The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 16, 1916, Image 27

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    Not A 'Tack Not A Nail
Billiken Shoes
Are made with
out a tack or
nail; of the soft
est, toughest
leather known,
on broad, sensi
ble, improved foot
form lasts the most
perfect child' shoe
ever made The one
shoe a child out
grows. Buy Billiken'
Shoes and let the
children romp and
play to their heart'
content without an
noyance to you, in
jury to the home or
discomfort to themselves.
The growing feet of children are easily irritated by stiff soles
or narrow shoes. ' Billiken " Shoes are made by special
ists in the largest shoe factory in the world, devoted exclu
sively to the manufacture of Children's High Grade Shoes.
The soles on ,,BllllkenM Shoes are Pure Oak Flexible
Leather the softest and most pliable leather known, being
especially prepared to withstand hard service. The absence
of nails, tacks, etc., prevents the children scarring the floor
and furniture. The soft soles render the shoes noiseless.
Flexible soles make them as comfortable as a moccasin. The
durable leather makes them as lasting as a man's heavy shoes.
And they are extremely stylish.
Get your dealer to show you "Billikens"
McElroy-Sloan Shoe Co.
St. Louis, Mo.
We have thousands of New Clean Silk
Samples (Drummers' samples) all
approximately the same size, 2by 6
inches. Just the thing for crazy
quilts or sofa pillows.
Send 10c in Silver or Stamps
Money Back if not Satisfied
Silk Exchange Bldg. St. Lout; Mo.
UR packages, sold through
your own home millinery
store, contain elegant materials
and full instructions, for making
beautiful latest style hats for all
Any woman or child who can sew can make a stylish
"millinered" hat the first time. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Send us the name of your local dealer and we will
mail you Catalog with pictures of the new Fall and Winter
3860 Olive Street St. Louis
The Quality Trade-Mark
On March the 1 1 th, 1 872, was formed a partnership out of
which has grown
One of the Greatest Shoe Houses in the World
that of the Hamilton, Brown Shoe Co., with an annual
business of approximately
It has truly been said that Mr. A. D. Brown was the father of the shoe
manufacturing business in St. Louis. He started with a capital of
$23,000.00, and in a little more than forty-three years this little business,
without a single dollar from any other field, has become the present
institution, which has approximately 5,000 employes and has paid them
over $43,000,000.00 in wages, an average of $1,000,000.00 per year.
Our employes and families, if located in one place, would make a city
of almost 25,000 inhabitants.
We Operate Seven Big
Specialty Factories
With a Capacity of A Pair of Shoes Per Second,
or 60,000 Pairs Per day
During the forty-three years of our business we have shipped
a grand total of over
$237,000,000.00 Worth of Shoes
Why? Because 2js2h3.
fBHaaummaammBmmmmmMammmmma have studied
Quality worked on Quality thought Quality until we
know nothing else but to make Quality shoes, and this trade
mark stands for Quality stronger to-day than ever before.
Go to the Hamilton-Brown dealer in your town and ask to see the
Season's New Designs and Patterns.
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Shoe Company
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