children like to take. It kills and removes the worms and lets your child grow strong and healthy like other children. Don't let your child be dragged down by worms. Full directions on the box. At druggists. 25c. Adv 3 All good men and women should Join the K. of S. Dispensation until April 1. Mrs. John Glass is sick with ap pendicitis. She may have to go on the table. Saturday being pay day, three din er cooks and a waiter missed their train here and had to lay over. Sunday was a fine day and the children turned out well for Sunday school. Clem Linneur started to West Lawn Saturday with J. O. Minor, but Mr. Minor is a footman when he sees a man going west. He left Clem so far. he came back almost out of breath. A young man who is boarding with a woman stated he was going to get married three weeks ago. Hope he will do so soon. We want cake. Mrs. Lillian Washington is still with her mother, who is ill at a hos pital. It is hoped the mother will regain her health soon. The Easter program will be ren dered at Hamilton's hall, April 8. Don't miss this program for it will be a splendid one. indeed. We were glad to have visitors at Sunday school last Sunday. Such a fine day. Cone again. Miss Ollie Lane will go to Chey enne to attend the Sunday school convention this spring. Don't forget the social at the K. of S. hall Friday night of this week, March 23 Come and enjoy your self. The two Marys who have been working at Shelton's cafe have struck. Mrs Julia Shelton is on the mend, i but Jenese is sick. Hope she will be herself again soon. If, C. Linneur is better and will be Die to work again soon. Miss Minnie Ford is ui and out ' t.a.iln ..flu K.. .'I ill ti It. 'it in Iwwl ti1 several days. Presiding Elder H L Pope left Friday for Cheyenne to arrange for the Sunday school convention to be held then' this spring Alliance will be represented with four delegates. J. ). Minor is the Hot Tamale man. See him. J. M stepped out on his porch. He saw a jack rabbit sitting at the other end of the porch eating. He got his gun, shot live times at Brer Rabbit The labhit remained still. With his ammunition all gone he threw bis gun at tlic rabbit and chased it over the hill m. My Mrs. J K. Selby entertained the pretidlni elder and the pastor and fatullj Friday noon at a royal feast. The I dim papers of Des Moines, la., is a well-considered editorial ex pression in reference to the scant at tention the negro receives in times of peace and the solicitude vouch safed him in time of war, says a de mand is now before congress for a national school lor negroes. BUde, strnuge as it may appear, by u congressman from Tennessee. It is to be a sc hool for military training. The southern leaders who during fif ty years of peace have permitted the ne,'io to secure his own training for civil life have suddenly become thor- NOTIt'E F GENERAL OTY ELECTION Notice 1b hereby given that on Tuesday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1917, next, at the polling places hereinafter named, there will be an election held for the following pur poses, towit: For the election to office One Councilman from the First Werd in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the term ol one year; One Councilman from the First Ward In the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the term of two years; One Councilman from the Second Ward in the Pity of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the term of two years; One Councilman from the Third Ward in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the term of two years; One Councilman from the Fourth Ward in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the term of two years; A Mayor for the term of two years; A City t'lerk for the term of two years; A City Treasurer for the term of twa years; Also, two members of the Board of Education, each for a term of three years. The votes to be cast at the follow ing places, towit: First Ward: Basement of Central School Iiuilding, 715 Box Butte Ave nue; Second Ward: Council Chamber in City Hall. 115 East Third Street; Third Ward. Room 14, McCorkie Block, 222 Laramie Avenue. Fourth Ward: Parish House Epis copal Church. 216 West 7th Street. Which election will be open at 9 o'clock in the morning, and will con tinue open until 7 o'clock in the af ternocm of the same day. CARTER CALDEK, (SKAL) City Clerk Dated this 15th day of March, 1917. 16-21-810-8174 Rank Foolishness You occasionally see it stated that colds no not result from cold weath er. That is rank foolishness. Were it true colds would be as prevalent In midsummer as in midwinter. The microbe that causes colds flourishes in damp, cold weather. To get rid of a cold take Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. It is effectual and is high ly recommended by people who have used it for many years as. occasion required, and know Its reai value. Obtainable everywhere. Adv mar Home Drudgery Removed The It Washes Churns Separates Grinds Etc. It is positively the only sun ens fid engine of its kind on the market it operates on (as, gaso line, kerosene or alcohol About 5c worth does the wash it is the principle exclusive feature of This washer will not Injure the daintiest linens or the n - t deli cate laces find it will handle the heaviest blaukets doluf the work twice as writ and In lest than half the time required hy the eld fashioned wisher or backbraakins'. knuckle skinning wash I.I and tub. Come In and ere this wonderful new labor-saver It bas.nianr esHuslve pa tented features that no other washing machine can have - guaranteed for J years- money eheerfnlty refunded If you are not thorougl.ty ratis6ed in every way. Call and see It today. Unit Gasoline Washer Ask ui to show you its simplic ity, ease of handling, convenience and guaranteed satisfaction. Or see any of the following owners: P. 0. Monti, A. B. Keller, Fred Hoover, Fred Crawford, 0. L. Powell, ' F. H. Palmer. R hein-Rousey Company HARDWARE, HARNESS, IMPLEMENTS, TIN SHOP, PAINTS, WAGONS may be sure that their part of the program will be well worth the price of admission in itself. In addition to all this, "The Darky Wood Dealer" has been rounded Into fine shape. "The Wood Dealer" Is one of the best characters on the modern stage. The jokes are report ed to be as new as a large collection can be, the only drawback being that they are perfectly respectable. The crayon artist has something up his sleeve which should hold the attention of all. Other stunts are pending the censor's decision. The class will appreciate your twenty-flve cents and all who attend are assured that they will enjoy the rfhow. The Bttck-judglng clasB of the high school, under whose auspices the show is being presented, is very anxious to send a stock-judging team to the state tournament which takes place in Lincoln the last of this month. To do this It Is necessary to raise seventy-five dollars, so they have undertaken to present a min strel show, and with the help of their friends promise to give all who attend a big twenty-five cents worth of fun nnd laughter tomorrow night. Calling cards lor the ladles are printed promptly and neatly at Thai Herald office The prices are reaa onable. Phone S40 for samples and prices, or call at the office. BI6 NOISE SCHEDULE!) FOR FRIDAY NIGHT lliuh School Stock Judging 'Ih.x to I'resent Itotisiiut Min-lie) Show ut the HIkIi BctMOl The ml natr) nhow to be given at the hinh school Friday -veiling of this week, March 23, is going to prove mighty good entertainment if reports that have been received con Qasrnlaa it are any indication. The male quarter Uat a big variety of songs -the best of the old southern melodies, the latest ragtimes and a good collection of the best college songs The men have ben practic ing regularly and those who attend WILTSEY'S OPENING! And No Vary Demonstration Quality Food Products NO-VARY PURK FOODS are the product of the garden spots of the worltl, for No Vnry food experts are Charged with the duty of selecting highest quality products from all the world's markets. It is their skill in deciding which country or district offers unvarying excellence in this product or that, which has made o-Vnry famous as the guaranteed quality line "ALWAYS GOOD". Win 'fever finest quality ami perfect flavored fruits and vegetables are grown, there you will find NO-VARY food specialists preparing delicacies for your table. In the fertile districts, famed for their superior productiveness, are located the sanitary kitchens that pre serve so skillfully the true and natural flavor of No-Vary Pure Foods. To acquaint you with liigh quality ootid! pack popular priced No-Vary Products, we have arranged for a FREE DEMONSTRATION AT GEORGE W. WILTSEY'S Saturday, March 24th, 1917 You arc Cordially invited to come and taste most luscious fruits drink a Clip of dclic ions coffee ami have the demonstrators in charge explain to you the No-Vary plan of co-operative merchandising, The plan, treU known now to thousands of satisfied customers, is mere ly an adjunct to our excellent line of Pure Food Products. It is an inducement to you to try every item of No-Vary Pure Food Products and Other No-Vary Products. Saturday, March 24th, we will give away, ABSOLUTELY FREE, large sized aluminum cook ing set with every order of 110.00 worth of No-Vary Products. This ihrce-piccc combination set retails for $3.50. We will also give away Free Aluminum Roaster, large size with an order of 25.00 worth of No-Vary Products. This Aluminum Roaster is one well worth $6.5(1. It is made of heavy, pure aluminum, 6 inches long. W inches wide, and 7Vs inches high. Ke sure and take advantage of this liberal offer made for Saturday, March 24, only as an added inducement to trv NO-VARY PRODUCTS. Geo. W. Wiltsey, Gen. Merchandising Shindler Bldg. Hemingford, Nebr.