The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 18, 1917, Image 9

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. Nolle is hereby given tlint by vlr
M of an Order of Sale, Issued by
the Clrk of tbe District Court of the
-iiteenth Jud at District of Nebras
ka, within and for Hox rtutto county,
n an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of
Alliance, Nebraska, Is plaintiff, and
Cdwnrd Whetstone, et a), am de
fendants. I will at 11 o'clock, A.
Jf ., on the 27th day of January A. IV
1917, at the west door of the Court
Mouse In the city of Alllnnce, Nebr
aska, ofi'er for sale at public auction,
the following described property,
lands and tenements, to-wlt:
A tract of land commencing at a
point on the north line of lot 65, In
County Addition to Alliance, accord
Ink to the recorded plat thereof, 4 6
And 2-3 feet from the northwest cor
ner of said lot 65; thence south par
allel with the west lino of Lots 65,
f6 and 67, In said County Addition
to the south line of said lot 67 thence
west on the said south line of said lot
47 to the southwest corner of said
Jot 67; thence north on the west line
of said lots 65, 66 and 67 to the
sort h west corner of said lot 65;
thence east 4 6 and 2-3 feet on north
line of aald lot 65 to the point of be
ginning, the intention being to con-
ejr the west one-third of said lots
5, 66 and 67, County Addition to
Alliance, liox liutte County, Nebras
ka, together with all the appurten
, ances thereunto belonging.
Given under my hand this 27th
-day of December, A. P., 1916.
C. M. COX, Sheriff.
Barton & Reddish, Atorneys.
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr
. tue of an Order of Sale Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for llox Butte County,
In an action wherein The Alliance
. Building and Loan Association of Al
liance, Nebraska, la plaintiff, and Ed
far D. Ozmun, et al, are Defendants.
I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the
tlth day of January, A. D., 1917, at
the west door of the Court House in
the city of Alliance, Dox Dutte Coun
ty. Nebraska, offer for sale at public
action, the following described
property, lands and tenements, to
rit: Lot 1, Block 10, first addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Ncbrus-
Glven under my hand this 27th
ilay of December, A. D.. 1916.
C. M. COX. Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
Serial No. 015956.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
, Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Dec. 13, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that Emma
,Cntle, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
n May 15, 1913. made Homestead
Cntry. No. 015956, for the SV4
.Sec. 25, and NK'i NE4. 8 NHV4,
and N SE4, Section 26, Township
. ta North, Range 50 West of Sixth
Principal Meridian, has tiled notice
, ! Intention to make tinal three-year
, proof, to establish claim to the land
-above described, before the Register
and Receiver of the United States
.Land (M') (, tit Alliance, Nebraska,
on the .1 day or January, 1917.
Claiiiiiiiit names as witnesses:
Leo Ciir'ilne, of Aurora, Nebras
ka; Alviu ruiinan, of Angora, Ne
braska; (JU ii (ientle, of Alliance. Ne
braska; Mrs. Glen (ientle, of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
T. .1. O'KEEEE. Register.
To Hamilton Hall. John Hall,
Wary Hall Bltts, Jejiima Hall Mur
phy, Iva Hall, Charles Hall and How
ard W. Hall, lie Ira of Hamilton Hall,
, tbe unknown heirs, devisees, legat
ees and personal representatives, and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Hamilton Hall, deceased.
rlll take notice that on December 6,
1916. Elizabeth Hall, Plaintiff, filed
. fcer petition in the District court of
3ox Butte County, Nebraska, against
atd defendants, the object and pray
jer of which are to foreclose a mort
gage deed executed February 6.
113. by Robert C. Wright and Llna
Wright, his wtfe, defendants, to
Hamilton Hall, defendant, upon the
tW4 Section 28. Twp. 28. N. of
jtaage 49. W. 6th P. M. in Box Butte
County. Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of three promissory notes for
1300 each, and becoming due and
payable March 1, 1916. March 1,
1917, and March 1, 1918. respective
ly; said mortgage, provided that de
fault of payment of the Interest or
principal on any one of said notes,
when same shall become due and
payable shull cause all of said notes
to become due and payable; that de
fault In payment has been made and
there is now dm and payable thereon
the aum of $998.90. with Interest at
7 per cent per annum from Septem
ber 25. 1916. for which sum. with
interests and cost, plaintiff prays
for a de-roe. that defendants, Rob
ert C. Wright and Llna Wright, be
required to pay same, and In default
of such f ynierii. said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found
due; that said mortgage and 3 notes
were assigned by said Hamilton Hall
to plaintiff; that plaintiff Is now the
owner and holder of same; that each
and all of the above named defend
ants may be forever barred an d fore
closed of any ami all right, title, In
terest or equity of redemption In and
o said premises, and for such other
nnd further relief as may be just and
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 5th day of
February, 1916.
By : ' Plaintiff.
Burton & Reddish, her attorneys.
Order of Hearing on Petition
In the Matter of tbe Estate of Fran
cis M. Watson, Deceased.
To all persons interested In the es
tate of Francis M. Watson, deceased,
both creditors and heirs:
You will take notice that a peti
tion was filed herein by George W.
Watson on December 9. 1916, stat
ics that Francis M. Watson depart-
ed this lift) at Atchison, Kansas, on
lie 23rd day of May, 1910, being at
he time of his death a resident of
Atchison, In the county of Atchison
nd state of Kansas; that the said
Francis M. Watson died seized of an
state of Inheritance of a seven-flf-eenths
interest In and to the followi
ng described real estate situated In
dox Butte County, Nebraska, to-wlt:
The east 23 feet of lot 9, and lots 10
md 11, In block lettered "V", In
Sheridan ndditlon to Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, according
o the recorded plat thereof.
That the said petitioner, George
W. Watson, Is a son of the said
Francis M. Watson, deceased, and
claims an undivided one-fourth In
terest In fee simple of the estate of
the salil Francis M. Watson in the
aforesaid property; that the said de
cedent left no will but died Intestate,
and that more than two years have
expired since the death of the de
ceased and that no application for
administration of his estate has been
made within the State of Nebraska,
and prays for a decree of the court
determining the time of the death of
the decedent, his place of residence,
the name of his heirs at law, the de
gree of kinship, and the right of de
scent of tho real property in Nebras
ka belonging to said deceased.
It 1b therefore ordered that a hear
ing be had on said petition at the
county court room In said county on
the 12th day of January, 1917, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., and
that notice of the time" and place fix
ed for the said hearing be given to
all persons, both creditors and heirs,
by publication of this order for three
successive weeks prior to said hear
ing In the Alliance Herald, a news
paper printed and published in said
Dated this 9th day of December,
(Seal) County Judge.
LEE BASYE. Attorney.
Ordinance providing for the as
sessment and collection of taxes up
on all the taxable property abutting
upon Improvement District No. 8 for
the purpose of paying for the con
struction and expense that has been
incurred In curbing the streets of
Bald district, and exclusive of the
property which has been curbed.
Whereas, it having been adjudged,
determined and established by the
council of said city, sitting as a board
of equalization, that the several lots.
lands and pieces or real estate here
inafter described, have each been
specially benefitted to the full amount
herein levied against each af said
lots, paHs of lost, land and roar es
tate, respectively by reason of the
curbing In said Improvement dis
trict No. 8 In the city or Alliance,
Therefore, for the purpose of pay
ing the cost of the construction of
sand curbing in said improvement
district No. 8;
Be it ordained by the Mayor and
Council of the city of Alliance, Ne
braska: Section 1. That for the cost of
the construction of curbing In Im
provement District No. 8 in said city
of Alliance, exclusive of the property
which has been curbed in said Im
provement District No. 8. amounting
to the sum of $1065.60 be. and the
same Is, hereby levied and assessed
against lots, parts of lots and real es
tate according to the foot frontage of
the lots, parts of lots, lands and real
estate, h butting to the said Improve
ment according to the sepcial bene
fits received by reason of said im
provement in said Improvement Dis
trict No. 8 on the following describ
ed lots, parts of lots and real estate
as follows: The description of the
lots or parts of lots being written on
the left and the foot frontage and
amount assessed against each lot to
the right thereof, as follows:
Arat. of
Description Ft. Front levy
Lot 10 Block 15 130 $46.80
Lot 4 Block 15 155 55.80
Lot 5 Block 15 25 9.00
Lot 6 Block 15 2 5 9.00
Lot 7 Block 15 25 9.00
Lot 8 Block 15 2 5 9.00
Ixit 9 Block 15 25 9.00
Lot 1 Block 22 155 55.80
Lot 2 Block 22 2 5 9.00
Lot 7 Block 22 130 46.80
Description Ft. Front of levy
Ix)t 68 . 180 $64.80
Lot 69 50 18.00
Ixtf 70 50 18.00
Lot 71 50 18.00
I,ot 73 50 18.00
Ut 73 180 64.80
Lot 74 180 64.80
Ix)t 75 50 18.00
Lot 76 50 18.00
iMi 77 50 18.00
Lot 78 50 18.00
Lot 79 180 64.80
Ixt SO 180 64.80
It 81 50 18.00
U)t 82 50 18.00
Lot 83 50 18.00
Lot 84 50 18.00
Ia1 85 180 64.80
Lot 86 . 180 64.80
Lot 87 50 18.00
Lot 88 50 18.00
Lot 89 50 18.00
Lot 90 50 18.00
Lot 91 180 6 4.80
2960 $1065.60
That said special taxes levied as a
foresald on said lots, parts of lots
ond real estate shall become delin
quent as follows: One tenth of the
total amount so levied on said lots
and real estate shall become delin
quent in fifty days from tho passage,
approval and publication of this ord
inance, one tentth In one year, one
tenth In two years, one tenth In three
years, one tenth in four years, one
tenth tin five years, one tenth in six
years, one tenth In seven years, one
tenth In eight years, one tenth In
nine years after said levy, and being
from the passage, approval and pub
lication of this ordinance. Each of
said installments except the first
shall draw interest at tbe rate of 7
per cent per annum from the time of
the levy aforesaid until tho same
shall become delinquent, and after
the name has become delinquent the
same shall draw ten per cent per an
num until the same shall ho paid.
Section 3. That the entire amount
of taxes so levied "and assessed on
any of said lots, parts of lots or rear
estate may be paid by the owner or
owners of said lots, parts of lots or
real estate or the entire equal pro
rate proportion of said tax on any of
said lots, parts of lots or real estate
may be paid bd any person within
fifty days of said levy ond thereupon
such lots, parts of lots or real estate
shall be exempt fro t any lion or
charge therefore for the amount of
suc h levy so paid.
Section 4. That this ordinance
take effect and be In force from and
after Its passage, approval and pub
lication according to law.
Passed first reading, January 9,
Passed second reading, January 9,
Passed third reading, January 9,
Attest: ' Mayor.
Carter Cnlder, City Clerk.
Approved this 9th day of January,
OltniNAM E NO. 227
An ordinance, levying n special
tax on certain lots and real estate in
paving district No. 1, in the city of
Alliance, Nebraska, to cover tho cost
of paving the alley in said paving
district No. 1 of said city of Allinace.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and
Council of the city of Alliance, Ne
braska: Whereas, It having been adjudged,
determined and established by tho
council of said city, Bitting as n board
of equalization, that the several lots,
lands and pieces of real estate here
inafter re'erred to, have eacli been
specially benefitted to tho full amount
herein levied against each of said
lots, parts of land and pieces of real
estate, respectively, by reason of the
paving of the alley in paving district
No. lln the city of Alliance, Nebras
ka. Therefore, for the purpose of pay
ing the cost of said paving District
No. 1, be it ordained by the Mayor
and Council of the city of Alliance
Section 1. That the cost of pav
ing of the alley in paving district No.
1, in the said city of Alliance,
amounting to the sum of $1305, be,
and the same is, hereby levied and
assessed against tho lots, parts or
lots and real estate, according to the
special benefits received by reason of
said Improvement in said paving dis
trict No. 1, on the following describ
ed lots, parts or lots and real estate,
as follows,. to-wit: The description of,
property being to the left, and the
foot front anil amount levied against
each piece of property being to the
right of the description of property,
as follows:
KA. Amt. of
56.2 5
56.2 5
That (.aid special taxes levied as
aforesaid on said lots, parts of lots
and real estate shall become delin
quent as follows: One tenth of the
total amount so levied on said lots
and real estate shall become delin
quent in fifty days from tho passage,
approval and publication of this ord
inance, one tenth in one year, one
tenth in two. years, one tenth in
three years, one tenth in four years,
one tenth in five years, one tenth In
six years, one tenth in seven, years,
one tenth in eight years, one tenth in
nin years after said levy, and be
ing rrom the passage, approval and
publication of this ordinance. Each
of said installments except tho first
shall draw interest at the rate of 7
per cent per annum rrom the time
of the levy aforesaid until the same
shall become delinquent, and after
the same has become delinquent the
same shall draw ten per cent per an
num until the same shall be paid.
Section 3. That the entire amount
of taxes so levied and assessed on
any of said lots, parts of lots or real
estate may bo paid by the owner or
owners or said lots, parts or lots or
real estate, or the entire equal pro
rate proportion or said tax on any or
said lots, parts or lots or real estate
may be paid by any person within
tirty days or said levy and thereupon
such lots, parts or lots or real estate
shall be exempt rrom any lien or
charge therefore for the amount of
such levy so paid.
.Section 4. That this ordinance
shall take effect and be in force rrom
and after its passage, approval and
publicHtion oocarding to law.
Ua.ised first reading, January 9,
Passed second reading, January 9,
Passed thir reading, January 9,
Attest: Mayor.
Carter Calder. City Clerk.
Approved this 9th day of January.
Whereas, pursuant to lawful pro
ceedings had and taken, the city of
Allinace, Nebraska, has heretofore
issued Its municipal coupon City
Hall Bonds, consisting of seven
Description Ft. Front
Lot 1 Block 16 25
Lot 2 Block 16 25
Lot 3 Block 16 25
Lot I Block 16 25
Ixt 5 Block 16 2 5
Ixt 6 Block 16 2 5
l.ot 7 Block 16 25
Lot 8 IUock 16 2 5
Iot 9 Block 16 2 5
Lot 10 . Hlock 16 2 5
Lot 11 Block 16 2 5
Lot 12 lilock 16 2 5
Ixit 13 Block 16 130
Ixt 19 Block 16 50
Lot 20 Block 16 50
Ix)t 21 Block 16 50
a mils In the denom ination of $1,
; 00.00 each, dated the second day of
January, 1904, and payable on the
ccond day of Jonuary, 1924., re-
it uny time after the second clay of
r , n 1 1 .1 1 I .... . . I
IftllUill, 1 . 1 1 ttllU U'-iU IlllVIl St
at the nrte of six per centum per an
num, payable annually, both princi
pal and in terest being payable at the
Nebraska Fiscal Agency in New York
City, New York; and
Whereas, pursuant lo lawful pro
ceedings had and taken, tho City of
Alliance. Nebraska, has heretofore
Issued Its municipal coupon City
Park bonds, consisting of five bonds
In the denomination of $1,000 each,
dated the first day of August, 1911.
and payable on the first day or Aug
ust, 1921, redeemable nt tho option
or said city at any time after the
first clay of August, 19i5, and bear
ing Interest at tho rate of five per
centum per annum, payable annual
ly, both principal and interest being
payable at the Nebraska Fiscal
Agency in New York City, New
York; and
Whereas, there are not sufficient
funds In tho treasury of said city to
pay the said bonds, nnd there will'
not be sufficient money in tho treas-j
urp to pay said bonds at maturity; !
and, I
Whereas, the Mayor and Council j
may by ordinance duly passed by a'
two-thirds vote Issue bonds to pay!
off any bonded debt without a vote'
of the people, at a not higher rate
than the debt outstanding; and, j
Whereas, the Mayor and Council !
deem it advisable to issue tho nego
tiable coupon bonds or city in
the aggregate amount or twelve
thousand dollars, bearing interest at
the rate or five per centum per an
num, Tor the purpose oT refunding
and redeeming the said valid out
standing bonded Indebtedness of the
said city (is aforesaid, thus extending
tho time of paying the said indebted
ness nnd materially reducing the in
terest rate; Now,
Therefore, be It ordained by the
Mayor and Council of the City or Al
liance: Section 1. That by virtue, nnd In
pursuance of Section 4830 of the Re
vised Statutes or Nebraska, 1913.
and all other statutes thereunto en
abling, there shall be Issued the re
rundlng bonds of the City of Alli
ance to the amount or welve thous
and dollars, for the purpose of re
minding and redeeming the valid out
standine bonded Indebtedness or the
said City, as hereinbefore set forth.
Section 2. That said refunding!
bonds hereby authorized shall be'
dated January first, 1917, be absol-'
utely due January first 1937, and'
redeemable at the option ot the City I
at any time arter five years rrom the I
, date thereof, and shall bear interest
at the rate of flveper centum per an
num, shall consist or twenty-four
bonds cr the denomination or five
hundrer dollars each, numbered!
I from one to twenty-four, Inclusive, I
and both principal and interest of i
the said refunding bonds shall be1
'payable at the office of the State I
Treasurer of the State or Nebraska, I
in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. The I
interest shall be represented by
forty coupons attached to each bond.
eac h coupon representing a half I
yearly papment of interest upon the
bond to which it is attached. The1
said bonds shall be signed by thei
Mayor, attested by the City Clerk,
and bear the city seal, and be coun-:
tersigned by the City Treasurer, and
the .coupons attached to such bonds
shall be signed by the facsimile sis-'
nature of the City Treasurer.
I Section 3. The said refunding
bonds and the coupons and certifi
cates thereto attached shall be in
substantially the following form, to
Municipal Coupon Bond of the
No $500.00
The City of Alliance, in the Coun
ty or Box Butte, In the State or Ne
braska, ror value received, acknowl
edges itseir Indebted and hereby
promises to pay to bearer the sum
or five hundred dollars, in lawful
money or the United States or Amer
ica, on the first day of January, A.
I D. 1937, with interest thereon at the
rate or five per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually on the first
. day or July and the first day or Jan
uary in each year, both principal und
Interest being payable at the office of
the State Treasurer in Lincoln, Ne
braska, upon presentation and sur
render or this bond and the annexed
coupons as they respectively become
The said City reserves the right,
however, to redeem this bond at any
time after five years from its date,
according to law.
This bond is issued by said City
for the purpose ot refunding and re
deeming a like amount or the valid
outstanding bonded indebtedness or
said City, by virtue or and in full
conformity and compliance with the
provisions of Section 4 830 of the Re
vised Statutes ot Nebraska. 1913,
and all other statutes thereunto en
abling, and or the constitution or the
State or Nebraska, and pursuant to
an ordinance or ' said- City, duly
adopted, approved, published and
made a law or the said City prior to
the issuance of this bond, for the
purpose or authorizing the refunding
or a like amount of the valid out
standing bonded indebtedness or said
It is hereby certified that every re
quirement or law relating to the is
sue hereor has been duly complied
with, and that this bond and the in
debtedness so refunded and redeem
ed hereby are within every debt limit
and other limit prescribed by law
and the constitution ot tho State or
Nebraska, and that the indebtedness
ot the City has not been increased by
the issue hereor, and that provision
has been duly made ror the collec
tion or an annual tax sufficient to pay
the interest on this bond as it rails
due, and also to constituto a sinking
fund for tbe payment of tho principal
thereof within the time required by
1ft W. '
City of Alliance has caused this bond
to be signed by the Mayor, attested
by the City Clerk, with the seal of
the City affixed, and countersigned
by the City Treasurer, and has caus
ed the coupons hereto annexed to be
executed by the facsimile signature
of the City Treasurer, as of this
first day of January, A. D. 1917.
, (Signed)
Attest: Mayor.
City Clerk.
City Treasurer.
(Form or Coupon)
No $12.50
On the first day of July, A. D.
19. ., the City or Alliance will pay to
the bearer twelve and 50-100 Dol
lars, In lawful money of the United
States of America, at the office of the
State Treasurer In Lincoln, Nebras
ka, being Interest on its refunding
bond dated January first, 1917, and
No (Facsimile Signature)
City Treasurer
I, the undersigned, the duly quali
fied and acting auditor of public ae
counts of the State of Nebraska, do
hereby certify that this bond has
been regularly and legally Issued and
has been registered in my office in a
book kept by me for such purpose.
all In accordance with the provis
Ions of Chapter 217 of the Session
Liws of Nebraska, 1913, all proceed
ings relative to the issue of this bond
taken by the City of Alliance, and
the data filed In my office being the
basis of this certificate.
State auditor of Public Accounts.
I, the undersigned, the duly qual
Hied and acting county clerk of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, do hereby
certify that this bond has been duly
registered in my office in a book kept
by me for such purpose, in accord
mce with the provisions or Chapter
217 of the Session Laws of Nebras
ka, 1!K
County Clerk of Box
Butte County, Nebraska.
Section 4. When said refunding
bonds have bren prepared and exe
cute!! they shall be sold at not less
than par or face value, ana the pro
ceeds shall be used exclusively for
the purpose of paying and redeem
ing the bonds so to be refunded, and
the bonds so paid and redeemed shall
thereupon be immediately cancelled
and tlu new bonds thus issued In
place theieof shall be the valid and
bonding obligations of the City of
Section 5. The interest falling
due on the said bonds in the year
l'U 7 shall be paid out of the general
fund of said City, and for the pur
nose or reimbursing the said general
rund Tor the said Interest, and to
meet the interest accruing on the
said bonds rfter the year 1917, and
for the iurj'Of.e of creating a sinking
fund for the ultimate payment of the
raid bonds, there shall be, and there
are hereby, levied on all the taxable
property !n said City, in addition to
nil other taxes, direct annual taxes,
as folo'ws, to-wit:
In the year 1917, a tax sufficient
to produce the sum of twelve hun
dred dollars for Interest;
In eiic h of the years 1918 to 1920,
inclusive, a tax sufficient to produce
the sum o! six hundred dollars for
interest ;
In eacl of the years 1921 to 1937,
inclusive, a tax sufficient to produce
the sum of rourteen hundred dollras
for interest and eight hundred dol
lars for principal:
And said taxes when so collected
shall be applied solely to the purpose
of paying the interest and principal
of said bonds, respectively, and for
no other purpose whatever, until the
bonds so authorized under this ord
inance, principal and interest, shall
have been fully paid, satisfied and
discharged; but nothing herein con
tained shall be so construed as to
prevent said City from applying any
other funds that may be In the treas
ury of the City and available for
that purpose, to the payment or In
terest or principal us the Bame re
spectively mature, and the levy or
levies herein provided ror may there
upon to that extent be diminished,
and upon the payment or the princi
pal or uny or the bonds issued here
uuder In said manner, or by the use
or the sinking rund herein provided
ror, the levy or levies herein provid
ed ror the payment or Interest may
to that extent be diminished.
- Section 6. The raith and credit or
all taxable property within the lim
its or suid City as they now exist or
may be hereafter extended, aro here
by and shall continue to be pledged
tor the payment or said bonds and
the interest thereon, and the proper
officers or said City or Alliance shall
continue to assess, levy and collect
saicl special taxes, and shall apply
the proceeds t hereor solely to t lie
payment or said municipal bonds
and the interest thereon, until the
same shall have been fully paid.
Should the special tax hereby pro
vided for not be sufficient tor tho
payment or the Interest on such mun
icipal bonds or the principal there
of, or both, at tbe time and in the
manner herein provided, and accord
ing to the terms of suid bonds then
said principal or interets, fr both,
shall be paid out or the general rund
or the City or Alliance; and should
there be any surplus raised by such
special tax remaining on and arter
the payment or the entire principal
and interest on such Indebtedness,
then such surplus shall be transfer
red to said general fund of the City
of Alliance.
Section 7. All ordinances or purts
of ordinances In conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 8. This ordinance shall
take effect and be in full force from
and after its passage, approval and
due publication, and shall be irre
pealable until the bonds hereby auth
orized shall have been fully paid and
Passed and adopted and approved
by the Mayor and Council this 28th
day of December, 1916.
Passed first reading Dec. 28th,
Passed second reading Dec. 28th,
As a
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der on the money-back
Received Hijiet A irnrda
b'tvr Coi Jfoci Fur
Sn Slit lit ttund Can,
Cheap end bis; canBakingPowders donot
save you money. Camret does it's Pure
and for superior to sour miik and soda.
Passed third reading Dec. 28th,
Attest: Mayor.
Carter Calder, City Clerk.
Avoca. At a recent meeting of tho
Dunbar Community Club the erection
of a new twenty-five room hotel was
decided upon and also the Installation
or an electric light system ror the
The Habit of Taking Cold
With many people taking cold is
a habit, but fortunately one that is
easily broken. Take a cold sponge
bath every morning when you first
get out of bed not Ice cold, but a
temperature of about 90 degrees F.
Also sleep with your window up. Do
this and you will seldom take cold.
When you do take cold take Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and get rid
of It as quickly as possible. Obtain
able everywhere.
Adv Jan
llartington. A knire blade which
has stuck in an oak tree ror nearly
fifty years was recovered recently by
County Surveyor J. D. Clair Smith.
He was running a survey and discov
ered the handle of a knife sticking
out or an oak. He chopped out the
section containing the blade. The
curio was presented to the city li
brary. Found a Sure Thing
I. D. Wixon. Farmers Mills. N. Y.,
has used Chamberlain's Tablets ror
years ror disorders or the stomach
and liver and says. "Chamberlain's
Tablets are the best I have ever
used." Obtainable everywhere.
Adv Jan
Red Cloud. At a meeting or the
city council J. W. Auld, cashier or the
state bang at Red Cloud, presented
a proposition by which W. T. Auld
or Omaha, a rormer citizen or Red
Cloud, and part owner or the state
bang, agrees to present the city with
$20,000 to purchase a site, building
and furnish a library building, also
provide books, the city to appropriate
$1,000 per year for maintenance. eTh
council promptly accepted Mr. Auld's
G. M. Burns, principal of the Cen
tral school, on Friday made a trip to
Lincoln, accompanied by Mrs. Burns.
Mr. Burns returned Sunday night
while she remained there for the
week, taking medical treatment and
visiting their daughter, who Is at
tending the university.
Mr. Business Man, on your next
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The expense
is light and they are business getter
The Herald's Job printing edpart
ment will turn them out promptly.
Phone 340 and we will call.