The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 11, 1917, Image 15

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Father should have brought ir . . o than ono-
( VP- ,1 WISH I KAt)
V-C I MEs, HOW MCKV y - TEHGiE," 1 I I ATWHP P,ND VT I I PlilVRR MR UNTIL. j) ( 7? . rM Ifi I
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fc11 yPfe'
Lloyd's Legislative Letter
Pertinent News Items Regarding Happenings at the State Cap
itol, in Lincoln, Written by Lloyd C. Thomas, State Represent
ative from Box Butte and Sheridan Counties
Our new governor, Keith Neville, I
Is starting out by being "his ownj
his closest intimates. He has the tire
the exuberance of youth, tho indo
hotel, lio quietly found a place in the
more democratic "lunch." vtliero he
was Just lid approachable (and ns
ration durinu tho past week. J. U.
Pay no. at oiw time a salenman for
the Alliance house but until last
frequently approached s in the bin week manager of the Haddorff Music
lobby where from every corner could 1 House at I'hadron has been trans
be heard, "Hello there, governor ! f erred to the Omaha store. The
boss" and those who predicted that 1 pendence of the man who has never
he would be controlled by certain
politicians have so far failed to make
good their promises. The Norfolk
Press of November 30 had the fol
lowing to say regarding the new governor-elect,
at that time:
The Nebraska State Service Bur
eau, of which Fred Carey of the Om
aha News is representative, Is offer
ing a feature story on Governor-e
had to weigh things on tho financial
scales. Keith Neville has made no
promises, he owes nothing that can't
be paid in real service to the state
that he was bornin. He is educated,
broad, thinks quickly, deeply, cor
rectly. And If he makes a mistake
it will be one he will not be ashamed
to acknowledge, afraid to correct.
There is no limit to that young man's
possibilities unless it bo his own !
"Come here. Keith! Hiere in Ne
ville!" "Neville! Neville!" "night
here, governor!" Hut whether it
was a plain citizen wishing to expresB
good wishes for tho new chief execu
tive, or ofllce seeker, a friend with
"advice," a fellow going out because
Neville is going in. a football player
from his own home town, a leading
democrat, a friendly republican or
an eager "newsie" with the latent pa-1
pers, there was a friendly greeting
from Keith Neville, a hearty hand
clasp and that wonderfully boyish
smile that changes his whole face and
makes you think of the football fel
low who sees wher he can make a
play that will save the game to his
tern. Keith Neville sees his oppor
tunity, fools his responsibility, and
the Press is
lect Neville and his family to. the
newspapers or tne state, uut ir sire ior limitations, ine rress eu- into office renresentine the nartv
Fred Carey and the News had had j tor was In Lincoln tho other day and that he does and with the deep-seat-
tneir way Keitn xseviiie would not dp nau me pleasure 01 a personal visit ,.( conviction he holds. Kvery In
governor-elect. The pen pictures or wun mm, tne opportunity or observ-; dividual and every newspaper that
Keith Neville before election day in ing hime at close range. Surrounded i migned him will have to admit be
the Omaha newspaper wer not suen ny tnoso v. no wouirt nelp mm "save rorP nianv months the Keith Neville
as to warrant that gentlemen s ; the state, hailed as their chief by s nobody's man.
friends to feel pleased. The Omaha I "deserving democrats" from every 1
News did good work for President I corner of the commonwealth, ho is
Wilson, but it got off on the wrong i already the seasoned, well poised 1
foot when It let its prejudice blind man of affairs, clean-cut, democratic,
eager to do tho thing thatis right, to
jlive up to an ideal that seems to
i shine out in his strong young face.
j Keith Neville is not going to be a diF-
i appointment unless it lie to those
(who may have falsely estimated that
IT is appointments, wo
lladdorff's opened a store at Chad-
ron In August and placed Mr. Payne
in charge at that time. Roth Mr.
and Mrs. Payne have already gone to
George McFall of this city, and un
til the past week a salesman for the
Haddorff Music House here has been
transferred ta Chndron and Is now In
active charge of the Haddorff store
there. Mr, McFall is a gentleman
whom It Is a pleasure to meet. He
has a smile and a greeting for every
one and is a man who thoroughly
understands the piano business, hav
ing been selling pianos for years.
Mr. Hampe was at Chadron the
first of the week In company with
Omaha representatives of the firm
and states that the Indications are
proud to see him going Jno, promising for a record breaking
business at the Chadron store during
the coming year.
it to the merits of the young man
from North Platte, and tried in the
name of the prohibition cause to
foist on Nebraska as its chief execu
tive an Omaha ward heeler whose
very presence in the upstate com
munities turned votes to Neville. Th
Found a Sure Thing
I 1. ij. wixon, f armers iwiua. in. .,
'lias used Chamberlain's Tablets for
i years for disorders of t he stomach
and liver and says, "Chamberlain's
Tablets are tho best I have ever
' used." Obtainable everywhere.
Adv -Jan
SVi SIII.I.DON ;ivks
young man.
Press has produced a few word pic-I believe, will be based on merit, but
tures of Keith Neville and expects j ho will be anle to find merit within
to produce many more, for we are his own party lines. A rich younu
frank In saying we expect that young man. elevated to the highest political
man to make a glowing record as Ne- position In the state, he is not tli"
braska's governor. Keith Neville . least bit spoiled. Instead of goirc
is going to surprise his best friends, i to the luxurious dining room of his
T. M. Hampe, in charge of thoj
Haddorff Interests in western Nebras
ka. Idaho and the west and manager
of the Haddorff store In Alliance has
made two changes in his r.a)"8 organi-
Satn Sheldon Is no longer custod
ian of the Klks club, having given
up his Job to devote himself to his
duties as city scavenger. Sheldon i
fiiccoeded by Jess Selby. Mr. Shel
don has added now equipment to his
business and will hereafter give it
his full time and attention, ami
s'ates that he wants to give genuine
ori.x 11 xT:v"m:.i,
The Feagins Realty Co. has been
organized In this city. The company
Is composed of James, Arthur and
C!,:ii- Feauins, and proposes to ad
veitlse and sell farms and ranches
In this section of the country. The
Feaglns Realty Co. has rented the
north side of the room occupied by
the Spoil barber shop, at the corner
of Ilox Rutte avenue and Second
street. Workmen started Monday
to build a wall between that portion
to be occupied by the land ofllce and
the barber shop. One of the front
windows has been removed to make
way for a door. The company will
have iviu rooms In their new office.
The members of tho firm are all
Alliance men, who are well acquaint
ed with the business they are engag
ing In. They have many friends In
this section and should make a. go of
tho land business from the start.
Little New Mileage Unlit Tnpnclt)
for Tonnage ('arr)iiiK Has lleen
Overtaxed for Month
!.'; ii!.'!
Sincere Wishes for a Happy
and Prosperous New Year
f 3
During this coming year there will he iiuiny pianos solil in Alliance ami this vicinity. I'eihaps yon will buy
At the start you shouhl understand thai we are not a branch house which remils everything taken in to the main
store. Your money outside of the 'factory cost remains here in Alliance. We buy our pianos direct from the fac
tories the largest in the Tnited Slates. You are not compelled to pay a prolit to several middle men when yon buy
a piano of us. You haw a chok Iumv
and other high-grade pianos. You should not buy a piano until investigating our method of doing business ami our
liberal payment plan. We have sold hundreds of satislred customers during our more than nine years of piano sell
ing in Alliance. We will satisfy you."
We are the exclusive agents in Alliance for Victor
Victrolas and Records
Wiker Music House
Everything: in Music Here
! 4
Very little new building work has
been done by tho railroads in Nebras
ka the past year but It la expected
the difficulty experienced In handllnp
the traffic and the strain on capacity
may result In a great deal of Improve
ment this year designed to Increase
tho tonnage carrying rapacity. With
the dire need of improvement to take
cite of present needs there Is nlfu
the (mention of extensions. The ex
tension of the short line from O'NoH
io Alliance has boon talked of but
nothing definite Is known as to what
the Iluiiinglon expects to do In thi:
direction this year. Should tin
Kuropoan war cotue to a close with
in tho present year and with the end
ef the war a big drop In the price ol
steel, it Is not expecting too much to
expect the IJuiiington to get blU'
with this needed extension.
Reports from the steel mills indi
cate that roads operating In till:1
state, as well us all other western
roads, have been heavy buyers of
new steel and much permanent
bridge work and rail replacement
may bo looked for. The roads have
also been liberal buyers of new cars
Eiijtind engines, and It is believed that
even with traffic offered In volume
equal to that of 1916 the roads will
care for It better In 1917.
Some new rail was laid during the
year on all main lines, and for the
percentage of standard weight raii
Is growing year by year. More will
bo laid this year, releasing medium
weight rails now in service on main
lines for branch line Improvement.
A number of new depots have been
built und placed in use, and several
more ure being considered for con
struction during the year to come.
If new mileage a being considered
for this state no iiiiiiiiiiiriri,.,. ,..u
. .... ,,i uac
yet been made. The Rui llngton still
has a long gap between Kearney and
Rridgeport to complete its water
graae line rrom the far northwest
to Paducah, Ky., and a shorter gap
between Milford and Friend. Wheth
er work on either of these lines will
be done during the year Is not an
nounced. Tho recent death of T. K. Calvert
chief engineer of the Burlington sys
tem. It is feared will defer proeress
in the completion of the low grad
line and It may lag. Mr. Calvert was
much Interested In this plan of the
Mill management and he Insistently!
nt-iM 11 ueiore trie present manage
ment of the road.
During the earlv
c .lng year the Burlington will complete
5?iii8 now cntorr between Chalco and
I Vutan. for which traffic men ngreo it
has about as much use as n wagon
U '"' with live wheels. The Chalco
fj-J: c utoff, according to a writer in the
f-J Lincoln Slate Journal, was built as a
S:J sop to Omaha busines interests, that
Prjj'ity having long chafed under the
knowledge that Lincoln had a direct
ir Burlington line to Sioux City and
r 11 . I. . . 1 . mi .
mil j ma mt iiuii not. 1 no new cutort
will shorten the Omaha-Sioux City
mileage a little. There is no great
1 amount of business and no heavy
j tonnage between Omaha and Sioux
Just outside Nebraska but at 1; plur
affecting Nebraska traffic, the Ilurl
Ington has found It necessary to exo
cute another retreat from tlu Ml' 0
sourl river. This Is at Folsora, soullP 0
of Council Bluffs on the Iowa ni te of
the river.
During the past year lab r tut t;'
railroad maintenance and coi struck ;.,
tlon work has been pcarce, wai act it 1
Itles having drained the west of tb- . I
excess labor supply. The cutloofr
along this line for the new yr W-
the roads will have to bidetao ,itaoi3
no brighter and It Is not iinpt .ibobf'
that the roads will have to bid 1 gain:'
the munition factories of the e tst an
other year to secure the help need
The feature of the year i.i trans
portation circles has been fie cof
shortage felt from one end f th
country to the other by cverj roa"
Alliance has felt this shortag wittf
all other cities and towns alt lougftV
this city has been more fortui. e t
some ways, due to the fact th.t Al
liance Is a division point. Tb nnftJ
real effect felt here was when lu
Ing the potato shipping season, n
were available for a week.
Thorn npn unvprnl thinirn that t 1 Its
certain the continued expansion t
the Burlington and also the Noiil"
western lines In western Nebras.'t-
and Wyoming. There is a great do
velopuieul now goinK on la westeru
Nebraska. Laud is selling aa it ha
never before sold ami there Is every
Indication that with 11 littlo effort put
work this section will see an influx
of settlers from the cast that In s
very short time will have the effect of" -increasing
the tonnago of tho roads
effected. Oil llebU have been openf- -ed
in Wyoming und the furnishln
a tremenduous amount of totinag. ;
Other Industries are being developed
The nolalo Industry of Box Butl
- . 1 1. . k ... :
county anu wesieru .i;unmiv, w - 4.
raising of sugar beet a and the ntr'
sugar factories the rinsing or slocK,
and the Improcements made. In ag-'
rlculture all go to make up an la-"-creased
tonnage. M"h f this tof--nago
must move out" and ii ovlnff
east must travel over Ni hraska rail
Therefore this hurdin la a t.l-d t
Uiese Hues and their f ;ght :nid pn
enger carrying cupati.y n.usl Lu ln-(.-reused.
: S
Every Day S..tbath Scrnewhers.
Kvery day In the week Is a Sabhntfc
for smneoiie. The i!iv 'i olisenr
Monday; the iMniis. Tuesday; th
Assyrians, Wednesday; the I'.-'y pt la ns&
Thursday; the Turks, I ikI-i.v; the !!?
bn-ws and several Chrhiisiii we'", Sat
unlay, while by far tie- mi t'hrl
Hans observe Sunday.
Color printing dom
lirinters attracts alien1 '
nrompt results. Tr It
Job department lor "ii
Phone 340.
h;. -XpHff
ili'i I. rings
: . i jol- -
Always at Yoi
Service for
Printing Kseds!
4,ii'y. nut a good road is being built.
Li1 The construction of this short line
& 3
Victor Records-
MRS. J. T. WIKER, Mgr.
Sheet Music Complete Line of Small Goods
Alliance, Nebraska Across From Post Office
i I'.iill
vt ji i :; N''fi!iif;!;;';;:':'!':t:!i :;:! pnirll?!i':R'";;T!l:ll'll,!:ri::a'iW:1'!i'y,i;:l
has Involved the bridging of both the
Klkhorn and Platte rivers and cut-i
ting through a high ridge and mak
ing a high fth over a low bottom.
The cost of the cut-off will run high
in figures and transportation experts i
see little benefit in its building be
yond placating Omaha shippers.
The Burlincton is said to be con
templating a new station building at
Wymore division offices and passen
ger station. Such a building is bad
ly needed. While no announcement
has been made it is also stated that
the Burlington will probably rebuild
at least one of its North Plutto-bridges,
that near Grand Island.
Flood danage during the past year
was not serious, yet the Burlington
found It necessary to do more re
building on its liuesouth of Nebraska
City near Barney. There the river
has rut away the farm land and was
getting so close to the railroad that
it was necessary to move the road
bed farther Ionian! the high land.
Is there something you
need tn the follow
Ing llstt
Btr'b AaaonaeaaMata
SfHlmi SlOnT
r.aralopc IuImvm
iUU Bllla
Haas bills
rnca LUta
ASaiUaloa Tlckats
Baalaa Carala
Wla4aw Cards
Tla CarSa
LaMa HJs
, Mala HaaaU
BUI BaaSa Eavalopaa
Callla4 Caada Laallata
Milk Tteaala
Maal llti. 'a
&ailB tmim
SMaOaaa Clrcalars
lavttatlaaa faalaaa
Irsal Maaka
Hiaa ( ar4a
rial arala
roal Carrfa
- , Proinaaaa
Prompt, careful and effi
cient attention given
to every detail
Don't Send Yonr Order
Oat of Town Until Yoa
See What We Can Do