ft tmrnTTmTnnTTTmwtmmTttmnmTnmnmn"mml More than ONK MILLION more are to be old this year. No other motor car in the entire world has such a wonderful record for service. Titia year's lowered prices mean the same Ford car of quality and reliability for less money that's all. ttun about is $345; Touring Car $360, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at . FORD GARAGE Kecler-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE C3& C3 How it looks when illustrated 'Oh, that fellow! He's an old stick it " ' ' in the ' mud and never did do any- thing startling." ir r i Y- r- ' i m mu F. F. STEP H EN S PHONE 649 800 llOOMS SAFETY When you are In Omaha come where all Stockmen atop. You will always find your friends and acquaintances at the H OT EL C AST LE 16TII AND JONES 8T8 OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In tft city. Rooms with private both, $1.50 to $1.75. Rooms with prlvM toilet $1. Good" car servlco to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLE, Prop. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE IF YOU CAN'T GET BACK TO TI1K OLD nOMlS FOR THAT BEST OF ALL DAYS, CHRISTMAS, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH WILL COME NEAREST TO TAKING YOUR PLACE WILL BRING CHEER TO HOME-KEEPING HEARTS. Your Friends Can Buy Any thing You Can Give Them Except Your PHOTOGRAPH HlUance art Stubio IF .'. now in use 500.00U No Poor Bread Here No Mistakes No Failures Always Light Always Wholesome Always the Same Weight Good Yesterday Good Tomorrow N GOOD TODAY Let Us Supply Your Daily Needs' BAKERY 207 BOX BUTTE AVE. FIRST 80O ROOMS telMnONAL SilMSfllOOL Lesson (Br B. O. SELLERS, Artlrir Director of thm Sunday Hehool Course In th Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, till, Wfittra Nawipapar TJatoa.) I LESSON FOR DECEMBER 17 THE HOLY CITY. LESSON TEXT Ttav. 21:1-7, 12-27. GOLDEN TKXT-llehold, the, taber nacle of God la with men, and he shall 'I well with (hem, and they shall be hi people. Itev. 21:1 As we approach the end of the year, our minds turn front the Imperial city, where Inst we have any authentic rec ord of Paul, to the eternal city In which he hus so long resided. In les son ten we studied Jesus Christ in his resurrection glory, the source of all power, King of King and Lord of tarda for the redemption of the hu man race. In Lesson 11 we studied the (clnrlncd Christ who is actually working through his churches is the representatives of his kingdom upon earth. The .succeeding chapters de Hcribo in symbols and pictures the dis cipline and training of God's people during the long generations that fol lowed. In the lesson for today, we have a vision of the flnul triumph of Christianity when It Khali have ac complished its work of redemption In this world. I. The New Heaven and the New Earth (vv. 1-7). John in vision Baw the con wiiTininllor, of the work of Christian ity, the vislhle answer to the .prayer which Jesus Christ tuught his disciples to pray, "thy kingdom conic, thy will l' done on enrth ns In heaven." i leaven, as well ns eurth, has heen In vaded and polluted by sin, but both alike are to be made new. (I Peter 3 :1(, II, 1H). The true Jerusalem, of which .Solomon's was but n type, Is of hettv- nly and divine origin. It cotnos down out of heaven from (Jod. We know nothing of the lnhaliltut.ts of the uni verse of which we nre a part, but hero we have nome scriptural Indication of that place w here God's children are to be with hliu eternally. The kingdom of God Is umong you, but it Is even tually to be with God uud Jesus In a peculiar naJ beautiful way. John's announcement enmo from out of Leuv cn and out of the throne. (1) It vus a tabernacle of God with men; rather he shall tabernacle with men. lie Is to pitch his tent a:nong us (John 1:14 It. V. mnrg.) It Is to be doi eventually nr.d permanently. This dwelling it God among us lies at the foundation of the blessedness and glo ries which ure to follow. (2) They tdiull be his people. Israel had been his people; all nations are to be his people In the fullest sense. (3) God himself shall be with them, not only Ids tabernacle tut he, himself visibly, personally. (4) lie shall be their God, acknowledged in all his Infinite claims, and he to them all that God Is of love, rower, wisdom, holiness and glory. (5) Ilo shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will not be a single grief or heartache, unsatisfied longing or tear, for God shall wipe them away, and they will stay wiped uway. . (G) Death shall be no more. Of all the enemies, death is the last one whli h shall be taken from,, the earth. It Is sweet to know that this last cneiriy is to be conquered. (7) Ttwro-satt-he- aa -mourning, crying cp pain any more. Every sorrow, agony, remorse, gloom, disappointment gone forever; death, tears, mourning all passed away. It Is hard for us to com prehend the majesty and sweep of this great and glorious promise. (See I Cor. 15). II. The Coming Light and Glory (vr. 22-27). The Intervening verses are a wonderful description of the founda tion walls and gutes of the city. There will be no temple In that city for It will not be needed. Instead of the temple which stands for the tempfe of earth there is t be the presence of God, himself, buc the lamb Is also In the midst of it. Nothing can more force fully Impress upon us the deity and pre eminence of Jesus Christ, the atoning lamb, slain before the foundation of the world. This city is to be a city of light and glory. It will not be an 11 lutnlnatloa by gas nor electricity, for the glory of the Lord shall lighten it Summary. What are the lessens for our day from this vision of the new heaven aud the new earth? First: That the golden age of the Bible hus not yet taken place. There are better times to come than anything the 'world has yet seen. Second: We huve here the positive assurance of the success of our leader aud the victory of Chris tianity In Us conflict with evil. Third Tho golden Ideal of heuven U the menu by which we can test our dully lives and the whole course of our con duct The question we should con stantly ask Is, "Are we going to this heavenly Ideal V Fourth: The gate of that city are open; an angel Is at each gate, and shall keep out all evil. God desires that all men everywhere should repent end Is not willing thut any should perish. When the final assise shall have passed, no one will say that God did not give him a chance nor seek to in spire him to a place of eternal Joy at his right bund. Agalp there is to be federation of the forces of good. , Today we too often find Christian people divided. Invitation. "And the Spirit aud the hride say come, let hlra that heareth say come, and let him thut Is athlrst come, at.d whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely." I BEFORE AND AFTER i J Engaged Girl I'm golug to give John a cigar case and a diamond stickpin. What are you going to give Frank? I Married Friend Oh, I'm giving him a firelcss cooker and a dime savings 1 bank. CHRISTMAS CREED UNIVERSAL Adjusts Itself to All Conditions and All Places It's Magic Influences . the World. The festival called Christmas has come to have a creed wider than any ritual. Its magic has influenced the world In a degree more profound and far-reaching than that of any other recurring Incident marked by the his tory of mankind. Its sentiment has, Indeed, overflowed all boundaries, both of sect and of social condition. Its high, clear note of cheer and charity has appealed to an unbounded degree wherever human Ideals have had sway. Pessimism holts at its portal. The creed of kindness adjusts Itself to nil conditions nnd ull pluces. It seems to be a good working creed, despite the unattractive phases of per functory giving und taking. It is a cheerful creed. It strews life with guy cty nnd color. It is a culmination to sentiments of fair play, to active sym pathy, to the do-It-now Impulse. , Christmas has no climate. It glows where life Is green nnd where It Is white. In city und In country. In the hills und on the desert, among tli plues and among the palms It lhuls n voice. It Is holy day nnd holiday. It drapes the altar and the hearth. It has many American versions, u-f rrany races add Ihelr varying symbols to Us tenderness and to its animation. Above' all. the call of Christmas Is "Peace on Earth." In the present grievous crisis of the world there Is significance In this call beyond that of j any crisis mankind ever before was J culled to read. That war hu. darkened j Christmas for' so much of the world j may well seem, at the moment, the crushing condemnation of ail such con flicts. Vet tt will remain true that the full beauty of the duy and the time is due those who may Und that beauty. Chil dren of every land seize It for their own. And, "except ye become as one of these," life loses Its saving luster. M 3 On . Christ' maj mom ing when t awake, and ' sleep-dust from my eves I shake, I see a sight that makes me start and , causes thumpings in my heart I A Christmas tree .. oh, pretty sight with can dies, bells and balls alight. With horns and dolls and sugar plums, and skates and trains and beating drum.. And oh. It it a tvon- der-tree, with heaps of things forme to seel Rare gifts hang upon the side, which tinseled fairies cannot hide. A soldier doll, a doll house, Joo, and strings of gold come to my view, and as I look t seem to hear tweet Christmas music soft and clear. A Merry Christmas it seems to say. A merry, happy, ho(y day I S 5 3 i Wis Willie. After flve-yeur-old Willie had gone to bed on Christmas eve his mother went into the room to see if he had hung up his stocking properly for Santa Claus Much to her surprise she found that the little fellow bad appropriated one of hers for the occa sion aud had attached a Blip of paper on which he had printed In a bold hand one of his Sunday-school texts: ThE LoRd lOvvEtll a CheaRfuLL giVveR." S 5 S His Portion, Bill Do you expect your landlady to give you anything for Christmas? Jill Sure. "What do you expect It to be I" "Oh, the ueck. 1 reckon." C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 65 Rea. phone, S2 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Oris Coppernoll F. J. Petersen Rea. Phone, 20 Rea. Phone, 43 Dm. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths ROOM 6, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK BURTON & REDDISH Attorney s-at-Ijuw Land Attorneys OFFICE, First National Bank Bid. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 362; Residence, 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 -OVKH FIRST NATIONAL DANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office . REASONABLE KATES PKOMTT SERVICE J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block "LET ME CHY FOIt YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable PHONE 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA GEO. G. GADSBY Licensed Embalmer PHONE: Day. 498; Night. 510 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA i n me r METAL WORK Brazing We do all kinds of tinning, repair ing and metal work. Radiators and aluminum crank cases a spec ialty. W. K. HAGAN The"Mnner With Rheln-Roosey Co. Phones: 98 Res., 696 Famous Collins Saddle Beat saddle made. Have stood the test for 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp'y Successors to Collins & Morrison. 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Will outlast several steel tanks oi several tanks made from other atk terlal, and cost less money. Tbest tanks will keep the water cooler Id summer and warmer in winter. Seno for price list today. ATIiAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Bolsen. Manager, 1102 W. O. W. Bide Omaha. Nbt HOTEL ROME 'Ho Theus of Courtesy" Omaha Ilooin without bath 1. 00 up Boom with bath 91JSO up Modern Lunch Room ROME MILLER Owner ittliilli; feftliW Dr. W. J. Mahaffy DENTIST Gaa Administered Lady Aaalstaai OVER POST OFFICE ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA JAMES M. KENNEDY Dentist Nitrons Oxide Administered PHONES: Office, 23; Res., Black ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. ALLIANCE : t NEBRASKA J. JEFFREY, D. C Ph. a A. O. JEFFREY. D. C. CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS, 10 A. M. to 8 P. U NEW WILSON BLOCK JACK M 1 LLER Auctioneer Live Stock' and Farm Sales a Ssecialty. Write Me for Terms and Dates. Best of References. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Geo. j. fiand,n. D. A S T II A M A and HAY FEVER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 2 SI Calls answered from office day or night. THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1619-1521 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to Uve Stork Claims PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER All kinds of Photos. Interior and Exterior Views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. E. Grebe, Prop. 114 East 4th. Phone Black 111 VARICOCELE Aimcn without bUntV THKKNir TT Since 1885 In Kansas Jiiy. i m ft' successfully treated thousands at cases of Varicocele, Hydro cele, and allied troubles. The knotted veins. pin. enlarge-. ment, weakness and others svmDtoma autckly disappear. Write for Illustrated book,f 'Without the Knife" and (ull particu lars free, sealed. CaU or address - i!i1i;.t.!!P?ywhenCUBED -pd I i afflicted. k far sews JMVikm Wnnsss Ue 3fA U I 1 4. VtrorKMM rt OVi -tXanA. bvdn A ttvt, Q AXrdt - M arvlA (RtAA . )9cAwtA CctcruxAxr. LEG SORES tEl ULCERS 7 Since 16 In Ksnna Cltr. Ibsrsai f A fully I routed ihtlMknda orruMnfcl! nt l'.rHlle.il tui'urxl.ln I. to OHES KJVAKIIIISK l l.tms, My Ions c-i i.riiii'A, voniMiied with orift-iuul uit1 tmxleru imihol inurvrom- i pi 'ti fturoexfl, wl(rint knife or puln. S i"rTif rtiiinrn I J: V'!!!TTitR, K 1 MHiM Ma. Kaiuuia ( In, M. WHEN INOMAHA VISIT THE Brand Naw Show f rin, EVERY WEEK tt1'.U filKUajnlt Cms, Ciskt lrit;tntfrt. Efntpa'cM. Aik Anybcay unit mat an met uuu DOMT GO HOME SAYING! I DIDN'T VISIT TH QAYETY r IL fl SSLLU5TRATOR5- jt'TKik H. A. C0PSEY rhysirtau and Surgeon Office rhone, 3(0 Res. Phone, 341 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: AHianct Natlonal Bank Building, orer ths Post Office. ' if ft . J