alliance iikrai.d, January ii, 1017 Thin Icautiful Schinollcr & Mueller QMnet Grand Piano Fully two y;;jri! v r.f Thi'a U th blf!-t pimo Vft' :a it t ae you '..- i to $-.)'). O'J by Note u:r unhcr.r J eft. Ro frelgM - frci stcol - free zziu fivo years U zy find a 2 years r. - Write t.TJjy as wc intend to s- . . r .:r:chts at this rcniurkiblv low price ami on toi-v j '.!!, a'" I )r terms, FIV12 Yh. .;S TO PAY. ltr,nA Piano Mount In The V,ti: - '.:.-...ViZ J .;;) '''tpilnl And Surplus Oicr $wot,i.f.t-ct, 1311 -11 r.: r.-s - : Jlrcrl Cs Kgrarfta ricu . . y ur e-.thW"" and cfmn:a Ir'orn cr'cn ho'.v to buy a piano at f'-:..i, . .-.I and mve $1.0 to 5.iM uu yf.ur live puynicnt pirn. 1 X Name You want to know what your motor car will do. The million-car Ford performance answers your question Supplying the motor car needs of all classes, the Ford is operateil and maintained in city or country for about two ci nts a mile with universal Ford service behind it. Touring car $300, Runabout $345, Chassis $'lr, f. o. b. Detroit. On Display and sale at FORD GARAGE Keeler-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE iiiiii!ntnntnntnntKKtmnnnMiiMiiiiimiim How it looks when illustrati 1 "Slu1 knew wliioli side her bread Was brttered on, i all ri-t-t." i I F. F . STEPHENS fl i K PHONE G49 Mm A 1 -lt-- . . . L ) III ycrs with '.'cga only - U .r !j c: i I 33 But How Important! How essential to your welfare, your happiness and satisfaction The Better the Bread the greater the satisfaction- We would be pleased to number you among Our Many Satisfied Customers E R Y 207 BOX BUTTE AVE. DYE & OWENS Transfer Lint HOUSEHOLD GOODS and - kw .TraMfer work k solicit ;.:;i;;;Ktnntnt:nt:tnnntf 'j! Lloyd's column ;;:iiii-iii:ii:;ir::::i::. Lurry Iloyle was ono of the sub . ii i.ii .. -n tf a tliriving Wf-Htcrn town. "I hear you hoys aie fcoinK on . .i Ki',' . a.ti i (inc lay to a soldier. "vVlif-n you loi.e to Snake river take a rood ii i ,-:; n ia luil of u i li-r cur rents and eddies. Iam the only living . vv a b am uiitUiVer." Some iiyj l.iu-r Dm men crossed the river on a cablf- ferry an I the terryinan casually inquired of a waiting boliiier "Vou don't happen to know of u down In your country by the name of j .. j,-'. i. ju.' flu-y tell me he's got rich." "Yes," said the soldier "I was talking to him the other d.ij. He told me he swam Snake river once." That's right." said the ferry ..aii. "jd mi iv .n.l, but we was all shooting at him." Dr. John M. Mason many years ago was pastor of the Scotch i'reribyterian church of New York, and upon one occasion went to Washington to look after some matters in which he was interested. It being known that le: was to remain over Sunday arrange ments were made to have him preach. CongreHH was in session and among Us members was a Houthern senator u.ore noted for his brilliancy than lii piety. This senator had a good, pious, psalm singing friend in the city. T un friend, knowing of the eloquence oi Doctor Mubon, and thinking It woula be a pleasure to his senatorial friend urged him to go and hear the sermon He did so. The next morning tin: senator was met by his psalm sing ing friend, who said to him: "Well, did you hear Dostor Mason preach?' "Oh, yes." "Well, how did you like him?" "Very much very eloquent dis course. But, by the way, what kind of hymns do you folks use around here?" "Hymns! House's meter of David's Psalms." "House's meter ot David's I'salms. Oh, then I know why Saul pursued him over the moun tains and tried to kill him." "We believe," says an exchange, "in energy and push." It depends en tirely upon their direction. The man who devotes energy to shooting oil his mou'h, and pushes most of the time against the top side of a dry goods box ou some street corner i not much to bo believed in. There Is nothing that makes a man feel more like making the air look blue than to go home feeling himself the most abused person on God's footstool and ready to give h;ts family a curtain lecture and find thai theroe is company at home. Then he has to put on a pleasant face ana pretend he is the happie st i an l:i the world. U-r-r-r! It's a terrible feeling. "What are you crying for, boy?" "I got licked by the teacher." "Well, it does no good to cry." "Huh! how can you expect a boy that whaler not to blubber?" "Pshaw!" saU a Sixteenth street lady to her husband, who had been criticising her attire. "What does a man know about a woman's clothes anyway V" "lie knows the price, my dear" he lepitej, f;-ntiy, and she retired. "What is your business?" was the question which a lawyer asked of a witness who lived in a suburban town The catching of trains and ferry boats" wa.t the reply. man As a woman was walking a looked at her and followed her. "Why do you follow me?" asked the woman. "Because I have fallen In love with you!" was the reply. "Why are you In love with me?" said the woman. "My sister is much handsomer, she is coming after me; go and make love to her." Balzac had for a neighbor at one time a nobleman of high degree, and often used to pay him a visit In the morning, clad In the completest neg lige. One day Balzac met at his neighbor's the latter's niece, and felt bound to excuse himself on the na ture of his attire. "Monsieur." re plied the young lady, "when I read your books I did not trouble myself about the binding." There was a flsh dinner, and Hen rietta, aged live, was doing consider able grumbling about a couple of bones that denpito her mother's cau tion, were in her portion. Edith, aged six. listened to Henrietta for some lime without comment. Then sud denly she burst out, patience having apparently reached its limit, "For goodness sak. Henrietta, don't fuss so! liod put 'em there!" The story Is told on former Repre sentative Amos J. Cummings of New York, who was once city editor of the Sun. One y'Saturday night it wuis announced that all the saloons were to be closed the next day. Cummings called hi star reporter, Murray. "Tom," he said, "po out tomorrow and find out if the saloons are selling liquor." It was Thursday when Tom a train appeared at the city desk, "p.ny were," he reported. Two huso colored men lived in a precinct at Kvansvllle during a cam rmian In which a certain politician ran for I nyor. "Who is you fo any how' 1 e f iheia one morn ing when he m l Ih other. ' How s you goin' to vote in de 'lection?" "Why, I'se fo' Smith, that's who I'se fo' and you already kuowed It. Why you ax me dat?" "Yes, you'a fo' Smith I know who you'a fo'. nil right. You's fo' sale, dat's who you's fo'." Profit in Tears. As she stood outside the little country Inn two gre'at tears shone In her Innocent eyes, tears so large that the passing cyclist saw them. Beauty in distress caused him to dismount and ask if he could be of any assistance. "I'm afraid not, thank you!" re Dlied the damsel, sorrowfully, aa she Iw't''Un an automatic chocolate th'ne and nothing has como out." i "That's noon rempdlcd!" said the; young man, confidently. I olipt u coin Into the slot, and thfn another. After the Blxth ho nuill'Tcd anprily, raifled hla cap, and perilled wildly away. i ho (li.-.ippcarod a femaje voice pppM round the door. "Any luck?" asked the owner tu .-cor. "Oh, yes, ma!" replied the Blm- pi 1 inwl. puily. "That's the tenth.! I've netted fifty cents since dinner ti, " Chii-nco N!ws. Start Tomorrow and Keep It Up Every Morning Get In the habit of drinking glass of hot water before breakfast. We're not here long, so let's make our stay agreeable. Let us live well, eat v.eil. digest well, work well, sleep well, and look well, what a glorious condition to attain, and yet, how very eany It Is If one will only adopt the morning inLle bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when they arise, split ting headache, stulTy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the Fluices of the system each morning an 1 flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot ater with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the sto rach, liver and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, su.i" bile a::il poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, B"'eeicning and purifying the entire nlimentary cnnl before putting more food into the siff' The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach Is wonderfully in vigoratlng. It cleans out all the sour fc-i mentations, gnses. waste am: ticHity and gives one a splend!. appetite for breakfast. While you art enfoying your breafant tho water end phosphate is qmetly extracting : a laivro volume of water rr.i' U" Mood and tvHhis ready for r tl.oroiigli Hushing of ;.:i the ii.U organs. The millions of people who are 1-othered with constipation, bilious snells, stomach trouble; others who have sallow pkins. blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a tpinrt'jr pound of limcston-i phosphate fro'n ti.e drug store. This v ill cost very little, but is suificient to make cnyone a pronounced crank on tha P'ifi;'t i," l"i!(l;- atMnr; l.t'or- break ' f:. ' Brother, don't stop your paper just I) . ,u .-. you don't agree with the ed itor. The last cabbage you sent In didn't acree with us either, but we ii ' i't limn vitn tfrnm our Riihnprin. tion Pst on that account. No. we elm-l 1 " i ; u - thiinkful for what we are about to receive" and after we received it wo were not able to y , ..!. l hi ia : I Slu t ii.inn-iit ii Along? i i cours-i! it .should! For after a . nous d. y when your muscles j ' ' exercised to the limit an I Application or Sloan's Liniment will I !ake the soreness and stiffness away j -j r -; m-t you in tine shape for the Vou should also use It for a mi luen attack of toothache, stiff ne-. backiK-he, stings, bites and the many accidents that are Incidental to a vacation. "We would es soon I v- our baggage as go on a vaca tion or camp out without Sloan'B Liniment." Writes one vacationist: "We use It for everything from era;; ps to toothache." Put a bottle in your bap, be prepared and have no regrets. Adv 2 fur Jobbing department is provid ed with a line of type and ornaments suitable for all commercial printing, and we always keep on hand the best brim's of paper, stock, etc. All ord ers will be filled expeditiously and satisfactorily, and city prices. We in vite a call, and promise to make any favors shown us beneficial to our patrons. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES A! DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No body can Tell. You can turn gray, fadud hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 60-cent bottle of "Wyetb'e Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of botth-s of tlits old famous Sage Tea Rucipe, im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it lias been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applica tions the gray liair vanUhet anil your locks become luxuriantly dark and beau tiful. This is the age of youth. Gray-haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around. o get busy with Wyetlt't Sage and Sul phur Compound to-niglit and you'll be de lighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a fi r days. This' preparation it a toilet requuite and is not intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of diaeaae. K.MI'MIYKKS tilVEX AX KXTHA MONEY ALLOWANCE Employees of the Nebraska Tele phone Company in Alliance, as well as at all other exchanges of the i-otu- L. W. BOWMAN riiyidclan and Burgeon OFFICE: First National Bank Dldg. PHONES: Office, 3C2; Residence, 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist THONE 362 OVKK FIHST NATIONAL HANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office) IIEASONA11LE HATES rilOMPT SEHVICE J. D. EMERICK Itonded Abstracter I hare the only set of abstract books in Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block "LET ME CUY FOH YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and General Hales Specialist mid Auctioneer FAKM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable PHONE 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA GEO. O. GADSBY Licensed Knibalmer PHONE: Day. 498; Night, 510 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA HOTEL ROME 'The House f Courtesy" Omaha Itoom without bnth $l.UO up Itoom with bath 91.50 up Modern Lunch Room ROME MILLER - Owner meeting the increased cost of living according to an announcement made by Manager P. D. Gleason of the Al liance exchange. V. B. T. Belt, vice president and manager of the north western group of the Bell system, which includes all the Bell compan ies la the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, I in ruiking the announcement said: Employees of the Nebraska Tele phone Company in Alliance, as well as at all other exchanges, will within a very few days participate in an ex-I tra money allowance authorized by the company to assist employees in meeting the Increased cost of living, according to an announcement re ceived by Manager P. D. Gelason of the Alliance exchange and signed by W. B. T. Belt, vice president and general manager of the northwestern group of the Bell system, which in cludes all the Bell companies In the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. Mr. Belt in making the announcement says: "By co-operative action on the part of the companies constituting this group of the Bell system, cer tain classes of employees will be aid ed in meeting the unusual conditions now existing by an extra cash pay ment, equivalent to two or three weeks' salary, according to length of service. "Employees who have been in the service for over one year, and who are receiving 13,000 or less per year, will receive the equivalent of three weeks' pay, while those of the same class who have been in t o service over three months, but less than one year, Will receive the equivalent of two weeks' pay. Employees receiv ing over $3,000, and less than $5,000 per year, will also participate in the payment, but nqt in the same propor tion as those receiving the lesser rale of pay. "This is not a distribution of prof its. It is Intended to help those em ployees whose margin between In come and necessities is narrow. "It is estimated that the total amount to be distributed in this group will approximate $300,000, and In the five stages 9,000 employ ees will be benefitted. The bonus will be paid to employees about Jan uary 1. 1917." l-'ourteen Affected Here There are some fourteen employ ees at the Alliance exchange and all Participated in the extra money allowance. It Is estimated that $400 possibly a little more and pos sibly a little less was distribut ed to Alliance employees of the com pany. In addition to distributing some $4 00 the Nebraska Telephone Com pany has raised the wages of the tel ephone operators approximately $30 a year, the exact sum depending on the length of service of the various girls, of whom, including extra girls, there are nine. Thirty dollars a year for nine girls la $270. This sum added to the $400 to be dis tributed means about $670 extra money the telephone company Is turning into Alliance. a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. In use over 40 years, and benefiting all who use it, the soothing pine bal sam with tar heal the Irritated air passages soothes the raw spots loosens the mucous and prevents racking the body with coughing. Dr King's New Discovery induces natur idjMgep a ndalds nature to cure you " 11 iimi Dr. W. J. Mahaffy Dentist lias Administered Lady Assistant OVER POST OFFICE ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA JAMES M. KENNEDY DENTIST Nitrous Oxide Administered PHONES: Office, 23; Res., Black It FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA . J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. O. JEFFREY. D. C. CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS, 10 A. M. to t P. 11 NEW WILSON BLOCK Geo. J. Hand,H. D. ASTHAMA and HAY FEVER , Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day cj , night. THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1619-1621 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER All kinds of Photos. Interior aaa Exterior Views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. E. Grebe, Trop. 114 East 4th. Phone Black 111 WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Brand Maw ..p,,c EVERY WCEX i ;'-'w"fAL n-SucStdE L'.i-ii' ft'.h( t!;U DON'T CO HON'eC SAYINSI I DIDK'TV'?T THE feAYETY T C H I N O H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone. 360 Res. Phone, 341 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank Building, over the Post Office. Famous Collins Saddle Beat made. stood the tor 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp'y SucceMora to Collins & Morrison. liilO FariMiit St., Omaha, Ncfa. ; C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 6 5 ' Kes. phone, 62 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorney s-at-Iiaw Land Attorneys OFFICE, First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA mmwm 1 1 " ! ,T- 4 1 -T i, ! Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other saa 'erlal, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler In summer and warmer In winter. Send for price list toaay. ATLAS TASK MFU. COMPANY, Fred HuUen, Manager, n!UU'Vn, Mha. Jlebe. lLUU5TRATOR5- -ttZffii test 7 11 I mt L-T -si