The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 11, 1917, Image 18

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    1 k
JtuUjr aflerhoon.
(Bert LanKford and Kid Found
I R. May was tpiltt, ill tlie first tf
4 k week but nt t'aia writing be Is
0TJ much better.
Robert Anderson of the I .awn lo
cality butt bUblni-HH In Alliance the
Jatter fart of the week.
lira. Pearl Ltutnsnn and Mrs. D.
TJ. Shepherd were 1j Alliance tbo lat-
part of the wei-k.
Mary Kuhn came up from Alliance
the first of the week from a visit with
friend and home folks.
ieaa Mellek got hack from Missou
ri Saturday, wher he bad visited ov
! ar the bolidaya with bla parent.
Bud Kinsley and John Kuhn went
Jireh, Wyo., last Thursday where
m bear Dud (lied on a homestead.
Mrs. Emma Mitrhell camo over
.:rem Scottsbluff and paid a short vis
'Jt to ber mother, Mrs. Belle Drown
I Copeland returned Tuesday
from a week's visit with his daugh
ter, lira. Holla Johnson of Park City,
Gene Kennedy returned to his
tome at Ellsworth last Friday after
week's visit with his young friends
Mrs. 13. S. IKnsley was an Incom-
Lax passenger on 41 Tuesday for a
few days' stay with her brother,
Browne Church.
Mrs. Clyde Watuon returned to her
some at Chadron the first of the
week, having visited relatives here
for a few days.
Frank Nagelsehneider and Dud
Kinsley returned rrom Wyoming
Sunday, where each secured a home
stead near Jireh.
Ben Curtis returned to his home
Mar Dlngham the hitter part of the
rek after a weiVrt visit with' his
Bother, Mrs. Alice Turtis.
Russell Miller. Charles Moser and
-Emerald Adair w r westbound pas-
awnxers Sunday, ilng to Lost
Springs, Wyo., wln-rn they Intend to
Ale on homesteads.
School reopened Monday after the
holiday vacation and cloned again
Tuesday on account of scarlet fever
-to town. A strict quarantine la be-
Jog enforced and all public meetings
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Graham auto
-d to Alliance Saturday taking Mr
.And Mrs. l'hillp Michael, Jr.. and lit
tle daughter, who took the nigUt
train from that id.ico for Denver and
other Colorado polnis. They will at
lend the lumbermen's convention
while In Colorado. From there they
will ko to Auburn to visit Mrs
Michael's p;m':i' . nl whore Mr,
Mlchn- . .iti ii. iie state Volun-
Inpr Kir. . li s A .-.elation Which
, will be li I I i 1 .'v.! n this year.
KNOW 1.1 h liiTS HARD
Rev. Harry Know li s, who is con
ducting a scries of v; ngelistic nieei--tngs
at 1 Me Alliance v'hristlan church,
''agisted by 11. J. . oii.ig. the local
pastor. Is creating .1 considerable
atlr with his Berinoi.s which in many
ways savor of a "Hilly Sunday" fla
vor with many of the 'irners knock
ad off. The uoeiinus have been
largely attended and seem to be
growing in point of numbers. Rev.
Knowles. according to many who
feave heard him, Is sal I to l one of
'.the very best talkers heard In Alli
ance In some time. Ho has a clean
cut personality and reiichoa out and
holds his audu nce wi ll a combina
tion of logic, hu or 111: 1 pathos. II
; -lustrine dsongs and talks are Bched
led for each evenii.v: during the
time Itev. Knowles 1-. here, which
.will he for the balance of the month.
He la giving a pro? res v scrloB of
chart sermons on the Kible r.s well
m the origin and lu-ov.resa of the
Christian religion.
MALE "PAN I' :!H'1'.S'
At T
11. my Dill. .ik. li
morning v.ii. v. h- I' M I
waa "iij h-a a "p.
til" IX' I'..'' I'VI.J
until Friday
his $15 line,
, ul" rest at
rtable ap;nt-
ment!" ln.ii'iiair-id 1
first tloir 01 i In- 1
regular 11 1 ; ' ''. : . i;
jjlurn Tli'.i 't y 1
il Jo ' lit ; I
by lU.' .'i! li
net e I . . ': ,'.:! 1
I'd n;! 1 I w '! ;!
lvti i' !';.' ' "
for a lia -li shop..
1 !i citv on Ihe
ill, iullod a
" il starvation
. 'en lie relll
do! for li iti
. ! that he w
pil l"Il" H'! I
his it
, . 1 a "il" lin
le h.:.'.s"if a
this not bc-
nUIFHlll-' ('Ji
.-1 1 11"
ing his In-( i.ii-.iis'
lemp'.ed t : v ai
!. eontly he at
tM i- inte wedtei n
ho by iMiHii'ir a ni'i one or the
local b.irs ll wis ..'eved of the
gun b.-fo. h- pot lr his exhi
bition. .JOHNSON 111 YS THE
Ml. EI. r.H L CAFE
L. E. Johnson Iris pin.hased the
Silver Unll Cafe hi 2 1 t Box Butte
avenue of C. A. Ijiinvf- The deal
was mailt) by Guthrie X- Wright and
possession given the Itiat of the
-week. Mr. Johnson is owner of the
Alliance Cleaning Works and uutll
recently was owner of the Burling -
ion Hotel cafe, belling same to Pete
Mr. Laing has enjoyed an excellent
patronage during the time he has
onducted the Silver Grill cafe, and
th la evir reason to believe that
the same excellent patronage will be C. Mounts, M. S. Hargraves and Jer--civen
Mr. Johnson and that he wllllry Rowan. On Wednesday the board
continue to conduct' the place In a
high-class and pleasing manner.
Mr. Laing has stated that it is his
Intention to take up a ho nestead in
the near future.
nnrr - -...!
Will Present "As You Like It"
l'ltelaii iM'ra House Friday
livening Claws Play
The Junior class of the- Alliance
high school will present thfllT rlasa
play at the Thelan opera bottle bri-
lay evening of this week, he play
to be presented is Shakespeare's "As
You Like It", and while it Is gener
ally considered a rather heavy flay
to be attempted by amateur talent,
yet every Indication points to the
fact that the Junior players will give
a clear and pleasing interpretation of
thU well-known classic. Mrs. Hay
Rtansbury, of the Alliance School of
Music, has been coaching the stud
ents and under her direction they
have made rapid progress. The Wl-
ker Orchestra under the direction of
Mrs. J. T. Wlker has been secured to
supply the music for the occasion.
Special costumes for the play nave
been ordered from Omaha, whlc.n is
assurance that the play will be pre
sented in as near a professional man
ner as possible.
Those who delight In Shakespeare
wil lhave an opportunity Friday
night of witnessing again one of his
productions and all are promised an
evening of real entertainment.
The following is the cast of char
Orlando Howard Dennett
Rosalind Edith Reddish
Audrey Ethel Clary
Phoebe Laveta lioyaen
Touchstone Ralph Watteyne
Duke Frederick .... Boyd Hamilton
The Duke Ralph Joder
Oliver Philip Grove
Adam James Durns
Corln Charles Sisley
Silvius and Charles. George Fenning
Williams Leo Snyder
Amleus Hugh O'Connor
Jaques Homer Darnos
Jaaues de Hois (piayea as a pin;
Jessie Johnson
Le Deau Walter Anderson
George D. Darling returned Sun
day from a trip to Chicago where he
went to buy a quantity of furniture
for his spring trade. He was excep
ttonally fortunate In securing two
car loads of furniture which he
bought at May, 1916. quotations.
While ho was successful in making
advantageous purchases he received
the Information at the wholesale fur
niture houses he visited that furni
ture was steadily advancing In price
The new merchandise will be arriv
ing soon and when they come Mr
Darling will have some real bargains
to offer his patrons.
Alleging desertion and non-sup
port. Mrs. Anna Hazelton hus filed
a petition In the district court nsk
Ing for a decree of dlvorre from her
husband, Eugene G. Haselton.
A petit Ion Is being circulated and
lihornllv sinned in and about Alli
ance which calls for a new school
district to be formed bounding the
AJIiiHice district on the north. About
S "(. signatures are required and al
ready between 500 and 600 have
been secured.
The plan set forth Is to set off Heo
ions 13 and 14 from district No. 6.
and rectlona 1. 3, 10, 11, 12 and 21
from district No. 38 and form the
now district out of these sections.
It H claimed that under the pres
ent in rangement some students have
to walk from three to four and a hair
miles to school, that they are small
children and that It is also necessary
ror them to cross the railroad track
twice each day going to and from
A total eclipse of the moon visible
In Alliance passed almost without no
tice Sunday night. The eclipse
started about 1 o'clock and lasted
about one hour. While the eclipse
was a total one, the moon was at no
time com pletely concealed, there be
ing a bright streak or light surround
ing it when the eclipse was at its
A Koo uml a Jitniy met down town
Thu-sday night. The Jitney said to
the Keo, "You get out of my way."
ami the K10 said. "You g"t ofT the
earth." It was an interesting argu
ment l i iKe gasolinn language and
wh'-n Hi" battlt was over Mr. Jitney
had but t'nreo wheels. In view of
the fact that th. Jitney was the dam
aged one, the owner of the Keo paid
the dainas'.'s. each owner believing
that the owner of the other car was
at fault.
When C. W. Johnson was arrested
for being "intoxicated he was minus
a mn:. ber of travelers' checks made
of the American Hankers Association
variety. He h:.d one lone check on
his person w!i picked u;. John
son is of ih . r ',;on that he lost the
chocks at I'.i ilurllngtou depot.
Whether he lo.-.i th-m fro 1 his pock
et or whether someone "l.f;ed" them
from him ho does not pretend to
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Alliance Building and
) Loan Association was held Tuesday
1 night. Improvements as pertainea
to the association were discussed
and a new board of directors elected
as follows: R. M. Hampton, John
McDonald, F. M. Harris. George Da-
i vis. Charles Willis, F. W. Irish, W.
of directors met and elected the fol
lowing officials: president. R. M.
Hampton; vice president, Jerry Ro-
wan; secretary, M. 8
(treasurer, F. W. Harris.
liar graves;
Philadelphia, Pa., January
dicted in New York City on
assaulting 19-year-old Fred
Missouri, attempted to commit
were at the door with papers in
adout to arrest him. Thaw slashed his own throat. He
has been removed to the hospital. Doctors say the possi
bilities of his recovery is doubtful.
Thaw evaded the officers
both before and after the indictment was returned against
As Yob
The schools of Alliance opened
Monday following the two weeks'
Christmas vacation.
Conley Miller was taken to the
hospital Monday night and Tuesday!
morning was operated upon for ap-
pendicitis. He is considerably Im-!
proved at this time.
Tom Morris, a Burlington em -
polyee, fell in frono of the Holsten
drug store about 1:45 o'clock Sun-
day afternoon. He was taken into
the store and a physician called. He;
was unconscious until shortly after
2 o'clock, when he was taken to his
home. It Is believed a weak heart
was the cause.
W. M. Robinson was in the city
several days the first of the week
looking after his farm Interests near
hero. Mr. Robinson at onp time
owned the National Music House
here. He purchased his farm some
eight years ago and has made a re
markable success with It. The farm
Is located twenty miles northwest of
Alliance. The place Is highly Im
proved, being entirely and consists
of 480 acres. The 110-ton silo is
filled and there Is corn enough on the
place to feed untl lthe middle of
March. He has 175 acres of the
total under cultivation.
The Important Point.
Last sunnier, while visiting, my lit
tle niece, four yenrs old, had done a
naughty little deed. Her mother see
ing her said: "Catherine, what did
you do?" She replied: "You didn't
see me &o It." Her mother then told
her that God saw everything she did.
The child thought n little and then
snld: "Well, mamma, will he come
nnd tell you?" Exchange.
Success at Last
"A penny for your thoughts,'' sh
said. "Ill take it! Hurrah !l knev
nil along that this moving picture sic
nario would Pell sooner or later, in spit
of the fact that, every director to whoiv.
It wiw submitted declared It worth
less." Judi;e.
tlie buyer who
Wants to bwj and the
r!!:; who wants to sell
through these columns,
then your deal is two
thirds closed.
JNo salesmanship is
required under these
circumstances and
salesmanship costs
money many times
the cost of a want ad.
QGet that?
u, Harry K. Thaw in
a charge of kidnaj ping and
Gump, Jr., of Kansas City,
suicide here. The officers
their possession and were
both in New York and here
ike It:
The Lady Macabees are scheduled
to hold a meeting at Hamilton Hall
tonight at 7:30 o'clock.
The Ladies Aid society of the M.
E. church will meet with Mrs. A.
Gregory, Cheyenne avenue, next
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Tate,
I superintendent. Subject, Training
J the Child. Early Religious Training
1 of the Child, Mrs. Cams. Early
Training in Courtesy, Mrs. Norton
. Truthfulness and Imagination in
Children, Mrs. Hunter. How to
Train Children to Help with Home
Work Willingly. Mrs. Lunn. How
Much of Our Time is Due Our Fam
ilies, Mrs. A. P. Brown. Discussion
Birthday offering. Please phone
Mrs. Pate if you have a birthday this
month. All ladies are cordially In
William 31. Hill, Weil-known Ranch
man, Died Following Ing III
itc8 from Anemia
William M. Hill, one of the well-
known ranchers of this section, died
in his room at a hotel in Denver on
Thursday afternoon. He had been
a sufferer from anemia for a number
of yenrs, and had always had hopes
of recovery. Mr. Hill had made a
number of trips to the southland
and spent the last few winters in
Florida. While naturally a hardy
man. his illness drained his strength
and Anally the end came suddenly.
Mr. Hill has a host of friends In
Box Butte county and this section
He came to this county in 1892,
coming here from Wyoming. He
purchased the Margeson ranch situ
ated twenty-five miles south of this
city and owned this property at the
time of his death. He is survived
by a brother, Alvin, who lives south
of Alliance on a ranch. Mr. Hill was
sixty-one years old at the tin e of
his death. The remains wi re ship
ped to Galleon, Ohio, the old home,
nnd burial made beside the wife, who
departed this life twelve years ago.
My Friend.
My friend Is constant, like that hlcn
star, nnd though distance and days
come between us, as do clouds between
It nnd me, I know my friend Is still
there, shining with the same clear.
Ktently llsht, nnd when the dM.ince
and days are melted away. I shall flat!
It bo. Leigh Mitchell Hodges.
F. W. Hicks; local weather observ
er for the United States weather
bureau, reports the following for
the first ten days of January:
2 S & -a
a g "5 t a
1 "To 28 W
2 42 9 35 W
3 42 16 28 W
4 38 16 27 NW
5 60 10 40 W
6 44 20 30 W
7 42 10 27 W
8 42 12 36 W
9 47 27 40 ' W
10 45 20 30 NW
Reading of maximum thermom
eter Immediately after setting.
Cavalry Captain Here Monday Many
Men Recruiter 1' mom 11
at Alliance Depot
Captain James F. McKlnley of the
United States General Service caval
ry, was In the city Monday on busi
ness connected with the Alliance re
cruiting depot. Captain McKlnley
makes his headquarters at Omaha,
and U In charge of the recruiting de
pots of Nebraska and Iowa. The
name "McKlnley" has a familiar ring
and is just as familiar as it sounds,
for Captain McKlnley Is a nephew of
tho late William McKlnley, who was
killed while president of the United
States. The captain will make fre
quent visits to Alliance on official
Four recruits are reported from
the local recruiting depot so far this
month. Clifford R. Miller who has
been employed as an electrician by
the Dow Electrical Company of Al
liance has joined the army. It is
his desire to become a master elec
trician in the army service and so
will take a course In electricity at
the United States Army school locat
ed at Fortress Monroe, Va. He will
be assigned to the coast artillery.
Sherman S. Chapman of Bridge
port, an auto mechanic, has Joined
at the local depot and has been as
signed to the coast artillery. Ruben
Dunbar and Edward P. Ingram who
have Joined the army this month
have been asisgned to the quarter
master corps and the field Rrtlllery.
The following who gave their ad
dresses ns Alliance were recruited
here in December: John B. Fitzger
aids, Jack E. Wilson, Jon E. Mahon
ey. Harry Pugh. Walter AGwhrrr
nlng and Edward A. Jackson I They
have been assigned to ; furious
branches of the service. Mr.rion F.
Edmonds of Benton, Nebr., J-i elec
trician, has been assigned to the in
fantry. Others who Joined llere in
December were OUie R. Chefcey of
Dalton. Nebr.: William .TJKtm. Om
aha: John J. ITerbst. Billlnf i and
John E. Lowell, Plankenton, I. D.
Two 3-year-old colts. 1 rctBt with
bald face and four white feet J 1 bay
with stripe in face. Had rofe and
halter on when they left n J place
in Alliance, Sunday night, fan. 7
Reward for return or infenjnatlon
leading to same. S. O. C-1RR.
Retribution, i
There was a youth in ouf t"
posed as quite a wit; and
question he was asked. ho;alw
swered, "Nit." One day jje;i
Wuterloo in u maiden dressed I
i n who
hen a
ys an-
et his
he nsked If she would marry t'J
1 she
answered, "i iion t think. j
Soils His 480 Acre Hands' to Wayne
Man Will Hold Closing-tut
Bale on January 10
- ' . .
Pat King has sold Ills' 48a) acre
Improved ranch located foui miles
east and a mile south of A llance.
known as the old George -1 ouglas
place, to Clarence LiveriDgl.c use of
Wayne, Nebr., a brother iq Mrs.
Lloyd Thomas of this city Mr. Liv-
eringhouse and his family will move
here this spring and locate on the
ranch. Mr. King has announced it
as his intention to move to I Idaho
where he owns considerable hAid and
in this Issue of the Herald ar Jounces
his closing-out sale to be held at the
farm, Tuesday of next weekj Janu
ary 16. ;-; ,1
Two hundred forty acres .ff the
480 are under cultivation.: 'It was
only about a year ago thav a new
house, oarn and a number of out
buildings were constructor . I The
pluce is In first-class conditio!. The
selling price was $37.50 an Cera or a
total of $16,990. ? ,- i
The sale to be held Tuesdsyfby Mr.
iving is a large one, mere feing a
total of 78 head of live atoc If listed,
DRsine8 an abundance or ri I n ma
chinery, oats, potatoes h'Asehold
goods, etc. Two automobiles It HuS
son Euper-six seven-passen ir" car
ana a lour-passenger uaauia, are
also listed and will be sold Ai the
highest bidder. The maehJiiBry and
equipment is all nearly new, Shaving
been in use but ouo season lad af
terwards Ftored in sheds for fie win:
tor. Auctioneer course, cry
tne sale. ?.
y We do nott-ic
that the mere tu
want oCc viil pu.
$IBut it scen;y
.1 ;:!
man a coincidence'
most prosperous p( 6pi
are quick to rtjcoj nut
the value of das: i Gee
advertising. f j
9 Let us supply (youi
wants through this j ;age.
(Continued from par I)
miles from up in South Dakota to brf
present at this convention,
Grand Master Hoagland strain
took tho floor and made a few re
marks the gist of which might hn
summed up in the words, "It pays
tlon pictures had been taken of th
Odd Fellows orphans' home at York,
jeDr., wnicn pictures are to be
shown over the state generally, and
suggested that when this picture
came to the home of the various del
egates assembled that they niak. it
their business to get behind the pro
position and see that it was well ad
vertised and that a large audience
was out to see the work of the order
in this direction.
The Grand Secretary, I. P. Page,
was excused from speaking because
he was not feeling well.
Confer Decree on Two
The program for the evening end
ed with the beautiful and Impressive
ceremony of the conferring of the
Degree of Chivalry by the Canton
branch of the order upon Mrs. F. A.
Trabert and T. M. Lawler. The cer
emony is an elaborate one and one
that will long be remembered by all
who witnessed It.
Tho district meeting of the North
Platte "district was held at the opera
house this morning starting at 9
o'clock. This afternoon the com
petitive Initiatory degree was held,
with representatives from the Scotts
bluff, Gering and Hemlngford lodges
putting on the work.
It is expected that fully 400 per
sons will be served at the banquet to
be held this evening. The follow
ing Is the menu for this banquet:
Parker House Rolls
""teuffnr""" " " TlftffPfli
Cabbage Salad
with Mayonnaise Dressing
Roast Chicken Sage Dressing;'
I Whipped Cream Potatoes
with Chicken uravy
June ePas uranoerry jeny
Vermont Croam Cheese
. - ' Pascal
Celery Tips , Sweet Pickles
Sliced Peaches Whipped Cream
- Assorted Cake
After Dinner Mints .
(Continued from page 1)
adjacent territory. State of Nebras
ka. "The amount of stock subscribed
and the amount of loan desired by
each of us is set opposite odr respect
ive names.
"In witness whereof we have here
unto set our hands this . ..... day
' m . n It a
Ol A . .
(Here follows the names of the
subscribers, the amount of stock
subscribed and the amount of the
loan desired.)
(Continued from page 1)
ten by C. W. Pugsley, secretary of
Organized Agriculture. It state
clearly what will b e doing and what
effect a -big .delegation . from Box
Dutte county will have. A state as
sociation of notato growers will b
formed and Box Butte the banner
potato county of Nebraska will be
well represented.
Sheridan County Deelgation
Sheridan county will be there, too.
County Agent A. C. North has been
on the Job and so r.e thirty-five have1
Already slened cards stating that
1 1, r -vn tn dIIatiH It In helley-
IIT?J A J". V, . V
ed a sufficient number win go io
warrant the chartering of a special
train. If this Is accomplished thl
will be the first time tn the history
of the state of Nebraska that a spec
ial train has been chartered to carry
farmers who are to attend the annual
week of Organized Agriculture.
Radge for AU I
County Agent Seidell has had a
supply of ribbon badges printed to
be worn by all from Box Butte who
attend the meetings. Those desir
ing ribbons may have them by call
ins' tho office of the county agent.
Ijocal Men on Program
. Thursday, January 18, will b
"Potato Day" as well as "Box Butte
Day." Two Box Butte county men
are on the program during the week.
County Agent Seidell will present
the opening paper on "Potato Day,"
his subject to be "The Importance of
the Nebraska Potato Industry." - A.
S. Enyeart of Hemlngford is on the
program Tuesday, when the Nebras
ka Corn Growers Association holds
forth Thev will know Box Butte
county is represented that Is cer-
mm. -
C. E. Roberts and J. R. Calder
now located at the Alliance Hotel
are giving sulphur steam baths.
They have been In Alliance but a
week and have already got all they
can do, having signed up' a number
of Alliance people for a course of
baths and massages. Tho sulphur
bath cabinet which they use is the In
vention of Dr. Wright of Denver. By
means of this cabinet It is possible
to in reality bring the hot springs to
Alliance. This system of baths is
superior to the old style Turkish
bath' and is replacing that form in
many cities. As is true with the
Turkish bath, the bath relieves tabt
tired feeling and has been found to
be of great benefit to those ailing
wtth rheumatism in its many forms.
F. W. Hicks, secretary of the Al
liance Civil "Service board, held iffflv
petitive examinations here WeduJrS
Klnkaid to determine the quail flea
tlons of three applicants for . admit
tance to the United States military
academy at West Point. Two from
Alliance and one from Ashby took
the examinations.