The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 21, 1916, Image 1

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    i he Alliance Herald
Newspaper of
Western Nebraska
16 i'AntS
2 ' "CiOUS
vm: m.
Plan to flare "Box Butte County
Cay" at Totato Show at Lin
coln tn January
All TtnT Tliittft ronntv an well as
County Agent Seidell and the Box :
Butte Farmers' Association are In- i
terested In seeing Box Butte county;
well represented at the potato show j
to be held during tho week of Or
ganized Agriculture at the University
Farm, Lincoln. Fifty-throe prizes,
are offered In the free-for-all state
potato classes. Besides this the
Boys' State. Potato corneal win ciose
and the winners will bo announced.
Send Prise Winner
Nebraska's banner potato county
should be well represented at this
show and more than this, the exhib
its should be the prizo-wlnning ones.
There Is no better way to advertise
Box Butte county to Nebraska and
the world than by competing at the
potato show and carrying away the
prises. If Box Butte county can Im
press the fact upon enough people
that this county Is the heart of the
most opulent potato growing region
n earth, that here in this county
one crop of potatoes irore than pays
for the land, every effort put forth
will be well paid. Every time a new
farmer learns of the great possibili
ties here and moves to Box Butte
county. Just that much is the value
of the land here enhanced. It Is a
business proposition a dollars and
eents proposition and should not be
The Requirements
In order to compete In the potato
show twelve tubers of each variety
the cwner wishes to enter are re
quired. Every man or boy, every
father or son, every senior or mem
ber of the Boys' Potato Club who in
tended to aid himslef while aiding
Box Buite county to make a reputa
tion should get buoy at once prepar
ing for this big event. -How
to Prepare
Just whatto do will trouble some,
but it will not If each one will do as
suggested by Cbunty Agent Seidell
tn the following instruction: Pick
out at least two dozen of the best
tubers you ran find, keeping in mind
variety type desired, uniformity in
size and shape, skin firm and of good
texture, free from scab, etc., of the
proper color and size large enough
to Just lay nicely in the palm of the
ordinary hand. Then pack them in
some very dry sand If possible, or
light soil, and store them where the
temperature Is as cool as possible,
ki n n norofni nnt in rhlll nr freeze
UOIUR VM. v . - " ,
them. This will have a tendency to
bring back the natural color and
make the potatoes plump. Then not
later than January 12 the potatoes
iquuiu uo uiuufiui w 0...
Seidell, who will assist an wno ex
pect ot enter potatoes In the Bhow In
packing the best fifteen potatoes.
.,l,nh ha will thon takn with him to
nuiLii ..... v. -
the potato show. .
Owner' Nam Attached
All entries will be entered with the
owner's name attached. Anyone
who desires to see the prize list can
do so by calling at the office of the
county agent.
The first session of the week will
begin on January 15, and sessions
will continue until January 19. All
who are Interested In going to the
show or In exhibiting their potatoes
should consult nt their first possible
convenience with the county agent
so arrangements can be made for a
Box Butte County Day.
If growers respond as they should
Box Butte county day- at the potato
show will be worth thousands of dol
lars to this county. There are only
five days for the. show, and if Box
Butte county can monopolize one
fifth of the time, or one day, It is
easy to see what the effect would
have on outsiders.
Nebraska Telephone Company ath
ertng Information for New Toll
I J no to Broken Hour
- That Alllanm Is soon to have long
distance telephonic communication
with the sandhill country to the east
Is indicated by the fact that the Ne
braska Telephone Company has men
gathering Information and statistic
regarding the territory to be trav
ersed 'between this city and Broken
Communication with eastern Ne
braska point by long distance tele
phone is had at the present time by
way of Bridgeport, Sidney. North
Platte and Grand Island. Toll lines
reach as far west on the Burlington
as Broken Bow. In order for a call
from Broken Bow to reach Alliance
It is necessary to talk via Grand Is
land, North Platte. Sidney . and
Bridgeport, a distance ot several
hundred miles farther than a direct
line from Alliance to Broken Bow.
A line directly east along the Bur
lington from Alliance would open up
rammunlcatlon with Lakeside. Antl-
och, Ellsworth. Bingham. Ashby,
Thedford. Mullen, Merna and other
points. A line extends as far east
as Ellsworth at this time but it is
not perfect service. ,
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the kind friends .and
neighbors who lent aid and aaalst
'arice to us during the illness and
death of our beloved baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Merbert H. Hughes.
County Must Make Appropriation if Work Isto Be Continued Sev-
eral Counties Have Already Provided Fund Those
Who Contributed Locally
At the annual meeting of the .Box
Butte Farmers' Association held in j
contlnuo the county agent work pro
vided the necessary funds were se
cured with which to continue this
work. Arrangements were made
with County Agent F. M. Seidell to
superintend the work for the com
iug year. The next important item
on the program is the securing of
the necessaiy funds.
' Moitt Essential Part
The hardest and yet the most es
sential part of supporting the county j
agent work is the financing. In the
first place, the federal department
and the state of Nebraska pay direct
ly to the county agent $1,200 of his
salary. In order to start the work
in a new county It Is necessary to
raise a minimum sum to equal the
amount put up by the state and nat
ional governments.
Make Appropriations
. The work was started in Box I
Butte county in the manner related j
'-bove. The fund was raised bys
membership fees of $5 and to make!
up the deficit subscriptions were se
cured to amounts as large as it was
possible to secure. A sufficient sum
of money pledged and unpaid re-j
mains to nmsn mis year a worn.
However, from now on there will be
no work conducted where the coun
ty doeB not make an appropriation.
Butler county has lust organized on
this basis and Sheridan county did J
so last spring. , Dawes and Kimball ;
counties make appropriations and
about $2,400 for the work. Previous
to the November election a petition
was circulated over the county and
stgneu by land owners asking the
board of commissioners of Box Butte
county to make an appropriation to
keep this work gonlg. The petition
was signed by most of the land own
ers. Treasurer Iteports
W. F. Patterson, treasurer of the
Box Butte Farmers' Association, re
ports that during the period from
February 1. 1815. to December 16.
1916. Inclusive, there had been paid
In and receipted for the sum of $2,
660.25, and cash paid in and not re
ceipted for to teh amount of $20.
The total cash paid In amounts to
$2,560.25. A total of $2,509.70 was
paid out. Tho cash in the banks as
per statements is $70.55. All bills
were paid up to and Including the
first of November. The estimate of
funds necessary to take care of Nov
ember and December is $235, mak
ing it necessary to collect in at least
$165 before January 1. Some pay
ments were made at the various
banks In the county, some to the
treasurer In person, some mailed to
the Box Butte Farmers' Association
and some paid to the office assistant
in the office of the county agent, to
the Commercial Club secretary and
to the county agent. ,
List of Donors
Following Is a list of those who
have given local financial support to
the work since its organization, to
gether with the amounts paid:
C. B. & Q. R. R. Co $300
C. A. Newberry 100,
W. W. Norton 75
First National Bank 75
Alliance Creamery 75
Dlerks Lbr. and Coal.Co 60
Alliance National Bank 60
J. H. Vaughn and Son 60
Keeler-Coursey Co. 45
Hemlngford State Bank ....... 40
Rowan & Wright 40
A. D. Rodgers 37.50
Mallery Groc. Co 37.60
F. E. Holsten 37.50
Geo. A. Mollring 37.60
Geo. Darling 30
Thlele and Barnes 30
The Famous 25
Thos. Katen
F. J. Betzold
S. A. Foster Lbr. Co
N. O. Nellsen
Joe Relman
D. W. Re1 man 10
D. E. Purlnton 10
John Riley 10
C. L. Powell .
C. M. Johnston
Win. Mundt
Robert Mundt
L. J. Schlll ..
J. At
F. M. Russell . 10
C. S. WUson 10
wm. King .
J. Rlordan .
First State Bank 20
(Continued on last page)
Santa Claus will visit
us Sunday Evening.
Watch for him.
Representatives f Many County
- - Work if Funis Are roTicld
Read Officers
The Box Butte Farmers Associa
tion held its second annual meeting
at the Box Butte county court bouse
here Saturday afternoon, December
16. There were some twenty-five
farmers in attendance representa
tives of all organizations of the
county, such as Farmers' ' Clubs,
Commercial Clubs, and the Farmers'
Organization's Object
The object of the organization is
to encourago among its members and
the farmers of the county better
methods of farming and stock rais
ing, home building, and all lines of
agricultural work, and to promote
the moral, Intellectual, and material
welfare of the community. It is fur
ther one of the main objects of this
organization to hire and assist in ev
ery way possible a county agent,
whose duty it is to co-operate with
the members of the association, and
other citizens of the county, to deter
mine under actual farm conditions
the best agricultural practices of the
county. The county agent is In a
position to co-ordinate the work of
the U. S. Department of Agriculture
and the Nebraska Collcgo of. Agri
culture with the county problems.
Schlll Presided'
President Schlll presiding called
the meeting to order and called upon
the acting secretary to read tho min
utes of the last annual meeting. The
couuty agent report was read next.
Some things brought out in the re
port are: 75 farms are now keeping
record of the farm business, 40 keep
ing cost account on potatoes, 20
farms had made changes based on
the Farm Survey. In boys' and
girls' club work thirty-three would
finish their club work. It was
found 118 farm treated oats, a total
of 2730 acres, at lncreaso of 3.6
bushels . per acre average. On 93
farms potatoes were treated, the av
erage based on the demonstrations
gava increased yield ot 8 bushels per
acre of much better quality. The
seed corn campaign had added ma
terially to the yield on the 11,153
acres of the county. Some Immedi
ate economic results to Box Butte
county as result of county agent
work. 1916:
1 Oats Smut control ....... $3,777
Organizations Present to Continue
- OolUlty Agent ' Report "
Are Elected
Seed corn campaign .' 8,922
Potato Iniprovtn't project. 24.20T.
Club Work profit 1.215
Potato Market bulletin ..'100,000
Total $158,159
Box Butte county's entire tax for
1916 is $137,953.50.
AimiumI Election Held
After favorable discussion of the
report the election of officers fol
lowed. After considerable discus
sion L. J. Schlll was re-elected pres
ident; Louis F. Powell, elected sec
retary: W. F. Patterson, rc-olected
treasurer, and A. S. Enyeait re-elected
vice president.
Elect Precinct Officers
The meeting at which the direct
ors of certain precincts were to be
elected was called off becauso of the
weather. Dorsey precinct elected J.
H. Rohrbaugh director; Boyd pre
cinct elected Brown Griffith, and
Lake Precinct, O. W. Nation. Thr
Federal Loan Associations were dis-
cussed, and an organization Is plan
ned for tho near future. Tho direct
ors made arrangements with County
' Agent Seidell to continue work 1
funds are provided to continue th
Local veterinarians have reported
to the county scent that a typical
case of sore mouth or infectious sto-
mlnltts has appeared In the vicinity
of 619 Missouri avenue, this city.
This diseae will be remembered by
many as the cause of the last foot-and-mouth
disease scare that appear
ed In all the livestock papers of thlp
state. It Is not a serious disease,
but it certainly is not best to spread
it. The case has been reported to
the state authorities, who probably
will not place a quarantine. Owner
of livestock are. however, Interested
;in preventing Its spread.
Frank A. May of Omaha, commer
cial superintendent of the Nebraska
Telephone Company, stopped over In
Alliance Monday and Tuesday of this
week. Mr. May was formerly the
' district sunerintendent for the dis
trict In which Alliance was located.
with headquraters at Grand Island.
He was promoted to his present pos
ition In November.
.V. C.T, (j. Pf,
Foin. . :j Yaff
8 hcdulo of Month. tranced tor
Coming Twclt.- M.mlt .
Plan a Full Yi'nr
The AlllanceW, C. T. U. has ar
ranged their schedule of meetings
covering the year 1917 and plan to
accomplish much for thnisclvcs and
iur iii.j gonoral goo 1. The progra.a
mu arranged for the co.v.lng year is as.
January BubIihhh meetlnc. the
liremdont in chair, hostess. Mrs. J..
W. Ukm'I. Sweetwater iivenuo.
January 25 Mother's meeting.
Mia. F. A I. Phelps, lender; hostess-.
M, . '. ....... ia r.
" vyiuu, i iv Dwi'ri water,
February 8 Bual.irm meeting
the president in the clmlr: hostess
wrs. i. k. rasn, Bit) Uox Butte ave
nu. February 22, Frances WIllar
memorial, Mrs. C. C. Smith, leader;
hortteris, Mrs. V. M. Pln lus. 412 Lar
March 8 -BuBlncbB pres
ident in chair; hosics. Miss Mabel
Young, 419 Sweetwater.
.March 22 All-duy institute. Mrs.
J. J. Vance in chair; hosiers, Mrs. W.
S. Acheson, 419 Cheyenne.
April 12 Business meeting, pre
Ident hi chair; hotes, Mrs. V. B..
Lotspeich, 407 Toluca.
April 26 Christian cltlzenshl
Mrs. W. H. Cutts, leader; hostess
Mrs. A. Gregory, Eighth and Chey
May 10 Business meeting, pres
ident In chair; hosteps, Mrs. II. U.
Carpenter, Fifth and Sweetwater.
May 24 Monarchies: Purity In.
Literature and Art, Mrs. J. O. Dole
and Mrs. W. R. Pate, leaders; host
ess. Mrs. W. U. Pate, 932 Box Butte.
June 14 Business meeting, presi
dent In chair; hostess, Mrs. Reeves.
803 Missouri.
June 28 Flower Mission, Mrs. A.
F. Bundy, leader; hostess, Mrs. W-
S. Coker, 901 Yellowstone.
July 12 Business meeting, presi
dent in' chair; hostess, Mrs. A. F.
Bundy, 612 Emerson.
July 26 Sabbath observance
Mrs. S. C. LaMon. lender; hostess
Mrs. J. B. Cams, 604 Box Butte ave
nue. '
August 9 Mother's meeting, Mrs.
F. M. Phelps, leader;' hostess, Mrs.
H. J. Young, 809 Box Butte..
August 23 Annual meeting, pres
ident In chair; hos'ese, Mrs. J. W.
Thomas, 408 Sweetwater.
September 13 Wor'-i nrong rail
road employes, Mrs. C. II. Hughes
leader; hostess, Mrs. A. A. Layton
819 Laramie. ,
September 27 Sytcmitlc Giving.
Mrs. J. L. Overman, lender; hostess
Mrs. J. J. Vance, 421 Toluca.
October 11 r Businrsi meeting,
the president In th chair; hostess,
Mrs. H. R.' Beans, 3ef, Kant Third.
October 25 Franch'"'. Mrs. J. O.
Beck, leader; hosteps, MVs. M. James
619 Box Butte.
November 8 BnMnvs meeting,
tho president In t h 'rbn'r; hosteFS.
Mrs. Ralls, Seventh on 1 Sweetwater.
November 22 Prsa meeting.
if ri!.- J, . . Wv Thomnfl . . r : host ess,
Mrs. J. G. Dole, 118 West Seventh.
December 13 Evnrp"llBtlc, Mrs.
A. A. Lsyton, leader: hostess, Mrs. C.
C. Smith, 928 Box Butte.
December VI Fmf.iy school,
Mrs. Mclntyre, leader; hostCES, Mrs.
Howman, 324 Laramie.
Vitnt SI, TmvehwV'Protwtlve Asso
ciation, Will Help Needy Ftuul
Uva at CUribtinti! Timo
T!ie nie , be of rv. ?!. Travelers
Protective Ansoclatlon, voted, at the
last regular meeting to use some of
fne lUiiJu of the o.-;;ur ir.tlon for the
benefit of needy families in Alliance
it Christmas time.
Thompson, Hull nr. Van Land-fliiRh-im
were appolntel a commit
tee to handle the distribution of
ood thlnr to eat for V'i Christmas
dinner. They will .-see -.bat a large
number of needy famlH :s have a bis
Itnner on the day when all should (
be glad and happy.
A year ago members of the com
mittee were much surprised when
delivering a basket fuil of good
hings to certain ho e to meet the
dray roan con.lug out of the house
after delivering a piano. The com
nlttee was game, however, and put
the bounteous goodies on top of the
plapo. This year, however, they vill
f that families who afford pi
anos and necessities of life buy their
own Christmas dinner.
Miss Delia Holsten Ts expected
home this week to spend the holld;?
vacation with her parits. Mr. an
Mrs. Fred Ilolatrn. Sro Is attend
ing school at Drownell Hall In Oma
ha. . One of her schoolmates will ac
company her here. . "
January 1, 2. i, 4, 6 and 6 State
Poultry Show at Kearney.
January 15. 16, 17, 18. 19 and 20
State Improved Live Stork Associ
ation meeting at Lincoln. n
January 16. 17 and IS Annual con
vention of Nebraska Volunteer
Firemen at Auburn.
January 16. 17, 18 und 19 Winter
Apple. Floral and Potato show at
Lincoln. ,