w m mm w m m mw h tactical .Christmas Presents Any Mother'will Appreciate, Coming from Son Milk Card, Seam Rip. per and Matchbox Holder. NEELY HALL. lift articles shown In the Illustrations will appeal most' to- my renders who prefer Ideas for thing quirk ly pnt together, per hnps, but even the boy who likes more complicated prob lems will enjoy making these practical rtlcles for the home. Ttas milk-card board In Fig. 1 Is provided with screweyes to bang tip am hooka outside of the door at which the morning milk Is delivered. Fig. 2 bows a pattern for the board, but be cause milk cards vary in alze you had better measure the card for which the board la to be used, to see that It (Its, before you begin work. The mar gin around the card should be about in Fig. 1. Bevel the edges of the Jioard aa shown. Then prepare the strip A (Fig 2), and fasten It with . brads along the lower edge of tho . board for the card to rest upon. Glvo ttse board two coats of shellac, var nish, or paint; then when it la dry. crew four hooka Into It at the points indicated (B, Fig. 2), to hold the edges 0t the card, and a pair of screweyes fato the top edge, for hangers. Mother would appreciate the seam tipper ahown In Fig. 3. All that you .steed Is a aafety-razor blade, tuid a Abort stick whittled round for a ban- .tie. Slot one end of the handle, slip ;fc blade Into the slot, and fasten with .email nails driven Into the handle and i ttimnrh a. nalr of tha hnlea In the f blade. Varnish the handle, and tho little tool will be completed. fig. 4 shows a handy holder for safety matches. The cover of tho afety-rrnteh box sets down over the block E i Fig. 7). to hold the matcher .and provide the match scratcher. ; Block F raises tho match ends an Inch U 3 . is .above the cover. 'The safety-match rbox stands on shelf B, between euds -C, (Fig. 7), for a burnt-match re ceptacle. The match-box holder may be built - em ot cigar-box strips or wood one- . quarter or three-elghtbs-lnca thick, JPlg. 5 shows a pattern for the back board A. and Fig. 6 showa the pat terns for the other parts. Fasten 3lock E to ahelf D, in the center ot its length, and about one-sixteenth of n Inch inside ot the back edge: thn sail B and D to the ends of pieces C trig. 7), so their bacK edges are in a Una with one another. Screw a pair f screweyes into the top ot back board A. for hangers. iCopyrlght. by A. Neely Hall) t!Z IQ A Consolation. WH. Christmas time has come again To And us all ao poor Wts spent enough In buying; sifts To finance one world's tour. JVut let's console our empty Jeans With these few words of cheer Taioee Christmas Joys and Christmas pains Do come but once per year. 5 5 Lesson One. "Do you know bow to ran an auto- snobller "Cetalnly,, replied Mr. Chngglns. "what's the first thlLg a man who baa bought a machine ought to dot f "Begtn work on a set of New Tear resolutions relating to economy, tern . fetance and aU the other meritorious fitttns ot self-restraint" - s 15 i Not That One. Are you going to Miss Oldgtrl'a sVUtletoe party r . "No; not unless she promises to tAolLT lilAUtulNa Articles That Boys Can Quickly Put Together. By A. ill rii 1 1 . n. Gnara j ' 'lltiiif.rB I I I A I I 1 from under." REAL DISCOVERER OF AMERICA SB John Cabot'a Memorable Voyage Never Has Had the Recognition It So Well Deserves. It Is one of the Ironies of fnte thnt the new world should benr the nnmo of Amerlcn. thus poi-puntlng the name of an adventurer, "Amerlcus Vespwlus, whose rlolm to being the "first discov erer" of the western continent wns based on a falsely dnted letter, re murks the New York World. On the 4th of June, John Cabot set foot on the soil of North America. He set up the banner of F.nj?lnnd and from" that hour the fortunes of this continent were destined to be swnyed by the An-Clo-Soxon race. His' discovery laid the foundation for the future supre macy of England In North America. , Whether Cubot touched the shores of the continent on "the dismal cliffs of Labrador," or on tho wild coasts of Nova Scotia or Newfoundland, will never be definitely known, but the con sensus of modern opinion seems to favor Cape Breton, which forms a part of what Is now the province of Nova Scot In. Columbus had succeeded only la at taining the Inland fringe of the conti nent before Cabot set foot on the main land. Cabot sailed over waters far stormier and more difficult than any encountered by, Columbus, and his equipment ond resources were vastly less, for ho had but a single tiny ves sel, the Matthew the first vessel to touch our Aincrlcnn shores. Ills dis covery of the North American conti nent preceded by more thnn a year the third voyage of Columbus when he came In sight of the mainland of South America. . Like Columbus and Vespuclus, John Cabot was a native of Italy, and It Is believed thnt he was born In Genoa, the native city of Columbus. Later he set tled In the English city of Bristol, and It was thence that he sailed oh his memorable voyage of discovery, having received a patent from Henry VIII, au thorizing hi in and his three sons to search for Islands, provinces or regions In the eastern, western or northern seas. PROPER REVERENCE FOR LAW Situation In the United 8tatea as Sec retary of Pennsylvania's Board of Education 8eea It Aa a boy he attended a little gray school In the country. Then he taught a country school at the age of sixteen. Afterward he waa superintendent of all the country schools of Lycoming county. And still later he was at the head of the State Normal school at Clarion, which educates teachers for these little gray schools. At present be Is secretary of the state board of education, alert, active on tha job 23 hours and 00 minutes every day. nence, when I get a school opinion frdm Dr. J. George Becht I know it Is not a shoemaker's theory of building a cathedral, a writer In the Philadelphia Ledger observes. Listen to him : "The school must be taught a reverence for the law. What must be the effects upon the children of .the all?n when In high schools they note the pupils strike be cause someone has been punished or j because a teacher lias been promoted or a holiday refused? Respect for the' law t Not respect for part of the law that applies to some body in Kansas, but respect for nil the law that applies to each boy and girl In Pennsylvania. "But this Is a free country," you say. Let Doctor Becht answer that: "No word Is so misunderstood as liberty. A man swinging his arms violently in a crowd struck the nose of a passer by. The Injured man objected, but the other retorted, "This Is a free country. "So it is, was the answer, 'but your liberty ends where my nose be gins.' " They Live in Pickle Salt Just west of promontory Tolnt Sta tion, Utah, is a pond cut off from the Croat Salt luke by the railroad fin- Diinkment. At times or high wnter In the luke this reservoir fills by percola tion through the entbuukmeut but dur ing the summer this wnter Is concen trated to a brine by evaporation. The deep pink color of the brine Is a phe nomenon that appears In suit ponds generally when a certain concentra tion In livK-hvd. In tho salt ponds of San Francisco bay this color is due to a certain bacillus which Uvea in saturated brines and also In the heaps of alt as It Is plied for drainage nnd shipment. Prohibitive to life as such nn environment mlht be considered. strong natural brines are, In fact In- habitvd by a number of minute organ isms animals as well as plants. The piiiK color disappears In winter or when freh water Is Introduced Into the pond. The Southern Puctflc com pany has done some experimental work on p'x-s.-rvl'ijj piles and railroad ties by nu;.;..n tU -. in the pond. Just Self-Confidence. It is a vanity of a sort that enable men and women to push to the front They believe that they can do about what they please and their very faith Is an aid. The devotees of new thought claim that confidence In one self Is a sure ticket to any place. "iwt say that. pieuaeu a woman who had Just heard another declare ber Inability to tulk on a subject with which she was thoroughly familiar. "Say you can talk and prove It to this club. And come to see me tomorrow and I will tell you bow to Increase your aelf-confldence." She kept her word with the result that the timid woman blossomed Into a brllllaiU I Miller Brothers9! - big m j li UJrliyJN JNUW rlllLrlJNCj SAJN1A a Hundreds and hundreds of toys are now on display in the great Christmas Toyland at Miller Brothers V Bring the chil dren here show them the wonderful assortment of things Santa Claus has in his Alliance storehouse. Bring the children see what attracts them most it will prove a big help in selecting your gifts for them. Despite the general shortage in toys we have been able to get our usual large assortment of merchandise for our annual Toyland. Here will be found toys galore toys of every description something for the wee tots something for those a little old for boys and girls alike. Toys, games, beautiful dolls of every kind and size, mechanical toys, everything to make glad the hearts of the children on Christmas morning. , . A large section of our store has been devoted to the most complete display of toys to be found in the city. Bring the little ones with you today tomorrow. Make your toy selections early. EVERYTHING FOR THE MECHANICAL TOTS Street Cars Engines Automobiles, Locomotives Wind Mills, . Trains, and a complete line of Constructo Mechanical Toys for the children ' ROCKING CHAIRS, BEDS, SETTEES, TABLES, ' DISHES, STOVES, DOLL CRIBS, COOKING UTENSILS, DRESSERS and Everything the Fancy of a Child ' Can Suggest In THE CALL TO CHRISTMAS! There are only eight shopping days before Christmas and all of us are planning to make this Christmas a big one. If you wish to celebrate the Christmas season fittingly and happily, at the same time observing care and economy in your purchasing, Miller Brothers' Housefurnishing Store is ready to help you. Our store gives you your moneys worth, offers a big selection, , and enables you to buy generously, yet wisely. Our store is loaded with many beautiful gift pieces. aMMsrasrastawa 1 A Few Seasonable Suggestions: A MORRIS CHAIR . A SMOKING STAND AN EAST ROCKER A LIBRARY TABLE SOME BEAUTIFUL CHDXA WARE MILLER BROTHERS, . HOUSEFURNISHING STORE. DOLLSALL KINDS Character Babies and Children rule the Kingdom of Dolls this ' season. We have them all tiny ones,' tots of a '.year or so, and grown up dolls. All kinds all Prices. ' 1 DAINTY TOILET TABLE A HANDSOME DRESSER A QUAINT WRITING DESK SOME WILLOW WARE A HANDY CHIFFONIER GLAUS. CHILDREN! FOR THE BABIES Fur Toys and Celluloid Rattles, Teddy Bears, Pigs, Sheep, v Cats, Dogs, Wagons AUT0M0Bn.ES, ROCKING HORSES, TOOL CHESTS, VELOCIPEDES, SLEDS, BOOKS, ETC. ETC n , WORK BASKETS' NEW RUGS A DAVENPORT A PARLOR SET HALL TREEE OR UMBRELLA STAND tl jpeaker. T