Al.t.lANC K 1IKIULD, MAIU H t. 191T store as tailoress. Ethel Lunberry, rho held that position, has gone to f v y y y y y y y y y y y y Torrlngton to open a ladies ready-to wear store. Guard Nellson left for Minneapol m is Saturday t.lght and will make his WEEK home. JJe liai a brother living in that city. Mr. Nellson held a sale last week and sold his stuff. He has leased the place. Ward Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Norton, has an attack of ap nendicltis, according to word received by Mr. Norton. The son lives at L,os Aneeles. California. His condition is said not to be alarming. II USr I4r. K I lllv 1 1VZ3 KiVt iff II WJCIi WYi Mill X Little nichard McGlll Is 111 with Ihe measles. Mrs. It. Cox of Custer la here vls Ulng friends. Mrs. Grimes was here from Lake wide on Monday. e .Tames McCue nnd family have moved to gerlnR. Office supplies at The Herald of fice. Phone 340. John Soil of lakeside was here on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reek were here from Lakeside Monday. Miss Ruth Twllepar is confined to er home with small pox. A baby bov was born Monday night i Mr. and Mrs. McFlnney. Miss Irene Rice is now employed at the Horare Rogue store. H. M. fichandorff of Scottsblufl was in Alliance Wednesday. Mr. Smith of Lewellen was In Al liance on business yesterday. W. N. Wilkinson of Antloch was A Alliance Tuesday on business. Henry Westlako was a business visitor from Hemlopford Tuesday. The J. G. Dole home, who was un- 4er quarantine, has been released. John Willis, who has been ill with typhoid fever, is now able to be out. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cooper Saturday night. John Gasseling of Hemlngford was m Alliance Wednesday on business. W. T. Hill is now able to be out. Me has been ill with typhoid fever. J. C. McCorkle returned yesterday from a short business trip to Mullen. John McCoy, M. D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 Machinist Baker of the Burlington shops resigned his position Wednes day. John Betzold was at Ellsworth last week where he visited at the home clace. The home of Mrs. Minnie Sward was quarantined Monday with small ox. m w w Mrs. R. Sharp of Hemlngford came down last Thursday to visit her par ents. The quarantine on the J. W. Mil ler home in south Alliance was lifted today. A. L. Carmlchael of Ellsworth was Id the city the first of the week on business. Fred Wagner of Denver was in mwd Monday. He was on his way to Sheridan. A baby boy arrived February 21 to jrtadden the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. If. Sharp. Mrs. G. W. Bell left Tuesday for Illinois on learning that her mother was dead. E. O. Logan of Morrill was opera ted on at the hospital Monday for appendicitis. County Superintendent of Schools pal Russell is home from a business visit in Lincoln. George McGregor, who had been fisiting here, left Tuesday for his borne at St. Paul. Patrick Reid and Owen Bennett of RUsworth were Alliance visitors a part of last week. Mrs. Ralph Deal is home from Al buquerque, New Mexico, where she tlsited her parents. Mrs. J. V. Anderson and son of Cuernsey have been Alliance visit re the past week. Mrs. A. A. Layton left for Osceola to attend the state executive meeting .f the W. C. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Plummer of Crawford were Alliance visitors the middle of the week. The Easter Star held a special meetlnn Monday night. Two candi dates were initiated. George E. Davis 1b circulating his petition for re-election as councilman Irom the Third ward. D. W. Wilson of Douglas, Wyo.. is - expected to arrive today to visit his brother, Rolla Wilson. Tom Briefs of Antloch Is recover ng from a fall on the ice in which two ribs were broKen. m m m The ladies of the Christian church beld a home cooking exchange at the Duncan store, Saturday. Mrs. C. A. Kink of Hay Springs was operated on Tuesday for append! eltis at St. Joseph's hospital, Mrs. M. E. Coleman has been at Peadwood. having been called there by the illness of her mother. m mi a Mrs. Mary Mayou returned Mon day noon to ber home at Ellsworth following a week end visit Here, II... l I. .. ru. I imn. ll. '- juiiiia", " "I- i.i;i jmmii inini, iwini ir vn., i , tii..,m iii..,. ia Property with .h. We will sell It ""l. Y" i" C. . " "Z"' V" for you. SimmM.v & Mollring. reported to bo doing nicely. Mr, II I ...1... ,.M,lh,.l,l.wt IJUUIlrUUl, w UU UAumi'iuru tit i A tinhv Knv vat Urn taot vnok trt tUrtU'tl yf8t Onl..)' . DoCtOf COIOr- Mr. and Mrs. William Hafthman. liv-inou renin. m-u wu-m- 1 Prnf ?rltn11p wro . I I I . fill' HUM - Mrs. H. A. Cunnlnpham and daugh- ".'" lor lft Tlinrnilnv nichl fur nn extend- Were c nHTiameu ai muni! hi iur ed visit in Pennsylvania and Florida. Mrs. Fred HclpbringT of Craw ford visited here a part of last week. She 180 a former resident of this city. James Watson is here from Atlan- E. Snencei home. They wer on their way to Gordon where they are to hold a three weeks revival meeting. Mrs. Robrt Graham left Sunday for Mommouth. Illinois, being called thereby the death of his sister, Mrs. Margaret Brownless. Mrs. Urown- tic Pennsylvania, this week. He came less was twontyelght years of age and to buy a numebr of car loads of po-lis survlver by three small children. tatoes. F. C. Padsou of Kilgore, Men., was Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Barnett were in town the first of the week. He was Rcottsbluff visitors Sunday. They returning from Lusk, Wyo., where he. went over Sunday and returned that had been to get a couple or car loads night. of steers. From here he went to Col- , orado to ship carload from his ranch Fred Brenson and Frank Jay wholin ,ht state had been visiting friends here, ro-1 turned to Denver the last of the Clurence Schafer was at Scottsbluff week. for the week end . Mrs. Schafer had InrnrnoHail Vi di1 lumtianri Anil Visit- Mr. and Mrs. Terry Buckles, who I .,,,, .,,, .horn Mr Rptmfer had been visiting at Chicago and oth-L.,i ti, trir. in h r.r At Mint er places east, returned to Alliance L,nie ,he roa(la wore in very good con- nionaay. ,iitlnn considering that that section Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrow of wa8 c"vt'red w,t.h ?n0,w- Scottsbluff have been guests the past n k W. Jones and Harry DeBuaUe y y y y y i The Horace Bogue Store First Showing New Spring Millinery Nobby Pattern Hats In All The New Shades week at the home of their son, J. W. wprg al scottablufr Sunday. They 1 f fT"Tfytr I ..... a 1 also visited at Mitchell. Tho object A new cement floor Is being put In f olr vi"lt, ,wa8 to . ,ook ov" aiii, c,T...n.i,i ,i. theatres at those places. Mr. De- week. The work is being done by J. Bfu "x? PU7ni u o J Vance at ScottHbluff and renamed It tho Mrs. Jensen of Sheridan was oper ated on for appendicitis last week. Orpheum. John A. Bayer, piece-work Inspect- Her two children accompanied her to r th Burl.ngton here for a thla rilv inumuei OI yeiii.i, anu uio i.inwij, i- v 11113 1 ll' !.. r.. o In.nhl. Mr. uharii Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Anderson who they will make their home in the were married recently at Oklahoma I future on a farm. City. Oklahoma, arrived in the city , T, .Utt a . fnnitav I . r. mntr iirau f-unj Monuay. , V...... , i..., Th in 0 UiljT IllUllllllft; IJt-IWIC UUUhn Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe are in the county court to the charge of Vkw rirleans. arcordine to a card re- permitting minors to frequent his ceived here. This is the season of the billiard hall and bowling alley. He Mardi Gras. paid a fine of 20. ... . Miao 7imM nf rhlrnirn nrrlved The c tv library is now open auer this ewek to take charge of the mil- having been closed for a number of linery department of the George Mol- weeks due to the necessity for mak lrlng store. ing certain furnace repairs. While line UDrary was tius a n-" Mrs. C. D. Hall Is reported very books was added. An oruer nas 111. It Is stated that there Is a prob- been placed for a smpmeni oi me ability she will have to undergo an very latest books. operation. A h.. mm i i . . Anvil ui vyuon-i v. w u ii v j Miss Franzden. representing the Uurchaaed the Box Butte rooming Gage conpany, Is now in the city in house and has cnangea lis name iu ch.irce of the millinery department the Allen rooming house. He states of i he Harper store. he will run a clean, up-to-the-minute I place. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reasoner ofr Dodson. Mont., left Monday for Bill- Don Shrewsbury of Ellsworth is Ings, Mont., following a short visit enjoying a few days here wun oia here with friends. I friends. i Ed Henrv is at Omaha this week ii. M. Rushnell Jr. secretary of the uttendlne the Omaha auto show in Alliance Commercial Club left lueo nmerPHH there this week. He left I ri.iv fnr Brldirenort to ettend tne her Tuesdav noon. mpetlnir of the Associated Cammer cial Clubs of Wostern NenrasKa ueio J. M. Miller, proprietor of the Alll- ,,. phrs. LiEhtoff. George E. ance hotel. Is at Casper this week on 1 nnrl ipv. w. c. Rundin of business. He left Monday and ex- nrawford are also attending tho ruoet- pects to return toaay. ing " " . Harry Mollring is home from a bus- Tho wiher Music House has re- Iness trin to Kansas City, Chicago i0ri nhinment of new nianos the and Cleveland in the Interests of the pH8t week anU are now displaying George Mollring store. them at the store across the street . T . , . . . . from the postotllce. They have tak Mlss Irma Iotspeich, who had been .. a ani, BhoWinif . ... . ti l ru uu i in ...... y suing me uun r uru " Bome classy Instruments. A new Marsland. returned to Alliance the ba,cany ha8 bflf11 buUt ln the store to care for the Vlctrola department of the business. Old papers for sale at tbe Heralt latter part of the week. SIO.OO a month will bu you a nwelliiiK lAtt. Hf Knoddy & Moll- rlnir. agentH for the Nebraska State ofRce Pa 8 are done up ln bui, BuildInK and Iniii C. tf dleg ftt fly(, Rnd fen ,ent8 a bundle Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Belli of Sheri dan have been guests at the Gus Pe- F. W. Hicks, secretary of the Al liance Civil Service board, announces tersen home. They are on their way tmU lhp Pxamlnation to have been to Sheridan from Chicago. held on February 10 for the position . . ... ..Li-., of elevator conductor for the North Tne Masonic lOUKes are iBiiiiF, ,.... . . a, i i . ..,., ..,. , possession of their new temple The j AJJ dr8.rinK (o rormai aemcation ur ... examination should write til the latter part of April. . . V(1 nr H.n ,., mfor further m I v" ' " " w - Arthur Hnpiuh. nrffiidnt of the information. 1'rt!,iVi Cn ut Ant Inch has I v. i ,i ,'vi. w n him. Glenn Miller has purchased the in... ii livoi. in Omaha. Interest of his brother, Jack Miller in tne Miner iiroiuem iuuiuuib A. Grecory accompanied by his store and the news stand. Jack geta son Clifford left for New York and the ranch southwest of town. He Washington, where he will be pres- will lease the ranch. A partnership ent at the presidential inauguration, has been formed between John Guth rle and Jack Miller to De unown as Mrs. Peckenpaueh. who had been f:i, Millar and thev will con- visiting here, left Thursday night for t.nue the Insurance business former- Denver. Misses uorris ana Maoei , n1,1.f.trt hv Guthrie & Wr Kht Young accompanied her. They will hlrh rjartnershiD was recently dls- aiso go to cnicaKo. solved Sunday morning at the Baptist t.i w.a. ram mnA 1tiut cnurcn win db uvia ino ifKuwr ,.-. r.rtjaTr n.jjj.v mnnlAn orvlr Sllhlert: "WhV DCI. E. X. ftilUUiUil, Have Preachlne." B. Y. P. U. at filook. 15 tf-672T fi.QA nraarhlncr at v It costs a merchant more to adver John Davidson of Oelrichs, S. D.. Use in the Herald than In some other arrived Sunday from Lincoln to visit papers. You may be sure when you his narents. Mr. and Mrs. William gee the advertisement in the Herald Davidson. He left Wednesday for that the merchant is advertising be hin home in South Dakota. cause he has something to say. He i I knowB he reaches the people. Head Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glvin of Kan- vertlses and pays a little higher rate saa Cltv are planning on moving to because he knows he gets a little bet this city. They have purchased the ter service. It isn't so much ch eap- rinle nlace on Seventh street. Mrs. ness that counts wun mm as vaiue Glvin and Mrs. Dole are sisters. If he will give due consideration to I this factor in his advertising he Rev. Lewis Mclntyre, Mrs. James very apt to do it in his dealings with Walker and Mrs. Jerry Rowan were you. ray more ana gei more at Rushville the last of the week to act as JudgeB ln a declamatory con test. They went to Rushville Fri day. Miss Elizabeth Plessman of Deuver Is now employed at the Horace I!of,ue TKACIIEIfS KXAMINATION Regular State Teacher's Examlna tlon to be held at Court House March 16 and 17th. OPAL RUSSELL County Superintendent New Spring Coats and Suits A great many of our New Spring Coats and Suits are in and we are ready to show you a larger variety than ever this season. A big range of colors in all the new est materials Suits at $15.00 and up to $60.00 Coats at $10.50 and up to $60.00 CATTLE SA 400 Head of Cattle 400 Commencing Promptly at One O'Clock P. M. SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 1917 STOCK YARDS, MINATARE, NEBRASKA This stock consists mostly of coming two-year-old heifers, white faces and Shorthorns. They are not in calf and are the making of a splendid herd of breeding cows. 50 Head of calvy cows and heifers and a car load of good boned, two-year-old steers. All these cattle will be sold in carload lots and cars will be on ' track to accommodate shippers from a distance who wish to ship their stock. Some good work horses and a string of A 1 saddle horses will also be sold. Carfare will be refunded to purchasers from a distance. Make your credit arrangements before buying. No cattle will be removed until settled for. Eight months' time will be given on all notes with approved security bearing 10 per cent interest. Lamb, Dodd and Whitehead, Owners, Minatarc, Nebr. Col. L. E. Lewis, Col. Sam Powell, Auctioneers Orville R. Lamb, Clerk