The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 26, 1916, Image 5

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    There is a Real Difference
Cream of tartar, derived from gropes,
is used in Royal Baking Powder because
it is the best and most healthful ingredient
known for the purpose.
Phosphate and alum, which are de
rived from mineral sources, are used in
some baking powders, instead of cream of
tartar, because they are cheaper.
If you have been induced to use baking
powders made from alum or phosphate,
use Royal Baking Powder instead. You
will be pleased with the results and the
difference in the quality of the food.
New York 1
Real Estate. Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15 tf -6727
S. J. Schmoker and R. J. West of
Bingham came up Wednesday noon
on land business.
John McCoy, M. D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 8)
F. E. Holsten is at Lincoln. Nebr.,
this wee kin attendance at the state
convention of Rexall dealers.
Vsed Ford autos for sale at great
ly reduced prices. See Jack True,
Kumer Motor Company.
Mrs. W. I. Lorance and Mrs. Frank
Uauer left Thursday morning for
Bloomington, 111., for a month's visit
-with relatives.
Wm. M. Hill left Monday noon for
Denver to receive treatment, and
word has been received at Alliance
that he Is feeling fine.
Mrs. E. G. Bingham, of Richmond,
Mich., stopped off to visit a couple of
days with Mrs. Jerry Rowan, on her
way home from Spokane, Wash.
Members of the Women's Choral
Club and anyone interested in the
thoral work for this Beason, meet at
the School of Music Friday evening
at 7:30.
, . ,
The Rural . Woman s Club met
Wednesday afternoon with Miss Myr -
lie Rust. There were quite a num-
ber of Alliance people out to the
. m .
I.eo Card, an attorney of Chadron.
was In the city weisnesuay on hum
. . . i i i
ness at the county court. Mr. Card
does not get to Alliance often but
Fays he l'kes the town better each
Leslie M. Shaw, ex-governor of Io-,
wn and ex secretary of the treasury,
of the United States, who was in Al-
liance Monday on a political cam-
T-aign. addressed the students at the ,
.i Unn,iv nftpmnnn.
m-"u" v!
A choral club of little girls, ages
from 8 to 14 inclusive, Is being or-
i,.a .. .1, ih. Hlrertinn of Ml8S I
V.inice Burnett Mothers wishing!
their children to Join, please phone,
"uvT n i.t.irrtav. Oc-
on m at the school.
' a a a
.. . i . T Vnfinir 'hn hVd
Mr..nur... . . :-;
been house guestB or air. ana .wr. '... i,,ull mmnnnv of Antl
A. Thompson, returned to their home
at Lincoln on Monday, mej "r
accompanied to Lincoln bet Mr. ana
Mrs. Thompson who expect to remain
there for about aweek.
Word was received by The Herald ( whlro Mrs. Thiele will join him for
recently from Mr. and Mrs. Harry , a visjt witn rr;ltive8.
Sohns. who owned the Empress the-, . .
atre here about a year ago. who are, Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Gregg are plan
now traveling with the Hillman The-, nine on leaving in the n-ar future
atrical Companv. Mr. Sohns owns for a visit with relatives at Clarence
half Interest and is manacer. and iin, Tipton. Iowa. They will visit
Mrs Sohns is the leading lady. , at Kansas City before returning to
. 1 Alliance.
C C. Holthorf. assistant superln-, a a
tend'ent of the Chicago. Burlington Mr. and Mrs. Lige Thayer of
Ouincv at iieanwoo'i, ii-i- ,
through Alliance Tuesday in com
pany with Mrs. Holthorf. Mr. and
Mrs. Holtorr were on their way to
Deadwood after a more or less ex
tensive honeymoon trip in the east.
a conUnrv fleamr!!?
wur "i, j rvlnieiH for Sioux City. Iowa, where
and pressing costs no more than :lnn,lt,t.ll ,iar(.nlB reside. Mrs. An
the other kind. Keep-U-Neat drew8 wni si'nd a few days visiting
Cleaners. 205 Box Butte Avenue. : h,r daughter.
Phone 133. ThP if.becra Circle met this ufter-
, i- , Vl noon at the home of Mrs. L. T.
About twenty younc ladiea of he, 614 Missouri avenue.
Epworth league of the M,h","t 1 Th(. meeting was originally announc
church met at the City M'"on -. to nav be.n held at the home of
nesday night and mended clothing k
that is on hand for poor people. A a a a
great deal of work was accomplished, j (, r, McLennon of Bayard was in
A few of the young men from the lnu flty on business Monday. He Is
league were also present, and built ;a ;ltning contractor and says that at
a clothing rack to be used in storing )tne prPSf.nt time there are twenty
the clothing In neat order. seven houses under construction at
j Bayard and seventeen at Lakeside.
We will fumtsli the money to, a a
build homes In Alliance. We ln-ret Mr. and Mrs. A. L. oung, who
?h. nrWrYV ourselves and fun.Uh have been house guests of Mr and
;...iLlv t a low rate of Inter -
Z 7 ! -Wa Land Company. AIM-
-t.V KVhr
and Mrs. Thompson, who expect io
The second popular concert given remain there about a week,
bv the faculty of the Alliance School
of Music w 1 be held Sunday after-; The Women's Club will meet with
noon at the Christian church, 4 p. m. Mrs. Mote Friday. October 27 1 he
November B The development of literary program will be as follows:
music in France will be the subject j Roll call-Lewis and Clark expedi
lnusic V r ' . nrnm'tinn Mrs. R. M. Hampton: odd for-
w I con a.n 7oVkT fVom the earliest
t h present day writers
nd composers of French music. This
promises to be of great help to the,
lover of music desiring to listen with
C. G. Perry, an attorney of Bridge
port, was a week-end guest of 11. M.
Miss Beryl Walker was here from
llemingford Monday visiting with
Miss Pauline Dowd of Hemlngford
was the guest of friends here over
the week end.
Save money by buying a used auto
from The Burner Motor Company.
See Jack True.
Mrs. C. O. Davenport, acocmpanied
by her sister, left for a visit at New
ton, Kans., Monday night.
A Utile money wilt buy a
ued auto cheap. See Jack
Burner Motor Company.
G. Ieidy of Ellsworth has been in
the city several days this week at
tending to business matters.
The new residence of Dr. Mahaffy
on Lnramie avenue is completed and
the family is moving In this week.
The Burlington railroad is exper
iencing the biggeBt rush of business
ever known on the Alliance division.
Mrs. E. F. Highland is here from
Los Angeles, a guest at the home of
Mrs Ai j. Welch
There will be a meeting at the
i CUy MlsBloll Sunday afternoon at 3
, 0cjot.k ir(i by Mrs. Barkburst.
Born, Hast Thursday, to Mr. and
Mrs. V. E. Wells, an eight-pound ba-
by girl. Mother and baby are doing
E. B. Boyle and family arrived in
Alliance this week from Beatrice,
Nebr. The family will make their
home here.
Mrs. J. W. Tynan, who was called
to Denver last week by the death of
an uncle, returned to Alliance Mon-
d,iy morning.
Mr. and Mtb. S. Hcmatreet
ScoUsbluff. together with Miss Mary
Car(.y and Frank Shaw, enjoyed a
hunting trip in the country Sunday.
E. M. Banks returned to Alliance
Friday from the George Richardson
ranch south of Alliance where be
went to measure up a quantity of
a a a
Sw.r,.rv Blanche Kibble of the
0ch Nt,br ha8 Deen at Alliance a
pari ol tMR wci-k on ousmcBn iur iun
H. F. Thiele left for Chicago. Sun
day, on business. On the return
trin he will stop at JseorasKa iny.
,-iaue camr- i unj ........
nilt a denti't. returning weonesaay
noon. Mr. Thayer was a pleasant
caller at The Herald office while In
Mrs. J. N. Andrews and Miss Jose-
nhine Schlupp expect to leave Friday
; Mrs. D. A. Thompson, returned
i their home at Lincoln Monday They
Were accompanied to Lincoln by Mr.
: m,,ions. fossils and mM
of Nebraska. Mrs. I. E. Tash. musk
by Miss Grace Spacht.
Floyd Friend of Lakeside win an
Alliance visitor Monday.
J. W. Guthrie was a business vis
itor at Chadron Monday.
Miss Lillian Caha of llemingford
was In the city Monday.
W. F. Seidell was here from Chad-
ron on business Friday.
A baby boy was born Thursday to
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cocar.
Kay Wcstover was bom from
Lakeside Saturday on business.
Miss Jessie llurnx left Monday
nic lit to enter col lege at Omaha.
A. L. Jacobs of Angora was an
Alliance business caller Monday.
Ben Potts of Hot Springs was an
Alliance business visitor Monday.
the 1.
Win. Cotant was hostess to
E. O. society Monday after-
returned to Alliance
Ind been Ht Mars-
Col. Kvans
Thursday, lie
Rev. J. H. Cams held a temperance
rally Friday evening at school house
No. 22.
L. L. Ashbrook of Morrill was a
business caller in Alliance the last
of the week.
Mrs. Binisall Wesley, formerly
Mildred Barrett, is visiting Mr. Wes-
ley's mother, Mrs. S. O. Carr.
John Curl, colored, employed at
the coal shoots, had his arm broken
last week when a lever slipped and
struck him.
Mrs. J. u. Burnett of Cordon spent
Sunday in the city with Mr. Harnett,
who is employed by the Newberry
Hardware Co.
a a a
Louis Griffin, formerly a repre
sentative of Armour & Company, has
accepted a position at Sheridan with
the Economy Drug Store.
a a a
William O'Mara has disposed of
24.000 pounds of wool to Crane
Brothers at Sioux City receiving 28 M
cents a pound for same.
a a
Mrs. G. W. Emery, who Is teach
ing pehool at Orella. spent the week
end In Alliance. Mr. Emery is in the
employ of the Burlington.
a a a
Henry Winton of the west portion
of Box Butte county anil a wen
known rancher, was transacting bus
iness In Alliance part of last week.
a a
The next regular meeting of PoBt
M. T. P. A., will be held at the of
fice of the Post In the Commercial
Club rooms, Saturday. November 11.
a a a
The Baptist bazaar and supper
was a huge success. The ladies did
not sell all of their fancy work but
it is in good hands to be disposed of
at any time.
a a a
II. M. Bushnell. Jr., secretary of
the Alliance Commercial Club, will
leave tonight for a short bual
nesB trio in the Black Hills. He will
return Sunday.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powell and
Mrs. W. E. Powell, of Angora, their
dauthter-ln-law. left last week for
an extended visit with relatives and
friends at Central City.
W. J. Root, cashier of the First
State Bank, is at Omaha this week In
attendance at the state convention of
bunkers being held there this week
He left Alliance Monday.
a a a
O. II. Newman, operator at Sen
eca, who hus been taking a ten-day
layoff on account of the death of his
mother, returned to his work at Sen
eca the first of the week.
a a a
Mrs. Ruby Moore of Sheridan, for
merly of Alliance, according to re
ports received here was married at
Billings to Fred W. Black, cashier
of the Lakeside Savings Bank.
' a a a
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nichoff of Phil
adelphia, who have been guests at
the M. M. Reynolds home, left Thurs
day night for Denver, Colo., where
It i.i their Intention to spend the win
a a
Mrs. G. A. Stearns of Hyunnis and
sister, Miss Ruth Walsh of Shelton
Nebr., who were guests at the W. J
Root and E. C. Drake homes last
week, left for their respective homes
a a a
Mrs. E. G. Lainu lelt Tuesday
nii-ht for Aurora. Kans.. where she
will visit her paren's and brother
whom she hud not Keen for several
vears. Mrs. Laiim expects to b
gone about two weeks.
Al and John WikT arrived in tin
city Saturday from Douglas, yo..
where Al had been for several weeks.
They made the trip overland by au
tomobile ami found the recent snow
a great inconvenience.
a a
t). Boner, who went to Denver last
week, returned Wednesday morning.
Mr. Boner went down to hear former
President Teddy Roosevelt speak but
was unfortunate In not being able to
get near enounh to hear.
a a
Wtirk on the Masonic buildine is
belne rushed. The cornice has been
placed on the bulldinu and the struc
ture is being inclosed so that work
men may continue operations, in
spite of the cold weather.
a a a
Frank Rumer arrived in Alliance
Monday evening from Anaconda,
Mont., for a several-weeks visit with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ru
mer. Frank has been working at
Anaconda for the past year.
a a a
F. Eklund was In the city Friday
in the interests of the International
Association of Machinists. Mr. Ek
lund was at one time an Alliance res
ident. The headquarters of the un
ion are located at Davenport, Iowa,
a a a
Roy Blood is home from Fort Col
lins, Colo., where he was taken ill
some nine weeks ago whilo there vis
iting hlr parents. He Is now able to
be out and his many friends will be
pleased to greet htm at the store
Mrs. F. D. Campbell returned on
Wednesday morning from liorton,
KaiiS., vt here she visited relatives.
L. A. Twilegar Is engaged in
plastering the Interior of the new
Burlington depot at llemingford this
a a a
Frank Abeeg of the First Nation
al Hank who has been confined to
hti home a lew days by a severe st
ick of Umsilitis, is able to be back
at work again.
a a
1 nm in the market to buy your
IMitatocK. See me for prices. Phono
10. II. W. MEAL. Otllce corner
2nd and ll Butte Aw,, basement
BeditMi bl.Nk.
The Alliance fire department re
eived a call to the Nfbraska room
ing house on East Second street
Tuesday morning, but the blate was
extinguished before the apparatus
Km uieie. The lire was caused from
a gasoline Move.
a a a
C. L. Powell and wife left Friday
afternoon in their Dodge car for a
)cn auto trip which will include a
visit to Kearney, Central City, Grand
Island, Aurora and other eastern
Nebraska points. He expects to be
gone about ten days.
a a a
The Box Butte County Dry Feder
ation held a meeting In the nssembly
room at the court housi? Wednesday
evening an dformulated plans calcu
lated to aid materially In the suc
cessful dosing up of the dry cam
paign in this county.
a a a
The Burlington at Alliance has
been experiencing a serious shortage
of coal. On Tuesday train No. 43
from the east was held for forty-five
minutes until coal could be taken
from Incoming freight engines to last
until another coaling point was
a a a
A. J. Tschacher, who has a large
ranch northwest of Alliance, was In
town Saturday on business, lie
drove In In his big Grant Six auto.
It was recently the privilege of a
couple of the members of The Her
ald force to have dinner at the
Tschacher home.
The Box Butte County Dry Feder
ation Is In receipt of a total of 153
essays written by grade school Btud
onts on the question, "Why Should
Nebraska Go Dry?" In the contest
that has been conducted by the f cd-
eration. The essays are now being
read by the judges, who will make
known the names of the wlnnkers as,
soon as possible. The Intention is ,
to have the essays or mo winners
published before election in the lo
cal papers.
We are In need of a ! irst-cIiiBB
salesman to handle our agency In AI-,
liance and surrounding territory.
Grand Union Tea Co., G16 South 16th
street, Omaha, Nebr.
47-31-7755 i
Remember the big Public Sale of
.V) head of cattle and 20 bead of
horses at W. NIcIm-h's, 7 mye south
of llemingford, Xov. 1, UMfl.
C. 4. WII.DV, Clerk.
We wish to thank the following
friends and the business men who so
kindly assisted us In making the en
tertainment of the Social Helpers
club of Bingham possible, this meet
ing being for the benefit of St. Jos
eph's hospital: Geo. D. Darling. Had
dorff Music Company. A. K. Lore,
Keeler & Coursey, Lowry & Henry,
W. J. Hamilton and the Standard
Grocery Company.
Social Helpers Club of Alliance.
Bids will be received until 8 o'
clock p. in.. October 26, 1916, for
laying sewer as follows:
District Nos. 34 and 13 about
7P0 feet in each district.
One district 29 "Y" 1 man hole
1 tlush tank about 4 5 feet lead
pipe and not over 9 feet deep.
One district 24 "Y" 1 man hole,
1 flush tank, about 4 5 feet lead pipe,
20 feet castlron pipe, not over three
feet deep. Plans may be seen at of
fice of City Engineer. Engineer's es
timate, $1,100.00.' Council reserves
right to reject any and all bids.
47-lt-7704 City Clerk.
1 1 fc RiI Higkert Award. QU
? rn g TO V.'tr baking A
i i i i I i rTTTTTB-'"
The Freight Car Shortage
Does Not) Effect US
tliiili n i
Tlie United States Imluy is facing the greatest shortage of
freight cars in its history.
Kv foresaw this shot-Inge month ago and prepared for it.
Our coal bins are full. We are not affected, as are many oth
ers, hut are in position to care for the wants of our customers
It is not necessary for us to substitute a poorer grade of
coal for the regular grades which we handle.
If you want to be assured that you are getting the same
high qunlity to which you are accustomed phone number five
t inlay.
We are dealers in high-grade
Vaughan & Son
Serial No. 015956.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, II. B.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
October 25th, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that Emma
Gentle, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on May 15th, 1913, made Homestead
Entry, No. 016956, for SW4 Section
25, NKNEK, SttNE. and NMi
NEV4, Section 26, Township 23
North, Range 60 West, 6th Princi
pal Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver United States Land Ofllce, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 7th day
of December, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses: Leo
Carnlne, and Alvln Turraan, of An
Kora, Nebraska; Glen Gentle, and
Mrs. Glen Gentle, of Alliance, Nebr-
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
Cheap and big canBakingPowJersdo not
xvvovi money. Calumetdoes-it'sPure
and far superior to sour milk and aoda.
i " poodles that just VC
OwjJ m-e-l-t in your mouth IOC
ikQ 1'Kht, fluffy, tender C5?
fS? cakes, biscuits and OOl
SJK doughnuts that just
keep you hancing r$y
V&r 'round the pantry all VCHj
! vryr made with Calumet JsCVd
1 the ftafo.l, purest, most Vf
economical Baking Pow- J
; zSr di-'f- Try it drive away JCJu
fjtJ bake-d-iy failures." CC
h i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 j i n
The Women's Missionary Society
of the First Presbyterian church met-!
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W.
E. Spencer.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the V.
E. church met with Mrs. C. C. Smltlf
Wednesday afternoon. A home ml"
slonary program was given.
Reformation services will be heleT
Sunday at the German Evangelical
Lutheran church at 10:30 o'clock,
Sunday school will be held at 9:30.
The LadleB' Aid Society of tb
Baptist church met Wednesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. JC
Barb. A missionary program waer
given. Regular services will be held ftt'
the Episcopal church next Sunday.'
Rev. Shaw will return home frost
hU eastern visit the last of the weelT
and will he In charge Sunday.
Rev. J. B. Carna conducted serr
ices at HotUmid last Sunday. He
was assisted by the following: Mise-"
es Abbott and Edna Donovan, and
Floyd Donovan and C. D. White.
, St. Matthew's Church:
Holy Communion, 7:30 a. in.
Sunday school. 10 a. ni.
Morning prayer, 11a. m.
Evening prayer. 7:30 p. in.
The W. C. T. l met Thursday af
ternoon of this week at 2:30 o'clochr
w:l. Mrs. C. C. Smith. 928 Box Butt
avenue. Mrs. Overman, the superin
tendent, had prepared a prouraM
,;yst malic, which was a p las
ue i ) ill in atttndatn .
Owing to the inclement weather.
there wan not a large attendance at
the servites at the Baptist church
last Sunday i veiling, but those who
were there enjoyed R-v. J. B. Cams'
sermon, "The Flool." Rev. LaytoQ
ronthieted i he i-ervl'-es at I he Meth
xlist chun h the same evening.
The Ladi-V Guild of the Episco
pal church was entertained Wednes
day afternoon at the Parish house.
! excellent program was rendered.
A special dance was given by th
Mis.ics Martha and Betty Shaw,
Ki therine Harris. Nell Gavin, Cecil
Weidcnhumer and Virginia Eubank.
Mrs. Howard Reddish pleased with
vecal selection.-
MENT Clyde T. Piginan will take notice
that on t lie 21st day of October,
j 1916. The Mallery Grocery Company
J filed suit in the justice court of T. D.
: Roberts, a Justice of the peace, witb"
I In and for Alliance, Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, against said defendant.
Clyde T. Plgman. the obligation and
prayer of which is to recover judg
ment for $4 4.05, interest and cost
unon an account for goods sold and
J delivered, and with said petition a
i With the Churches
affidavit to obtain an attachment
against the property of said defend
ant. Sold attachment has been made'
upon a StudeWaker automobile and
said suit is now pending. Said cause
will be continued until December I,
1916. Said defendant is required to
answer said petition on or before De
cember 8th, 1916. at 10 o'clock A.
M., and upon failure so to do. Judg
ment' will be rendered against him.
and the property so attached will be
sold and the proceeds of the sale will
be used to apply upon said judg
ment. Mallery Grocery Company,
Burton & Reddish. Plaintiff.