The Gasoline Willi A K-I-C-K We wish to call the attention of automobile owners anil drivers to the gasoline which we are selling at our garage at 27', o cents per gallon - Manhattan Gasoline Read what Kddie Riekenhacher, the famous racing driver, says altout this gasoline: Prest O-Lite Racing Team Racing Maxwell Cars E. V. KICK UN H A CK E It, Manager Des Moines, Iowa, June 25, 1916. TO ALL MOTORISTS: The gasoline used by me in SPEEDWAY RACES of June 24th was STRAIGHT RUN MANHATTAN GAS. My Max well racers demand positively the cleanest gaH of the highest efficiency. The pan used in this race was superior to any 1 have ever used. YOURS FOR THE GAS WITH THE KICK. (Signed) EDDIE R1CKENRACHER. NICOLAI & SON 116 BOX BUTTS AVENUE. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA TZ.e w.ia' V 1. SAGE TEA DARKENS i SALTS IF KIDNEYS iH TO ANY SHADE; Don't stay Gray! Here's Old-time Recipe that Any body can Apply. an n&rmlesa to flash Kidneys and neutral iM irritating acid Splendid for system. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, pray hair to it natural eolor dales back to grandmother's time. Khe used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever fcer hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture as applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and ut-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 eent bottle of "Wycth'9 Sape and Sulphur Compound." you will pot this famous old preparation, unproved by the addition of other in gredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the air. A well-known dowutown dnippiht says it darkens the bair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a tponga r soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Ry morning the pray hair dis appears, and after another application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and flossy. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite for those ho desire a more youthful appearance, flt is not intended for the cure, mitlgatioa t rrevotlea at diseaa. Real Estate. Loans and Injur tnce. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. IS. tf -6727 Kidney and Bladder weakness result from urie acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from tba blood and pass it on to the bladder, where rt often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water pusses sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Madder weakness, most folks call it, borausn they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying aud some times very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salt from your pharmacist and take a tablo Bpoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with fithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused bf urie acid irritation. Jad Salts is splen did for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. tlere yon have a pleasant, effervescent lithia-water drink, vbica quickly nlisve t ladder trouble. Hon. W. J. BRYArl Alliance, FriM Nov. 3 1 1 Oclock A. M. MR. BRYAN WILL SPEAK ON THE POLITICAL ISSUES AND THE DRY AMENDMENT Everybody should hear Nebraska's Distinguished Orator. " AT THE BRENNAN CORNER or, if the weather is inclement, at the Imperial Theatre HOTEL ROME Ho Thcuse of Courtesy" 0 m a h a 1 loom without bath 9I.OO up Itoom with bath up Modern Lunch Room ROME MILLER Owner mmm Will outlast several steel tanks 01 several tanks made from other at erlal, and cost less money. Tfcest tanks will keep the water cooler It summer and warmer in winter. 8en0 for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Ilolsen. Msnacer, 11 03 W. O. W. Bide Omaha. LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF PRESIDENT WILSON jBsswaaaiiiii ii ' iL LA'i .".imTa i 1 -h .wfur a V i " Rv7 9 i p LIKE IT AT LANCASTER BETTER THAN AT KEARNEY Orville Ia'wN and Willie Puiirtar, hIio ItohlHMl llolsteii Stort', Write MiorllT ;oliin to 1m Mtn Orvllle Lewis and Willie Dunbar, the boys who broke the plate glass window In the front of the Moisten jewelry and drug store on August 5, and secured some $200 worth of jewelry; who entered a house In east Alliance and attacked a woman, tear ing her clothlna from her body and causing a general row; and who broke Into a box car In the lturllng ton yards and got away with right mackinaw coats and other clothing, are doing well at the penitentiary at Iancaster, according to Lewis In a letter sent to Sheriff Cox. Following Is the letter received by the sheriff: "Mr. C. M. Cox, Sheriff. "Dear Sir: I will take the pleasure to drop you a few lines to let you know that Hill and I are getting ulong line. 1 tini working In the ,:!' hV.i and Dill is working la the laundry, but we cell together. We lik It hero a great deal better than at Kearney aud we Lave decided that wlu n we get out of here wo will make men out of ourselves. We ex pect to be paroled about the first of July. How is Doc getting along? Tell him hello for us. Well, this Is all 1 cuu think of so I will close for this time. "Your friend, "Mr. Ordo lwls, ORDE LF.W1S, "Lancaster. Nebr. WM. DUNI1AH. "No. 6911." Iloth boys have been in trouble before and Dunbar was on parole from the state reformatory at Kear ney at the time be took part In the affairs that sent him to the peniten tiary. There is a certain pathetic humor lu the statement, "We like It here a great deal better than at Kearney." The boys were arrested by Officer Wheeler. They were charged with burglary and plead guilty to that rhrgo before County Judge Iierry. Tiie district court sentenced the boys to an Indeterminate sentence of from one to ten years at Lancaster, and they were taken there on September 15. SCHOOL FOR STOCK IIULLDKKS United States Will Support but Two (rent Stock Shows It la rapidly becoming evident that the United Slates will give support to only two great annual Mork shows. One of these will be the In ternational at Chicago, and the oth er the National Western at Denver. In the development of stock breed ing, live stock competitions are one of the most Important features. It is the stock breeder's school. At every county and state fair the live stock competition is always an Im portant feature. Tilt-He competitions may be regarded as the primary Hchool of the breeder. Here he is able to match his cattle up with those of his neighbors and see what prorresi ho Is making. The yront annual stock show, however, may be regarded aa the college or finishing DEMOClATfC TICKET For U. 8. Be us tor: Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Om-na. For Governor: Kaith Neville, North Piatt. For Lisutenant Governor: Edgar Howard, Columbus Ifor Secretary of Stute: Charles W. Pool, Hyanms. For Auditor: Wm. H. Smith, Seward. For Treasurer: Gorj E. Halt, Franklin. For Stats Superintendent: W. H. Cltmmons, Fromont. For Attorney General: Willis t. ftosd, Madison For Commissioner of Pub'ic Lands and Buildings: O. L. Shumway, ScottsblufT. For Railway Commissioner: Victor I. Wilson, Stromsburg. For Regents of the University of Nebraska: Or. P. L. Hall, Lincoln. H. O. Lsndls. Sewsrd. Tor Congressman. First Distri. t : John A. Magulre, Lincoln. For Congressman. Second District: C. O. Lobeck. Omaha. For Congressman Third Distrb t: Dan V. Stephens, Prentont. For Congressman, Fourth District! W. L. Stark, Aurora. For Congressman. Fifth District: A. C. Shsllonborger, Alms. For Congressman. Hx'h Tjlifrln. Edw. MeDermett. Kearney. For State Senator. 28th district tl. M. Adams, Crawford For State Representative. 73ri diH trlct: Lloyd C. Thomas, Alliance For County Clerk, Dox Ilutte County John J. Maniort, Alliance For County Treasurer; Fred Mollrinjr, Alliance, For County Sheriff: C. M. Cox, AJlU.are For County Superintendent: MUs Opal llusHell, Alliance For County Commissioner. 1st Dis trict: Anton llirijr, Ifeminffford For County Attorney: Joe I,. Wfstover, Alliance For County Surveyor: K. K. Knight, Alliance For County Assessor: P. II. Dillon, Alliance The Simon Spry Feed & Sale Barn Now Doing Business Geo. Roach, an experienced man in the business, has re-opened tLi3 well-known barn. Farmers and Ranchmen will find the Simon Spry Barn oper ated by Mr. Roach a good place to tie up. You get service hem. 0E0. ROACH, Manager. i "I sincerely hope that Sen lor Hitchcock will be re-elected." Pres ident Wood row Wilson. Adv o o F. E. Holsten returned Thursday from Lincoln where he was in at tendance at the state convention of teial! dealers HOW YOU GET SICK Sometimes you overload your stomach with rich foods. Your life may be an active one. and thus you mey cara for nil you est. llul a few days of Inactivity show your system duea not call for so much. You awake In the morning tired. Tour body feels heavy; you know you are not up to the mark. Your digestion has not cured for tba overload, i'art of It remains. It generates ras that Inflames thi dellcat linings. They fall to pour out the dtgeallvn fluids and neglect to abxorb Ilia Hfe-Klvlng clt-inertl. You know eomethln Is wrong:. Your body gei weak, an t soon opportunity is ottered for some so vera lllnes. Taken In time, the Indlxeatlon would not become serious. Kirat re move the overload; then soothe the sore membranes; then build up the weakened body. It's almple to say, but not looeaay to do. You need help. A tonic that will quicken dila tion, hidp remove waate. soothe tho soreness and arouse the system that's Just what you need. reruns has an enviable record In this repecC It baa aided many thousands In the last century to overcome Juat these conditions, and thereby prevent serious sickness. The tablet form Is convenient for regular administration. n a Tablet are the Ideal laxative an 1 liver tonli-. They have n o unpteaa ant affect a and form n e hablta. 10c and Mi Tfce Ferae C aaaakaa. O. eder an a coed Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner of Sheridan County Fred V. Oracbcr in the Pemocrntic Candidate for County CoitiniiHKionrr from the 2nd District for whom the votora of Sheridan County will have to cast their vtitc for or aKaitmt at the eloctitm on November 7th. Mr. (Iraeber came to ihw m-otion in 1S84 or before the County was organized ami then a part of Sioux County. He in a native German, coming to Illinois at an early ape, coming on to this country with the Northwestern Railway. He is a mason by trade and will be remembered by the old timers aa the man who built the first brick chimney in Uushville. Passing through the hardships of the pioneer of that day he has emerged today as one of the leading progressive and public spirited citizens of the county. His broad acquaintance in the county would certainly be an advantage, not only to himself, ahould he be elected, but the taxpayers as well. Hav ing had experience in the mason trade all his life, completing contracts from the government down to the private individual, his knowledge of bridge and culvert building could not but be. one of the best reasons why the voters should put an X in the square to the left of his name, and the taxpayers need never fear but what they will get value received from every dollar spent from the road and bridge fund of the county. Mr. Graeber is widely known for his integrity and pro gressive spirit in all things for his county and home town. His interests are all in Sheridan County where he has raised his family and made his competence in life and when he now seeks public office oh the grounds of his past record it should be giv en him with a good will and spirit, knowing that they have vot ed for a man with the knowledge and ability to fill the office of County Commissioner from the 2nd District. Vote for Fred Graeber P. V' I 3V V. re A' v '2- school. At tlino shows I hero roino toKotlicr nil of tho bHt hrreilinr of Mi country, llnre are nu t tin t 1 1 xr winners from the county and st.-ite fairs, iiml in the show rliiK tl) lr-d- th are able by rouiiiurlnon to Judgo accurately of tho ironrcnB bing made. This year tliero were three Krent shows one at Denver, one ut Kansas City and ono at Chicago. The Kansas City show has for several yea rr. been sailing In rouph waters. Tho success of these exhibitions de mand that they shall be located tit tho slock yards center. The Kantms City stock yards are no lonKor able to supply room for the American Ifoynl Show. For tho past two years it has been held In rramped quarters in the heart of the rlty, a mile or more away from the stock yards. This year the show was well attend ed and some niiiKtiillcent herds were exhibited, but the breeders have served notice on Kansas City that un less adequate quarters ran be pro vided they will have to abandon this frntstfsj. m'wwb'.'M" 'mmmij. annua! event. This will leave onl the two Kreal shows one at Chlca ro and the other at Denver. Some of the loading herds of the West wilt exhibit at. tho Chicago show and titer loading herds of the Kast will exhlb" it at Denver, ami In this wny an op- pui tun. ly will bo had to measure uf the progress both In the Kast and lav -the West. In ten years the National Wester Show at Denver has developed Intev one of the most. Important live stock exposition of the world. In sornev features it excels the International at Chicago. At the next Denver show, which opens on January 29, the bent herds of live stock In tbar United S'ales will be exhibited and the stock breeders of the West will have an opportunity to measure u their herds with the best production of the world. Save moiiej by buying, a uwil ante j from The Kuiix r Motor t'oinuiny. Jiu k True. Everybody goes to see Rentfrow at rhe 200 Booms With Running Water 13th and Douglas Stifeta. Orxuiha MILLARD IIOTLL Especially the Stool, men Under New Management L. REXTFROW. Prop. fTMlr CCNTAINIT J THeATto rte RIGHT ILUMBtR- We are of your community and have to depend on YOU and YOUR good words for our patronage. Is it any wonder that we keep busy BUILDING A REPUTATION FOR GOOD LUMBER, RIGHT PRICES AND FAIR DEALING? To satisfy you in every deal is more important to us than the profit on that deal. TRY US and 8ES. v