AI.UAMT, HFKALl), MARCH 1, 10t7 IfflHMnONAL siwrsaiooL Lesson (Hy H O. SELLERS, Ac-tin Director of HtinMay School Course of Moody lliblo Institute.) t'il rlsht. HI T. Wentrrn Ncwspsper tTnlon t ED fin:cs)mIjii COLD WEATHER IS COAL WEATHER ! m IT. AW When it's cold and you are out of coal, COAL is the big thing then. We have the coal and you can have it when you want it, good coal, too really better coal Colorado Kirby Lump and Nut Monarch ""Just telephone us and 'say, "send up "a ton (or two toris or three), we need it quick, it's cold," and you'll get action. Phone 73 I I HOO IUXMS SAFETY U'tmn vnn oro In HrnQha rnmo always find your frienda and acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE 16TII AND JON IX STS., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In the city. Rooms with private both, $1.50 to $1.75. Rooms with private toilet $1. Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. FIIKD A. CASTLK, Pn. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE LFAKN SIIOICTIIANII BY THK NKW, SWIFT, si III SNKLL IMUVIltl AL INSTKFCTION MlTIIOD Let me tell you a bit of a secret, don't let anybody teach you .short hand by the "class" method. It's the slow way, it holds you back, you've pot to wait on somebody else. The Ioniser lie takes, the long er it takes you. Snell Shorthand is entirely different. The teach ing is individual. We study YOU see just what you want, then plan out a course for YOU you can advance as fast as others. If you're apt, studious and persevering you can complete the course and qual ify for $(0 to $100 position in only three to four months no charge if it takes you longer. Send today for full information. CIVIL SKKVIt i: SCHOOL, 04lT(aatf GfflfcpatbQ (pallet dlGi(a waMft gofer"? AWFUL SUFFERING. "1 suffered untold agony with neuralgia. I thoiiKlit 1 would go mud witii pain. A friend of mine ud vised tna tu taka lr. Miles" Antl-Puin rills. I did co and the puln Mopped almost at once. Then I commenced usintf Dr. Miles' Nervine and be fore Ion I was bo that I did not have these rains any more." M. J. WINTER. 661 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Lumpand Nut Lump and Nut COAL When You Want It! IIFKFFOIil) HILLS of Serviceable Age Good Individuals and Triced to Sell Ranch adjoins town. PINK ItllMiK CATTLF. KANCII J. M. Tollman, Vr. Mnrslaml, Nebraska. FIRST 8(H) kooms vhpro nil fitrtnlftimn otnn Vnti will jJTIIn'M kittkfhck iti.iKi. i)i;vi:it Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two I DR. MILE.S ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE. OR BOX. FAILS TO HELP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. LESSON FOR MARCH 4 JESUS FEEDS FIVE THOUSAND. l.KSSON TKXT-John :1-14. OOI.DICN TKXT-Olvo us this day our daily bread. Matt. 6:11. Tills parable marks the high level of the year of our Lord's popularity. It Is such nn Important miracle ns to bo the only one recorded la nil four gospels, r.e sure to use n pood lmr mouy. The returning twelve (Matt. 11:1) nre taken liy their mnster to n desert plaee that they might find rest (Mk. 0::il) and that he might comfort their hearts over the death of John the Baptist (Matt. 14:1-12). The multi tude would not grant them the rigid use of their leisure, hut Hocked to this retreat in the desert. They followed that they might listen to his gracious words, and perhaps la-hold some new wonder (v. i.'). Carlisle said he saw In Knglnnd "forty millions, mostly fools." Jesus saw the multitude, and was moved, not with sarcasm, hut with compassion which took a tangilde form of service. Mark tells us (0::il) that Icmis was lirst of all teaching the mul titude. It is hetter to teach a man how 10 help himself than to help the man. Ve should not he surprised at Philip's slowness of faith.' Muses 'In ll like manner was once nonplussed as to how to feed the multitude in the wilder ness. (Num. 1 1 :-l -.)). It Is not so much how great the need nor how Ut ile we possess; lather, is that little given over to Cod? Andrew, who had ;-evcttlcd Jesus unto I'eler, discovers as though in desperation a hoy whose unit her hsid thoughtfully provided him with a lunch, consisting of live barley hiscuits and two small herring (v. '.) ; at least that much remained. This is a great commentary upon the tide of Interest at this time, that the hoy should not have cat en his entire lunch, for the hoy's hunger is proverbial. It seems as though Jesus emphasizes the helplessness of the disciples In order that he may show his power. His com mand "Cive ye them" (Mk. 0:::7) leaches us that we are to give such as we have, and not look to others nor to do our charity hy proxy (I'rov. 1 1 :'2--'2T) . Again the Saviorusks his disciples as though he would teach thrm the resources of his kingdom. Cive what you have, and he will hies and increase it to the supplying of the needs of u multitude. The secret of success was when he took tip tin lonves, and, "looking up," Cod also saw day and blessed it. We need to observe the systematic procedure. The people nre seated or reclining Umii the ground in ranks or in companies, the master Messing and hreaking the hoy's cakes, giving lirst to the disciples. Cod works miracles through human agencies only. The result of this sys tematic procedure was that they Were all satisfied, "tilled" (v. I'-'). Luke adds that "all did eat" (Lk. !):1T). Not alone, however, was tin vo divine ord"r and Invishness, Inn there were economy and thrift as well, for Jesus pave en re fill direetion as to the fragments. The lav ishiu-sx is show n hy the fact that the haskets into which the fragments wire gathered were each prolmhly large enough in which lo sleep. This i user va t ion process was a stinging rclaike to the iniprnv idem orientals and to pi-eseul-day prodigals of that wonderful hounty with which Cod has Messed our laud. Cod fives to us that we may use for other. Joy dies unless it Is shared. Jesus is the living broad (John H:-IS), and will satisfy hunger and life even as bread generates in I he human body heat, vitality and power; so he would still fciil the hungry soul of mankind. We have at hand the word, and it is for lack of it that men die in I lie deepest, truest sense of that word. The poverty and perplexity of the diseiples in his pres ence and in the presence of this great need are being repcatd over ami over today, ami yet it Is absurd. We have not enough to feed the multitude. Our few loaves of amusements, mental ac tivities and social service will not feed them, but when we break unto them the Living Bread, they have enough and to spare. The dillicultv with the distribution of material bread for the needs of mankind is not that there is not euoiigii grain, hut nit her that in the process of distribution certain com panies of men can control the fruits of the earth, and withhold them from the consumer for their own profit. Is there not a partible in this for the church in that it Is so much concerned with Its own joys, pleasures and protits that It is withholding from the mass of mankind, especially in the foreign Held, the bread which alone can bring life and immortality to light? Summary: () The hope of the world's salvation Is in the wonderful power of Cod ill multiplying Hie little we give to him in the way of service. (-) If we bring no KH. how cun Cod bless man? Compare this boy's serv ice with the service of the little maid in Xaainnn's household. (.") Conservation of the fragments, using -M or wasting Hie fragments of lime, of opportunity, etc., makes all Ihe difference between success and fail ure. (4) Let nothing he lost. The refuse if petroleum is today worth inure than the oil product. TO MAKF. A NKCONI) HOOSTF.It 1 HIP, MAKCH 0 Uushvllle Recorder: F.ach year the University of Ne braska holds a tournament for the high school basketball teams of the state and most of the live (owns of the state make it a point to see that their high school is represented. This year Kushville is in that "live town" class ami will no represented hy a tine bunch of Sheridan county hoys who will ho a credit to the town. They have ordered a banner ami arm bands using Ihe '"Sheridan county potatoes" for their emblem. These will be displayed in the hotel and on the floor of the auditorium while playing. The business men of Kush ville were very generous in subscrib ing the necessary funds. The boys will leave Uushville Tuesday even ing March 6, and return March 11. This will give the boys a cliancn to see Lincoln, the state university and farm and also offers opportunity for them to become acquainted with the boys of other high schools of tho state. This trip following tho one in January ought to wako Homo of the people In the eastern part of tho state up to the fact that there Is a real live county "on tho other side of tho sand hills." imiNCS IN A TIIAIN or III KN1NC BUCKS Western Nebraska Observer: A train of forty-nine flat cars, each car containing three Buiek six-cylinder autos, pulled Into Kimball last Friday with two of the cars on lire. The fire company was called out and the (lames extinguished. The train, which consisted of forty-nine Hat cars, was loaded with i Uulrk light sixes, each valued at ov ier $1,000. The autos were covered I with tarapulin and this canvas caught lire from the sparks of the engine. The train was running against a strong wind from the west. Five of the autos were practically a total loss, while one other was slightly damaged. One was pushed off the train a few miles east of town to save others. The lirst of the week the claim agent sold the cars to II. W. I .arson. I The one which is slightly damaged I will be made as good as new at an 'expense of about $100. The top was I the only part damaged. The other ! live might be of some value for ltr",ks- i . .... The train backed slowlj and eveiy canvass was tno.ougn.y ' , before leaving town, but even w ith Mills iney call-in are ntiuii iinun 111 i riving at Fine Uluffs. 'Ihe next step was to place ton-extra cars ahead of the autos and add another engine. 'piCKIXC COAL NOT FKI.K liki: sik viu:i:i:ii s Sidney Telegraph: I The I'nion I'acitic cop is f xtreme- ly active, and innocent anil guilty alike are cominc under his vigilant' i scrutiny. Last Saturday there was ia great scatternient of boys from jthe right of way and most any direr-; It ion you looked you could see a llect 1 fooled boy about two jumps ahead ' of a licensed pursuer, but bays have , ever been known to have the advan ' taee in accelerators and leather lunf-'S In a match with met, and these lads were not different fro.n I others. For the lime they escaped 'in the bluffs on either side of town, J hut while the kids leaped from crag to crag as fresh as deer and. the cop panted farther and farther in the i rear, the wily cops were taking notes 'of the knickerbockers and other ear I marks on the boys, ami Tuesday they (were surprised by belir-i hailed into 'judge Chambers' court and charged j with stealing coal from the right of way. To save argument, of which grown tips have an unlimited fund, the hovs iilead guilty and each received i the minimum, one dollar and costs, which brought it up to three dollars, leach. Some body some time has thrown coal off of a full car. Yhich ! attracted the attention of otlicials to' jthis point and as a consequence ev I ery one is forbidden to go 'on the' right "f way. While this works a hardship to many innocent people who got coal along the tracks, yet the company can not discern between honest people and those who take I coal from full cars, thus do the in-1 Inocent suffer for the guilty. How ever, the rule against trespassing Is coing to be rigidly enforced and the (Judge can not again give so reasonn- ! tile a nne, therefore tne nmaiiesi lump of coal which any one may 1 thoughtlessly pick up is likely to !cost him a pretty penny. The three : . , :, ' V, . . i ooy8 up mis lime ranged irom len iu louiieeii yeur Ol tte nun iiie roiiiiei is putting no age limit on trespass ers. A brunette gentleman was also called on the carp"t. He pleaded guilty and explained to the judge: "Ah went home at night and found the ton of coal ah had awded had not come down, so h takes a bucket I and gets jes enough to get suppah with, .ledge, what you ah giving tne makes that coal cost me Jus about fo'ty cents a pound." It cost him. We hope none of our other citizens will be caught in the expensive pas time. COUPON TO iiavi: m:w ih'MF choi mk Cordon Journal: The village board have purchased a tract of ground south of the city' that will he used for a dumping ground. Cood Idea. Now the next thing would be to pass an ordinance making it a rather serious offense i ca use nndding two new trains be for dumping refuse In the drainage 1 1 ween tlreso cltiea. These will be creek. The creek waR primarily I known as thirty-seven and thlrtf made for the purpose of carrying off i eight. Thin will lessen the work of flood water rather than as a recepta-' I he through trains nnd provide bot ch" for old auto bodies, barrels and I ter local service. With the opening of manure. The town ought to have spring tho tourist husim-BS with the the creek dredged in order to make I through trains becomes no heavy it a safe conductor for high water rather than having it used as a city ,unin dump. "SHOUTY" AIMH'T Pl'LLH CIZZAItl) OCT OF MAN Sidney Telegraph: John Owens has a famous horse named "Shorty" which will pull the heart out of a mountain If properly connected with it. It has beo a favorite pastime lately to get up bets on the pulling feats of the animal On Tuesday a young fellow from Dal ton, of splendid physique, bet that the horse could not pull him out of the Owen's barn. The bot was tak en and the young man arranged him self with a foot on either door Jamb. The next thing the spectators knew the man had been dragged through the door and seemed badly hurt. He was taken to Dr. Mantor's office and was found to have sustained some severe lacerations. He was obliged to remain In town for treatment. In the meanwhile "Shorty" goes amia bly on pulling every thing up by the roots without batting an eye. CIIAOHON HAS TWO 1-TltL.H IN ON 10 DAY Chadron Journal: Wednesday seemed to he a good day for Hies. Two blazes kept tho lire department busy afternoon and evening. About four In tho afternoon a fire broke out in the Maxwell Cai-age. It Is claimed that the firo started in the work room from an electric light wire that had tne insulation worn off. However the lire department was on the Job in short order and the Haines quenched with the chemical engine. The amount of damage was not great. About ten Ihlrty, In the evening Ore was discovered at the east end of the depot hotel. One of the girls whose room was at the extreme east end of the build ing was awakened tlrst. She hastily got into a few clothes and gave the alarm to Manager James Smith. Iloth the city and railroad lire departments were called and everyone in the ho 'lei was moving out at a rapid gate, ono thrpw R , mirror out the window and carefully .UI.rll.(1 ,,.., ,,. u(lWli ,,.iwii Htairs. ' friends who were willing to lead to By the time the (ire boys got to the that end. and no money or influenc" building the flames were doing fast to speak of, the matter was allowed work on Ihe east end. The lire had , to drop and the circumstances of his started on the southeast corner of sickness and death w ill probably ney the building (supposedly from ashes) jt r be known, burned throne h I he siding a ud passed I - ll(i between the piaster and the sid - ; inn. The small addition on the east! end was badly burned ni the loft. Water turned onto the lire ran down into the store room and spoiled quite a lot of supplies. IMII II I i: M 111 YS somi: itni: linshville St-in lard : Dr. A. C. Schock returned Wednes day morning from Valentine, where he had been attending a sab- of IIcl--isteied Hereford cattle, lie invested in cows and 1 bull which he bio! up with ) i". in and took down to li i s ranch in the sand hills. Mr. Schock is thoroughly convinced that it pavs to raise good stuff as they always corn-rand a good price and it covts no more to raise a hundred dollar ct li ter than a thirty three dollar one. lie informed us that at the sale at Val entine a calf that w ill not be one year old until next April sold for IliS" ami H2 bulls averaged 1221, and 120 cows averaged $2;!l!. This looks Lke some price for cattle, yet they are cheaper than the scrub kind. ( WICK Ol HTSIIII' ON III HLI NCTON I I : A I V Cab-sburg (II.) Kveninu Mail: Miss Minnie Fields of While coun ty. III., and Milo Francis ! of Prair ie City, III., met for the first time on a Hill lint Ion train one day last week while each was going to Wyoming to visit friends. When the train reached Slu-ridan they climbed off, got a marriage li cense, hunted a preacher, were mar ried and continued their Journey to gether. They will return to McDon- oueh county ti live. ru ...... l. i .. ........ ..rr..:.. Both waited at the depot at Lincoln. . . . . Nebr.. for a train. Miss Fields had a It , , .. ...., - o - nj fhi- . " " ..ei-.. ... wi., ... .... .... ... .. .,. ened the way for a causal conversa tion. Somewhere in the sandhills of Ne braska the spark ol love ignited. When the train whistled for Hdpe niont. S. D., tho spark burst into full flame and their troth was plighted. At Sheridan the wedding was per formed. The bride was enronte to Casper while the bridegroom was on his way to the Big Horn country when the "fatal" meeting occurred. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Ie tooa a train for Casper. After completing their visit In that city they will go to Big Horn and then back to Illinois. MOKF. AHOFT TltAINS KltOKFN HOW TO ALMANCF Custer County Republican: It Is understood that thte Increas ing business on the Burlington eaat ' from Alliance to this city will be the that it Is Impossible for them to han dle the local business between Seneca and Alliance as they do In t' o winter months. It is supposed that these trains will be added tho first of Ap ril but so far this has not been con tinued olllclally. SFNI'ICIONH OK FOI L FLAY IN UKATII OF CKAWFOUI) MAN Crawford Courier: Monday afternoon of this week, a colored man, known ns John, Wil liam or Heuben Ilutler, but generally known as "Nigger Ilutler," who had been a familiar flguro In our street for a number of years, and of lato a. roustabout worker at Newcomb's sa loon, died under rather mysterious circumstances In his llttlo shack hack of tho Klkhorn hotel, between tho Burlington and Northwestern d pots. The aged negro was taken III last Saturday, and on Sunday morn ing William Howard, who had sol diered years ago with him, hearing of his Illness, called to seo him. He found Ilutler unable to speak or movo and was frothing at the mouth, with his eyes wldo open nnd staring. A physician was summoned but was unable to do anything for him. Dif ferent parties called during that day and evening and looked after him till lato In tho evening, when two or three tramps who had no place to stay said they would take care of him during the night and were al lowed to do so, the others going to their homes. Monday morning Ilut ler was found by Chief of Folice Spearman lying across the Burling ton tracks back of A. V. Howe's hide house. and taken back to his shack, where he died about 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Without entering Into Ihe details of many conflicting reports heard re garding his sudden Illness, queer symptoms shown, the actions of the strangers who stayed with him Sun day night and flnding him fully dressed lying across the track uncon scious, while the night, before ho had been lying In his bed undressed and unable to move or speak, It appear from all circumstances that there (might have . mwh been foul play. There talk following his death 1 of holdinn an Inquest and but trom . fa,, that he autopsy, had "ho Tl 1 1 N US IIIMSI.LF I'AKT OF WIIFF.L. Custer County Chief: I'eler Cooper, a man probably lhirly-ei;h! years old. was pu ked UP by Deputy SheiilT Thompson last Sat j urday morning, about seven miles STOCK' ""rt h ot lore and detained in the in sanity ward of the county jail until ! some of lux relatives ran be heard from The man was tirst hiard of in the neighborhood cf Sargent twenty-four hours before and rti sheriffs ollii e was telephoned that crazy man had passed throiuh tlo village and to be on the lookout for him. However, it was not until Sat urday morning that he was located ami hiouu'it lo the city. The man gave his iiiuie as I'eter Conner ami concien intelligently in a general way lie said he was from Indiana and had a wife and three children somewhere in Kansas. Like many demented people Cooper has a hobby that continually oppresses him and in this case the "buuhear" is term ed 'Individual Completion." He is always assoria'cd with a big wheel which seems n. be bearing upon him. but unlike Ixion at t.i" Wheel," Cooper seems to think that ho anl tin- w bet I of his imagination are of 'one flesh and blood and that every mint of it is a part of himself. Tin' loan is ever torturing himself with an hallucination of the wheel rolling over him and being unable to place - himself in safety by reason of Ileitis (part of it. It is an endless fight Iwilh no deiiiiite goal to attain. If jthe wheel is destroyed then Cooper I thinks he w ill be destroyed also, be cause he and it are one. Anyway he looks at it the wheel seems to have i the advantage. Cooper gave the ad- I ' ' , " , "' I ton, Ind., ami sheriff Wilson has ... ..: :. . . - I " i "it-ii mi nun. nmce me nay oeiore I xhanksclvin" Cooner liim in ha walked all the way from Indianapo lis, Ind., and the only time he re members riding is when Deputy Thompson took him in the car last Saturday morning and brought him to town. The man shows that he has borne a good deal of hardship lately because his nose and face have been frozen and the general a p pear- la m-e of his body would indicate that he and comfortable beds have been strangers for some time. Your Bowels Should Move once a Pay A free easy moTement of the bow els ever day is a sign of good health. Dr. Kind's New Life Pills will give you a gentle laxative effect without griping and free your system of blood poisons, purify your blood, ov ercome constipation and bare an ex cellent tonic effect on the entire sys tem. Makes you feel like living. On ly 25c at druggists. Adv 3