The Leading Paper of Western Nebraska The Alliance Herald READ BY EVERY MEMBER NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ALL THE NEWS OF ALLIANCE AND WESTERN NEBRASKA OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES HEADQUARTERS FOR 15.000 FIREMEN 3,000 Copies 40 , Pacs 5 Sections VOLUME XXIV ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1916 NUMBER 2 nr arm, xyn uponj dress HE snow glistened In tjie spafkling sun falling. &metp branches wof4he TsmCitreesndt branches leafless . bushes. i ' j vunu ana .rnacK me the .pine-trees and; fSbmey the sn fellstra grow, Vdeeper rielllitSe m to M OI son the nterjof the WOTdswashigh! throne 'hichsat aKing , - aflffrerd oftglearri , frl ieweis.- crown llig: . .1 1 JVrbund the. Princes jand . 1 the Queensland nunaredso pa aro ise-frbrn. (h I t ' - - --.-inl thfdneandj they greatest fes- j. tivaMnirjjyearV' i rsirr r I of lojarid dheed. I - .... v. ano-wc are-gtven vr -sr .-rrr i ir. ui 1 2Pl8flaL f ?r But the pages had emptied tjefore the throne packs with marty mffeyent iojtsf presents. Afrd the King was present them ItrPrinfcM and Rrjff- cteseMncanorea,nomol an iuurc an.morC'OjevKpvai family appeared.For thsrv wefeviallarfivin' fbrthft ftniSctitrol l"- V- . f . , I I a iDouapps ana i gave grcsertjtfs. Theing- n, the music wki minded Whlautrhter me -tcponine tv. Thev King nine fraiyeciT&resents d an( th 14 i ' -Kite satf thfe :RoyaIHamiIy. 'Jf.&M. x Jicrc the?chn3? before. JheA 1 him and irful .kin the lhrone 1 'and Id.; AU Wburj e ceptrp of paused her: ed (stmas to all wer and others thin ame is Christmas. It is the day 'and happincss7"WeiveT5rsent3 e thirlk of others I, your King, wall now begin the celebration The Queen was smilingIeyeswere full of gladness and t merry and gay . ine day ormvjftcrafte7VweTe "The most ushed es and Princesses were saying. cjommrdav in tnesvea pagrusnedapout tmsnjwv OTacame thejsound of mum kinom all corners ) UfXfh 7 . I rXJ everyone miuscccesiti ' ' V -V X V -7 J wftvaifle ria f It "-V 1 'S sAns The and from grew loud everywhere seemed as iN King and one quitefknew No one q somehow everyon was the song of jo And all knew that and that, The music come from e world it ging, ano tne n the song. No me of the song. e might be, but inging it for the song he tune was happiness. Hall knew its tune and hemPd to rti i i 1 1 u vi . i ir .i m if - v AnHVks tHohi I I I I (I XX ml & tl 3 ' I "ii thevlsaM IriSwhlsfeeifaoVaeht jLiDQK.i un ineinrone lsxarv i ( y Jr iii . si r . s . s i. tii f v a i i ""w jn. .'thfe.chiia J H the ls!s were Jingling of bells was heai4-th Christmas'' bells . onlHeleinoeers and-iiptl pmncjd to ta thJCing-tohis home far awj 3grjlh'e).King wasnonelherhaSanta CI angedj lAnETHll'of Instead of one gu st rone. iai dai tte'n, je. toOiaDDinessJ 0 : . ettj on a mighty pineJfreev fights appeared and ejjow flakes on the brajM'S changed and .drooped down heavtty laden with presents, And the tree spoke too: ... TI am the Christmas tree. For years and years ..I- have gohe''t into .homes' each ": Christmas Day. . trees but we all ' have the one namethe Christ r i V seen big horn was a Queen Christmas o Instead alTchlldren. many trees. and the wi decorations lor ouce a y dream -this ChH hundreds of -horn see the different mothers children scattered o to many homes but nd little hnm&irKi motheif the child: ft calls his' na Princes rie laces es could bo all there if whom on Family, ey were here were ng snow green iriies. ita Glaus .'dreams this fable. JHe , sees not tho sited. He does not does not see the rth. He has been Kmgi bids us I iro ,to n Crrisltn ak festival! Our b: ftsS ahd 'candles of inas tree and our many a branches all as one. And I 3t is a -true dream, For every Christmas QuKen is a mother with love in her heart, afwf tjiere are the fathers who triertthrone of Santa Claus on Christmas Day A'JMerrv Christmas" inseHhMf in utt f A . AV k LV1 IJ Iy..the' children of Santa's dream can see.' t all the. children of th wnrM tV AAaithRoyatamjly-tJie Princes and the Prin- . Not unusual ' C T . ' ' wiiuaiiY. Alley . mo who give joV just because jV they-are iprjildren are given , measure ijccausQ ineyj too can give. orld, in hunJ m the visit oi is happiness.' 1 ,s Christmas ,cer arid good gifts that wiJK throughout the wpjlotHat)day there was singing. Some did not know how-to sing the words, some Idid not know how-to make the sounds with their voices, but for these there was the music in their 'hearts the love in their hearts for all the people (under the sun. f r r r 7 t w .i.YiJtei'CjVf.i: hold iifts! arid Icandles of differ-. ent colors to give the bright -ii light of good cheer. Axji? ' And from all aroiind the Wv Lriiiiui L.11 an. iJiir.iiTtib' i i ii : k m " Ings that filled "with candles, nuts an are openingjtock- M igesandA While they wereZdancinbjand laughingsthey opcnedTmany mysteriousJittlTpackages, the King spoke again: "Good-bye to ail" he sjdrI wjll'be bapirlbr the festival next year. Come my fine animals! Come my gorgeous chariot I" ,tW;h Jf.-i ) x . v r ri ii i m u i jiii i An ?anta Cia !Tmillng e Yesali overthA I dreds of hoin 'Santa Klaus' 4 lA)t'. bf Bay there jives are the CS and the merrv , f '"voices oflHi)dren as they !l?hout tSffiUt over -ine-,nnsrmas testlval. He is the. King not of a country, nor of a land but of a Day, ii,.jrb Christmas Day, . . ii0" hi subjects are the "WV Children of the World r' Fd? him there is this fable. He candream of the joy that is in th; hearts of allien phrisnias morning, while he is sitting oc his throne and his chariot drawn by Reindeers is waiting to take him back home!