Atit.4fr'ft Iif.uALd, January 11, I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I The Car Shortage D jes Not Affect US. WIT- " i - if AK . ... Attend the masquerade at the Rol ler Kink tonight. F. C. Fulmer is erecting a modern Six-room bungalow on Platte ave nue. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar O'Bannon epent several days the past week at Omaha. a Mrs. V. L. Thompson left Thurs day for Edgemont, S. D., for medical treatment. a a a Mrs. Ray Hoag has beei enjoying a visit from Mrs. Henry Dietrick of Mllen, Nebr. Mrs. V. L. Thompson left Thurs day for Edgemont Springs for med ical treatment. Mrs, V. n. Luck and daughter en Joyed a visit at Lakeside a part of the past week. Miss Minnie Sauerwein of Hemlng ford left Friday to take up her Bchool work In Denver. Max Eddy of Sheridan arrived last week to commence his duties in the Burlington offices. Miss Lillian Wilkinson and sister, "Mrs. Clifford, of Antloch, wuere Alli ance shoppers Thursday. Mrs. May Andrews has been veil ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Suprise the past week. John McCoy, M. D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 Miss Martha Lux returned last week from Crawford where she had been visiting her parents. Miss Pearl Lorenze and Mrs. B. U. Shepherd of Hemingford were in Al liance on business Saturday. a Ray Cole returned to Alliance from Grand Island Thursday follow ing a few days' visit at that place. Real Estate. Loans and Insnr ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf -6727 Miss Jennie Hill returned Thurs day to her home at Scottsbluff fol lowing a visit here with Miss Neva Howe. Miss Sadie Cremin left Saturday for her home at Crawford after vis iting with Miss Delia Nelson and other friends. Mrs. Gene Win pert left Saturday for Cairo, Nebr., following a visit of neveral weeks here with her sister, Mrs. II. S. Brown. Miss Maude Vogel has gone to Lusk. Wyo.. to locate on a 640-acre homestead under the new home stead law recently paused. Mis Elvu Hillis last week left for he home at Pacific Junction. Iowa, following a holiday visit ' here with her sister, Mrs. H. P. Toohey. Mrs. Dan Fitrpatrick and children returned Sunday from Hot Springs. Ark., and Lincoln, Nebr., following a two-weeks visit at those points. , Bud Betzold is Improving his herd of hogs and has purchased a thor oughbred animal from Aleda, 111., parties, paying the sum of $100 for him. Miss Naomi Taylor left Saturday noon for Antloch, where she Is teach ing school. She spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. A. S. Gerdes, north of town. Mis. Elding McFall of Denver ar rived In Alliance Friday to be at the fcedskte of her little grandson, Henry Gordon, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia. Misses Delia and Barbara King re- t urned last week to Denver to take up thTir studies following the Christ mas vacation which was spent here with home folks. Archie Blackwood, who spent the holidays her with his mother, Mrs. C. MacCray, has returned to New Haven. Conn., to resume his duties at Yale University. & mm ? OH o w m C m H jU 5 c S3 Co P . Miss Edna Bowman spent Friday at lieu. in gfoi d. Mrs. A. J. Cole spent Sunday at Crawford with her husband. Mrs. A. W. Butterfir-ld left Thurs day for a visit at Almena, Kans. John Nolan left Saturday night for Omaha to resume his studies. K. M. Seidell, county agent, was at Hemingford on business Friday. W. W. Norton recently bought a Bulck six 1917 model, touring car. Jacob Cass of Chadron was In the city on business the first of the week. Miss Lucille Htiss of Hemingford spent a part of Monday lu this city. Henry Striker has been hero from Sheridan, Wyo., a part of the past wee. - Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and children were here from Bonner Monday. Mrs. A. D. Conner and Mrs. Sadie Crawford were Sunday visitors at Crawford. " Mrs. Grace Hill left Tuesday for Lincoln on account of the illness of her baby. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy McFall of An tloch are the parents of a baby boy, born Friday. George Dletlein left Sunday for Vancouver, called there by the seri ous illness of his father. James Kearns, the live-stock agent for the Burlington, was In town sev eral days last week on business. Attorney Gelsthart was in the city from Lincoln last week on business connected with the Wlltson estate, a s Frank Wallace has been visiting his brother, John Wallace, the past week. Frank is a former Alliance drayman. Mrs. J. R. Baskln and children, who spent the holidays in Alliance at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. C. Fulmer, have returned to their home at North Platte. Our modern, sanitary cleaning tnd pressing costs no more than the other kind. Keep-TJ-Neat Cleaners, 205 Box Butte Avenue. Phone 133. The new ten mom house being built by Joe Mauion on his ranch northt of this city is rapidly nearily completion. Joe will have a fine place when he gets it completed. Mrs. Axel Johnson, who has been vitlting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Tash, left Saturday for her home at Sioux Falls, N. I)., stopping en route at Ravenna and Lincoln, Nebr. C. A. Dow was at Whitman Friday and Saturday where he installed a private electric lighting plant in the home of Bryant Greathouse. He returned to Alliance Saturday even ing. W. B. Barnett arrived home the last of the week following h visit ov er New Year's In Denver with Mrs. Barnett and other relatives. Mrs. Barnett is visiting relatives In that city. a C. D. Kierig arrived Friday from Central City with the Idea In mind of securing a good location In this county. It is his Intention to oper ate a farm in Box Butte county this coming year. , . Judge Smith P. Tu'tle has return ed to Alliance from I va where, he enjoyed a Christmas visit with old n.nus. ins son accompan ied him and visited lure h few d:tyn I before returning to his home in Mon- i mm. Mrs. A. Gregory u i I Mrs. Jennie Rfed returned Frldv noon fron SoomblutT when. th;v WMit on bus iness connect". 1 with i he Women's Christian Temperance I'nion. They wore delegates to th - ecent- nation al convention of the union Lloyd C. Thomas. representative from the 73rd district, comprising Box Butte and Sheridan counties, was home from Lincoln over the week end. The legislature adjourn ed Friday afternoon t convene again j ' urnuiij noon. noin i.ioyu ana .Mrs. Thomas left for Lincoln Monday noon. They are stopping at the Lindell hotel. .111 (lire I. A It.rrv lu , I. ,....! in his law office on the second floor I of the Rumer building and will en- gape in the active practice of law. Judge Berry has an enviable law li brary, said to be one of the very best In this section, if not in the state. His years spent as county judge, han dling estate matters, enables him to give his clients a service of knowl edge pertaining to affairs of this na ture. The Lincoln State Journal of Sun day Bald: "Alliance will be presented with a sanitary drinking fountain as the result of the Red Cross stamp sales during the holidays under the auspices of the woman's club. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas was chairman of the romiultte-whlch was composed of Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and Mrs. Lee Bany The ctnh r",r"";.jrVi " , " - The United States today is facing the greatest shortage of freight cars in its history. We foresaw this shortage months ago and prepared for it. Our coal l.ins are full. W are not affected, ns are many oth ers, hut arc in position to care, for the wants of our customers promptly. . It is not n eeessary for us to suhstitute a poorer grade of coal for the regular grades which we" handle. If you want to he assured that you arc getting the same high quality to which you are accustomed phone number five today. We are dealers in high-grade FUEL, FEED, GASOLINE KEROSENE AND LUBRICATING OILS VAUGHAN & SON PHONE 5 A. Truman was here from Bonner Monday on business. William Mitchell left Monday for Harrison on business. Rufus Honly was here from Hyan- nls Saturday m business. James Watson is back from a sev eral weeks visit at Atlantic, Iowa. A baby boy was born on January 2 to Mr. ard Mrs. P. H. Kinnamon. Will you be at the Roller Skating Kink tonight for the big masque rade? Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rodgers are the parents of a baby boy, born Mon day night. Miss Avis Joder left Saturday for Des Moines, Iowa, to resume her school work. Mrs. J. B. Kniest is taking a vaca tion from her duties nt the Rodgers grocery store. D. J. Nelson left for his home at Omaha Sunday, following his visit here with John Carey. Charles Hall was in Alliance Mon day on business. He operates a ranch in the Snake Creek neighbor hood. A ten-pound baby boy waB born to Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Neilson Monday. The family Uvea some twenty miles est of Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Kd O'Donnell were at Lincoln to attend the funeral of a nephew, who died in one of the Lincoln hospitals. Attorney E. H. Boyd returned Sunday from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Michigan and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Howard Beck was operated upon at the local hospital Tuesday for ap pendicitis. He Is a rancher and lives thirty-five miles south of Alliance. Charles Swanson was hare from Morrill county the first of the week cn the trail of some horses recently stolu; from his ranch in that county. Mrs. Addle Lewis left Saturday night for her home at Lead. S. D., following a visit of two weeks here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. K. Coleman. Members of Beiinah Comma ndery have reason to feel proud, for they again this year made the largest do nation to the Masonic home of any comriiardery In the stale. Mrs. Talbot ami Gen. Cotlin of onviln arrived In Alliance Tuesday for the I. O. (. F. convention, which convened here yeaterday and re mains In session over today. John Elmore waB In Alliance Mon il .y enroute to iGUette, Wyo. He iceeuily sold his ranch In Missouri i. nd has shipped his equipment and Ktoc k t, his place in Wyoming. W. B Barnett, of the GoWen Rule, left Sunday for a trip to New York City, with Btops at St. Joseph, St. louis and Chicago. He was accom panied by M rs. Barnett. They ex pert to he away from Alliance about a mon,n Chase Feaglns went to Seneca the first of the week.. This week he will ship some 900 head of feeders from Denver and it was to arrange for the feeding of the rattle that he made the trip to Seneca. William T. Quick of the Parlln Orndorff Plow Company of Omaha, who for the past two years has made his headquarters at North Platte, will hereafter make Alliance his headquarters and Is this week mov ing his family into the McDonald apartments. A. R. Snladen, a real estate man of Red Cloud, Nebr., arrived In the, city Monday ntght and has been a guest of his old friend, R. W. Beat. I J I ii ii T I 1 I ill ORDER YOUR COAL TODAY county and western Nebraska. Tonight Masquerade at the Rol ler Skating Rink. a A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder Friday morning. Ellis Ray recently bought a tract of irrigated land In the North Platte valley. a Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hall. 806 To luca avenue, are the parents of a ba by born Tuesday. a a A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rodgers, 316 Toluca av enue, Wednesday. a a Mrs. Ed O'Donnell left Wednes day for Wayne, Nebr., to attend the funeral of a nephew. W. H. Swan left Friday night for Denver. He accompanied the re mains of William Hill to Ohio. a a Mrs. W. D. Zediker went to Antl och Tuesday on business connected with the Alliance School of Music, a a a Robert Anderson of Hemingford, who had been several days in Alli ance, returned to Hemingford Tues day. Archibald Adams of Havclock is f spending a few days here at the nome or nis uaugnier, mrs. ueorge Davis. a Mrs. B. Sharp of the Alliance Mis sion left Tuesday night for Lincoln on official business at the Home for Dependent Children. Mr. and Mrs. James Helms, for mer residents of Alliance, passed through the city Saturday enroute to their home near Seneca. S. A. Miller arrived home Sunday morning from Chicago where he purchased a line of new shoes for the spring trade. He also visited in Illinois when on the trip. a Miss DeVona Dickenson returned ifome from Hemingford Wednesday to spend several weeks here us the Hemingford schools are closed on ac count of an epidemic of scarlet fev er. George D. Darling lis secured t Lr services of E. C. Wilkinson of Fort Morgan. Colo. Mr. Wilkinson will handle the Edison department hav ing had a consldciiible amount of ex perience with the New Edison. He is alrio a sewing machine expert and is able to take care of the wants of all users. Sheriff Cal Cox Is home from Kan sas City where he was called last week by the death of his eldest brother, Thomas Cox, who died from asthma and pneumonia. Deceased was fifty-live years old and is sur vived by a son. who Is eight years old. The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at Kansas City and Interment was made In a cem etery in that city. NOTICE Having been elected Secretary Treaurer of Alliance Castle No. 43, The Royal Highlanders, I have made arrangements whereby members can pay their dues at either A. D. Rod gers Grocery Store or E. G. lying's gents' furnishing store. Any mem bers residing in tho business part of town desiring me to call ror their dues, I will gladly do so ir notified, or persons can send same to me by checks in mall. T. P. ROLFSON, Secretary-Treasurer. Professional Photographer Quality Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlarging all Styles M. K. G1U31K. Proprietor N5 The ladles of the I. A. Installed their newly-elected officers Thurs day afternoon. Following the lodge session Mrs. 10. R. Morrison, who now lives lit Crawford and is a inciii ber of the G. I. A., was hostess to the officers and members at a lunch eon given at the Joe Smith cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller delight fully entertained the Misses Hannah, Agnes and Kate Kniest, and the Messrs. Dr. J. II. Kennedy, J. W. Guthrie and Walter Bucehacnstein at their ranch home south of Alli ance on the evening of January 3. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hol.iten enter tained at their home, 002 Pox lititte avenue, ut a bridge parly, Thursday evening at which Mrs. Roy Beckwlth won first prlae and F. W. Harris the free-for-all. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Carson Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beckwlth, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. C. 10. Marks, and Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Slagle. Miss Marian Grebe was hostess to the members of the A. P. S. club at her home, 928 Laramie avenue, Thursday evening. Music and games provided the amusement for the ev ening,' and at a late hour dainty re freshments were served the guests. The guests were Misses Edna Bow man, Helen Schott, Janet Grassman, Hannah Cotant, Marian Mote, Edna Donovan and Ruth Nation. The first of a series of formal dances this winter to be held at the Elks club rooms Is scheduled to take place on the evening of Monday, Jan uary 22. This will be followed by a series of formal affairs to take place probably every two weeks. It Is al "O planned to Interspread a number of informal affairs which will be of unusual character. Miss Flora Spencer was hostess to thirteen of her girl friends at a roll er skating party on the afternoon of January 3. The event was In honor or her thirteenth birthday annlvers iry. Following the afternoon spent at the roller rink the guests were served a delightful three-course luncheon at the home or the hostess, at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Rolla Wilson and MIps Vera Spencer assisted In the serving. Music and games provided the amusement for the remainder of the time, and at a late hour the guests left for their homes, all pro nouncing the birthday party a mark ed success. The guests were: Miss Virginia Warrick or Srottsbluff. Miss Josephine Wilson. Miss Alice Camp bell, Miss Verna Dow, Miss Ruth Stanton, Miss Katherlne Baker. Miss Dorothy Hamilton. Miss Francea Schott, Miss Irma Ellis. Miss Mary Wilson, Miss Ruth Hawes. Miss Thressa Looney, and Miss Dorothy Schleb. Mrs. C. E. Bennett entertained at a 6:30 dinner party on the evening or January 3 In compliment to her truest, Miss Irene Huinmell, or Hpt Springs, S. D. Dancing, music and games provided th entertainment for the evening. The decorations were in red and green, the color scheme being very tastily carried out. Mrs. Percy Cogswell and the Misses Julia Frankle and Hannah Keane assisted the hostess In serv ing. The guest list Included the fol lowing: Miss Ilar.el Bennett, Miss Charlotte Mollrlng, .Miss Mabel Young. Miss Matilda Frankle, Miss Irene Hummel, Miss Theresa O'Don nell, Miss Margaret Harris. Miss Cynthia Davenport, Miss Hannah Keane, MIhR Catherine Cole of Hot Springs. S. D.. and Mrs. Percy Cops welt, Mrs. F. J. Was, Mrs. Dr. Hersh- man an1 Mrs. Harry Ganti. The Worrta' Auxiliary of the Baptist chureli wa entertained yes terday afternoon at t!w .t1"1 , Mrs. Idling. 720 Platte, with Hfra W. Jefrers and Mrs Idling hs host esses. The W. C. T. V. meets this after noon at the home of Mrs J W Reed. The Lali-s' Auxiliary of fh" Kir Presbyterian church was entertained yesterday afternoon in the parlors or the church by Mrs. Rolla Wilson. Hot Springs At Home Sulphur Steam Baths for Rheumatism ami Many Ailments for Ladies and Gentleim n Massage With JUL Mrs. Glen Miller and Mrs. Spencer. Ev Miss Jessie Clayton and Mr. Tiarrf O. Wildy, both of Heiiiingfor'l wer' united in marriage at tlu M. 1- par sonage here Wednesday evenl. f by Dr. J. B. Cains. The groom I- lor business at Heinlngford, condui dnif' a furniture store and undertaMme" parlor. The bride lb one or Iieni Ingford's most popular young la Uesw Tho happy couple left on No. 4Z to California where they are speniiug their honeymoon. The Woman's Club will meet ilft" Mrs. Lester Friday, January 12. Roll Call. Program: Home "The Home Decorating", Mrs. K. Mallery; "Furnishiugs," Mis. II; uip ton; music, instrumental belectlci tf Miss Helen Woods; reading by .lict Madeline Zediker; musical seUuio by Miss The 1 ma Larson. The Ladies Guild or the Ef! copal church was entertained yestei- .y at' ternoon at the Parish homi wit Br Mrs. Chase Feaglns as hostel . Mrs. William Mitchell was L. . tesv Tuesday afternoon at a bridge party and luncheon. The guest list In eluded Mrs. William Carson i mw, Mrs. D. W. Butler, Mrs. Roy LecH wlth, Mrs. Lee Basyo, Mrs. II. ! Ganti, Mrs. F. J. Was, Mrs. t . KV Ilershiiian, Mrs. Chase Feagins, -lr F. E. Holsten, Mrs. James Feai.iii, and Miss Joso O'Donnell. Thomas A. iKnes of Broken Lor and Mrs. Frances Griffin of Brook Held, Mo., were man led by JuA-O Ira E. Tash Tuesday morning. Tb marriage ceremony was the first ootf performed by Judge Tash in his ca pacity as county Judge. David Beitler and Mrs. Lucy A Huey, both of Superior. Nebr., w married here Tuesday morning bjf Judge Ira E. Tash. A social dance was held by tb members or the Knights of Colaa bus at their hall Monday night. Tbm Daughters of Isabella will give a MP rial tonight at their rooms In tfe church. Mrs. Perry Cogswell is entertain ing this afternoon at a 1:30 o'cloek' luncheon and card party, at hf home, 802 Cheyenue. Hugh N. Best and Miss Mabel HA Iester were married h. i yesterday by Judge Ira E. Tash. The bride W a resident of Torringtwii. Wyo., an the groom has been fan ing in Non pareil precinct. Judg: Tush l:iaue the hcenso Saturday, and Mr. BmC then left for Wyoming, where he &f cd on an. additional 320 acres undaf the new homestead law. lie tb returned to Alliance with bU brl4' and the happy couple were marrrt yesterday. Miss Edilh Reddish entertaluW Saturday evening at a 6 o'clock dl" ner party. Pink and white was th color scheme, which wa. very tast lly carried out In all the decoratloa An abundance of pink u s werv also used In the decorat e s. Vol .lowing the nerving of u n,-.uuis-dinner the guests were treated to theatre party, the balance 'iie ev ening being devoted to d-i.'.-ing. Tb j guests were rs follows: Misses Hele ! like. Delia Holsteu, Grace Carlsoa, Martha Shaw, Dorothy UkirlJ, Rose Carlson and the Messrs. J.l isue Beckwlth, Marvin Dkke:ion. Ae.-er ' Young, Morris Nelson. Vivian Haft and Joseph Williams. Mrs. U. J. Sallows v.,! Imstets t the members of the Inter Se Monday afternoon. M.:. Stephetf" (Hop and Mis. Elliott, the latter Hebron, wer. guests. A three-cour luncheon was served, Jerome Fleming was host to a ' his young men frienU iiumhar o. at a sumptuoM ; Saturday vr-lng . Was sitf- f:5( o'clock dinner. Mnaiu , --m Plied by a Vktrola. The room taw. decorated i i a pleasing manner I red and gn.-en. The rollowlug guest were present: Homer Haines. Wal ter Schotte, John Carey. Dewey Don ovan. Noel Young and Laverne BuV- ler. Each Bath 8 --jjp