The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 08, 1917, Image 8

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    AIJ.IAN'Ci: HERALD, MARCH 8, 1017
Brlal No. 016450.
Notice for rulillrnlloii
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office, at AIIIiinc, Nebraska.
January 17, 1917.
Notice is hereby Riven that Bessie
W. McCool, of Ellswort , Nebraska,
who, on January 6, 1914, made
Homestead Kntry, No. 016450, for
the went half of Northwest quarter
and the W4 of SW'4. Section 10,
Township 23 North, Raugo 43 went
f Sixth Principal meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Register and Receiver of the
United States Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska.- on the 28th day of
Tebruary. 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
11. E. McCool, of Alliance, Nebras
ka; Howard K. Young, of Pawlet,
Nebraska; ('lareneo K. Irishman, of
Ellsworth, Nebraska; Don Sluews
berry, of Ellsworth, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
Serial No. 016259.
Notice for I'liblicntlon
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Olllce at Alliance, Nebraska,
January 30, 1917.
Notice Is hereby given that Guy
Neti, of Lynn. Nebraska, who, on
September 30, 1913, made Home
stead Entry, Serial No. 016259. for
the Southwest Quarter of Section 34.
Township 22 North. Rnnge 48 West
of 6th l'rinclpal Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof, to establish claim
-to tho land above described, before
the Register and Receiver of the
United States Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 7th day of
April. 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ed
ward Loomis, Edward Peterson,
Monroe Robinson, Otis Teer, all of
Lynn, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEKE, Register.
Conrad 11. J. Koch ami
Koch, first and real name
Lis wife; John Rurkatt,
rturkurt, first
name unknown, his wife;
Jr., and
and real
John Doe
and Mary Doe, IiIh wife,
will take no
tice that on February
li. 1917, The
Alliance Building and
Loan Assocl-
atlnn of Alliance,
Nebrnska, as
idalntiff, hied its petition in the
District court of llox Butte County,
Nebraska, against the said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose two cerlaln mortgages,
executed on April 8, 1910, and Sep
tember 1, 1910. respectively, by
Conrad II. J. Koch, upon the follow
ing described property, to-wlt: Iot
2, Block 7, First Addition to Alli
ance, llox Uutte County, Nebraska,
to Becure the payment on two prom
issory notes for the sum of $600.00
each, which said notes are now due
and payable, and that there Is now
due and payable on said notes, tho
iu in of 11226.97, with Interest there
on at the rate of 9.96 per cent per
annum, from January 28, 1917. for
which sum, with Interest and costs,
plaintiff prays for a decree, that the
above named defendants be required
to pay the same, and that In default
of such payment, said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amounts found
due thereon; that the rights, title,
interests and liens of said defendants
be found to be Junior and Inferior to
the mortgage liens of Plaintiff, and
that said defendants be foreclosed of
any and all right, title, interest and
rquity of redemption, and for such
Other and further relief as may be
Just and equitable.
You are required to answer said I
petition on or beforo tho 2nd day of i
April, 1917. I
Why People Buy from
Stores that Advertise
tf You have often heard people ask
this question, "Why is it I never strike a bargain like
you do?" That person is not a wide-awake nor careful
buyer and does not read the advertisements in this news
paper. CJ When a business man pays money
to make a public announcement, he usually has some
thing worth while to offer something that is to your
advantage to know. He has a money-saving sale, a new
assortment of styles or extraordinary values of some
kind to tell you about.
Cjf To take advantage of these oppor
tunities you must get at the meat of the newspaper its
Ixian Association of Alliance,
Nebraska. PlalntlfT.
Ilurton & Reddish, Attorneys.
By virtue of an execution directed
to me, from the Clerk of the District ;
Court of Box Butte county, Nebras-i
ka, on a Judgment obtained In said
court, on the 30th day of October.
1913. In favor of Thomas K. Gil
shannon, as Plaintiff, and against'
Frank H. Ramsdell, ns Defendant.'
for the sum of $1314.00 and Interest
thereon at 10 per cent per annum
from date, on Plaintiff's first cause
of action, ami for the sum of $23.00,
with Interest thereon at 7 per cent
tier annum from date of Judgment,'
and for costs of suit taxed at $11.25.
and accruing costs, for want of
goods and chattels found. I have lev
led upon the following described real ,
estate, taken as the property of said '
defendant, to satisfy said execution,
to-wit: RE4 of Section 23, Town
ship 24, N. Range 50. West 6th P.
M., in Box Butte County, Nebraska,;
and will offer same for sale to thej
highest bidder, for cash in hand, on
the 26th day of March. A. D., 1917,'
at the west front door of the court
house. In Alliance, Box Butte Coun
ty. Nebraska, that being the place
wherein the last term of court was,
held, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ;
of said day. when and where due at-,
tendance will be given by the under
signed. Dated February 20. 1917.
C. M. COX. Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
III the matter of the estate of Mark
J. Tully, deceased. In the Coun
ty court of Box Butte County, Ne
braska. To All Persons interested In said es
tate: Creditors and heirs, take notice,
that Thomas M. Tully filed his peti
tion in this court alleging that Mark
J. Tully died intestate in the County
of Sheridan, State of Nebraska, on
the 27th day of December, 1889. be
ing a resident of said Sheridan
County, and seized of an Interest In
the following described real estate,
to-wit: NWA of Section 35, Town-
ship 27. North of Ranee ;.0. West
6th P. M.. in Box Butte County. Ne-1
braska. leaving as his sole and only
heirs. the following named persons,
to-wlt: Thomas M. Tully, a son ami,
Petitioner herein, and the owner of
the land above described; Rickle
Tully. whose name now is Rickle
Jones, his widow; that all debts of
deceased and of his estate are fully
paid and that no administration of
liis estate ami no application for ap
pointing an administrator thereof
lias been had or made within Nebr
aska, by any person whomsoever.
Said Petition prays for a Decree to
be entered herein, finding that said
decedent died intestate, fixing the
time of his death; finding that no
application for administration of
said estate has been made and that
the estate has not been administered
In the State of Nebraska, that more
than two years have elapsed since 1
Dated February 14. 1917,
The Alllanco Building
the death of said deceased, and that . Clerk of the District Court of the
all debts against said estate have ,16th Judicial District of Nebraska,
been paid, that the court may deter- within and for Box Butte County,
mine who are tho heirs at law of said Nebraska, in an action wherein the
decedent, their degree of kinship and ; Alliance Building ami Ijoan Associa
te right of descent, and the real. Hon of Alliance, Nebraska, is Plain
property of which said decedent died tiff and Francis T. Harvey and Eva
seized with, above described, andiG. Harvey, his wife. Sang C. Reck,
that the hearing upon said petition; and Grace M. Reck, his wife, S. A.
has been set for the 2lind day of : Foster Lumber Co., H. W. Johns-
March, A. D. 1917, at 10 o'clock A
February 19th. 1917.
County Judge
Serial No. 016298.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, IT. R
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. IS. 1917.
Notice is hereby given that Jesse
V. Wilson, of Antioch. Nebraska
Mho. on October 22. 1913, made
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 016298.
for the West Half and SE4 of Sec
31. W'SsSWV, Sec. 32, Township 25
N., Range 44 W.. and Ixts 3 and 4.
Section 1. Township 24 North, Range
t r West of tho Sixth Principal Mer
idian, has filed notice of Intention to
make final three-year proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before the Register and
reiver of the United States Land
tlce. at Alliance, Nebraska, on
12th day of April. 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank D. Cody, of Lakeside,
br-iska: Joseph Herlon, of Antioch,
Nebraska; Thomas Rrlggs, of Anti
och, Nebraska; Leo Harry, of Lake
side, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register
J. W. Noon will take notice that on
January 8, 1917. The Mallery Groc
ery Company filed Its petition and af
fidavit for Attachment in the Justice
court of T. D. Roberts, in Alliance,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, against
you. asking Judgment for $42.12. for
money due on account. Said attach
ment has been made.
You are required to make answer
on or before the 22nd day of March.
1917. V
12-3-804-8121 PlaintifT.
Precinct and wards' assessors
elected should file bonds with the
County Clerk as soon as possible.
Those overlooking the requirements
which provide for qualification with
in forty days after election may con
sider themselves appointed. But it
is important that bonds be filed for
approval of the county commission
ers at meet int.' of M;irrh thirteenth.
12-3t-8l23 County Assessor.
In the matter of the Estat- of Au ;-
nut Kroesing, deceast i
In the Countv Court of Box Butte
County. Nebraska.
The Stale of Nebraska. To all per-
, sons interested in said er.trte, take
notice that the administratrix has
I filed a final account and report of
,her administration nnd a petition for
; final settlement and discharge as
'such, which have been set for hear
linir before said court on Ma-ch 23,
1 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when you
.may appear and contest the same.
Dated February 24, 1917.
I IRA E. TASH. County Judge.
.Burton Reddish, Attorneys.
, 13-1-806-8132
Notice is hereby given that by vir-
ttte of an order of Sale, issued by the
Manville Company, a corporation,
Midland Glass and Paint Co., a cor
poration, and John Ditsch, are De
pendents. Y
Hurton A Reddish,
I will at 10 o'clock A. M., on April
9, 1917, at the west door of the Court
House in tho city of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction, the following
described lands and tenaments, to
wit: 1ols 5 and 6, Hitchcocks Hills
and Snedlkers Addition to Alliance,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, togeth
er with all the appurtenances there
unto belonging.
Given under my hand this 3rd day
of March, A. D. 1917.
C. M. COX. Sheriff.
Ilurton & Reddish, Attorneys.
14-5t-807-8 146
It the Statement of Thin Alliance
Backache is often kidney ache;
A common warning of serious kid
ney ills.
"A Stitch in Time Saves Nine"
Don't delay use Doan's Kidney
Profit by Mrs. Buchman's experi
ence. Mrs. F. W. Buehman, 311 Yellow
stone ave.. Alliance, says: "I was
pretty well run down with kidney
trouble, l had a dull, heavy ache
in my back. My back was weak and
lame and I couldn't stoop over with
out sharp pains shooting through it.
At night I waa restless and got up in
the morning feeling too worn-out to
start my work. Many ti"es I be
came dizzy and had to sit down.
Spots of color came before my eyes
and for days I had a steady ache
through the hack of my head. A
few boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills,
which I bought at Urennan's Drug
Store, completely relieved me, put
ting me In good health."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Buehman had. Foster
Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
adv mar 1-8
The report of Thos. H, Barnc.i.
William Davidson and M. S. Har
graves. a committee appointed ta ami
it the hooks and accounts of the sec
retary and treasurer of the Masonic
Temple Association, Inc., of Alli
ance, have made the following re
port: llcMrt of Auditing Comm.
To the president and directors of
the Masonic Temple Association, In
corporated, of Alliance, Nebraska.
We, the undersigned, your commit
tee appointed on the 14th inst., to
audit the books and accounts of Ira
E. Tash, secretary, and Reuben E.
Knight, treasurer, of the corporation,
beg leave to submit the following re
port: We find that Ira E. Tash. secre
tary, is chargeable with the following
items and sums, viz
To proceeds of sale of 51 I
shares of the capital
stock at $25.00 each. . .$12,850.00
To proceed of loan $15,000.00
To rents received and ma
terial sold $ 370.00
Total $28,220.65
By amount paid to trea
surer, as shown by trea
surer's vouchers num
bered from 1 to 41 inclu
sive $28,220.65
We find that Reuben E. Knight,
treasurer, is chargeable with the sum
received from the sec retary as shown
bv his vouchers numbered from 1 to
4!. inclusive, viz: $28,220.65
Balance in hands of trea- ,
By amount of warrants paid
and cancelled, and num
bered from 1 to 283. . .$28,040.48
surer $ 180.17
otal $28,220.65
Dated Alliance, Nebraska, Febr.,
Thoc. H. Barnes,
William Davidson
M. S. llarnravcs.
Bring Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Recipe.
Cnnitimn garden sage brewed into a
hemy tea. with tmlpliur and slco!iol
addi'd. uill turn gray, otrcaked and
f;eicd hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant. Miin- the Sage Tea i'nd Sulphur
recipe nt home, tliouli, U troublesome.
An i-asier wuy i to get the ready -to-u-e
pr ;ira tion improwd by tho addition of
etht-r ingredients, costing about 50 ccnti
a large bottle, at drug stores, known a
'Wjt'th'g .age nnd Sulphur CouiounJ,"
thus avoiding a lot of 11111134.
While pray, faded hair is not sinful, wo
all desire to retain our youthful appear
ance and attractiveness. ', darkening
your hair with Wyeth't Sag and Sulphur
Compound, no 0110 can tell, lerauae it
does it fco naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft bruah with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time; by
morning all gray hairs have disappeared.
After another application or two your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
toft and luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur
Compound is a delightful toilet requisite.
It la not intended f.r the cure, mitigation
or prevention of dieaaae.
LllllUKY Tl Itl.lCITY
That library publicity is an essen
tial part of library work is the de
claration of Dr. J. D. Woleott, librar
ian of the II ureau of Education of the
Department of the Interior. In or
der to bring the reader and the book
together," declares Dr. Woleott, "it
is necessary to make known to the
community the resources of the li
brary und the services which it is pre
pared to render r.s a public institu
tion. The American Library Assoc-
'iation has given ollicial attention to
tho subject of library publicity since
1906, when a committee on library
publicity appointed by the ssr.ociu-
tion outlined a program for action
Mother's Troubles
Mother's unending work and
devotion drains and strains her
physical strength and leaves
its mark in dimmed eyes and
careworn expressions she
ages before her time.
Any mother who is weary
and languid should start taking
as a strengthening food and tracing
tonic to add richness to her blood
and build up her nerves before it
is too late. Start SCOTTS
today its fame is world-wide.
No Alcohol.
Scott ft Ho wut, WuomfulU. N. J. ri
The committee has been renewed
from time to time since that year,
and lias continued to study tho prob
lem. To the committee on publicity
for 1916 the executive board of the
American Library Association re
ferred all previous America.i Library
Association reports on the subject of
publicity, and also instructed the
committee to study out and report a
comprehensive publicity plan for the
American Library Association, the
State library associations and com
missions, and local libraries.
"A number of libraries have been
eonspieicus for effective publicity
work diirinir the past year. The lib
rary committ"e of tho Toledo (Ohio)
Commerce Club designated the per
iod of seven days uecinninc; M:rch 1.
1916. as a library publicity week,
dtirinu which the uses of the public
library should be brought in every
practicable way to the nei"'r;l not
ice of the citizens. The '.mdertakiim
was ollicially r- o-i ni "I by pr-cJam-ation
of the mayor ot Ti '"do. Dur
um the week articles and ;..'.V'rt La
ments i! bout the library appeared
each day in the local newspapers.
Appropriate cards an ' other linr iry
material were display d i i show win
dows in various parts of the city, and
th" street cars carried posters relat
ing to the library. Similar po-steis
were placed in many of the laree fac
tories. Other methods of advertis
ing employed were the distributing
of folders and the inclosure of slip.s
regarding the library in 10.000 laun
dry packages. After listening to
library talks at the schools, tho pun
ils were taken on visits to the public
library and its resources explained
to them. A result of the campaign
has been a marked increase in the
number of registered borrowers and
of books lent from the public libr
ary. "A similar campaign for the es
"A similar campaign for the es
tablishmetn of a business department
in the public library was carried on
in St. I'aul in June. 1915. by the
Town Criers, an association of local
advertising men. On June 17. wh'ch
was recognized by proclamation of
the mayor as Town Criers' library
day, a special library edition of the
St. I'aul Daily News was Issued and
circulated. In July a business men's
library centrally located in a store
was opened to the public by the city
library, and means have since been
taken by the Town Criers and other
organizations of business men to
bring the services of this library to
the attention of those Interested.
Finances i.l the Allium e tity Mis.
idoii for Months of January ami
February, 11)17
January Income
On hand Jan. 1st $11.0ti
United Pros. Aid 2.00
M. K. Aid 6.00
Exchange 31.25
-Mrs. Sharp services as Trob.
12.'. 00
A friend 5.00
, 14.50
. 40.00
Lights . . .
llalance .
February Income
On hand Feb. 1st $122.87
United Pres. Aid 2.00
M. E. Aid 6.00
Union Aid 6.85
Exchange 13.50
Mrs. L. E. Mark 3.00
I 40.00
Berth to Lincoln for Supt.
Shoveling snow
Balance 100.87
l". S. INartJiient of Agriculture Cr
rectft HrroiieouK Opinion as to .
Federal Itoiul Aid
The Herald is in receipt of a letter
from James C. Wonders, United
States district- engineer, OUice of
Public Roads and Rural Engineer
ing. United States Department of
Agriculture, whose otllce is in tho
Douglas county court house, Oma
ha, which says:
"On nccount of the erroneous opin
ion that Federal aid in road build
ing may be used only on paved roads,
the Secretary of Agriculture has Riv
en out the enclosed statement, which
is of undoubted interest at this time
and which you nre at liberty to pub
lish if you so desire."
The following is the statement Riv
en out by the Secretary of Agricul
ture at Washington, I). C:
i The Secretary of Agriculture pave
out a statement to refute the report
that States desiring to obtain money
for roads under the Federal Aid Road
Act, which appropriates $85,000,000
I must build only expensive roads, and
to make it clear that no particular
kind of material will be repuired or
favored by the Department of Agri
culture to the detriment of other ma
terials. "There Is not the slightest trutk
in such a report." said Secretary
Houston. "This Department, which
is charged with the administration of
'the Federal Aid ltoad Act, has place
(absolutely no restrictions, either, di
Jdect or Implied, upon the kinds of
highways to be constructed. States
may submit for approval any kind of
road, even an earth road, and ap
proval will be given if the construc
tion be substantial in character, suit
able for truffle heeds, and meets the
terms of the Federal Act. To give
J state legislators and highway officials
tho imprKsion that this Department
favors only costly types of road or
discriminates In favor of any partic
ular material, results not only ta
spreading misinformation but in platt
ing barriers in the way of State
which wish to avail themselves o(
Federal Aid In road construction."
We have learned their wonderful
and carefully guarded secrets of price
less value, and have embodied them
in our
Pence's Original
"Mexican Herb Hair Tonic"
Stops l ulling: Hair
This tonic is positively guaranteed
to cure dandruff, relieve eczeuta,
sores and itching scalp and stops fall
ing hair, thereby safeguarding
a'alnst baldness.
.Money back if not us represented.
Just try it. As an introductory
,oiier, send us this ad which is worth
j 4 ''c ami 60e in two-cent Btamps and
I we will send you prepaid a full-siied
$1.00 bottle of this guaranteed pre
The Irwin Industries
Trust nidg. .
Kl l'a-so, Terns
The Grand Rapids Daily Leader
states that thirty Wisconsin news
papers have already suspended pub
lication on account of the great iu
crease in paper prices and other e
penses incidental to the publication
of newspapers. In Ohio 110 pajni
have already gone out of business
and many more are tottering. 1
the country at larj," there have bee
over 800 newspapers compelled t
quit. This will afford some idea of
the manner in which the publishing
business has been hit by the present
conditions. Nebraska Trinter.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
! he is senior partner of the firm ef
IF. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in the city of Toledo, county an
state aforesaid, and that said Drsa
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDUUB
DOLLARS for each and every cas
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Sworn to before mo and subscrib
ed in my presence, this 6th day of
December, A. D. 1886.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is takem
internally and acts through thu
Blood on the Mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pill3 for constipa
Adv mar
Commissioners Estimate that Tlwy
Can Swn! 11,1145 During
Y ear of 1917
The board of commissioners of
Box Butte county estimates that it
will require a total of $31,545 to fin
ance the affairs of Box Butte county
during the year 1917.
The largest amount, a sum of
$10,000, the board believes will b
necessary for expenditure on bridge
and road work. The next highest
tern Is that of funds for salaries of
county officials, including the board
of supervisors and the other officer,
and this amounts to $6,000. The
board believes that $2,000 will buy
and pay for the stationery and books
used aurlng this twelve months per
iod. The complete estimate of ex
pense for the county this year Is
summed up iu the following figures:
County officers' salaries .... $6,009
Precinct officers' salaries . . . $2,009
Fuel and light $1,001
Criminal $3,609
Books and stationery $2,009
Pauper $2,009
Bridge and road $10,009
Insanity $3,009
Mothers' pension $ 945
Incidental $1,009
The Alliance Herald la $1.50 per
year. Issued 52 times. Runs from
12 to 24 pages per Issue. Subscribe