the ALLIANCL i iEiAib LIX)Y1 O. THOMAS, limine Manager JOH W. TIKlMAs, Hlnt.r GKOltGK KDICK, City Alitor Published every Tli ti rwl by TUB HGRALIX PUHi.lsMINO COMPANY Incorporated fd V. Thomas. President J. Carl Thorn, Vice Vrvm .John W; Tliom. Herretart entered at tbe post office at Alliance. Nebraska, for transmission througD llialia aa second-class matter v. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. S1.60 PER YEAR IN ADVANCK If your copy of Tbe Herald doea not reach yoa regularly or satlsrac Willy, you ahould phone 140 or drop a card to the 6 fflce ' The beat of eenr ee Is what we are anx'ooa to Kite, ao don't hesitate to notify os without iir when your paper NERRASKA PRESS ASSOOAnOfJ) Society Column Miss Katherlne Knleet very de lightfully entertained In compliment o her guests, Mr", 'and Mrs. W. L. Meyer of Mason City, Nebr., at the 1 . ;-t !;o.o Thiysday evening. The Christmas -colors of red and green were carried out In the decorations throughout. The whole evening was one of great enjoyment for those In attendance, the hostess having pro vided amuHCim-nt out of the ordin ary. Toward the close of the even ing's entertainment a delightful luncheon whs served. The follow ing "guests were. In attendance: the Misses Charlotte Mollring, Marie Buechscnsteln. Hannah Knlest, Ag-toyZ?-- Eunice. Mid rod and the Messrs. 'ftCTtf Euoohsonsteln, Han Ben, Trumbell, Henry Rust, Orvllle Davenport and Frank BuochseiiHteln. Irene Rice, and tho"Mesar". Adraln Keane, Fred Carlson, Entl Guendell. Wm. Oslonburg, Jr.," Orvllle Daven port, Michael and Martin Nolan Richard Young, Norman Newberry And Harold Judd. Ther will be story tolling at the Al liance City Library on Saturday aftcr- The Knights of Columbus held a Boclal meeting at their hall Monday evening at which they were entitled to bring their wlvca. The Lndlos Aid Society of the Meth odist church met Wednesday- after noon with Mrs. W. R. Pate. Each member brought a resolution for the new year, same being cither In poet ry or proso. Mrs. Harry Cants entertained at a luncheon and bridge party Friday af ternoon In compliment to Misses Josephine and Nellie O'Donnell of Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Slagle delight fully entertained the following at a 6 o'clock dinner Thursday evening: Mr end Mrs. M. S. Hargraves, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. llolsten and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hunter. The tin ntiil New Ycrr's ball held at the Elk's club Monday night was attended by some Bixty-thrco couples. being one of tho monl successful af fairs ever held by that order. The hall presented a very pretty picture, being decorated In ChriRtmas colors, while at various places about the hall were evergreen treca of various sizes. The All'anco orchestra, which played behind a wall of trees, pro vlded the music for tho occasion., and to say that they mado a hit with their music is putting It mildly. Spot light dances helped make the occa sion an even greater succesu. Mrs. Ethel Nolan O'Brien and Miss Frances Nolan were hostesses Thurs day evening at a pleasant luncheon and card party given in compliment to the Misses Josephine and Nellie O'Donnell of Omaha. The guests were the Misses Mable and Marie Carey, Etta K earns Josephine and Nellie O'Donnell; the Mesdames Earl Mallery, Percy Cogswell. Harry Oantz and Frank Abegg. . Mian llt'lln HnlRten dellchtfjllv en tertained a number of her friends ut ! a four-course dinner on the evening of December 27. American Beauty rosea were used as a table decora tion. The guest list Included tho following: Misses OrHce Carlson. Martha Shaw. Helen. Klce, Edith Reddish, and the. Messrs. Marvin Dickinson, Edward Froeshla, Frank Uuechsenstein, Maine Ileckwlth, and Joseph Williams. ' Alliance flrends have received un- . - m I - .... I r 11 1 ii llHtlllf infills Ul luu u ttl I lllr u jiiincij Minnie Heed or riioenix. Arte., an nouncing her marriage to Mr, Ray Clowden, also of Phoenix. The mar riage took place In the home city of the bride and groom. The bride is a graduate of the Alliance high school and Is a daughte rof Mr. and Mrs. D. Reed, former old residents of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kridclbaugh, en tertained -the following at dinner on the evening of New Years day: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Welsh, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Slagle, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Tll lett, Mrs. Swoop and Mrs. Highland o Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hampe enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg? Edlck at dinner New Years eve and until the new year dawned amid the Tinn ing of bell Is and the blowing of whistles. On New fears evening Rev. J. B. Cams united In marriage Miss An nette Veule and Mr. W. M. Welsh both of K. C ranch In Wyoming. The hnppy couple left on the midnight train for Texas whore they will spend the winter at a ranch owned by them In that slate. The bride Is the owner of a large ranch In Wyoming and deals extensively In cattle. The groom is also a stockman, both pp. riles b Ing wealthy ranchers. The Rebecca Circle meets this af ternoon at the home of Mrs. F,..V. Hicks. "'21 Tuluca, for "business a:id social session. this city, Eltlng Bennett waB host at a 6 o'clock luncheon held Thursday ev ening In honor of his guest, Miss Irene Hummell, of Hot Springs. S. I). The color Bcheme was In the Christ mas colors, red and green, and made a very pretty picture.. The guests in attendance were Miss. Irene Hum mell, Miss Hannah Cotant. Miss Jul ia Frankle. and Messrs. H. Bennett and Anderson of Iowa. The Misses Matilda Frankle. Mar garet Harris, Mabel Young and Theresa Morrow have been at O'Neill the past week enjoying themselves at a hou party given by the daugh ter! of J. J. Harrington. The two young ladlea visited In Alliance laBt summer, spending a most enjoyable week here. Members of the Alliance Fire De partment held the thirteenth annual New Years oaii ior iu t " tlon at the Phelan opera house Mon day night. MubIc for the affair was furnished by the Imperial orchestra. Aa usual, the affair waa a success from atart to finish, all enjoying themselves immensely. The home of Mrs. Edward Young waa a scene of a delightful reunion Saturday evening when a number of nichard'a former clr-SBmatca were en tertained at an elaborate five course dinner. Mra. Young waa assisted In serving by the MIsbos Mildred Camp bell and Archibald Bennnett. The ttuesta in attendance were Max llcox of Bridgeport. Archibald Blackburn. Lloyd Tully, Bernard Holsteu. Milton Keegan. Michael tad Martin Nolan. Orvllle Davenport and Richard Young. The Misses Haxcl Bennett. Cynthia Davenport. Irene Rlc. Mildred Campbell. Threso O'Donnell and Hannah Keane enjoyabty entertained a number of their frienda at an ela borate six course dinner on New dear's eve at the home of Miss Hatel Bennett. After the dinner a watch party waa held, the time being ; spent with music and gamca and In rtune telling, at which MIbb Denova Dickin son proved very apt. Tho guests wer the Mlssea Ruth Morris. Char lotte Mollring. Denova Dickinson. Theresse O'Donnnelll. Dorothy Smith. Cynthia Davenport. Hannah Keane. Allldred Campbell!. Haxel Bennett. Mrs. Leo Basye will entertain the T. O. T. Club at her home 723 Big Horn, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Ther wero about forty in atten dance ut the holiday party given by the young people of the Baptist church Fridry evening in the parlors of the church. The parlors were very prettily decorated In green and red with white tinsel and evergreen to add to the effect. Games and music provided the principal part of tho veenlngs entertainment. Tho Women's Club will meet at the home Mrs. James Hunter on Fri day afternoon of this week, January 5. Roll call, "Mualc and It's Lang uages." by Mrs. Bert Tonath; Book Review by Mrs. W. R. Pate; music instrumental selection, by Mrs. W. J. Root; vocal duet, by. Elisabeth and Josephine Wllaon; vocal solo, by Miss Ruth Layton; reading by Jamoa Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tinkcom de lightfully entertained the local em ployees of the Adams Express Com pany on New Years day by serving a bountiful six courso dinner. Mrs. P. L. Dodd restated the hostess in the serving of the dinner. Those Incited were P. L. Dodd, J. E. Simpson, H. 11. Brennaman, R. J. Brlndle, II. An derson. G. G. Brooder and F. Find ley. " Thirteen couples enjoyed a sumtu ous, Informal dinner party at the Alliance Hotel on New Years even Ing. Those In attendance were Beat ed at two tables, the tables being beautifully decorated with ferns and cut flowers. The Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Modisett. Mr. and Mrs Reuban Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Mr. and Mra. F. J. Was, Mr and Mrs. Howard Reddish, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gantz. the Misses Cynthia Davenport. Dorothy Smith Pauline Dowd, Josle O'Donnell!, Haxel Bennett. Mildred Campbell and the Messrs. Clark Denuy, Emll Guendel. Fred Carlson, W. R. Mets, Bernard llolsten. William Ostnberg and H M. Bushnell, Jr. Mrs. W. W. Norton and Mrs. Jas. Hunter delightfully entertained a number of their frienda Friday even ing at an elaborate four course dinner at the home of the former. The home waa beautifully decorated for the occasion with an abundance of cut flowers arranged In a dainty and pleasing manner about the house After the dinner, small Quotations were given the guests after which each one read the one assigned to her. i ue iiuHit n-f-B theii iiEked etch guest to write, a New Years resolution in either proso or poetiy, Mrs. Pate reading all. Mrs. Fred Mollring was awarded the prize. The hostesses had prepared a large circle suspended from tho archway and each guest was given prepared balls to throw, tbe one getting the greatest number through the circle In ten trials wlu:ilng a prise. Mrs. E. W. Loster proved her-! self tho most efficient thrower. The guests were Mesdames Pr.te, F. W. ' Lester, Fred Mollring, M. E. John son, Mounts, Worley, Phelps, Kuhn ItiiRye. Lloyd Thomas, Gaddis, and Clio. The hostesses were assisted by Mabtcr James Hunter, . The thirteenth annual bell to be given by the members of the Alliance Fire Department was held at the Phelan Opera House New Years night. It is estimated that thero all of two hundred couples In atten-j dance. Some estimate that there: was a superabundance of ladlea and j not enough ge'ntlemon, but they ac: count for that fact bv pointing out that leap year endel the da.y before and Any who might have been using their privilege during tho past twelvo months were compelled to submit to hte Inevitable. . The popular Imper ial orchestra under the direction of Milt H. Whaley provided the music and through the Inspiration of their harmony It was an ocsy matter for the large crowd In attendance to trip tho light fantastic with the greatest of eumt and grace. The ball room was beautifully decorated In the de partment's colors, red and white. Carnations were presented to the la dles. Being a New Years dancing party it was fitting and proper tlf.U tho large punch bowl be kept well filled, and Judging by the way those present lingered near, the contents must have touched the spot. In the wee small hours of -tho day after the night before all wended their way to their respective homes, knowing full well that they had enjoyed one "time." ward for any case of Catarrh that I cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been tak en by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Uldod and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Ca tarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your gen eral health. Start taking Hall's Ca tarrh Cure at once and get rid of ca tarrh. Send for testimonials, free, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Adv Jan . GREAT MASS OF PROOF Reports of 40.OOO C'nxes or Kidney Trouble, Koine of Them Al- , llniM'e Case Each of pome 6,000 newspapers of the United States Is publishing from week to week, names of people In Its particular neighborhood, who have used and recommended" Doan's Kidney Pills for k'dncy br.ckacho, weak kidneys, bladder troubles and urinary disorders. This mess of proof Includes over 40,000 recom mendations. Alliance lan.o excep tion. Here Is one of tho Alliance cases. Mrs. H. C. Smith, Duncrr.s addi tion, Alliance, says: "I sufferod from kidney and bladder trouble for- a long time. My back was weak and any effort such as lifting a pall of water, or even getting out of a chair, caused knlfe-Ilke pains In my back. My kidneys acted too often, especially at night, and the secre tions were unnatural. Doan'B Kid ney Fills, which I got at Brennan'B Drug Store, have always relieved me finely. They are tho medicine I would advise anyone having such trouble to use." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan a Kidney rills tne same. that Mrs. Smith had. Foster-MIl- burn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv Jan 4-11 Mrs. Laura. B. Hale, state organis er for tho Women's Christian Tem perance Union, who is to deliver a talk at the City Mission Sunday af ternoon, and her sister, Mrs, Alice S. Holtort of Soneca, are guests this week of Mrs. Hale's sn, Melvin Hale and his family. i DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD ;( a Kinall package of Hamburg I! react Tea, or as the German folks call it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Jake a tablespoonful of the Ua, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is tbe moat effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of tht skin, relieving congextion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from tbe Bjstem. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensivf and entirely vegetable, therefor sa3 and harmless. BACKACHE AND LUMBAGOJIGHT OUT Bab Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest St Jacobs Oil When your bark is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only iicc. It takes the ache and pain right ut tf your back and ends the misery, ft is magical, yet absolutely harralesr ami doesn't burn tbe skin. , Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery bo promptly I ADDITIONAL LOCALS Harry Golden of Broadwater was In the city Saturday.- He Is the Ford agent at that place. Mrs. J. G. Beck has been Buffering from an attack of la grippe several days this past week. W. H. Goforth of Scottsbluff was In the city Monday enroute to his home from Marsland. Mrs. J. S. Rhein arrived home the last of the week following an ex tended visit in the east. - V Mr. and Mrs. T. F. AVatklns have been. here from Bayard for a few days' visit the past week. Miss Rene Trumbull has returned to Mitchell, South Dakota, following her visit here with friends.., Frank Ellis of Marsland, who for the past month has been at St. Jos eph's hospital here, returned to his home Sunday. , Following a visit here with rela tives, Mrs. Susie Frazier has re turned to Chadron Normal to .again take up her.. work there. Miss Amanda Osnes left Tuesday ror Chadron to take up her studies at the State Normal School. -She is taking a business course. .Edwin Whttaker left for hla home &t Sterling. Colo.. Tuesday. He had , been spending the Christmas B"nr:on at'the home of Mrs. L. M. Kennedy. Little Miss Vera, Lo wry arrived home Monday from Denver, making the trip aline. She had been visit ing. Mrs. Bess Mitchell McCarthy and MIbb Mary Mitchell there. We will rurnisli the money U mild homes In Alliance. We Inspect he property ourselves and fnrnlsr iiiiney quickly at a low rate of Inter est. Nebraska Land .Company, Alii nce, Nebr. H. M. Bushnell, Jr., returned to Allliance Tuesday morning follow ing a visit of a little over a week at Lincoln and Omaha. At Lincoln he visited at, the home of his parents over Christmas and after attending to some business matters for the Al liance Commercial Club, of which he is eecretary he went to Omaha where he went in the Interests of the club. VVAHI ADDEPARTMENT WANTED Girl for general house atd. f t 9 7J6Z-5-U ROOMS FOR HENT -18 J Chey one Avenue.t Alilince, Nebraska. 4-tf-7682jj V Four-room t cottage for rent, fur nished. Light nftd water. Phona Black 858, r,'!iU The Herald of fice. I i 5 - 4-2t-79 FOR SALK tkd prairie hay. C. Persons, Cetit rut City, Nebr. B-lt-7953-$ f J. AUTO 3 FOR fiALEXecoud band roadster uad a second-hand Ford touring tar for sale cheap. In quire at the Sturgeon garage. jJV 52-tf-7848 W . ti FOR SALFV :lai miles of Alliance. sluding some. farmi alfalfa. Will sell whole ranch. A bn j -ir-maker. 'Artdreesl Alliance Herald. h within tea 1900. acres. In land Buitable for art interest - or gain and a znofi- Box 782S. ears 60-t-7 Bad I Ixbl Jh Those who breakfast at 8 o'clock or later.lunch at 12 and have dinner at 6 are almost certain to bo troubled with indigestion. They do not al low time for one meal to digest be fore taking another. Not loss than five hours should elapse between meals. If you are troubled with In digestion correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets, and you may reasonably hope for a quick re covery. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable It to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Adv Jan MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAlf On Box Butts county land nnd ranches In the sant Mils No delay In Ihaklnir h ':' we Inspect ou landi and furnish ta money at oaee. J. C. McCorkle. Ma- fork le Building, Alliance, Nebr. . a r r I s MOVE FCRNITCTIB SAFELY We have equlppefl our dray was ins and auto track with the taten ippllances for moving furnltnr without ai scrim: or scratching " or damage. t9-to-4at wagon partt will be used by un o&all moving jobs JOHN R.. SNYDER, Phona 16. , j f -ir-oou - a ' m,t MOKAVEK j'yAowns the follow ing brand: On j"3 tattle, "heart" Iftwi-kW n lower middle lit S &f right side, al- i r- s n va D thigh. On horses 'heart" on hind . right shoulder. Postofflce-i Carton, Nebr. . . It Is foolish: to a good clear con of face powder. the trouble 'and the system with King's New - Llto mild In action, d relieve the liver the bowel. IGooi and aged. Go al Ion today. 2(c t Adv 1 n. from Within tJSnk you can gain ipsExion oy me use ut at the root of UPIUUftUl VIVKUIQ a treatment of Dr. Pills. Gentle and i not gripe, yet they bfi their action on t wr young, adults tef,a clear complex-- t four druggist. NEBRASKA BKTTEIt THAN IDAHO J. P. Hazard, former county nur veyor of Box Butte county, and his wife rocently moved to Gooding, Ida ho They- like- the pvopi." Hint eoun try there but judging from the fol lowing letter written to The Herald by ?!r. Hazard, December 24, they still pirfer western Nebraska: We have settled at Gooding, Idaho. We like the people and the country here, bo far as we have seen. The land Is quite level tu this vicinity, tho much of the surrounding country Is rough and mountainous. There is less wind and storms than In Nebraska and generally not quite, so cold In winter. Farm ing and fruit growing are most ly on the Irrigated areas, but sore localities practice dry farming with some Buccess. There Is not nearly bo much teed on the wild, uncultivated lands as there Is in Nebraska. Thero la a great deal of vacant government land, but Just what it If good for or what can be done with It I am unable to Bay. Some of tbe old settlers Bay, ' It will never be taken It can never be . Bettled." But after r.eelng the results In the sand hills of Nebraska, I am inclined to doubt-thelr ludgment. The Habit of Taking Cold j With many people taking cold U , a habit, but fortunately one that Is easily broken. Take a cold sponge, bath every morning when you first get out of bed not ice coia. dui a temperature of about 80 degrees F. Also Bleep with your window up. Do thla and you will aeldom take cold, u'kn vnu An take cold tako Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and get rid j of it as quickly as possible, uoiain- able everywhere. Adv Jan MODHTlUlAK NEWS Mr. Lera Derr returned to Quern Bey. Wyo.. last Saturday after a short visit with hla parents. Mr. and Mra. Calvin Derr. The severe snow storm of Mon day and Tuesday caused the cattle to drift In this locality. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Derr of Ma l'.nda. spent Sunday at Bert Millers. Mr. James Neurd teacher In Dis trict No. 54 Is spending hla Christ mas vacation In Mniatare. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Derr and Mrs. Eva Miller and brother Harry spent Sunday with James Derr on the Nels Worley ranch. Mr. t'ide Derr waa a busines call er at Lawrence sAckers Vast Thurs day morning. Mr. Allien Ackers waa visiting vnth tr end near Hope last Thura day. HUW'n THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- A Prosperous For Wheat Yeal - X'f I Growers IT IS RUMORED that a certain fashionably young lady in Alliance kneels bread with her gloves on. This incident may be peculiar, but there are ott ers. Now we need bread with our shoes on, and we need bread with owr shirts on, and we need bread with our pants on, and unless we get busy aid stir up some of Box Butte county's dirt and raise wheat and corn, we will scn need bread without a thing on, and this town will be a garden of Eden gjld short on fig leaves. We are all to blame for the high cost of liriag.' ll's production we need, instead of investigation. There is no time for, high cfst of living in Box Butte county if we will use the opportunities in sight and felt letting ninety (90) per cent of our fertile soil lay in waste. The best prwpfsi- . tion in sight is to till the soil and produce the needed bread. You know i ou can buy a farm in Box Butte county and pay for it with one-third of tEe Z-Z. breadstuff that the eastern speculators had to sell to get the money he paid for this land, and you know that he paid for it with the production of breadstuff at one-third the price it now is, and you should know that the Box Butte farmer received the highest price for his spuds of any farmer in the United States, and we are hero to show you that' we can sell you a farm for less than one-half what you can buy one equally as good for in any other part of the United States and don't you know there has been more land sold in Box Butte county in the last six weeks than there was sold Jn the last six years, and you know that land has just started to soar as has everything else, and can't you ee if you get in rigai now and buy some of our best bargains you will double your money before you have to pay for all of it? We want you to call at our new office on the ground floor and west room in the First National Bank Build ing, opposite the Fostoffice, and let us show you our best bargains and terms you can buy on. - - Yours for the chance of a life-time prosperity. NEBRASKA LAND CO. P. S. See us for farm loans.