The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 18, 1917, Image 8

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    ALLlANt K UKUAl.l), JANt'AllY 1, 1017
I 1 II i i : iB 1
tars fZzF mw"
Ui W
L. S. Jackson was a Scottsbluff
visitor Sunday.
' '
Miss Ola Burmood returned Sun
day from Scottsbluff.
' Heal Estate. Loans And Tnrar
nee. F. E. REDDISH. Reddish
Block. 15 tf -6727
Miffs Anna Alyward went to Hem
ingford Monday for a visit with Miss
Reglna Burleigh.
The Degree of Honor met Monday
evening at the I. O. O. F. hall for
initiation and election of officers.
John McCoy. M D
' Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone ff
Miss Alice O'Neill of Crawford
pent a fpw hours In Alllacp Mon
day. bln on her way to San Fran
cisco. Calif. .
There was a laree crowd out Fri
day nleht to attend the maenuorade !
at the skating rink. A number of
novel costumes were In evidence.
Mrs. George Flaherty returned to
her home at Curly Monday after
spending a few days In this city. She
was here to have some dental work
Mrs. M. Tulle, a former resident
of Attlance. arrived In the city Mon
day for a vlit with her mother and
daughter and to attend to business
Wilson C. Stanley has submitted
flnni nroof of sottlomPTit on 0-21-56.
Lon'se L. Van Bu"klrk has boon al
lowed a Halm on a homestead 10
and 1 5-27-4 fi.
Mandoline Thelmer was eranted a
patent for a homestead this wppk.
Tho land Is 1ocorl pteht miles south
and wt of AlHaice. This piece
was contested a short time neo.
. John Vine Is now manatflnsr the
Fine Billiard Parlor. -Hank Kelser.
tho former mnnncpr. has p-ono to
V-'vomine In thp hone of findine a
doafrnhle homestead location for
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tullv are
now ioptd for the w'ter at Tam
pa. Florida. Their mail there pops
to posonVe box 172. Lloyd Tnlly
Is at T.tnpoin attending the univer
sity of Nebraska.
Chrlps Shafpr was at Scottablnff
over Snndav. He went, thero to In
stall mrrie electric wlrlne In .th pew
tnnnlnw bln built In that rlty bv
.. b's fthr. .T. C. Schafer. Tho new
bnnnlnv w'M rot In thp nelehhor
'llood of S 4. 0.00. Mr. Schafer return
ed to Alliance Monday.
f '
Miss Florence Ralls left Thurdv
ntvht for r)-VPnnort. Iowa, to pnroll
for n ttiMo vm' cor In the s'nn'v
Of chiropractic In the Palmer anool
Of CMmnrnetlc. which. Is thp "fonn
tln hpnd" for.all rhlronrnctora. Mls
Halls became Interested In the s'ny
of Brorr throneh Drs. .Jeffrey
A Jeffrey of this city.
Tho William Bussum family and
tb Ed B'shon family evnect to leave
Friday of thts wpk for thotr new
home at Scottsbluff. Mr. B'ohop is
en-n'ovpd as a salesman at thp A. T.
Craw'ord earaee In Scottsbluff. and
Mr. Klissum is a carnpntpr. worklne
at his t rade. The honphold goods
have already been shipped.
E. W. Bav returned Monday from
a bnalnpos trln of several days at
Scottahluff. Mr. Ray. who recently
sold his florist shon and greenhouses
hero to Mr. Tatro, has purchased an
acre and a ouarter of land at Scotts
bluff and will po Into the chlcken
ratslng buslneas, toeether with truck
rardenlnar. The Rays will move to
8cottsbluff the last of the week.
Corporal Booth, In charpe of the
Allianrp recrnltlns: denot. returned
to Alliance Wednpsday followlne a
wppk anent at Chadron. Harrison,
Rushvllle and Crawford In the Inter
ests of the United States array serv
ice. The corporal interviewed the
postmasters at those places In an ef
fort to secure thplr co-operation In
-the recruiting work. A postmaster
X 2
rn 2 O
(ft tg.s
if !l
is allowed five dollar for
plicant for entrance Into
each an
the arrry
who successfully passes the
tests and
is admitted, that Is, when
cation comes through the
Miss Rosalind Merk Is
the appll-
now em-
plowed at the First Natlona
1 Bank in
me position rormeriy hold
Margaret Bell. Miss Bell
mother will leave shortly
by Miss
and her
for Calif-
The Baptist people hnVe had a pic
ture of their church and notices per
taining to services and church work
neatly framed and hung In outsta
tionB about the city, on of which
can be seen at the post office.
W. E. Ashbaugh, for many years
a ranehor some t-n miles wpst of
Alliance but who now lives at ScottR
blufT, was In the city last week at
tending the Odd Follows convention
and calling on old-time friends.
Mrs. E. D. Mallery and small
daughter Wt Tuesday noon for
Florida. They expect to remain In
Florida for the balance of the win
ter, going In the hopes that the
daughter's health may bo benefitted.
Hardly a day passes but what the
Herald has from one to three calls
for furnished and unfurnished rooms
and rooms for light housekeeping. A
want ad In the Herald will prove a
great investment for you If you have
rooms to rent.
Harry Clark, who until coming to
Alliance was in the employ of the
Trl-state Telephone Company, Is now
employed by the Nebraska Telephone
Company, taking the place of Frank
Palmer, who has been promoted to a
position at Kimball, Nebr.
Mrs. George Duncan has purchas
ed the George Hand residence prop
erty located at tho corner of Lara
mie and Sixth. Mrs. Duncan paid
$!).000 for the property. She ex
pects to add another story and re
mold the lnttrior of the residence.
The revival meetings at the Chris
tian church are still in progress. The
r ectings are held each night start
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Harry G.
Knowles who Is conducting the serv
ices is a man who knows how to talk
straight from the shoulder and who
does It. Special music and illustrat
ed songs each night.
Tho McCorkle building was sold
Tuesday at -public sale for the sum
of $13,750. G. P. Moorehead of
Lincoln was the highest bidder. The
building was sold once before, the
price at that time having been $10,-
000, but the bid was not ratified by '
Judge Westover and as a result It
was re-advertised and re-sold.
The Nebraska Telephone Company
h considering the proposition of
building a line from Alliance to in
clude . Ashby, Bingham, Ellsworth,
Lakeside, Antloch and Hoffland. P.
D. Gelason, manager of the Alliance
exchange, left Thursday for a visit
to these towns on business connected
with the proposed extension.
Do you know the best way to find
competent help? Good, reliable help
Is as difficult to find as a needle in a
haystack. An efficient method of
seeking properly qualified help is
through the want-ad columns of the
Herald. We find the needle In the
hay stack. We take your message
and deliver it into the hands of not
only one, but of dozens of people
who are competent In the particular
line of work you desire done. Put a
Herald want ad to work for you.
Representatives from the Hope
school near Mlnatare were in Alli
ance Sunday and whilp here purchas
ed a high-priced Kurtzman piano
from the Wlker minic house. They
stated that they had hen looking at
pianos in a number n cities. Includ
ing Chicago, and thiit thpy could find
nothing to suit them titer than the
Kurtzman. Mrs. J. T. Wlker, man-
aeer of the Wlker Mtnic House here,)
win Kive n f-iiin-t-i i til i 'iv nu7 n ituui
Friday night of this week.
Services at the First Baptist
church are announced for the com
ing Sunday as follows: Bible school
at 10 o'clock In the morning. Preach
ing at 11 o'clock, following Bible
school. Meeting of the Baptist
Young People's Union at 6:30 p. m.
The subject for the morning sermon
will be, "Personal Influence." The
junior choir will sing and a special
song will be rendered by the Ladles'
Ouartet, entitled. "Hi Plan." Miss
Ruth Layton will sing at the evening
service "Holding -Thy liana." A cor
dial Invitation is extended to attend
these eervlcea.
Joe Smith's cafe has certainly tak
en on a different appearance during
the past few weeks or since he has
completed the installation of his
handsome new lunch counter and
back bar. The counter Is twenty
feet long and Is made of white mar
ble... The work board Is made of
German silver throughout. The back
bar Is two feet wide and sixteen feet
long. The woodwork Is of light mis
sion oak and the back Is trimmed
with stained glass decorations while
the six large frosted lights have
many pointed stars rut In them. Joe
maintains a clear counter service, the
back bar and work table taking rare
of all materials. The tables are al
so In white with onyx topa. The
chairs have patented backs and are
nlckle plated. Joe has a fine place
now, and one he can well bo proud
We Sell
In All Sizes
Phone 5 Order Coal the Day Before You Need It
They work while you sleep Her
ald classifies advertisements.
Mrs. R. R. Kincald was here from
Bingham Saturday on business.
Mrs. B. Sharp returned Friday
from a business trip to Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gusack of
Broadwater were in the city Mon
day. Edgar Martin is now employed ns
bookkeeper for J. 11. Vaughan &
Miss Dane Skudder has accepted
a position as teacher of the Berea
Have you a roo n you want to
rent. Try a Herald classified adver
tisement. .
Paul Linebaek and Ellas Adams of
Ellsworth were Alliance visitors the
past week.
Mrs. R. Sharp of Hemingford is
.visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. E. Spencer.
John Havlik Is home from Crete,
Nebr., where he enjoyed a visit of a
week with relatives.
The II. J. Gaunt family returned
to their home at Ellsworth following
a visit here with friends.
Mrs. J. E. Butts is here from Thur
man, la., visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. C. C. Tash.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Waddell and
children left the first of the week for
a visit with relatives at Creston, la.
Put a Herald classified advertise
ment to work for you. A want ad
is the cheapest salesman you can em
ploy. The Alliance public library will be
closed for an Indefinite period be
cause of needed repairs on the fur
nace. Mrs. W. Keane of Girard was In
the city Monday with her little son.
She brought her son here for medi
cal treatment.
The F. R. Moneypenny family have
moved the past week to Gillette,
Wyo., where they will make their
home in the future.
Mrs. Anna Fendrick and children,
of Broadwater, arrived in Alliance
Monday. The children will attend
the public schools hre.
Rev. Frank A. Wotpn, who had
been spending a few days hero with
friends, left Friday night for his
homestead in the North Platte val
ley. Ernest Kauffm;.vi of Broadwater
was In town Thui:lay enroute Jo his
home following a visit with his par
ents and other relatives at Heming
ford. Bess and Edna Bullock who had
been spending a v.eek at Grand Is
land and Ravenna with relatives and
friends, returned :o Alliance Monday
Mr." and Mrs. . J. Hannibal of
Scottsbluff were 1-i Alliance Thurs
day enroute to t!u ir home from a
holiday visit In Howard county with
Mrs. Gene Walbrldge who was vis
iting at the home of her parents
here has gone to Graybill, Wyo.,
where she and her husband will
make their home.
Mrs. Eliza J. Hicks, who has been
living on her ranch southeast of Al
liance, waB brought to Alliance last
week. She will remain here owing
to poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W Hicks enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland
of North Platte last week during the
time of the Odd Fellows and Rebek
aha conventions.
Thos. Holden, a commercial trav
eler who in the past made Alliance
his headquarters but whose address
is now Chicago, waa calling on old
friends In thecjtyj wecV
Buy Your
of Vaughan'B
All Kinds of
for every purpose. You
can buy no better.
Try Our
High Test
for Winter Use
M. E. Lander left Tuesday night
for a few days' viuit at Denver.
A. II. Hill and daughter of Ells
worth were In the city Thursday.
Miss Julia Krankle leaves Sunday
for Denver to enter Denver Univer
sity. Miss Frances Collins was a week
end guest of the Strand family at
The small daughter of Mrs. A. D.
Connrrs has bi-tn Horiously ill with
The Ladies cf tho Order of the
Eastern Star met Tuesday evening
in their hall for their regular li.eet
lng. Catherine Cable of Hot Springs
has accepted a position as stenog
rapher In the law office of lloyd &
You can have a good tenant and
get him quickly by simply advertis
ing Ir, tue Herald classified columns.
Try it.
J. R. Phelan, who had been visit
ing hero for a few days, returned to
Parks, Nebr., Monday where he has
a ranch.
A Herald want ad will get you
what you want. Just Invest a few
cents In a Herald want ad and treat
yourself to a surprise.
The Rebekahs will meet Friday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. John
Snyder for a social meeting. All are
requested to be present.
Miss Katherlne Ackers of Good
streak returned to Alliance Saturday
following a visit at the home of her
parents and re-enters the academy.
Master James Ponath, accompan
ied his father, Conductor B. Ponath,
to Deadwood this morning, Mr. Pon
ath making his regular trip.
Horace Rogue, proprietor of the
Horace Boguu store, will Ifav the
last of the week for New York City
to do his spring buying. He expects
to be gone two or three weeks.
Mr. Business Man, on your hex
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The ex pens
Is light and they are business getter
The Herhld'a job printing edpart
ment will turn them out promptl
Phone 340 and we will call.
Miss Florence Whaley will next
wee start teaching the school in dis
trict No. 124, in the McCoy neigh
borhood. The vacancy in this BchooJ
occurs through the fact that the
teacher,' Miss Mae Brandt, was mar
ried. A. G. Isaacson, owner of the Fash
ion Shop, left Tuesday noon for New
York City. Mr. Isaacson expects to
remain In New York City for proba
bly a month, purchasing his spring
line of ladies' ready-to-wear cloth
ing and other articles carried in his
Mrs. D. DeLoss Barber and daugh
ter, Doris, arrived Friday from Long
Beach, Calif., where they attended
the funeral of W. C. Barber. W. C.
Barber died from paralysis. He was
a well-known resident of this county,
for a number of years living on his
ranch some thirty-five miles north
east of Alliance.
John McN'ulty and son, Raymond,
left here Monday night for Oconto,
Nebr., in response to a message re
ceived stating that Mr. McNulty's
brother, Daniel McNulty, had died
there that morning. The funeral
waa held Wednesday. Dan McNulty
had visited Alliance a number of
times and was quite well known here.
There wilt bo a meeting of the
stockholders and directors of the
Box Butte County Fair Association
Friday night, January 26, at the
Com-mercial Club offices In the base
ment of the Alliance National Bank
building. This will be the annual
meeting of the association. New of
ficer! will be elected and other busi
ness matters pertaining to fair work
The Daughters of Isabella gave a
luncheon and card party at the
Knights of Caluiubua hall Thursday
On Monday Mrs! Nellie Newman
and William Fanning, both of Whit
man, Nebr., were united In marrlago
here by County Judge Ira E. Tash.
It was the intention of both contract
ing parties to surprise their Whit
man friends, but, According to re
ports, something slipped and the
friends were Informed of the affair
with the result that they were given
a warm greeting on returning to
their home town.
The Rebeccas held their Installa
tion of officers Friday night at the
Odd Fellows hall, the following offlc
prs bclmf Installed: N"hle Grand,
Mrs. F. W. Hicks: Vice Noble Grand,
Miss Opal Russell; Conductor, Mrs.
E. C. Drake; Warden. Miss Edna
Martin: Chaplain. Mrs. Rowe; R. S.
N. G., Mrs. John Snyder; L. S. N. O..
Mrs. llonry Beach; R. S. V. (., Mrs.
Mary Willis; L. S. V. O., Nina Wha
Ipy; Inside Guard, Mrs. C. E. Cox;
Outside Guard, Fred Trabert; Rec.
Socretary, Mrs. F. A. Trabert; Fin.
Secretary, Mies Mildred Zurn.
On Wednesday Miss Lillian B.
Wilkinson of Antloch was united In
marriage to Mr. Jesse B. Hlgglns of
Beatrice, Nebr., at the M. E. parson
age. Dr. J. B. Cams pronounced
th words that made them man and
wife. Mr. and Mrs. Illcglns left
Wednesday on No. 43 for California,
where they will spend their honey
moon. The groom Is a wealthy
stockman and banker at' Beatrice.
Until a year ago tho bride was a
school teacher In Box Butte county
and has a host of friends In this
Mrs. Percy Cogswell entertained
some eighteen at a 1:30 o'clock
luncheon at her homo Thursday af
ternoon. Cards provided the prin
cipal amusement for the nftcrnoon.
The high score was made by Mrs.
John Brennan.
Miss Hazel Bennett was hostess
Thursday evening to ten at a delight
ful kensington. Pink and white was
the color echemo, which was carried
out In a most pleasing manner. A
four-course luncheon was served to
wards the close of tho evening. Tho
following guesta were in attendance:
Miss Cynthia Davenport, Miss Joo
O'Donnell, Miss Nell Tash, Miss
Theresa O'Donnell, Miss Ruth Rice,
Miss Hannah Keane, Miss Mildred
Campbell, Miss Irene Rice, Miss Eun
ice Eldred, and Mrs. Howard Red
dish. The Ladles Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian church waa entertained
yesterday afternoon by Mrs. J. E,
Hughes, 27 Laramie.
Mrs. J. A. Armour will entertain
twenty-four, Saturday afternoon, at
her home. The affair la In the na
ture of a luncheon and card party.
The Methodist tidies Aid Society
met yesterday afternoon with Mrs.
Archie Gregory, on Cheyenne ave
nue. The following program was
carried out: Business. Birthday of
fering, Mrs. Pate, superintendent.
Subject: "Training the Child". Early
Religious Training of the Child,
Mrs. Cams; Early Training In Cour
tesy, Mrs. Norton; Truthfulness and
Imagination In Children, Mrs. Hunt
er; How to Train Children to Help
with Home Work Willingly. Mrs.
Lunn; How Much of Our Time Is
Due Our Families, Mrs. A. P. Brown.
This" week the meeting of the Wo
man's Club will be held with Mrs. B.
Sallows. The program for Friday is
as follows: Home Economics. Roll
Call. Program: "System in House
keeping," Mrs. Carnti,' ' "Adjustment
of Home Duties to Social Require
ments," Mrs. Lunn; "Emergency
Dishes," Mrs. Zella Johnson; music.
Mrs. J. A. Armour was hosteus
Saturday afternoon at a 1:30 o'clock
luncheon to about twenty guests.
Mesdames Hargtaves and Eubanks
assisted Mrs. Armour in the serving.
Miss Georgia Canfield was awarded
Hot Springs At Home
Sulphur Steam Baths for Rheumatism and Many
Ailments for Ladies and Gentlemen
Massage With Each Bath
Hotel Alliance, Room 3
a prise in a contest for composing; a
telegram of ten words, each w
beginning with the aame letter.
Nine of the little friends of Wm
Gladys Sturgeon were delightfully
entertained by the little lady at be '
home Saturday afternoon at a birth
day party. Games and music prv
vlded the principal amusement.
two-course luncheon waa served lata
In the afternoon. The guests werwr
Betty Shaw. Mabel Garrett, HeleS'
Hawes, Phyllis Thompson, Katherln
Harris. Elsie Walbrldge, Virginia? '
Eubanks and Mabel Sturgeon.
The Woman's Club met at tb
home of Mrs. F. W. Lester Friday '
This afternoon Mrs. J. A. TTnnfer
and Mrs. W. W. Norton are enter
taining twenty-four guesta at th
Norton home.
Jesse Miller, proprietor of the Af
llance hotel, was host to the Knlghta
Templar at a banquet held In th
hotel dining room Friday night.
The Ladles Guild of the Eplse
pal church were entertained at th
parish home yesterday afternoon bft
Mesdames Nelson and Suprlse.
The Women's Society of the Bap
tlst church met with Mrs. Cross yeas
terday afternoon.
Thursday afternoon Master Jael
Leo Rlordan was host to a numW'
of his little friends at a party cele
brating his fourth birthday annlvera
ary. Gatres and amusements wena
provided for tho entire afternooir
Late In Ui afternoon the smaXT'
guests wero served refreshments con
sisting of sandwiches, chocolate, !
cream and assorted cake. AnlmaJ
cookles hitched to little wagons filled'
with candy wero hlehly appreciate
by the children. The color schema-
was pink and white, the Idea being
carried out In tho decorations and lav
the pleasing place cards. Before th
guests departed two flashlight pl
ttires were taken. The guests wer
Marharet Ann and Mary Madeline
Hagarty of Bridgeport, Helen an
Bill Rowland of Broadwater, cousins"
of young Jack, the host, together
with Evelyn Gene Spencer, Alicia
Genevieve Brltton, Mary LoretW
Copsey, Dwalne Darling, Bill New''
berry, William Hargarten, Ellens-'
Latrell. Mary Edith O'Keefo, Agnetf
Marle Nelson, Harriet Gavin. Hoi
tense Gavin, Eugene Kaufman-.
Mary Beal. Betty Beal. Bobble Patef
Frances Hart, and Margaret Thlel
The Rebekahs will meet with Mrt
John Snyder Friday afternoon of tbfca
week at 2:30 o'clock for a soclaJf'
meeting. All members are request
ed to be present.
On Monday of this wcelT W. &
Robinson of this city was united i
marriage to Miss Florence McIntoaaV
of Fr 'Pinont. Nebr.. at the home
the-bride. Mr. and Mrs. Robtnso
ftro now on their honeymoon trtpv
Which Includes Omaha, Des Molne
and other points east. They will re
turn to Alliance the last of the wee'
and will be the guests of honor at a
receptlon to be given at the It. K.
Evans home, 824 Big Horn. Th
happy couple will make their home
in Alliance. The groom Is a broth
er of Mrs. F. E. Brennan of this crfjr'
and has a lare circle of friends botff-
! in and around' Alliance. The bride '
has been employed as a telephone-,
operator at Freemont. ,
Woik Obligatory.
No fiian Iuim a i klit to be Idle, if (mT
ran Qvt work to do, oven If he tn- vf
J rich a -tY' :.--X'Ufted. '
"Juice Op.
j Mihltxl. una fur ft ml a half?
' yei rs, mid I r broiiit-r, Bobbie, tw
and n half jour, were pushing their
rocking chairs over the floor, play'
! lug they v vrc automobiles, honklu
ond making noises imitating a ma
ihlue, when Mildred, out of breath,
was heard to exclaim: "Oh. Bobbie I
Let's rest, I am out of gasoline 1"