The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 11, 1917, Image 10

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if UK HOT WillEil
sir rair
Hopes every man and woman here will adopt
this splendid health habit.
Says a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it washes poisons
from system, and makes one feel
clean, sweet and fresh.
Why is man and woman, half
the time, feeling nervous, despon
dent, worried; pome days head
achy, dull and unstrung; some
days really incapacitated by ill
ness. If we all would practice the
drinking of phosphated hot water
before breakfast, what a gratify
ing change would take place. In
stead of thousands of half-sick,
anaemic-looking souls with pasty,
muddy complexions we should seo
crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people everywhere. The
reason is that the human system
docs not rid itself each day of all
the waste it accumulates under
our present mode of living. For
every ounce of food and drink
taken into the system nearly an
ounce of waste material must be
carried out, else it ferments and
forms ptomaine-like poisons in
the bowels which are absorbed
into the blood.
Just as necessary as it is to
clean the ashes from the furnace
each day, before the fire will burn
.. bright and hot, so we must each
morning clear the inside organs
of the previous day's accumula
tion of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women,
whether sick or well, arc advised
to drink each morning, before
breakfast, a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it, as a harm
less means of washing out of
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the indigestible material,
waste, sour bile and toxins ; thus
cleansing, sweetening and puri
fying the entire alimentary canal
before putting more food into the
Millions of people who had
their turn at constipation, bilious
attacks, acid stomach, sick head
aches, rheumatism, lumbago,
nervous days and sleepless nights
have become real cranks about
the morning-inside bath. A
quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will not cost much at the
drug store, but is sufficient to
demonstrate to anyone its cleans
ing sweetening and freshening
effect upon the system.
later's ranch northwest of F.llsworth.
wn found (lead in the work shop on
the place, where ho hint committed
suicide by hanging. Despondency
due to brood ni? over the absence ef
his wife, whose ncntth has born Im
proved by residence with her sonln
the sand hills for several years la the
oau so.
llrotherliood Not Asking For Now
Lnws, Hut May Have Program
Iiatrr Are On tiiianl
No extensive list of new laws af
fecting railroad operation and man
agement, so far as revealed, Is being
usKed for tliis year by the "big four"
brotherhoods, although It Is under
stood that a legislative committee is
on the ground In Lincoln to safe
guard (ho orders against legislation
that might be proposed.
In discussing this matter-one rail
road man Is reported to have said
that If th orders auk for anything It
will be u law that will protect con
ductors against thp White system of
train auditing, which is regarded as
exceedingly objectionable by tho or
der men. This syBtem, In use on the
Burlington and other roads, uses
train auditors who may got a train
at any station on the line and demand
immediately of the conductor In
charge of the train his collections
from passengers. Tho conductor
gives up his cash fares, tickets and
transportation slips, and the auditor
then checks the train to see that the
report of the conductor Is correct and
complete. Some conductors hold
this is taking an unfair advantage of
the conductor In that the demand Is
made perhaps before tho conductor
has had a chance .pr time to check
bis receipts, and that it places him
publicly in a bad light with tho pat
rons pt the road.
Raolway managers have main
tained, however, that it is much
fairer to ask a conductor to explain
his report when the transactions are
all fresh In his mind than to wait for
discrepancy or ninety days and then
call a conductor In to explain some
discrepancy and olllce auditor has
found after a conductor has forgotten
all about transactions on tha partic
ular trio. Further it Is pointed oout
that a state law cannot place audit
ing of interstate business.
It is furiher said that very little
If anv lcKlslation will bo sought by
the railroads. What they moat de
sire right now, with all their trou
bles on hand, Is to be let alone. They
uro busy planning for an increase of
transportation facilities to handle a
rapi.ily growing traliic, a tonnage
bulge that came co unexpectedly that
It swamped them.
Regular state teachers' cxamina
lions to be held at th o court hou;ie
January 19 and 20. Opal Itussell.
County Superintendent.
Ti1ii:.l mti COMING IfVljNIS
Wyoming Wool Grower's Assn.,
Thermopolis, Wyo., Jnury 15-17, 1917
American National Live Stock Assn.,
Cheyenne, Wyo., January 18 20, 1917
National Western Stock Show,
Denver, Colo., January 20-27, 1917
These gatherings attrnet men of attaint throughout the broad
West. Tho three cities named offer much in the way of hospitality.
The Burlington 'h new train service between Alliance and Wend-
over, trains ill and 32, and its through ncrviee routes in Wyoming
nd Colorado make it very easy to visit any or all of these attractive
Stopover privileges at Thermopolis and Cheyenne enruute. to
ionver. Ask us about the reduced excursion rates, stopover privil-
wpw eges and train service to these conventions.
L. V. WAKKLKY, Oeneral Passenger Agent
lot)! Fariuuii Street, Onialin, Nebraska
division superintendent for tho Bur
lington here and owner of a ranch
southeast of Alliance, have been
specially Invited to an Important
meeting of the Navy league In Wash
ington. It Is the annual gathering
of patriotic Americans who favor a
larger navy. The sessions will be
held at the Hotel Wlllard. Tuesday,
January 16. ii"rVo.
Aniiiir C. Smith, president of the; Fifth district Harold P. Sutton,
Nebraska section of te league, has . McCook.
-J. K. Thelan, Al
Ing: .
First Congressional district H. D. AKD TAIIjOH ENI)IN
number of prominent Nebras- designated the following members as sixth dlstrlct
, including J. K. I'helan former delegates to the Washington meet- ,, '
Wilson, Nebraska City.
Second district M. l'etrs, Oma
ha. TM'ird district L. D. Richards.
district It. J. Kllpatrlck.
Joseph Huvlik, 70 years of age and
a prominent tailor of Crete, Nebras
ka, w ho had bwn spending tho holi
days with his wife and son on the
Puncture Proof
WHY bow to Puncture and Blowout the
enemies .that DESTROY the best ordinary
pneumatic tires, wasting tire money in millions?
There is just ONE tire that SUCCESSFULLY
resists puncture
Agalatt Puncture f
any kind, or Money
For 5,000 Miles of
service, under written
ItciM.ils of IO,HH Casen of Kidnej
Trouble, Some of Them Al
liance Cases
Each of some 6,000 newspapers of
tho United States is" publishing from
week to week, names of people In
Its particular neighborhood, who used and recommended Doan's v Pills for k'dney b:ckacho
k kidneys, bladder troubles and
nrimirv iHsnrders. This mass of
proof Includes over 40,000 recom
Herniations. Alliance is no exeep
tinn. Here is 'one of tho Alliance
Mrs. H. C. Smith, Duncans addl
Alliance huvs: '"I suffered from
kiiin'ov and bladder trouble for
Inner time. Mv back was weak and
any effort such as lifting a pail
u-uiui- nr 'von retime out i
hair, caused knife-like pains in my
imflc Mv kldnevs acted loo onen
fliieciullv at nifcht. and tlio becrt
intiu wre 11 nnaturul. Doan's Kid
nev I'lIlH. W'nicn 1 KOI ui uii-iiimn
Drug Store, have always reiteveii m
finely. They are tne mcuicino
would advise anyone having such
trnuhlH to Use."
irtc .10c. at all dealers. Won
sininlv ask for a kidney remedy -
i?,t Doan's Kidney I'llis me tai
Unit Mrs. Smith had. Fot;ter-Mil
bam Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Adv Jan 4-11
The GIANT of the Tire World
Exclusive Lee Tire Agents
A full line of auto repairs, accessories, gasoline and oils.
Auto repairing anil storage.
Uy the Snell Individual Plan you can learn the particular things you
need; Shorthand, Typewriting, Uookkeeplng, Letter Writing, Adver
tising, at any time convenient to you.
You can advance Just as rapidly as your time and ability will per
mit. You do not have to wait on others as you do by the u.sual
"class" method.
Snell Shorthand Is for the live,, up-and-dolng men and women .who
want to amount to something: who wants to make every minute,
every day count I1IU. For the apt, studious Individual who has no
time to waste.'no money to throw away. Hut send for full particulars
Hbout that $100 position?
" Civil Service Keliool, Kltrele lluilritiiK, Denver
To the people of Ilox Butte county:
r have been asked to give some of
he reasons why it should be of value
to the citizens of Box Butte county
o attend the week of organized Ag
riculture at Lincoln January 15 to 19
The most Important benefit will be
the knowledgo gained from attending
lie programs and the profit which
always comes from associations with
kindred workers. Other things would
result from a large delegation vlslt-
ng Lincoln and among them might
be mentioned tho following:
1. What better advertising could
be given Box Butte county than a
train of men and women from the
county attending the biggest week
of Agricultural meetings held In any
state in the Union.
All Box Butte County farmers
are especially interested in horses
No better horse programs have ever
been arranged than those on Monday
and Tuesday
:t. T!i"ie is a growing interest in
alfalfa, sweet clover and dry land
farming. Some of the best people
In the country have been secured to
discuss these subjects on Tuesday
and Wednesday,
4. Dairying is now important and
will b "or.'' important as the yearn
go by and the land becomes more
valuable. Dairying is especially Im
portant to western Nebraska. Ex
cellent dairy programs will come on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
5. The horticulturists are this
year to give special attention to the
potato crop. The beBt talent from
within and without the state has been
secured to discuss this subject otv
Thursday afternoon. Certahily every
Box Butte county farmer Is inter
ested in potatoes.
6. Friday will be the big day es
pecially for the western Nebraska
farmer. It Is Farm Loan Day. Her
bert Quick, a man of International
fame as a farmer and writer and
sometimes evening, by the Home
Economic Association, on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. In ad
dition there will be many other num
bers on the other programs, especial
ly those of the Horticultural society
and the Florists society, which will
be of special Interest to women. The
women should not think of staying
at home. There Is another reason
they should come they could look
after their husbands. (
8. The State Corn Show, Apple
Show, and Boys and Girls Club ex
hibit will be a progress during the
week at the city Auditorium. Ad
mission to this Is free.
9. Motion pictures of Nebraska
Agriculture and Nebraska scenery
will be given at tho corn nnd the ap
ple show and at otlrt r places during
the week.
10. There are many other attrac
tions too numerous to mention.
Organized Agriculture Is rupidly bo
romlng the farmers' vacation week
hut it is a Viiratiod that is fo full of
proflt that one cannot afford to miss
The College of Agriculture and all
Lincoln will give you a hearty wel
come. If you run a special train as
has been Intimated you will have the
rilajinction of being the first county
In the state to do so. Let your
county agent, F. M. Seidell, of Al
liance know,
Yours truly,
C. W. Pugsley
Sec. Organized Agricultuer
MIOU1 11 i
Llovd Thomas, state representativ
from this district and business i. un
ager or the Herald. spnt Saturday
Sunday at home visiting with friends
and attending to business mailers.
The legislature adjoudned Thursday
afternoon but Lloyd is a memner or
the Democratic committee on 00111-
mltteees, which did not nnisu us
business until Friday arternoon. lie
reports everything going satisfactor
ily so far and that he has been
placed on two Important commltteees
whii-h will give him plenty of work to
do during the session, which con
vened and pot down to work again
on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas
accompanied him on his return.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Cure has been tak
en by catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-live years, and has become
known as the most reliable remedy
fur Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
surfaces, expelling the Poison Trom
the Blood and healing the diseased
After you have taken Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure for a short time you will
see a great Improvement In your gen
eral health. Start taking Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure at once and get rid of ca
tarrh. Send for testimonials, free
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
I l 4vs ...Ut-rTTT
"I ufTereJ tttatly from
nervousness unj head
ache. Tho lrant excite
ment save me dn-jlful
pain. I bewail ukIiij Dr.
Miles Nervine and a tew
days later etarud to tuUe
I)r. Miles' Heart Treat
ment. I soon got so r uch
better tliat I was enc-.iur-ged
and continued taklnf
tha two remedies until I
was so well that work was
na bother to ma at all."
Idaho Fulls. Idaho.
Striving to
satisfy the
apt to affect the nerves,
and continual standing
may weaken the Heart,
Dr. Milss' Nervine
is invaluable for Nervous
troubles, and for the Heart
Dr. Miles
Heart Treatment
is highly recommended.
IIimI Habits
Those who breakfast at 8 o'clock
or later, lunch at 12 and have dinner
at 6 are almost certain to be troubled
with Indigestion. They - do not al
low time for one meal to digest bo
fore taking another. Not less than
live hours should elapse between
member of the Federal Farm will be meals. If you are troublod with In
In Lincoln all day. He will Jiold a , digestion correct your habits and
meeting at 10 a. m. and another at J lake Chamberlain's Tablets, and you
2 p. m., to discuss the Farm Loan ' may reasonably hope for a quick re
Law. Anyone Interested In secur-' covery. These tablets strengthen
Ing cheap money should not fail to the stomach and enable It to perform
hear his talk. its functions naturally. Obtainable
7. There will be special programs everywhere,
both morning and afternoon, and Adv Jan
Sold by all Druggists, 7 5c
Ph on 19 Allhric. Nebra ?&1