The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 14, 1916, Image 10

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Roomy for 7, well powered, light
in weighty holds the road well,
and graced with extremely good
lines this is the 7-passenger 6-30
Chalmers. ' A car that gets atten
tion from two kinds of motorists
those that like a good looking
car ; those that like a good per
forming car. . $1350
(All price f.s.k. Detrsit)
Lowry& Henry
Alliance, Nebraska
I "'" """" " jj
50 Cents
A Month
Rents an
Extension Telephone
in Your Residence
It Saves Steps
Up and Down Stairs
r J : tiiwiMi52 lumber -
fdTnlfli 11 PftUfitf
ft v wSpI
If your want comes under the head of
"Building Material"
it can be filled wilth the best there is
It is our assumption that when you build you want to build
for permanence. With this in mind we have selected a stock
of materials that will last
Regardless of what you build it will
pay you to see us for materials
POOL SPENT $58,542
Itictmlat Cost of Automobile Itcgtn.
tratlon Number Plate for
Cars IWt fs21,7A3
Secretary of State Charles W. Tool
has filed a biennial report with tbe
governor showing that In two yean
his office collected $273,666 In fees.
This Includes $212,333 for annual
permits for corporations to do bust'
ness, commonly called the corpora'
tlon tax, paid annually. Corpora'
tlons delinquent In making these an'
nual payments paid $3,016 penalty
The fees collected Include $46,676
for the filing of articles of incorpor
atlon and $780 license fees paid un
der the "loan shark" law, at the rate
of $60 a year for each license Issued.
The registration of automobile li
censes and the handling of automo
bile plate numbers Is now a large
part of the work performed by the
secretary of state. Thirty-five cents
of each automobile license fee goes
into the state treasury, the balance
being retained by the county treas
urer where the license is issued. The
secretary of state Is permitted ly law
to draw upon this fund In the state
treasury to pay all expenses of tbe
registration work and the purchase
an dsendlng out of plate numbers.
Secretary Pool has spent $68,642
in this work. His expenses include
$29,763 spent for automobile num
ber plates, $9,600 for postage and
over $8,000 for salaries and extra
help. There Is $234 on hand In the
state treasury In the automobile ex
pense fund. Mr. Pool In buying
plate numbers has bought enough to
to supply the demand for the year
1917. There are 101,000 automo
bile licenses in this state, but of that
number about 800 are numbers is
sued in duplicate to take the place of
ost plate numbers.
Mr. Pool has turned Into the state
treasury $1,802 derived from the
sale of typewritten copies of automo
bile licenses. He says nothing was
ever before turned Into the state
treasury from this source.
The accounts of the secretary of
state relative to the expenses of the
automobile department will be in
spected by a state accountant and al
bo by the legislature If tbe latter
cares to do so.
In issuing an initiative and refer
endum pamphlet to voters of the
state the secretary of tsate expenses
$4,590. He had an appropriation of
$3,000 for that purpose. This was
all expended except $286. He paid
out $2,713 for postage under the In
itiative and referendum law. The
report of the secretary does not show
where he got additional funds to
swell the 3,000 appropriation to $4-
690, but It Is Understood it was fur
nished by the state printing bureau
from its funds for state printing.
t -
m if BACK
Take a glass of Salts to flash Kidneys
ii jsiaaaer bothers you Drink
lots of water.
Eatinjr meat repnilnrly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in mni form or
other, savs a well-known authority, be
cause the urio acid in meat excites t!ie
kidneys, tliey becomo overworked; gvt
flnpjji-Jh; clog up and cause all norta of
distress, particularly bacUHie end mi.,
ery In the kidney region: ilieuinatic tw li
.', wvtre headiiciies, ncid utonmtli. con
stipstion, torpid liver, sloopleasn.
Madder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurta or kill
mys aren't acting right, or If bladder
bothers you, get about four ounce of
Jad Salts from any pood pharmacy:
take a tnhlepoonfiil In a glass of wat
before breakfast for a few days and youi
kidneys will then act fine. This fainou
alts ia made from the acid of grape,
and lemon juice, combined with lithi.t
and. tins been used for generations t.,
flush closed kidneys snd stimulate then
to normal activity; also to neutralist thr
acid in the urine so it no longer irri
c-s, thus ending bladder disorders.
ij Salts cannot injure anvone;
t t delightful effervescent lituia
:Uer driik which millions of men and
women tsice now and then to keep the
kidneys ant, urinary organs clenn. thus
avoiding rerious kidney diser r
K. L. Pierce, the Hemingford
banker, was In the city Friday after
noon und eveninu with his fan,ily,
making the trip down via cuto. Mr.
Pierce is much pleased with tho pros
perous year experienced by Box
IJutte county during 1916 and looks
for the coming yar to be Us equal.
if not a better one. Ho is one of
Box Butte county's substantial citi
zens who haa done his eh?.re and
more in the development of this sec
tion of tbe state.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured
they cannot reach the seat of the
disease. Catarrh Is a local disease.
greatly Influenced by constitutional
conditions, and In order to cure It
you must take an Internal remedy.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally and acts thru the blood on the
mucous surfaces of tbe system. Hall's
Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one
of the best physicians in this coun
try for years. It Is composed of
some of the best tonics known, com
bined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination
of tho ingredients ni Hall's Catarrh
Cure is what produces such wonder
ful results In catarrhal conditions.
Send fqr testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props..
All Druggists, 76c. Toledo, O.
Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. Adv Doc
Drinking an abundance of water
or consuming large quantities of
watery fruits and vegetables helps to
keep the body In- good condition,
and carries away waste and poison
ous products, snys the home econ
omics extension service of the col
lege of agriculture.
Colds, ei.eclally In their first
tt ages, fevers, constipation, and
many other afflictions are checked to
some extent by drinking large quan
tities of . water at moderate temper
atures. Except In the case of heart
trouble or contracted kidney, there
Is little danger of excessive drinking
of water at reasonable temperatures.
Says you really feel clean, sweet
and fresh inside, and
are seldom ill.
If you are accustomed to wake up
with a coated tongue, foul brenth or
dull, uizr.y headache; or, if your
tuviils sour uU luru iuto gas and
acids, you have a real surprise await
ing you.
To-morrow morning, Immediately
upon arising, ' drink a glass of hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate tn it This Is Intended to
first neutralize and then wash out of
your stomach, liver, kidneys and
thirty feet of Intestines all the Indi
gestible waste, poisons, sour bile and
toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and
purifying the entire altmeutary canal
Those subject to sick headaches,
backache, bilious attacks, constipation
or any form ot stomach trouble, are
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug store
and bi&lu etijoyinrr this morning In-side-bath.
It is said that men and
women who try this becomo enthu
siastic and keep It up dally. It Is a
splendid health measure for It Is more
Important to keep clean and pure on
the Inside than on the outside, because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties Into the blood, causing disease,
while tbe bowel pores do.
The principle of bathing Inside Is
not new, as 'millions of people practice
It Just as hot water and soap cleanse,
purify and freshen the skin, so hot
water and a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate act on tbe stomach, liver,
i lilneys and bowels. Limestone phos
phate la an inexpensive white powder
rnj almost tasteless.
Burlington rnilrond dncea rush ord
ers for new cugiocs ot lUu
Tbe Burlington raliroul b:u placet
a rush order for fifty new irt uu - u
fines for near future dilivcrv
MoBt of the engines ordered ore of
Ihe "O" types some being of the class
known as 01 and others 03. ' To Bur
lington men these designations mean
the largest type of freight engines
in general use on main lines, ma
chines with a capacity for pulling 100
?ars over ordinary grades. The lines
vest will be given a shure of the new
The need for more motive, power,
while not serious, has been' felt dur
ng the rush of business. Traffic has
"een kept moving and delays for
want of motive power have not oc
:urrod, but wtyh a growing tonnage
.nd the need for replacing some of
he older engines to purchase was
As an evidence of tonnage growth
t Is said the Wyoming district Is
handling many special oil trains and
that on Monday of last week 460 cars
if coal were loaded on the Wyoming
llstrlct of the road. This was a heavy
lay's loading, unusual In the number
f cars filled, but the daily loading
has been heavy for some time. Such
'oading requires a lot of motive pow-3r.
ri'im i'ilkh
Haven na, Nebr., Nov. 21, 1916
Three years ago I suffered with a
very bad case of Piles. I was so run
town physically with this trouble
that I lost over 20 pounds in weight
ind found It very hard to attend to
my work. I was advised to see Dr.
Itlrh, pile and rupture specialist, of
Orand Island. Nebr., which I did. . I
am now glad to te-ttlfy after three
years, for Dr. Itlch's benefit and for
the benefit of others suffering as I
did who wish to be cured without an
operation, that I am cured. I have
not had a single symptom of Piles
since I was treated three years ago
and back to my normal weight and
health, In fact I feel better than ever,
other troubles having left me when
my Piles were cured. I had sulferod
with Plies for ten years, the last
three years of which time was slm
ply the Infernal for me. For the
good 1 received from Dr. Rich I am
deeply grateful and I most sin
cerely recommend his treatment to
any one who needs it. .
C. R. NELSON, Rafenno. Neb.,
Engineer Burlington railroad.
62-tf-7847 t
Ml Ife Catarrii
One efficient t to remove
nasal catarrh u f. j tieU Us causef
which in mor.t csca is physical'
weakness. The system necd
more oil and easily digested
liauid-food, and you should
take a spoonful ot
Notice of Final Account
In the matter of the ectate of Hi
ram Wilson, deceased. In the County
Court of Box Butte County, Nebras
ka. The State of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested In said estate, take
notice that the executor haa filed a
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement, distribution and dis
charge as such, which have been set
for hearing before said court on Do
cember 13th, 1916, at 10 o'clock A
M., wnen you may appear and con
test the same.
Dated November 16, 1916.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
To the Owners of the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
Lots 7 to 12, Inclusive, block 11;
lot 18. block 13; lots 8, 11 and 12,
block 12; original town of Alliance;
lot 15, block 15, First Addition to
Alliance; lot 1, block O. Lot 3, block
P. lot 3, block W, Sheridan Addition
to Alliance; lot, 28. and lots 74 to
78. Inclusive, County Addition to
Alliance; lot 7, block 4, Second
County Addition, all In Alliance, Box
Butte county, Nebraska.
You, and each of you are hereby
notified that the city counc'l will sit
us a board of equalization on Decem
ber 12, 1916, at 8 o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of bearing all complaints
and equalize benefits and levy
ing special assessments for
the purpose of paying for the
construction of sidewalks In and
abutting upon the' property above de
scribed, by virtue, of the following
resolution adopted by tho said city
COUltfc'.L '
iu It resolved by the mayor and
i iiiull or the city of Alliance, Box
i:mtc county, Nebraska, that the
Mayor and council sit ns a board of
....... m ... i nM rnMkAw H 1 (11 n
at 8 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of
equalizing the special benefits, if
uny, to, the following described real
estate to-wltt
Lots 7 to 12 Inclusive, block 11;
lot 18; block 13; lots 8, 11 and 12,
block li, Original Town of Alliance;
lot 15, block 15, First Addition to
Alliance; lot 1, block O; lot 3, block
P; lot 3, block W. Sheridan Addition
to.Alllatice lot 28, and lota 74 to 78
Inclusive, County Addition to Alll-S
ance; lots 7, block 4, Second County
Addition,' all In Alliance, Box Butte
county, Nebraska, and for the pur
pose of levying special assessments
against said property and that no
tice of such meeting be given to all
owners of said property to be as
sessed and their benefits and damage
equalized, by publication of this res
olution for at least ton days prior to
December 12, "1916, In the Alliance
Semi-Weekly Times and the Alliance
Herald, newspapers of general circu
lation and published in the state of
Attest: Carter Calder. - !
(Seal) Clerk. t
after each meal to enrich your?
blood and help heal the sent!'
thre membranes with its pur
oil-food properties.
Tho results of thia 5co((V
Emuluion treatment will"
surprise those who have use4r
irritating snuffs and vapors.
all very well, but intending settle
must not thnlk that this is the oaljr
crop, not the main crop for that mat
ter. Winter wheat according h
the records of the threshing ma;
chines around Hemingford average
26 bushels to the acre.
It la true that potatoes have been
so high and profitable, especlaiy
seed for tho southern trade, for a
number of years, that our farroet
have raised a great many of thets
ut our wheat farmers, our arista
cratlc farmers, we call them, bsfs
done as well, and their bank bJ
snces are as good as those of our ba4
nanza potato farmers.
The potatoes being marketed near
ly all together make a more spectsa
ular showing tahn tbe wheat, bo-'
the wbeat crop Is of more value oo
yoBi with another than the pout
Hemingford land la wheat land be
cause It Is rich strong land with very
little sand and will last for year
raising tfheat. And by the war.
wheat and potatoes are a fine rota'
tlon, as potatoes leave the ground
clean and In fine shape for winter of
spring wheat. Our soil Is equal tv
or superior to, the much advertised
lands along tho main line or tbe U
P., and you should compare Bo
Butte county with all other westers"'
counties before buying.
Wheat Farmers In Mux Butte (bounty
Muke Itlg Profits and Find It
Pays Them Well
Much Is being said of the potato
crop In Box Butte county. This is
Usually the first indication of S)
lowering of health is found in that
bowels and liver. Something goea
wrong we eat too much, or work
too bard and the bowel actiotf
weakens or the liver it sluggish
That heavy feeling on arising iu
the morning,' dryness, of the"
throat, with bad taste, a slight
headache, dull eyes all show that
food has fermented iu the intes
tines, and that the body is man
ufacturing poisons instead of
irood blood.
Clear it all out Give tbe
stomach and bowels a fresh start
Encourage the liver to go t9
work. Manalin docs all o? thisv
without griping or weakening.
It's the ideal laxative and liver
tonic, because it follows Nature'5-
plan. without ctscomfort, innatrj'
mation or forming a habit. Coif
stipation may be overcome with
sts use.
-iviutd or
tatilut torm.'
The - Tab-
lou taat
Ilk cindv.
Children like
them, a n if
they a r '
I and t
Tb Paruaa Ce
and he is only one
amongst thousands
THIS little chap is typical of
thousand s who are saved from
the ravages of tuberculosis every
The "stitch in time" we token in this
cate as the pictures taken year apart
Thousands of others will need similiar
treatment during the coming yeer to
fight off this dreadful plague. The
associations of trained anti-tuberculosis
workers are r-dy to do their part to
suppirs tuberculosis, but funds are
' needed. Here is wlaere you can help.
Do your part, no matter how small, to
make tli is a happy Christmas for Some
SuIl'Aing child.
Buy Red Cross Christmas Seals
Red Cross Christmas Seals are for sale in Alliance at the
various business, houses. The local sale is conducted by
the Alliance Women's Clubs and they receive a per
cent. Seals are one cent each.