I f SjMI . WlHr- CHRISTMAS BreEmri Store f iM .m iJL-JVV'tCfJfif t wr A xtn TTOnPTTT nnrCTMrpp l?rvn ATT TPTTT? T A "H ATT f rfe U4 MSJ IP kill ill cOTFFICE NEEDS CLERK AND CARRIER Applicant AVH1 1 Take- Civil Service KKnuiiiiHtliin Here on Jan , uiiry ia, 1917 The United States Civil , Service vtlommli slon, through the secretary the local board. F. W. Illcks. an tODnceB that on January 13, 1917, i.Ut local board will hold an open ofnpetUlve examination for the poa ilUona of clerk and carrier In the Al ,Jinc post olllce. . . Clerks tn o Bices of the first and cond classes and carriers in the ,ltjr delivery service, are divided ln iia five Kmd8, the salaries of which 1800, $900, $1,000, $1,100 and j-f 1,100 per ' annum, respectively. (Ctorks and carriers of first-class of ' ffcH are promoted successively, a .-grade at a time, to $1,100. Promotions of both clerks and car- ttw will be made at the beginning i0t the quarter following the expira ',tkn of a year's service In the next liamtr grade. Na promotion will be ,ude except upon evidence satlsfac (fry to the Post Office Department of ,h efficiency and faithfulness of the -0iployee during the year. Clerks tfta carriers or tne nignest graae are ' Udble for promotion to the higher ceeitlons In their respective offices. Competitors will be examined In be following subjects, which will vJUve the relative weights Indicated: Subjects Weights 1. Impelling (twenty words of aver- ,age difficulty tn common use). 10 -.Arithmetic (simple tests In ad Wlition. subtraction, multiplica tion, and division of whole num--ers, com': on and decimal frac- . ,tions. and United States ruon- ref) letter writing (a letter of not ' Seas than 125 words on some ublect on general Interest. . Competitors may . select either f two subjects given) 20 ,4.JPcnmanshlp (the handwriting of the competitor tn the subject of copying from plain copy will ,be considered -with special ref erence to the elements of legi bility, rapidity, neatneas. gen eral annearance. etc.) 20 . Copying from plain copy (a sim ple test In copying accurately a few printed lines In the compet itor's handwriting 20 f. Heading addresses (test In not ing with pen or pencil on a printed sheet of addresses, dif ferences between the printed ad dresses and J.he written address- of which they are a copy) . 10 Total 100 Applicants must have reached tfcelr eighteenth but not their forty fth birthday on the date of the ex ajnlnation. The age limits are walv fiS. however. In the ease of persona -konorably discharged from the Unit ' VV.V .'' v lM W4 IX rV I XH HI I KK H ML I Ml It- - I I tl 1-1. M A laI I I V WiWA & il l HI kVW VJ'M f.-r'j." 1BT.1- MJ N The giving of useful presents pays in more ways than one. The recipient of a useful present will appreciate it much more and re member the giver longer than if the present should be more costly and not of value to the one who receives it. This store has al ways made it a practice to select a line of Christmas goods that will be of value to the recipient and that will cause a feeling of good will towards the giver. It will be to your advantage to stop at this store when you do your shopping. The suggestions giv en below will give you an idea of the large line with which this store is filled. The goods are of the highest quality and the prices are reasonable. . Suggestions for Cbristmas presents DOLLS for the children. Our line of dolls is complete. STATIONERY. Both fancy and plain. , GIBSON'S ART CALENDARS. Nothing is nicer than an art calendar for an Xtnas .. Rift.' MANICURE SETS. A complete line . of these goods. TOILET SETS. This store has been long known for its fine selection of toilet sets. " PERFUMES. The kind tKat please. NOVELS. The latest copyright books. SHAVING SETS. The kind that please the j men folks. ' ' r CIGARS. High grade cigars for the most fastidious Btnoker. 1 ICY-HOT BOTTLES. Always useful in both summer and winter. F. Third and Box, Butte Avenue ed States military or naval service by ' reason of disability ' resulting from wounds or sickness incurred in the line of duty. Eligibles resulting (roiii this examination who were un der 21 years of age on the date of the examination will not be certified for filling vacancies in tho position of assistant postmaster. ' Mule applicants must measure not less than & feet 4 Inches in height in bare feet. No male- applicant who pnfsea the examination will be eligi ble for appointment either as clerk or city carrier who does not weigh at least 125 pounds without overcoat and hat. It will be inadvisable for male applicants whose normal j weight is less than 125 pounds to en-1 ter tho examination. s ine rosv uruce Department Das advised the Commission that no per son , who has any of the fdllowing named physical defects , will be ap pointed t o the position of carrier in the "Post-Office Service". Hunchback; defective hearing, sight or speech; blindness In one or both eyes; asth ma; loss of arm, hand or leg; crip pled arms or legs; flat foot; hernias congenital weakness of the abdomi nal wall, or such weakness caused by wound or operation. These defects will also debar a person from ap pointment to the position of clerk In the Poat-Offtae Service, itxopnt . that 1 deaf mutes and persona with defect ive speech or hearing may be ap pointed to the positions of mall clerk, distributor, and directory 'and for warding clerk, and persons suffer ing from Batfooi or weakness of the abdominal wall may be appointed to any position of clerk tne duties or which they are physically capable of performing. Applications from per sons who are not entitled to appoint ment on account of physical defects will be canceled. Other physical de tects may debar persons from ap pointment when In the Judgment of the Commission such defects would render them unfit to perform the du tleB of the position for which the ex amination is held. ' Each applicant will be required to submit to the examiner on the day of the examination a photograph of himself, taken within two years, se . curely pasted In the space provided , on the admission card sent him after , his application la filed. Tintypes or ; proofs will not be accepted. From the ellgibles resulting from this examination It la expected that certification will be made to fill ex Istlng and future vacancies. For 1 application blank (Form 1371) and "Instructions to Appli cants." address F. W. Hicks, secre- tary civil service board, Alliance, Ne braska. In Three. Parts. A mountaineer preacher one said to his flock: "Brethren, I bev decid ed f divide my sermon In three parts. To fust part I'll understand, an' you wont. Tb' second part you'll under stand, an" I won't Ths third tart no body!! understand." FRAMED PICTURES. A select line. POCKETBOOKS and PURSES. IUenty to select from. FOUNTAIN PENS, Nothing is nicer than a good fountain pen for either a lady or gentleman at Christmas time. FRENCH IVORY TOILET SETS. We have these beautiful articles in both the com plete sets and in separate articles. SMOKING SETS. An ornament to the home or the den. They always please the men. CHRISTMAS CANDIES. You will be pleased with the complete line of candies. A sweet tooth is always pleased with a box of our delicious confections. You will find what you want, in boxes of all Bizcs. V J. .BRENNAN Si (Mfrtetmas 3 Bi C Charles Frederic (Copyright) 1 T HAS BEEN my observation that most of the 'trouble that many men get Into comes from doing things for other people. A man who makes a mm " note generally meets It; and. If he Indorses one, often ' meets that, 1 too. At a pic nic It Is the man who offers to carry the water who gets his feet wet, or sits down In the squash pie. It Is the good-natured man who has the most need of good nature, for he Is always getting. Into trouble that Is properly the property of somebody else. Christ mas, especially, offers many golden opportunities to the fellow who Is willing to oblige. There was the case of Henry Car ruthers, for example. Tlnel" said Henry, when he received an Invitation to spend Christmas with the Joneses at a suburban villa In a suburban vil lage. Jones had been an office mate of hla. Then he married and, hav ing made llttta money, some any by ho ninrrli'Re, he retired to the subur iun villa nforesjild. Carruthers re- .ni'lrv 'I m I mbelur. a toller, and a city lui lu r. Hut he would have been will ing to change at least two or those conditions If he had dared to think that Jones' sister, Miss Abigail, would be willing, t eli::';'o her title from "Jones" to the soi.iewhat classier one ot "Carruthers.' "Come up and spend Christmas with is," wrote Jones. "It will be rather i quiet Christmas, but Abigail will be ier aud we shall try to find sorae- hliis to keep your time and your mind ecuNvL" A quiet Christmas had no terrors for llei ry. And there was Abigail. So be !rel a day letter, the substance of ulil.-h was "Yes." Tin trr.'n was on time, and so was M-i rr. They whiz.ed him out to the : i .1 e-rh in the dusk and a wheezy car. Abigail, looking lovely, met them on the porch. . . Oi, i-innd you win fimnt Til ,ht- illy quiet Jure." 'N"t wlii-n you nre present," refilled Ti iirv gnlliintly followed by a suldcn :.r..itlim that maybe that didn't 4MIU..I as gallant us he hud Intended. At the dinner table Jones unfolded ; great plan. "We've fixed up the illiHt scheme," he declared with en rhuslasm. "und you are Just the fellow o put It over for us I" "Just the fellow !" echoed Abigail. "You see the Wllllnmses live on the ther side of the square. Their back tot backs rijrht tip to ours, with Just the alley between. , Now, they don't know you from Adam. Of course, we told them ftlvut you, and they wunt to meet you. but they don't know you are coming down. The Willlamsea, you Abigail Herself Led the Rescue Expe dition. see, are our closest frleuds, and we have lots of fun with each other. Now, we are going to put something over on them something nice, you under stand, and we want you to help. The Wllllnmses are the only people we give preseuts to, outside the family,' except yourself, of course, and a few others. Well, the girls have a lot of Jlmcracks fixed up for them. We are going to have you take them over - "But! have never aet, " "Oh. that's ail right Tve got some Santa Claus fixings here, and we are going to doll you up as Santa and they don't know your voice or any thing, and It sure will surprise them I" "I see," said nenry weakly, with .003 per nt enthusiasm. "I Just go ud and ring, and walk In " "Oh, no, better than thatl Come here and I'll show you." The victim followed, him to the window. "You SENECA CAMERAS Seneca cameras are of American manufac ture. Regularly equipped with American lenses and shutters. American labor, work ing upon American materials, has produced a line of cameras second to none. No home is complete without a camera.' No trip should be taken without one.' Pictures are the best record and they can be easily made by anyone with a Seneca camera. The prices range from $2.00 for the Scouts and Box Filmett Cameras to as high as you wish to pay. No line is more complete. You can buy them for film rolls or film packs. The kind that produce clear, interesting pic tures. Instruction books furnished for their operation bo that the novice can operate them without trouble. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA are TOIP CnTrv, tnnt Dasemtnr win dow, or Is It too dark? Yeh, that's the one. You Just sneak over quiet ly, drop In, wnlk upstairs and Just sur prise them right in the library, or wherever they happen to be." "But the .window will be locked," said Henry, seeking an avenue of es cape. "No It won't Mrs. Williams told the madam here that they had coal coming today so It will be open, for Williams won't think to lock it until he goes down to fix the furnace for the night You see, that window's where they put the coal ln."v bomehow, this statement did not add to Henrv'a Dleasurti Hut when Abl gall asked If It wouldn't be great the foolish man said that It would. Half an hour later, In the darkness, a stranger might have been seen ap proaching, hidden by the shrubbery, the rear basement window of the Wil liams domicile, evidently with burglari ous Intent An old overcoat of Jones muffled about him conceuled a red cos tume of Bome sort and a bag. The bag contained sundry packages with sundry sharp corners, but this was known only to the mysterious stronger He found the window unlocked, ac cording to specifications, but to his as tonishment It opened outward lnstend of Inward. He also made a horrify ing discovery. He had expected to drop lightly to the basement floor, find his way to the stairway, whose loca tion had been described to hlra, and make his way upstairs to surprise the family. But Jones had suld nothing about a coal chute. Yet here was u chute with sides that were unpur mountable. A flicker of flame shin ing through the. in lea of the- furnace showed that the woy was clear. But what would u coal ihnte do to hl Santa Cluua outfit? To chute or not to chute, that was the question. t Fate decided him. He distinctly ' heard the click or the nncx gate. "Good gosh!" thought Henry, "hen. comes aonieiKMiy: Aiu. wmuu pause for runner .ii.uugi.i, Kt . vi.-... tiie bag and hot the elu.ie Into th unknown. He landed In a coal bin nearly empty of coul, but plentifully gar nished with dust A minute later an Interior door opened from the region above, excited voices were heard, and a ray of light shot Into another part of the basement' .Ths chute seemed to offer the only protection. Back Into It be climbed and lay there qui etly. "Oh, It's Just the man with the coal," suld a female voice above. And the door closed again. Poor Henry now pondered what to do. lie .couldn't go up in the state he of St. Nicholas repu te. .. "T uU ilil opinn. Anyway, his perils were over for the moment. Were they? There was a footstep ouuiile and Into the chute came pouring n bagful of mixed nut and egg. Henry hud quite for gotten about the mys.'erlous click of the cate, the con! r.ian and all, und had no way of kuowlng. t;f course, thnt the holiday rush had ninde that coal man lr ? "'' ' There was no time or way to escapo fT dodge. The coal, sliding merrily on Its way. came w'th just enough force to give him 10 kinds of head !eh In 40 di.Tervnt parts of hla hnd. and brought along with It enntigh dust to finish the ethnological transformation. It nlso carried Mm 'wk into the bin. lie picked hlm .elf up, found the erner of the bin nost removed, and witnessed, as best ho could In the dark, the rather un interesting ceremony of putting In a ton of coal. He wnnted to sneeze, but would not permit himself the luxury. He had to cough, hut luckily timed It to coincide with the passage of a bag ful of coal down the chute. He won dered when the coalman would reach me last bagful. When he reached It, Henry Immediately knew, for the ac commodating coalman carefully hooked the window, on the outside, and snapped the padlock. Meanwhile the fun-loving Jones fam ily anxiously awaited the return of Mr. Henry Carruthers, alias Santa Claus. naif an hour. "Thej must bo having a jolly time." Forty-five min utes. No remarks. An hour. "Some body run over. No, we'll all go." In the Williams' household nothing unusual seemed .to have happened. They were delighted to . see the Joneses, of course. After, five min utes, a happy Idea sent Jones home to see If ne had locicea tne aoor. ins Investigation really concerned the Wil liams house Instead. The back win dow was securely locked on the out side. There was no sign of nenry ! the neighborhood. naif an hour later Jones made a clear breast of It Abigail herself led the rescue expedition. Henry would have preferred to see anybody else. An hour In the bathroom, and a suit of Williams', and Mr. Carruthers was presented. It was really a very merry party that Christmas eve, after all al together too merry,' for nenry. Yet, had nenry only known It sym pathy is often the awakening of love, Yellow Jackets Skunk's Food. The common skunk Is fond ot yellow Jackets. It catches the3e Insects by smearing its tall with a sticky saliva, which makes the bushy tail serve as fly paper. . it J-'SW?' mf&7&TTT' "