The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 08, 1917, Image 9

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    I 1
bn2 7Sh(S ftx
Mrs. H.P. Toohy is enjoyins a vis
it fitm her father, T. H. Hlllis, of
Pacific Ju action, la.
D. E. Wllccx was hero from Ells
worth on business tho laRt of tho
week. i
Guy Lock wood made a business
trip to Ant loch the first of tho week.
John McCoy, M. D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 81
Mrs. P. O. Campbell is at Omaha
this week attr tiding a school of in
struction fot; Sunday school owrk in
the Christian church. She went
to Omaha on Monday.
'You can't tlo bettor than to uso a
Herald Clasiflnei ad.; They Ret you
what you want at the coet of but a
few cents. If you are in the market
for something and you don't" find it
listed In the Classified columns, try
a classified acB yourscir. It will pay
you. j: ' -
Mrs. Edith JScdjkcr was at Antioch
the first of the ' week. She makes
regular trips to ;.hat place, having a
class in music' th-re.
I -List
your Farm, Ranch or City
Property with us. We will sell it
for you. . tSnodtly A Mollring. tf
Miss Ella Abbott returned to Alli
ance Monday after visiting with her
sister at Crawfard.
Miss Jessij Hut ker returned Mon
day to her school In tho Hashman
district after viijit ag with friends at
Mlnnakata, So. .Ix.k.
J. A. LutrellK has purchased the
W. H. Hull resino.iee located on To
luca avenue. r
O. O. Duck former owner of the
Newman Grove Jteporter but now lo
cated at Angorajwas a. caller -at the
Herald ollico ytJiU-i day. Mr. Buck
recently purchased the .Angora State
Bank at Angoravtt.d is now actively
engaged In mantling the affairs of
that Institution. $ Ho came to Alli
ance to get acquair.od with the vari
ous officials of tb'o Alliance bank.
Mr. Buck was tele last full looking
after, bis farm la$d which he owned
near this city. , Mr Busk is one of
the few exceptloiia in the newspaper
game, having sold his newspaper and
gone Into the banking business.
This week the llerald's magazine
comes to you as assertion of the pa
per. If you have been reading this
magazine you are' anxious for this
number. If you have not been read
ing it, you should look it over to-
. u . u
They work while you sleep Her
ald Classified Advtrt. sements.
Leila Wasserberger of Harrison la
a patient at St. Joseph'a hospital.
She was operated uon on Friday for
910.0O month twill buy you a
Dwelling lxU Hee'jSiioddy & Moll
ring, ageuta for thi Nebraska State
Building and Loon "Co. , tf
Mrs. T. B. Shrewsbcry and daugh
ter, Mlsa Nell Shrewsbury, of Ells
worth have been visiting friends in
this city this week.ti During a por
tion of their visit herd they have been
guests at the F. E. Reddish home.
, Mr. and Mrs. Georgjo Duncan were
week end visitors at the home of Mrs.
BertUojJUBajLAUV mey went to
TTIyAVu uu Saturday and returned to
Alliance the first 01 the ween.
Have you rooms, furnished or un
furnished, to rent? The Herald can
not supply the demand. It will pay
you to Invest in a Herald Classified
advertisement We many times rent
rooms before the advertisement ap
pears. Mrs. Bertha Chaudler of Scotts
bluns was a visitor over luesuay in
Alliance going from her to urawrora
where she went to visit with a I County Agei.c Sei.' '. hv.s received
friend jthe membership tirms recently
I purchased by tn Box i'.utte Farmers
Mrs. S. V. Selfrldgo of Scottsbluffs ; Association to be given to the young
visited in Alliance Tuesday. She pt.0ple who are men h' vs of rhe vari
left Tuesday noon for Crawford. 0ivi clubs which come under the
... I heading of 'Boys' and Gil ls' Club
Ross France of Syracuse. Nebr ., ; Work .. Mr Seidell has thla week
passed through Alliance last week onjbpen ,aliing the butto"! to those de
nts way to Evanston
Wyoming for
a visit with relatives.
r, v . ('m,iv f ttiH
Robert Morgan, formeily ol the
Standard Mercantile Company, U - y - -
m7a-,P Mr Moian la an effl- the Kirls hav 'nanogram. "G.
ilton store. Mr. Morgan is an tui hm in mifu.ft letters
cient grocery man and understands c- on ,heni praise i utters.
the business thoroughly. j a baby girl was born to Mr. and
If you have s'omethUig to sell-no j Mr.. Clyde Cokt-r Tuesday,
matter what It is you can use thej Itllm wassenberger of Harrison
Herald Calssifled Columns to advan-, wa8 operated upon for appendicitis
tage. If for some reason you do not , at gt 0j8eph'B hospital here Satur
care to have your name appear, the t d morning.
Herald will receive the communica-;
tlons for you and turn them over to 1 a baby girl was born Thursday to
R. E. Colerlck on Monday resign
ed his position at the Burlington
Do' It Lahody and Jack Phillips
were the prlie winners at the mas
querade at the skating rink Friday
evening. There wan a large auenu-
ance and all seem to have had a fine
Earl D. Mallery was a caller at
Hoffland Monday.
Mrs. B. C. Keeler of 217 West
Third street Is very 111. It Is stated
tliat little hopes are entertained for
her recovery.
Francis Sward la expected home
today from a visit at Chicago, Min
neapolis and St. Paul.
('. A. Newberry on Saturday left
for Chicago and other points east,
Kolim to order materials at first
hand. Mrs. Newberry accompanied
him on the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Itice were here
from Lakeside Monday.
Miss Alta Phillips la now employed
at the ollice of the Alliance News.
Mrs. Lindley Kllis of Vancouver,
Wash., is a guest this week at the 11.
J. Kills home. She stopped off here
for a week's visit, being on her way
home from a visit at Hamburg, la.
Mrs. Foskct of Canton underwent,
an operation at St. Joseph's hospital
in this city Sunday morning for the
removal of gall stones.
Herald Classified Advertisements
are doing good work these days. Just
notice them in this Issue. There is
some good reading to bo found in the
classified columns.
John W. Guthrie and Jack Miller
are this week attending an agents'
meeting of the Equitable Life Insur
ance Company. They went to Oma
ha Monday.
Fred Wright,- a Scottsbluff attor
ney, was in the city the first of the
week on business with the district
Emil Winton of Canton is a pati
ent at the local hospital.
IVter Becker was at Marsland on
business last week.
Mrs. P. E. Wilcox of Ellsworth
was an Alliance visitor last week.
C. J. BorderB and daughter, Iola
of Ellsworth, were Alliance visitoit
Mr. and Mr J. 11. Wehr of Ells
worth visited here and at Lakeside a
part of last week.
1 The announcement Is uiadu that
the Hentley real estate company now
doing business at Sidney will open an
office in this city in the near future,
the Alliance oflice of the company to
be a branch one. Fred King of Sid
ney was hero Saturday looking for a
location for the office. Frank Hah
ler and Sam Fine accompanied him.
C. E. Marks was at Ellsworth on
business a part of last week.
Mr. Abbott, a Grand Island attor
ney, was in 'the city the first of the
week. He came to attend to busi
ness in connection with the special
session of the district court being
hell here this week by Judge West
over. Orval Harvey, who was called to
Ellsworth because of the Illness of
his mother, Mrs. Harvey, returned to
Alliance Monday. Mrs. Harvey is
soi ie what improved. Her many
friends hope that she will continue to
get better and finally regain her
The only company in the United
States or Canada playing "The Win
ning of Barbara Worth" will present
that well-known story by Harold Bell
Wright at the Thelan here St. Val
entine's day. Wednesday night of
next week. L. C. Veomans has giv
en the production elaborate scenery,
featuring the sand storm in the des
ert. The cast is headed by Virginia
Hardy, one of the most popular of
the younger school of actresses, who
will be seen as Barbara.
E. S. Wright, conn-vied with th
Dow Electrical Company, has pur
chased the residence located at lOJu
Cheyenne avenue. Tli- property win
sold by S. D. Wright of Guthr! Ai
Wright. The purcha : came f. this
not recently from 1 .u
n siy, Ccio.
serving of them. They are neat and
attractive in appearance and all
members should be proud of them
wr. ana xnrs. u. . aiwhi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Was went to
Omaha Tuesday noon for a short
Henry Kelser arrived Sunday to be
in attendance at the special Besslon
1 of the district court held here this
Robert Holden of Sheridan. Wyo.,
was here over Sunday, a guest of his
( sister-in-law, Mary Regan.
I . ' ' . , ,. ,
I A meeting has been called for this
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock to be held
at 1008 Big Horn, at which a num-
ber of the young men and boys of
the city propose to effect a junior
military organization. They have
asked E. G. Laing to take charge of
the work and assist them.
Pat King and family left for
Blackfoot, Idaho, Saturday where
they will make their new home. Mr.
King recently sold his highly-improved
farm to Clarence IJverlng
house of Wayne, Nebr. The new
owner has moved to Alliance with his
family and Is now' located on the
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hargraves are
this wi'ek enjoying a visit irom Mrs.
Emma Mitchell of Hay Springs and
Miss Helen Stephens of DcKalb, III.
It Is now generally known that
The Herald oflice receives bulletids
from tho International News Service
whenever there Is anything of extra
ordinary Interest happening any
where in tho world. Alliance Her
ald free buleltins brought the first
information to the people of Alliance
of tho United States' breaking dip
lomatic relations with Germany. This
news was spread a bout town through
the medium of the buleltins fully
twentyrfour hours beforo tho daily
papers from Denver, Omaha and Lin
coln arrived telling of the news. Bul
letins were received until late Satur
day night. Again, yesterday after
noon the IVilctlns arrived telling of
the sinking of tho Anchor liner Cal
fornia in the barred zone by a Ger
man submarine. A second buleltln
told of the report made by Consul
Frost of Queenstown in which he
stated the California flew the British
flag. All day Monday, Tuesday and
yesterday the telephone kept ringing
and people Inquired If there were any
late developments. This Is but an
other example of Herald service.
Mrs. Clara Albro and daughter,
Miss Vera Albro, were visitors at
Edgemont Sunday with friends.
W. D. Rumer and sou b rank Bu
rner, who were In Chicago last week,
attending the automobile show, are
home again. They say a great show
and many cars of varied desigus, but
the Crow Elk-llart still looks mighty
good to them.
Mary Regan ia this week In Chica
go on a buying trip. While there
the will purchaao her stock of millin
ery for the spring trade as well as u
line of oilier merchandise.
Herbert Wehn Af Bridgeport waa
in the city on business and calling on
friends Saturday. Mr. Wehn wa&
recently appointed a stale bank ex-
:i ..IIK'I.
"Casey" Jones, in charge of- the
construction work on the new feder
al 'Hiding being erected in Alliance,
is taking advantage of the exception
ally nice weather this week and la
rushing the work as fast as possible.
A number of extra bricklayers have
been added to the lone and the re
sult is already manifesting itself. A
considerable portion of the brick wall
for the first story is up and already
some small idea can be had of wh.i.
the building will look like after it is
completed. The work has gone slow
ly tiie past month or so, due in a
measure to tho cold weather and al
oo because of the fact that the ma
terial has not been on hand. The
builders wrere compelled to await the
arrival of sevt-ra lpieees of stone, the
original shipment, having been dam
aged. Roy McClusky was here from Om
aha last week.
Mrs. H. H. Giles and mother, Mrs.
Sedgwick, arrived from Deadwood
the first of the week for a visit at the
William Mitchell home.
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe and
Miss Mary O'Keefe went to Omaha
Saturday for a more or less extended
visit. They will also spend some
time at Excelsior SprlngB, Mo., be
fore, returning.
Cashier C. M. Epson of the bank
at Lakeside was a business visitor
here Monday.
S. H. Cole of Sterling spent Sun
day here with his family. He is in
the employ of the Burlington.
E. F. Abley was do 11 from Hem-
Ingford or. business last week.
John Mi'Oin and A. H. Mabin, of
Hcmin.i-ford. were Alliance business
visitors the past week.
Mrs. George Ash and daughter of
Sheridan have been visiting in the
city the past week.
Mrs. Beit I'.math b-avea this week
Ur a visit in Soutli Dakota with her
A. G. Billing of Alberta, Can., ia
here for a visit wiih ins parents, Mr
and Mrs. H. A. He left Al
liance some seven years ago but tsiil
has many frieuds hece. He expects
to remain here some three weeks, all
Mr. and Mrs. Calwcll returned to
their home In Canada Thursday
They had been visiting at the home j
of Mrs. Howe.
Charley Rice of S ottsbluff was in
town last week. H camo over to
look at the various grocery and iuar-i
ket equipment In this city, being
about to open a ttore in Scottsbluff.
No matter what you are looking
for help, something lost, a wife,
most anything a Herald Classified
Advertisement will help you. It la
doing the work for others. Haven't
you something for a classified ad to
How do you like this Issue of the!
Herald's magazine? Just start read
ing and you'll be as anxious as ev
eryone else for the next number.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Jilmore of
Grand Island, Nebr., arrived In Alli
ance yesterday for a visit at the borne
of their daughter, Mrs. F. M. Seidell,
and family.
P. M. Seidell, county agent for
Ilox Butte county, leaves tonight for
Ames, Iowa, on business at the Iowa
State Agricultural College there. Mr.
Seidell also has a brother attending
the Iowa college.
Miss Frances Yandera left Wed
nesday for a few days' visit at Mln
atare. Iegnl blanks and offiee supplier
for sale at the Herald office. Out
stock of legal blanks Is very com
plete and you can have what yot
want when you want It.
Mrs. J. C. Roberts has retnrned to
her home at Halsey, Nebraska, after
vlRitlng in Colorado.
A car of shingles In the Burling
ton yards caught fire last night and
was completely destroyed, only a
very few bundles of shligles being
Rev. Coulter returned to his home
at Whitman Thursday after being
confined in the Alliance detention
hospital with smallpox. He came to
this city to consult a physician, be
ing 111. The physician informed him
that he had smallpox and ordered
him to go to the detention hospital.
A. W. Hamilton had a peculiar ex
perience last week during the tiliz
zard. He was driving to Lakeside
and when he got to within to miles
of Lakeside his horses ran away, the
buggy being overturned. He escap
ed without serious injury.
Mrs. .Mary D. Slansbury, Instruct
or In voice culture at the Alliance
School of Music, will give a recital in
Reddish hall Friday evening of next
week. The recital is free and the
public is Invited.
The funeral of Vernon George
Miles, the 5-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Miles, living west of this
city, was held Saturday, Interment
being made In Greenwood cemetery.
The child died Friday after a brief
The funeral of Victor Zwetzlg, 2-nionths-nld
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ad
am Zwetzlg, was held at the home,
122 Sweetwater, Monday afternoon.
The little one died Saturday night
following an acute attack of pneu
monia. While working on a windmill Sun
day night Charles S. Riley mashed
one of his fingers so severely that It
was necessary to have a part of it
amputated Monday.
Services are announced for the
First Baptist church by the pastor,
Rev. A. A. L'tyton, as follows: Sun
day school Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.
in. The subject of the morning ser
mon will bo: "Bible Reasons for the
Organized Church." The subject
for the evening sermon will be "Con
version yf a Government Olliclal."
Sunday morning the pastor begins 11
series of sermon:' on some vital
eaching and doctrine of the Baptist
hurch. Four points are to be taken
up as follows: First, Church Organ-
Barbara thought of the time when the Desert shall be the abiding place of thous
ands of prosperous people; the home of men and women whose children shall grow up
amid the wonders of nature ; wholesome and strong.
L. C. YEOMANS Offers
Mark Swan's Dramatization of
Harold Bell Wright's Idol of the -West
Barbara Worth
A Powerful Cast of Players With
There are no other com'
panies in the United
States or Canada play
ing this play, hence it
is the original company
Seat Sale
Drug Co.
Honest Weight COAL
Save Money by Getting full Weight and Better GOAL
at no Highter Price
Burning the Candle at Both End DOESN'T "make
Both Ends Meet." A Better way is to BURN OUR RE
It burns ALL up, giving GREATEST amount of
HEAT with SMALLEST amount of ashes. WE ABSO
LUTELY give you full, honest weight. This fact is
backed by our SUCCESS in Alliance. Let's do business ,
High test Gasoline, Kerosene. Paint, too
Phone 6 Order Coal the Day Before You Need It
I.ation. Second, Sign or Symbol of
Baptism. Third. Lord's Supper and
Its Restrictions. Fourth. Church
Government. The general public is
invited to attend these services.
Mrs. I. BuecliBensteln returned
home Wednesday from Ottawa, HI.,
where she was called by the death of
a relative.
The Herald's magazine comes to
you this week. .You will find it of
abs'bing interest. If you are read
ing the stories you will find the In
stallments in this issue better than
The children of the Emerson
school are to give an operetta .entit
led "Arlitonia." February 22.
Mrs. Chafrles Fuller Is on the sick
The Degree or Honor meets with
Mrs. G. H. Stanton this evening.
Phelan Opera House
Winning: of
ICES $1-00, 75c and 50c
1 V V LOWER FLOOR Entire Balcony
Mrs. B. Ponath returned hom
Tuesday night from a visit with her
mother, at Rapid City, S. D.
The small child of
EmpHon of Lakeside
the Alliance hotel.
Mr. and Mrs.
Is very 111 al
Mrs. Empsorv
a week ago o
came up to Alliance
business, and the child became sick
on reaching Alliance. Mr. Empson
Is the cashier of the bank of Lake
side, having Tiioid there recently
from Oshkosh. He is expected to
arrive In Alliance today to spend sev
eral days.
Tho Classified Advertisements nrm
on the last page of this section. You
are almost sure to find something of
Interest there. If you don't II nil
what you want, why not try a class
ified ad for yourself? Others make
it pay and ymi will if you use tlies
little result getters.
FEB. 14
A Beautiful Scenic Production, to
gether with Perfect Electrical Effects,
are Essential Features with this Organ-iation.