The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 14, 1916, Image 16

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    A Gift Suggestion
i !
j . -vj
1 ' " mini m I M I
i y
IVrtralts of the children or of
yourself make a pleasing a
well as lasting Chrlstma (lift.
We mitke picture after the Lat
in to t approved style rihI
mount Uieni In the newest,
unique ami tMy design.
('nil or phoiM for an . apMint
Smart Picture for poople who
deaire an Artist's skill In the
making of them.
The Photographer In Your Town
Over Mollring'g
Automobiles need to be doctored and given
surgical treatment occasionally in order to give
satisfaction. If the work Ls done by expert
and competent auto doctors and surgeons you
will get satisfactory use from your car. If the
work is poorly done by novices you wUl have a
recurrence of the trouble in a short time.
Don't experiment but take your auto to a
place where you can depend on the right re
pairs being made in the shortest possible time.
We are glad to give you a diagnosis of your car
troubles and tell you what needs to be done.
Phone 164.
We are preparing to move to our new location,
Second and Laramie
Transfer Lint
moved promptly, an
Work solid'
Dry Fbona 84
Residence phone 63 uid Bin 87
vn a o nr - n a 3 Q
mm? cbqcsus mmt
The constant strain of
factpry work very often
results in Headaches,
Backaches and other
Aches, and also weak
ens the Nerves.
will quickly relieve the
Nerves, or Pain, while
Dr. Miles
Heart Treatment
is very helpful when
the Heart is overtaxed.
"I uti to Buffer a treat deal
with lumbago In my shoulder
nil bark. A friend IndurKl m
to UT tr. Mil-' AnU-ralo
IMUs and I am only too irlad to
be able to attest to the relief
that ,1 gut from these apleudld
pills. Tbry form a valuable
medlrlne and do all that It t
claimed tbey will do."
5i Allot U. Ohio.
Only Way to Meet Emergencies
of Nation, Says A. P. Thorn.
Principle Which Railway Hold Should
Govern Regulatory System In Inter
iti of Publio and the Roada Com
puliory System of Fadoral tncorpo
ration Favorod.
Washington, Dec. That the Inter
ests of national defense require that
control of railway line should rest
with the federal government and not
with' the states was the claim ad
valued by Alfred P. Thorn, counsel
to the Railway executives' Advisory
Committee, In concluding his prelim
inary statement of the case for the
railways before the Newlands Joint
Committee on Interstate Commerce.
"We must be efficient as a nation If
we are to deal successfully with our
national emergencies. said Mr. Thorn,
"and we must appreciate that efficient
transportation ls an essential condition
of national efficiency. If we are to
halt and weaken our transportation
systems by state linos, by the perma
nent Imposition of burdens by unwise
regulation, we will make national effl
cleucy Impossible."
states' Rights Would Not Suffer.
Mr. Thnm cited many Instances to
which shippers In one stnte were In
Jurlously affected by selfish retails
tlons Imposed on the railroads by
neighboring states, lie pointed out
that federal regulation would be no In
vaslon of the riglits of the slates but
would be the means of preserving the
rights which they acquired when they
entered the Union, one of which wna
the right to the free movement of their
products across state boundnrles.
What the Railroads Advocate.
The principles which the railroads
believe should be incorporated In any
Just system of regulation were sum
mnrlzed by Mr. Thorn as follows:
1. The entire power end duty of reg
ulation should be In the blinds of the
national government, except as to mat
ters so essentially local and Incidental
that they cannot be used to Interfere
with the efficiency of the service or the
Just rights of the carriers.
2. As one of the means of accom
plishing this, a system of compulsory
federal lncoiporatlou should M adopt
ed. Into which should be brought all
railroad corwiratlons engaged In inter
state or forelgo commerce.
3 The Interstate Commerce Commls
slon under existing lawajias too much
to do and ls charged with conflicting
functions. Including the Investigation,
prosecution and decision of cases. The
latter duties should be placed In the
hands of a new body which might lie
called the Federal Itallroad Commls
slon. Regional Commissions should
be established In different parts or
the country to assist the Interstate
Commerce Commission by .handling lo
cat cases
4. The power of the Commission
should be extended to enable It to pre
scrilH) minimum rates and not merely
maximum rates as at present. This
would Increase their fsiwer lo prevent
unjust discriminations.
Justice to Publio and Roada.
5. It should be made the duty of the
Interstate Ooiiiuht' Commission, in
the exercise of It nowers to fix reii
sonable rates, to so adjust these rates
that they shall be just at once to the
public and to the carriers. To (his end
the Commission. In determining rute-t.
should consider the necessity of maiu
tabling efficient transportation and ex.
tensions of facilities, the relation of
expenses to rates and the rights of
shippers, stockholder ami creditors of
the ron'ls i
ft. The Interstate Commerce Commls
slon should be 1 ii et itl with the pow
er to tlx the n t for currying malls
7. The federal uoverumenl should
have exclusive power to supervise the
Issue of stocks and bonds by railroad
carriers engaged in interstate and for
elgn commerce.
8. The law should recognize the es
sential difference between things which
restrain trade In the case' of ordinary
mercantile concerns and those which
restrain trade in the case of common
carriers. The question of competition
is not the only fair criterion.
V The law should expressly provide
for the meeting ami agreement of traf
fic or other officers of railroads in re
spect of rates or practices, litis
should, however, be safeguarded by
requiring the agreements to be tiled
with the- Interstate Commerce Commis
sion and to be subject to be disapprov
ed by It
"My legal proposition, Mr. Thorn
said. "Is that the Constitution as it
now is gives full authority to Congress
to reenlste the Instrumentalities of In
terstate commer e la all their parts.
If the power of regulation is to reach
the public requirements, it must be co
extensive with the Instrumentalities of
Mr Thorn explained that the roads
are not asking either of the Committee
or of Congress any Increase in reve
nues, but that they are msrely asking
the perfection of a system which will
be responsible to any need that may
Agricultural extension service
cHvlng many liMtilriea ro
gnrding long-time Ioajis
The prospect of long-time loana at
low rates of Interest haa aroused
much Interest among Nebraska
farmers In the Federal Fr.m Loan
Art, and largo numbers of queries for
information aa well aa applications
for loana are being received at the
Agricultural Extension Service offices
at the University Farm, Lincoln.
The Extension Service has also re
ceived some 20 applications for
meetings at which Extension speak
ers will explain the workings of the
new law. County agents, especially
In western Nebraska, are receiving a
large number of Inquiries from
farmers and are holding many meet
ings for the putpoHo of establishing
loan associations.
A rate of interest not to exceed 6
per rent (probably much lower) Is
the outstanding advantage to bo
gained for the borrower wuo wakes
use of the loan association. Inas
much aa V e average Nebraska farm
er now pay 7.1 per cent for the
money he borrowa, thla low rate of
Interest will do much to make the
man heavily In debt sleep easier.
According to figures furnlsLed by the
United States department of agri
culture, district! In western Nebras
ka pay still higher average rates,
one district reaching 8.8 per cent
The long-time loan with amall annual
payments will also make matters
much easier for the borrower.
Loana cn bo secured for one-half
the valuo of the land and for one
fifth of the value of Improvements.
No loan can be less than $100 or
more than 110.000. As soon ns ten
farmers In one locality desire loans
amounting to $20,000, a local asso
ciation can then be formed.
If further Information ls desired,
the following blank filled out and
mailed to the Extension Service will
bring full particulars for the organ
ization of a loan association:
Agricultural Extension Service,
University Farm. Lincoln.
Gentlemen: riease send mo In
formation regarding tho Federal
Farm Loan Act, nnd toll me how
farmers may ake advantage of It by
organizing National Farm Loan as
sociations. Name
To all automobile owners You run
pay your Jill 7 license now. Engine
number uml moke of car must ac
company ii ppl lent ion. All licenses
delinquent January lirst, 1917.
County Treasurer.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA invites you. Kvcr.v winter makes USr
locality more popular; every year britiRH a more holiday aspect
this lanl of beautiful hotel, perfect auto roads, and out-door life. U
iR an idler's paradise. Hurlinpton ticltets route you via Ilenver im
personally Conducted thrown tourist sleeper parlies via scenic Cifr
rndo or vIa Denver nnd the Santa VV Grand Canyon Uoute. "
TEXAS, GULF COAST, AND FLORIDA: Here is the other of Atf
erica's winter playproundH tho historic Southland. The cold weathfv
er will send there thousands of northern people in the various palatal!'
through trains, via Cnicnjro, St. Louis, Kansas City or Denver. Un$
linfrto,n circuit tickets include all these routes through tho South.
Ask for Winter Tours leaflet and Soutlitrw
Linen illustrated literature. Let me help y
plan one of the finest "Sec America'' Tourft.
J. KltininjlAUGII. Ticket Agent, Alliance, Ifebft
L. V. WAKELKY, fJcncral Passenger AffeuCj,
'HMH Ennutm Kl ItmaltM. N'.)rauL
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
w ( 4 , v t f : ' ' 9 ?
' .' -: I
xH " ' i i .V' f i
H i v'- j?
h :v-' f$
i r jA y
Feedlng moldy corn to horses of
ten causes blind statspers or similar
diseases, says the college of agricul
ture, Lincoln. Several fungi are
known to be responsible for. mold,
according to the agrlcudtural botany
department. As moldy kernels are
lighter than water, they may be sep
arated from the sound ones my plac
ing the grain In water and skimming
off the kernels that rise to the top.
Mixing moldy corn with bran and
oats appears to lessen danger to an
imals that consume It. Specimens of
moldy ears may be sent to the agri
cultural botany department, Univer
sity Farm, for examination.
To look one's best and feet one's best
is to enjoy an inside bath each morning
to flush from the system the previous
day's waste, sour fomentations and poi
sonous toxins before it is altsorbcd into
the blood. Just as coal, when It burns,
leaves behind a certain amount of in
combustible material In the form of
ashes, so the food and drink taken each
day leave in the alimentary organs a
certain amount of itidigentible material,
which If not eliminated, form toxins and
poisons which are then sucked into the
blood through the very duct which are
intended to suck in only nourishment to
sustain the body.
If you want to seo the glow of healthy
bloom in your cliecks, to see your skin
gnt olearer and clearer, you are told to
drink every morn i or upon arising", a
elas of hot water with a teaspoonful
of limestone phosphate in it, which is a
barmlesa means of washing the waste
material and toxins from the stomach,
fiver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary tract, before putting more"
food into the stomach.-
Girls and women with sallow k1ne,
liver snots, pimples or pallid oomp4es
Inn, also those who wake lip wiUl
coated tongue, bad taste, naaty brcauV
others who are bothered with headache,"'
bilious spells, acid stomach or conatlnsV-'
tioh should begin this phosphated MftV
water drinking and are assured of very
pronounced results in one or two weekeC -
A quarter pound of limestone phoa
phate costs very little at the drug sto)'
but is sufficient to demonstrate that (net t
as soap and hot water cleanses, purllUraiJ
and freshens the skin on the outside,
hot water and limestone phosphate as
on the Inside organa We must arwajol
consider Uiat internal sanitation is vaeif
ly more Important than outside cleanhV
ness, because the skin pores do not a-"
srb Impurities into the blood, while the,
bowel o res do.
Women who desire to enhance tsa
beauty of their complexion should jts(K
try this for a week and notice remits.'
I llllllilll Mill lil! .? -v '
If ill; 111 1 ifn!
Made by
Hamilton, Brown
Shoe Co.
St. Louis, U. S, A,
There Are Style for All
t Member of the Family.
Accept No Substitute.
Go to Your Shoe Dealer and Ask For