The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 11, 1917, Image 8

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    Mr. Dreemzit He Meets One of Those Exasperating Kids By Gross
HA- Good JOf! I DO ICC Llict5
I rrtoc lew Vfi.
rfirttPi LlKt VOO.N'BlG STIFF1
It) Ser-HiM FDfi A MiMOTt y ;
-MET (U &6 a:
V ho viHjir
-he- PcauY
If-"' SAf.WLLlE.WIU- You
IC IF M(? MEVCP rv-x I
fir ZfccrfS jl v v
Lik e- newer ltu
To lie lleldii nt C'lipycniMS
10 nual SO, With it Splendid
Three Days Program
Tho twentieth annual convention
tf the American National Live Stork
AsHoclatlon will bo hold at Cheyenne,
Wyo., Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, January 18 to 20, 1917.The do
Ings really begin Wedneaday even
ing, January 17, when a banquet In
honor of the officers and executive
roTtin'1'" of nHBoe.latlon will be
given at the Dnlna Hotel.
First Day, Thursday
Tho sitting of tho convention will
be held In Masonic Temple, the flrnt
meeting to be held at 10 a. in., on
Thursday. After Invocation and ad
dressca of welcome and responses,
will come tho annual addroHH of tho
president by Hon. Dwlght It. Heard
of Arizona. A pa nor on "Organiza
tion," by Julian M. HnsHctt of Texan,
nd one on "Live Stock Condition In
AuHtrailla." by Prof. Klwood Mead
of Berkeley, Cnlif., will complete the
first forenoon's program. Tho af
ternoon progsom will Include the fol
lowing: "Grazing Feca on National
Forsts," . F. rotter. Washington, IX
C; report of National Advisory
Doard and Committ: on Forest Ite
nerve3 and Grazing l.inds; discus
lon, national forests, etc.; "lMnns for
Extermination l Predatory Wil l
Animals," Dr. A. K. Fisher, foiled
States Biological Survey; report of i
committee on predatory wild animals
report of attorney; discussion of any
subject presented by members; com
mittee meetings after adjournment.
Heroin! Day, Friday
Besides music, the Introduction of
resolutions and discussions, the sec
ond day's propram will Include:
Federal matket reports on live stock,
report of Market Committed of
American National Live Stock As
sociation, "Possibility of Controlling
Contagious Abortion on the Range,"
"Present and future of the Live Stock
Industry," "Cost of Producing Beef,
"Fattening Cattle on Hay," "Cotton
Seed Products and Their Uses as
Feeds," "Sanitation and Quarantine
Regulations." "Keminlscenses of Old
Unnge Days."
Third Day, Saturday
The final meeting of the conven
tion will bo held Saturday forenoon,
the following being the program:
Discussion of the 6 4 0-Acro liais
ing Homestead Bill.
Consideration of reports of com
mittees. Consideration of resolutions.
- Election of officers.
Selection of next meeting- place.
Unfinished business.
Besides the banquet above men
tioned, there will be the following
entertainments for members of th"
association their wives and visitors:
On Thursday ufternoon a trip to
Inspect the herd of Hereford cattb'
on the ranch of the Hereford Corpor
ation of Wyoming, five miles from
Cheyenne. Automobiles leave the
Plains Hotel at 1 p. m., returning at
2 p. m.
On Thursday, 3 to ft p. m., a recep
tion and tea will bo given the visit
ing ladies by Miss Alice Smith, sec
retary of Wyoming Stork Growers'
Association, at 821 East Seventeenth
On Thursday evening, a reception
will be given at the governor's man
sion, at H o'clock, and a dance at the
Elk's Home, commencing at 9
On Friday, 8 p. ni., there will be a
smoker at the Elk's Home for the(
men, and entertainment for the la-,
dies at theatre.
The First State Bank will not close
its Christmas Savings Club this year!
until the 1st of February. The bank
baa secured an increased number of
members this year and believe that
the already large total can yet be in
creased, that others may be afforded ;
the pleasure of receiving their i
Christmas Savings check about the;
20th of next December. Almost ev
eryone who was In the club lust year
has Joined again and many have
Joined this year for the first time.
Ten Days' Mid-Winter
Alliance, Nebraska
January 26th, to February 4th. 1917
In charge of Rev. A. L. Whitcomb of University Park, la., as
sistcd by Rev. S. B. Williams of
Greenwood, Nebr.
This will be tlic first convention of llie kiml to lie ImM in locality. Tbc object is to deepen tlio spirituality of Cluis
liii'i people seciii".' tiie conversion of sinners. Kuipluisis
!l !e i lurid i Kiii I lie doctrine of the Holy Spirit's worl; in
ndfinption tlifti ! siis Cbrist. It will be a meeting of "old
time religion.'
1 '' -i ',; "
? 1.,. V,
, - 'i.-f
I lie niiiu who w ill have cluirjre
if the convention was fonneily,
ind until recently, a college pro
i sMir. As a nieiiiber of the Nat
''ind Holiness Association, inter
N'lMiminntional. be is now devot
ing his time to evangelistic work.
I'ealiinp: the need of deeper spir
it u.dity iniKiiiK Christian people
;uid beinr a spiritual preacher, he
d--votes special attention to a line
'f leaching that will be interest
in ix and beneficial to nu'inliers of
ill Ir.irelK s. lie is widely known
is an able expositor of Mible doc
t rines.
Pastor of the Methodist
Kpiscopal elmreh al (Jrei'ii
wood, ebl, v.lio will assist
Kev. Whitcomb il'iiinir a
part of the convention, is
secretary of the Nebraska
State llolintss Association.
He was raised a Koiiiau
Catholic but dots not mani
fest a rancorous spirit to
wards the communion or
which he was formerly a
member. His references to
Catholics, as well as to mem
bers of other- churches, are
made in a kindly spirit. It
is worth attending the meet
ings to hear him relate his
conversion and tell of his life
rior ami subsequent to that
5 ;'. a
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A I'ZSst
f. v. ...a,vvl-
b ttu jri -
Ca'.tle tokei Sttajy to 10c
Lnvar; Mtdsiale Rtceip's
Killer Lamb Market Rather Slow;
I Not Enough Done at 11 O'Clock to
1 Make a Market. Liberal Supply. I
Feedert Active, Higher Buyers'
Take Advantage of First Good Ren ;
Here in Weeks One String Brings !
New Top of $12.70. i
! I'niijii Slock Yurii.s, South Omuhi,
! Nebraska, January '.nil. 1917 He-
celpta of cattle were tolerably liberal
j Willi a biuud demand for ilexirubh'
! grades. As a result,, buyers were
fouit'W hat bearish on the opi-uing
I rounds and while they picked up the
j iimre di sii nt)l. eat tie at prices that
! eotui'ured favurably with the latter
i 'nrt of last week, their bldH were
j mostly a dime lower on corn fed
jutier:. The fair to Rood l,03 i to
: t. .'i -pound beeves sold fairly freely
i nt $! r.ii'(i in v-hib the ronimn to
fair wui iiikI up and sliort fed grades
I with slow and Irremilar xellers any-
wliere from $S.oo to $!.";. and en
!n. Tin market fur eows and heif
ers was practically the same as for
beef vte.-!. d" irable offerings finding
a broad outlet at steady prices.
Quotation on Cattle: Good to
choice ye;rH:-:s, Jlt).2.(ff 11.50; good
to (hole,' beeves. $lt).0H!i : 11.00 ;
to good beeves, $!)..o 10.0D; common
to .fair beeves. $7.75ft9.2!i; gid to
choice heifers. $7.MeTr 8.50; good to
choice eows. $7.t'K R.00; fair to good
cows. Jt'i.tteVr 7.110; cauners and cut
ters. $4.50!r c oo; veal calves, $7 5Ki1
10.5; bolegna bulls. t5.50ti.0;
beef bulls, tti.nofr 7.75.
The week opened out with a pretty
liberal run of liog. arrivals counting
out 151 ears, or u; no tbing like ll.S' 0
head. The shipping demand for liors
was not quite as urgent as most days
of last week, and order buyers did
not take a very large share of the
offerings, but packer requiremet t
were large. Rnlk of the offer! .gs
old at f lO.lo'ir and a top of
$10.05 was reached. Theve are th"
highest prices evi r befoiv in Jatiieu y.
The fat lamb market for Mi-n'"ay
was a rather slow al'air. When pack
ers came out nr.. I led prices as mtie'i
s 2"c lower in evireine cases, cel'
ers haled aert up t fairly late hour
nothing of coiive-e.oiice hsd be n
done. Feeder buyers made lior
work of the tirvt run tloy have had in
weeks, payout prices thai were a
much as 1"W Lie higher for rang
feeding lambs.
lieep and liirvlis:
choice, f 13 0o 1..' 5;
good. fl2.2fn00;
f o M)11.3r; lauitn.
fit miff f..:0; yer lugs,
choiee, n.eoll.75; jea--
Day and Night Services
' A service will be held in licddish Hall each evening, and
day services will be held during most or all of the time, in the
hail or elsewhere, definite announcement of which will be made
in the printed program.
A Cordial Invitation
To attend these services is extended to the people of Alliance,
the surrounding country and neighboring towns.
Committee on Publicity
JOHN W. THOMAS, Chairman
Quotations on
tambs. good to
lambs, fair to
laiub't, clipped.
good to
Jings ralr to good. flo.OOfill.oo; weib
ers, fair to ho'ce, fun t;n0.25; ew.s,
good to choice, tvo'jf H.l." ; ew s, fair
to good, f7.."" n s !0; ewes, plain lo
culls, f5.50gi7.r.o; ewe, feeding, fj.00
The Hal.U in" Taking Cold
With many people taking cold is
a habit, but fortunately one that is
easily broken. Take a cold sponge
bath every morning when you first
get out of bed not Ice cold, but a
temperature of about 90 degrees F.
Also sWp with your window up. Do
this and you will seldom take cold.
When you do take cold take Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and get rid
of it as quickly as possible. Obtain
able everywhere.
Adv Jan
Please Don't Jiggle
the Receiver Hook
It Hurts Your
Telephone Servico
When you lift the telephone receiver from the hook, a small
electric light signal glows in front of the operator.
While the hook is up the light burns. If you press it down the
light goes out. Move the hook up and down SLOWLY and the
light flashes.
This little signal on the switchboard is the same as any other
electric lamp, a trifle sluggish in lighting up. You can turn th
switch cn the electric light over your desk or in your home so fast
it will not burn. Try it.
When you "jiggle" the telephone hook rapidly tho result is tha
same, the tiny globe will not light up and consequently the operator-does
not get your signal.
If the operator fails to answer In a reasonable
. length of time on your first call, or if you wish to
recall her to get another number, move the receiver
hook up and down VERY SLOWLY.
UAi 11
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