t i -7 u 1 ? f THE AEOLIAN-VOCALION TI1K NKW Mt'SICAIi INSTHI MKNT OF TIIK I'llON'OdllAI'II TYI'K We wish to announce that we have received a complete itock of V0CAL10NS and will be pleased to demonstrate to you the most wonderful talking machine on the market for tone quality. Characteristics of Musical Tones, broadly speaking, the ear classifies sounds into noises and musical tones. THE SOUND BOX The sound box is the most important feature of the Phono graph. This wonderful invention has made the phonograph aa well as the telephone a possibility. Don't buy until you hear the VOCALION. All the latest records, both classic and popular. Or Haddorff Music House ALLIANCE HOTEL BLDO., ALLIANCE, NEBR. HIGHWAY MAGAZINE WRITES UP ALLIANCE GLASS OF SALTS IF Y OUR KIDNEYS HURT Tell of Clty'n Advantage In Story Announcing State Convention to be Held Here In December uniipp pi ,m n ii m jm i m win iiinii.., , m , ,,,,,,1 , YOU CAN'T BUILD NOW We don't expect you to But you can figure on your lumber bill and we can help you ma terially in that matter Bring in your plans and toast your feet by our fire while we fig ure out for you the LOWEST PRICES FOR BEST MATERIALS Now is the time to figure the bill and we are the people to do the ngunng. - 4 w a DYE & OWENS Transfer Lin BSEaBnaoKStsdernnsnsa HOUSEHOLD GOODi moved promptly, anfl rranafar Work solicit -" nvi d. Dray Phone 54 Residence phone 636 and Blue 67 Everybody goes to see Rentfrovv at the 200 Rooms With Running Water Under New Management 13th and Douglas Streets, Omaha MILLARD HOTEL Especially the Stockmen L. RENTFROW, Prop. I HELP YOU ADVERTISE It costs money to advertise your locality, but by co-operating mi n-iicve you ironi a gooa aeal of this advertising ex pense and at the same time get pretty good results. WYOMING has a number of irrigated projects still awaiting set- 41ra Ton Million A .. t i . i , . . " ..uuvu ah ui tire mniu'Kicaa lanus in the Mondell Area are waiting for live stock farmesr. . SOUTH DAKOTA AND EASTERN COLORADO offer excellent land values that should be called to the attention of Eastern people - There is no part of the West that has better deeded land values' TOP the firmr nrwl . onAr . 1 unuintun.. . . WESTERN NEBR ASKA. " "twea. ana suuTII- The inquiries that we are daily receiving cover all kinds of lands and .industrial openings Give me the names of any of your friends back East whom we might locate in your vicinity. We have folders aesenpuve or all of these localities; our mail ing list is large. Help me to benefit your lo cality. 8. n. Howard, Immigration Agent, C. Ik & Q. K. R. 1004 Faraam Street, Omaha, Nebraska The Highway Magazine for No vember In connection with announc ing that thi 1916 convention of county commissioners, eupcrvlsors, and clerks of the state of Nebraska will bo held at Alliance next month prints a half tone illustration of the liurlington depot hero and ha"s the following to say about Alliance, the biggest little city In Nebraska: "Located In the southeast portion of box Butte county Is the metropo lis of northwestern Nebraska. While not centrally located In the state it is, by means of Us two main lines of the Burlington railroad, easily reach ed. "Alliance Is a city of progress, with wide, well kept and well lighted streets. She has a large number of public buildings, churches and school and her public library would be a credit to any city. The modern Box i Butte County Court House bus been erected but a short time at en expen diture of $65,000. Tho Burlington Depot Is credited with being the sec ond finest in the state. Hotel facili ties are excellent and visitors are as sured of ample accommodations and tho best of service. Industrially, Alliance is moving forward with rapid strides. Her business men are progressive and liberal In their community work and her commercial club is one of the most active In the state. Tho 1916 Convention of the Coun ty Commissioners and Clerks of the State of Nebraska, will be held at Al liance in December and sho experts to make it the banner one. Nothnlg will be left undone which will assist in the profit and pleasure of those who attend. She extends to all, through her Commercial Club, a cor-: lliil invitation to attend." Alliance has an opportunity to mow oH when the commissioners and clerks are here. The Commercial Club is handling the convention and will make it their business to not only see that the affair is staged on a scale that will make all delegates talk, but that they leave with a better Impres sion of this city of the west, with a Clearer idea of the possibilities here and somewhat of a vision of what is to co mo. Xat lets meat If you feel fiack&chy or have Bladder trouble Salts fine for Kidneys. lilnilfiiqnni Meat forma uric acid which excite and overworks the kidneys In their effort to filter it from the system. Regular eat ers of meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. You must relieve them like yon relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else yon feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or aick headache, dis riness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy, take a table spoonful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then net fine and bladder disorders dis ftppwii". This famous salts is made from tllA Alft tt frMhAl tnA lamin 4ii!aa aah. lined with lithia, and has been used for fenerations to clean and stimulate slug- i pish kirlners and stop bladder irritation. Jad Baits is inexpensive! harmless and mnkes a .Jclifjhtful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. with, or antagonistic to, the highest standards of all churches commonly recognized as orthodox. In a word, the sole object of th Alliance Holiness Association, and those to which It is auxiliary, is to deepen the spirituality of professing Christians and secure the conversion of sinners. It Is expected that, as spirituality deepens, Interest In works of charity and benevolence will Increase, but that these will be carried on thru the accustomed chan nels of religious and benevolent or ganizations. In so far as the object of the association shall bo attained, it will be a blessing to Individuals and a benefit in every way to the churches touched by It. OTERDEUOMIiUiAL 'HOLINESS ASSQClATfON tears that Bow. Ho makes his hear ers think, and by bo doing accom plishes his purpose. Dr. Iong is anr evangelist-pastor and for fifteen years served one of th state'a most Intelligent churches. Frof. Grlndle Is a singer of no mean ability. His voice Is well trained and has tho added advantage of Bounding natural. His ability as a choir .organizer Is noted from the first. He makes frlcnd3 rapidly and his southern manner goes a long way toward winning him the confidence of the people on short notice. The meetings this week have all been Inspiring and helpful to those who are attending. Your Rowels Should Move once a Day A free easy movement of the bow els everr day is a sign of good health, Dr. King's New Life Pills will give you a gentle laxative effect without griping and free your system of blood poisons, purify your blood, ov ercome constipation and have an ex cellent tonic effect on the entire sys tem. Makes you feel like living. On ly 25c at druggists. Adv 3 X few months ago there was or- wftnlzed the Alliance Holiness Asso ciation, auxiliary to the Nebraska and the National Holiness Associa tions. In some places, many diverg ent doctrines have been tniifiht un der the name of "holiness", by per sons not connected with these or af filiated organizations. In order that all who are Interested may clearly understand the fundamental princi ples that underlie this association, it has been thought best to publish a concise statement thereof. First, it is not a denomination and It Is not anti-denominational In any sense, but is strictly interdenomina tional. Any person to bo eligible to membership must first be a member of some evangelical church or give a good reason for not yet being a member. The organization of new churches in fieldB already occupied and the changing of church mem bership for trivial reasons are not countenanced. There is nothing In the doctrines taught inconsistent Now Ijookout When a cold hangs on as often happens, or when you have hardly gotten over one cold before you con tract antther, lookout for you are liarle tc contract some very serious disease. This succession of colds weakens the system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, pneumonia or consumption. Cure your cold while you can. Chamber lain's" Cough Ilemedy has a great reputation. It Is relied upon by thousands of people and never dis appoints them. Try It. It only costs a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. Adv Nov SPECIAL MEETINGS AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ilov. Rir.illal M. Long ami Prof. AV. C. lirindle Conducting Evan gelistic Services Here Sunday the first of a series of evangelistic eorvices were held at the Presbyterian church. Barzillai M. Long, D.D., well-known pastor of Lincoln, Is in charge of tho services and is delivering tho addresses. He is being assisted by William Cicero Grlndle, a popular singer who hails from Georgia. Dr. Long's subject for Monday ev ening was, "The New Evangelism." On Tuesday evening ho spoke on "Special Opportunities," and Wed nesday spoke on "Beholding God." Tonight he is scheduled to talk on that oft-repeated quotation, "Am It My Brother's Keeper." "Christ Tity and Man Pity" Is the subject for the talk Friday Light. No meeting Is scheduled for Saturday evening, that being a reet night. Sunday morn ing Dr. Long anonunces that he will talk on "All Things Work for Good to the Children of God." There will be a special Sunday evening service at which he will address the audi ence on, "Some of the World's Great est Robbers." Dr. Long follows a system all his own in his evangelistic work. He is a most able and apt speaker and does not find it necessary to have a bucket handy to take care of tho GRAY HI BECOMES DM AND BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sape Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to gi t this mixture was to make it at home, wbioa is muy and troublesome, Nowadays we simply ask at any drug toxe for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old time recipe Improved by the addition of other ingredients for about CO cents. Everybody uses this prepara tion now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it doca it so naturally and "evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through yonr hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another appli cation or two, your hair becomes beauti fully dark, thick and glossy and yon look years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet jcquisite. It is not intended for the cure,' mitigation or prevention, of disease, The sense of direction In migra tory birds is as marvelous as it is mysterious. The familiar Inhabi tants of our dooryard martin boxoa return the next year to- these same boxes, though meanwhile they have visited Brazil. Will Sloan's Liniment Relieve Pain? Try it and see one application will prove more than a column of claims. James S. Ferguson, Phlla., Pa., writes: "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these years of pain one application gave me rel'.ef. Many thanks for what your remedy has done for me." Don't keep on suffering, apply Sloan's Liniment where your pain la and notice how quick you get relief. Penetrates without rubbing. Buy it at any Drug Store. 25c. Adv 3 Will s;,?:nn rr r r f V uy A Piano At Home Keep Your Money In Western Nebraska The Wiker Music House Buys Its Pianos Direct From The Factories-the largest in the U. S. IN PURCHASING A PIANO FROM US YOU ARE NOT COMPELLED TO PAY THE PROFIT OF SEVERAL MIDDLE MEN. We are'not a branch house which remits everything taken in to the Main Store. Your Money-Outside of the Factory Cost of the Piano stays here in Alliance. You Can Buy Chickering, Ivers & Pond, Kurtzman and other high-grade Pianos at this store ON EASY PAYMENTS You nhould not buy an instrument elsewhere until you have in vestigated our methods of doing business. We have been in the piano business in Alliance for nine years and during that time have disposed of hundreds of pianos. We can refer you to these customers who have purchased after full investigation and without being induced to do so by frenzied advertising. EXCLUSIVE VICTOR VICTR0LA AGENCY We are the exclusive agents in Alliance for Victor Victrolas and Records. CALL AND IIEAU THE LATEST WIKER MUSIC HOUSE Everything in Music Here. Sheet Music and Complete Line of Small Goods MRS. J. T. WIKER, Mgr. Across from Postofflce ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA