The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 11, 1917, Image 5

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TOcvrn Stntc Oniclnln of (lie Faith In
ducted Into onirw-Holl lte-rrpllon
GOOD ROADS A nt( to road com
mission should supervise expendi
ture of funds, In co-operation with
federnl government, no that all parts
of Rtate bo benefitted. Paved roads
not r'C0Hmry.
TION Compensation should be
more nearly adequate; Injured em
ploye should bn protected against
insolvency of employer.
sufficient but not unnecessary or Im
Coal 4.50
Balance on hand Nov. 30.... S3. 91
IhN-emlM'r lUfelptn
On hand Dec. 1 $53.91
Rent 40.00
Telephone l.f.0
LlKhts .. 1.35
Dalanne on hnnd Dec. 31 .... 11.06
the number of sinners required to
ehnrter a special train can bo easily
secured. !
This Is the first time In the history
of the state that a special train has
been planned to carry farmers to at
tend tho annual Week of Organized
OCice supplies at The Herald of
(ice Phone 340
Jovernr Hays, "Wo Will Kr-
Fallh With the reonlo," Ile
fcrrlng to Ainnioiidincnt
The triumph of Democracy became
complete In Nebraska on Thursday,
January 4, when eleven state olllc
lals, elected on the Democratic ticket
were Inducted Into ofllcn.
Keith Neville of North Platte,
youngest pnvernor ever Rented In the
history of Nebraska and the first na
tive son so honored, headed the list,
llesldes him were Lieutenant govern
or Edgar Howard of Columbus.
Secretary of State Charles Poole of
Hyannis, Attorney Oeneral Willis
Heed. Auditor Willlaam Smith. Rail
way Co : inlKsloncr Victor Wilson of
gtrni'ivii'Tc, I.nnd Commissioner
tl rill. ... M . J of Seottsbluffa,
Treason r S('urpo Hall of Krunklin,
8tate Superintendent W. II. Cleni
inons of Fremont, Repent P. L. Hall
of Lincoln nnd Regent Harry Landln
of Seward.
Chief Justice A. M. Morrissey of
the stale supremo court administer
ed the oaths of office. Tho proceed
ings were short nnd simple. Mem
bers of the legislature In Joint eesion
looked on as did liundrers of rela
tives and friends.
A reception was held Thursday
night at which Incoming and outgo
ing state officials wore in line and
at which the legislative members nnd
their wives wero ma dr. welcome. The
legislature adjourned until Tuesday
noon of this week.
Governor More' cad, In his vale
dictory message, urged tho continu
ance of the policy of buslnesu econ
omy, establishment of pood roads,
and uae of convict labor on them. He
complimented the printing commis
sion und suggested certain regula
tion; pointed to the necessity for a
better capitol building, and urged a
shorter ballot. Ho aguln urged the
selection of the chief Justice from the
fttato at largo and the associate Jus
t Ices by districts, criticized the prim
ary law, discussed the schools and ud
vocated the teaching of the life and
works of Lincoln In the public bcIiooIh
tJonservatlon of water power, discus
ilon of veto power r.nd new legUla
tlon were other features.
Governor Keith Nevlllo In his mes
sage to th nimbi's of th Thirty-nflu
ssslon of the legislature of Nebraska
made the following rcommrdctions:
PROHIIJITION "Our duty is ob
-vious; we must keep faith with the
lieople; we must honestly, cousclent
iously and Intelligently endeavor to
prohibit the sale and manufacture of
Intoxicating liquor with tho state uf
ler the amendment becomes effec-
Th spirit of the amendment does
rot propose abridging the rights of
the Individual save aa necessary to
prevent the sale and mnnufactur.
The governor should be authorized
to appoint a public welfare board, of
men "honest, tearless und capable."
to gather Information of law viola
tions, assist In prosecutions and de
termine whether or not local officials
are doing their duty.
The attorney general should have
power to aid local prosecutors or net
u$ a special prasecutor.
Drug stores should bo licensed by
the state and strictly regulated.
Snlpment Into Nebraska of low
grade injurious liquors should be
Drinking clubs and locker systems
should be prohibited.
Landlords should be made liable
for illegal use of building, as in case
pf Albert law.
Fine is not sufficient punishment;
.Jail sentence should be provided.
Soliciting of orders by outsl e man
ufacturers should be prohibited.
Railroads and express companies
ahould Hie statements of shipments
with county clerks.
to advertise great resources and op
portunities of Nebraska.
FARM CREDITS Real estate
loan commissions should bo regulate 1
not to exceed 2 per cent on loans of
las than $3,000 nor 1 P?.' eent on
ihom j teve $3,000; mo commission
it interest rate be over 6 pr cen'..
Banks aul trust compa tls cbould be
permittee to invest 'n federal favn
bank loud.
PRIMARY LAW Should be a
mended to require nominating peti
tion signed by 1 per cent of total vote
on the office concerned, from two
thirds of the counties of state or dis
trict; county and legislative offices
excepted. No candidate in two party
primaries should be permitted to ac
cet minor party nomination unless
his rote in that party exceed his vote
in major party. No candidate in
primary should run by petition If de
feated. SHORT BALLOT Elect county
.fficers in 1918 for four-year terms;
presidential electors nominaed by
party conventions, names of candi
dates only toappear on ballot.
SCHOOLS All scvool officials
should be elected by nonpartisan
initio ATION State should co
operate with federal government:
funds should be provided to defend
Nebraska t'rh in lltlgatlo .
NEW CAPITOL A capitol com
mission should be created to provide
a plan for gradual construction of a
new capitol during several years;
fund to be raised by tax levy over
several years.
be taken to maintain and add to ef
- Should b continued.
$53.91 .
Flush the Kidneys at once when Back
harts or Bladder bothers meat
forms uric acid.
. h
tnin or Trrunnn who ents meat rcfru
ran nutk a mistake by tluMung
i'lnov occasionally, snys a well
i miiUioi ity. Meat forms urio acid
rlm'H tlio kiJiipy pore so they
'.!y filter or strain only part of
.rista and poixons from tlio blood,
von pot. f.ick. Nearly all rlieuina-
i .' I.k In h, lifr trouble, n'rv. u
i' I ion. il!; irn's, sN-cplcp! nc .,
: '!, VMI f.'l'l a (lull I'fi.O n
' ur your b.irl: liLiU, t.r if t
i nlnM'ly, o!lY n.ivc, full of r a
..t, ii ii' of pM.!ipe or uU miri.
r. wrim! ion ol'.liiip, prt about four
of ,tnd Sulla from any reliable.
i.viry nnd take a tuiilcsjeorifnl in
! - ef WHtcr lx-fon breakfast for a
- i. ivs Rjirl your kiiiwys will thfii net
'. '1 It in funic;, S'tlta it niflde from
n. i I of propel nod 1 nwni juice, com
i vvhh litlii.v Bnel h:is Ik'ch used for
..-''- to i'-uMi clo;4jid kidney anil
.-:'.( ' activity, pIro to ncu-
' i. -i In in urine ro it. nn l.i.iri
tti'is en.linij bbuii'-T d:
liOOk (iOtltl I'Vt'l (i(HhI
No one can either feel pood nor
look pood while suffering from con
stipation. Get rid of that tired, drap
yy, lifeless feellnp by n treatment of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Buy a
box today, take one or two pills to
niKht. In the morning that stuffed,
dull feeling Is pone and you feel bet
ter at. once. 2.'c at your drupgist.
Adv 2
' i icxpenive rnd cur
-. a d-li.-litfal elTci-
A.otni. i, it. i i-v:,icr ilrnik which nil reg
ular in. i.l :.1 r plii'ilil take now nxl
then to Kcc" iin' .! clean and the
Mood ) iir.-, ti..M'eliy i .oiiling serious kid
ney; i'c i '
Eits l'ltot i:i:ii.(;s
Alliance. Nebr., Janunry 2, 1917
The Board of County Commission
ers mot pursuant to adjournment.
Officers present, Geo. W. Duncan
chairman, C. L. Hauhman and J. M.
The following official bonds were
examined and approved:
W. C. Mounts, county clerk .. $5,000
C. M. Cox, sheriff 5.000
I. E. Tash, county Judge. . . . 10,000
K. W. Irish, treasurer 40.000
Opal Russell, supt 1000
It. E. Knight, surveyor 1,000
Henry J. Whinton Jr., road over
Beer 500
K. P. Chrlstensen, road over
seer 500
The following depository bond was
examined and approved:
First National Bank, Hcmlngford,
Nebr $5,000
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, January 3,
1917, ut 9 o'clock a. m.
Alliance, Nebr., January 3, 1917
The Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant, to adjournment.
Officers present, Geo. W. Duncan,
chairman. C. L. Hnshman, and J. M.
Tho following official bonds were
examined and approved:
Etta Keane, dp. co. clerk .. $5,000
Lee Basye, county attorney.. 1,000
The following depository bonds
were examined and npproved:
First National Bank, Alliance,
Nebr $15,000
Alliance National Bank, Alliance,
Nebr $15,000
The balance of the day was spent
by thcDoard in the examination of
the itccounts of tit" vr.rious county
Whereupon the Hoard adjourned
sine die.
M. S. HARGRAVES. County Clerk.
roritr session in hut
he following schedule of terms of
the district court for the 16th Judicial
district are nnno'unced by Judge W.
II. WeFdover of Kushvitle. to convene
on the dates given: Cherry March
Fi and September 10. Sheridan
March 26 nnd October 1. Box Butte
April 9 and October 15. Sioux
April HO and November 5. Dawes
M-iv 14 'JKl Vf.viunhr r 1Q .T I Srntt
will be the official court reporter.
A. W. Newton, general superinten
dent of the inalntennnce-nf-way and
structures of the Burlington, has
neen nppointea enter engineer, vice.T.
w. i;nivert. ueeeaseri. The head of
the department will be continued In
r. ,i - t -j,.-.
,1. "li:
I ) l . i
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i, ."iil !,i
f ' II f. :l
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:-)?INK HOT Ti'A! j
f.'i t ,.r:v i . . I ,.r ( f
. ' v I. H
I- I I... :.l ;
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;' n.. !.. i' i 1 'i n
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da;, or i ! n i''.nn:j. It. is tie- iir.i-t
. 1 i v.: . to lip'iik H, c.M nil I eiHi!
M . .1- it ; 'ii jnn i.: tl.e Hkin.
ii'ni" m . (.'i -lii.ii. a 1 s i In im n4 i!m
Ii'.m'.. llnm t,..;!.uij.' ,1:1 h (-o.l.
'i'ry if. tlie lit li;ne iiii r frmn
a ( M mi- the Iji. It i.t iiii:.;.i'iiie
and ei'iiily vcclal.le, therefore safo
ai"! Inirm'.csij.
mm Mm
NOTHING gives us more satisfaction than the chance to
figure with you on the cost of your building material.
In planning the construction cf anything you
want to build our experience in this line is
freely at your service. s
Bring in Your Specifications
Sheridan county farmers and their
wives nre poing to Lincoln by special
train this year to attend meetings
during the "Week of Organized Ag
riculture" tbeie January 15 to 19.
Thursday," January! 8, has been set
aside as "Sheridan County day."
Through the efforts of A. C.
North, county agricultural agent, 35
Rub Soreness from joints and muscles
with a small tri-vl Lottie of
old St Jacobs Cil
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pain jonlyj not one case in fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub sooth
in;'. penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right
on the "tender spot," And by the time
you sny Jack Robinson out comes the
rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is
a harmless rheumatism cure which never
l: 'uppoiiits und doesn't burn the skin. It
t'-Kes pain, bo renews and stiffness from
n ! :ng joints, muscles and bones; f.tops
.atica, lumliiigo. backache, ncurfalgia.
Limber up I Get a 25 cent bottle
f old time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
tiom Rny drug store, and in a moment
;. ou'll be free from pains, aches and
-ti'Viiess. Don't Bufferl Pub rheuma-
; m awav.
The Crawford Courier under the
head, "Is it Catching?" comments its
follows on a recent happening in
"Last week, the lady bookkeeper
in the Alliance Herald eloped to Bro
ken Bow and was married, the whole
thing being an entire surprise to !he
print shop, to her folks and to very
body, except the Interested parties
We hear of Beveral like instance."..
Since our popular Crawford young
people did the same act. Tho Courier
wants its office vaccinated against
any such unwarranted surprise in-stanter."
W. S. Ill Da ELL NOW
; State Fire Commissioner W. S.
; Riducll has returned to Lincoln from
j Excelsior Springs, Missouri, where
he recuperated his health. He had
j been ill for nearly two months, but Is
now much Improved nnd able to po
' ment wbb one of the first to be an
I nounced by Governor Neville. To
, make room for tho chief clerk of the
house of representatives Mr. Ridgcl!
has moved his offiee to the state land
comn issloner on the first floor, north
side of the state house.
Clean cotton rags wanted at The
Herald office. We pay three cents
per pound. Woolen rags not wanted.
Having; sold my farm I will sell at Public Auction at my place known as the
old Geo. Douglas farm, located 4 miles east and 1 mile south of Alliance, on
Says Cream Applied In Nostrils
Opens Air PsM-age Right Up.
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clopped nostrils open right up; the air
pannages of your head clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf
fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No
struggling for breath at night; your
cold or catarrh disappears.
0t a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a littl of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etraUs through every air passage of the
head, soothes the inflamed or swollen
mucous membrane and relief comes in
atantly. It's Just An. Don't stay stuffed up
vith a cold or nasty catarrh.
(ClI ... 0
CI 14
Big Free Lunch at eleven o'clock, sale starts immediately after
Head of Live Stock
Consisting of
II Head of Horses 11
1 Span of Black Mares, 4 and 5 years old, weight about 3,000
1 Span of Bay Geldings, well matched, 4 and 5 years old,
weight about 2,830
1 Span of Mares, one black and one gray, 7 and 8 years old,
weight about 2,500
1 Span of Bay and Brown Geldings, weight about 2,500,
smooth mouth
1 Saddle Horse
2 Yearling Colts
24 Head of Cattle - 24
2 Registered Shorthorn Cows with Calves by side
2 Registered Shorthorn Cows fresh in the spring
12 Head of Milk Cows, some fresh now and some fresh in the
Spring. These cows nre from 3 to 7 years old
4 Reg-istered Shorthorn Bulls from 8 to 14 months old.
4 Yearling Heifers
40 Head of Poland China Brood Sows, all bred
2 Full Blood Boars
6 D zen Chickens, mostly full-blooded Plymouth Rocks
1 Potato Planter
1 John Deere Lister
1 John Deere 2-row Cultivator
1 Deering Mowing Machine
1 McCormick Mowing Machine
1 Three-Section Harrow
1 Disc Cultivator
1 Gang Plow
, 1 Alfalfa Seeder and Cultivator
1 John Deere Cultivator
1. Disc Seeder
-1 Hay Rake
1 Hay Sweep
2 Wagons
1 Wagon and Hay Rack
2 Buggies
3 Sets Work Harness
2 Saddles
Following Is tho report of tbe
treasurer for the Alliance City Mis- ;
slon for November and Heceruber,
November Kecelpts
On hand Nov. 1 f 81.25
Offering election day 1.10
Mrs. K. T. Watson 5.00
Mrs. Redlnbaugh 1.00
Mrs. J. . Dole 2.00
Mrs. J. R. Lawrence 1.10
Hound Table Circle 2.00
Offering at Mission 50,ki.rli. Al.1 1 fl
Ullliru a I iru; i tun m ..... .w
Exchange 17.10
Cash 10
HOUSEHOLD GOODS and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention
Varnish and Urueh 12.75
Toilet furnishings 4 5
Hardware 3.10
Dishes 1.2
Ice usttd on July 4 50
All of this machinery is in Rood condition and been used only one year. .lust as good as new and stored in waterproof sheds
TWO AUTOMOBILES 1 Super "6" Hudson, seven- passenger car; 1 Cadillac four passenger car
1 DeLaval Cream Separator 500 Bushels of Oats
1 Quick Meal Stove 300 Bushels of Irish Cobbler Seed
1 Sewinar Machine . Potatoes
- - o w
TERMS : Sums under $15, cash. Over that amount, 12 months time at 8 per cent interest
H. P. Coursey, Auctioneer
P. S. This will be a clean sweep sale as I am leaving the country.
F. J. Was, Clerk
"T"- " w .1 Alliance Sunday. -
- tUie4 reasons-