T'lVlilt K1S UTUAL f i w UE EANS ERIT ... i i i Fron the ewl'iejt 5tS:cgQp ci:viTr(.ibiv itlcvs beei tle cle5riyiQ' nc k: K. ls t rc5liiB P'e Qrt:le clepiC?cV Md will be. 50 loryj nuKii tender nvCiiop. We'lve yiveiStucly to tlc de$igiiiy of itvcnpricb cvtcl to the propcrwntc'ioLfor ileir coiv .structioiv We iiyite a pe50ioJ cevll sd our lpw raui wlcrc you rjyaec njMi cu'tiotic cleaigiv boticlcboite ojd iinvplc cid cxt . reok6ojixblc prices coiviteit wtl proper execution. KIMBALL BROS. I700 O street Cjtubii5icd ddj 1 let e good Md ite 5 re J: b honored e vei n griive Let IK julrrtoecl garble' cllr cct our foottrteps to tli ecf rv ot tlve-ir Uitf Sleep. Letth iMej AtJ tell wlcre rvpoic tte oby jjoocl scl wise.' TO r'... i v. a. .1 V.!; ;. t member 01 tne nrm a salesman rcrsonally interested in every detail of every shipment. Your interests are ours. ..1 j . . . President, and head cat tle salesman Theo. Tillotson, Dell Johnson, Cattle Salesman Our Booklet of Illustrations is a work of art and con .xis info aif.tioii, in concise form, that will be help ful to persons who are thinking of ordering memorials. It will be sent free to any reader of this i paper requesting it. KIMBALL BROS., 1700 O Street, Lincoln, Nebr. All mixed shipments sorted for ownership and everything sold on its own merits. We know the brands. Fully equipped in every department. Best yard help obtainable. We have the capacity and equipment to give you the best the market affords. Years of experience in handling grass cattle. Mutual Live Stock Commission Co. on AH A Cod Liver Oil 700 Cream Tartar 100 Creosote II. W 700 Kpsom SaltH 250 Cielatine 200 (llyrerine 200 Iron Reduced 115 Lunoline 300 Mercury 245 Methylene Illue 1.265 Moth Balls 600 Oxalic Acid 900 Paris (Irern 200 Peroxide Hydrogen 200 Phonolphtalein 190 Potassium Acetate 800 Potassium Hicarborate 2,115 Potassium Uromide 1,150 Potassium Chlorate 470 Potassium Permanganate . . . 1,76 5 Quinine 200 Uesorcin 2,755 Hoehelle Salts 100 Saccharin 710 Solol 580 Salt Pet re 350 Sodium Itenzoate U ....nular . . 1,880 Sodium Salicylate 665 Zinc Sulphate IT. S. P. Gran.,. . 115 Crude Dn f;s have advanced 100 to 5,000 per cent. Color printing done by expert printers attracts attention and brings prompt results. Try The Herald's irt department for your next job Phone 3 10. BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR BOOK A Work of Art Sent Frev Jo Persons Who Are Interested in Memori als, Tombstones, Monuments One seldom sees a work of art giv en away that is the equal of the booklet that Kimball Bros, or Lin coln have had printed, and are giving free upon request to persons who are thinking of purchasing monu ments as memorials to departed friends. The booklet consists prin cipally of, halftone cuts of manu ments and statuary erected by them, but contains some helpful sugges tions in the Introduction. As a scluptor, Mr. F. L. Kimball, the senior member of the firm of Kimball Bros., is an artist of excep tional ability and more than state wide reputation. A few illustrations of his work are shown in the book let, namely: Bronze statue of "Mem ory" in the Thompson monument at Lincoln: marble statue on the Mc Donald monument; bronze portrait medallion of the late Gov. John M. Tha;. bronze statue in the Kerr monument at Hastings; the John W. Gilbert memorial tablet in the Friend library; marble bust of the late Judce O. P. Mason. In this issue of The Herald ap pears an artistic and appropriate ad vertisement for Kimball Bros., to which we call attention of our readers. Well Children Are Active ir your child is dull, pale, fretful and wants to lie around, chances are It is suffering from worms. Kicka poo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy confection, liked by all children, ia what your child needs. You only give one-half to one lozenge at a tini and you get immediate results. Ev ery mother should have a box on hand. 25c at all druggists. Adv 1 M BKASKA ANIMALS The following table of animals in Nebraska as found by the Depart ment of Crop Kstimates, United Stales Department of Agriculture, on January 1, 1916 and the Assessors of Nebraska on April 1, 1916 and com pared with the Assessor's findings for 1915 sho.vs: r. S. Bureau, horses, 1.030,000; mules, 98.000; all cattle, 2.890,000; sheep. 374.000; swine, 4.270.000. Assessors 1916 horses 899.696: mules, 113,913; all cattle, 1,443,759; sheep, 182.429; swine, 1.542,303. Assessors 1915 horses. 903.973; mules, 105.381; all cattb) 2.312,206; sheep, 151,742; swine, 1.722.662. rONMXL IXH .Ml U II TV MUST Dl.iiitl i: mi ;ui:k Forme Colorado I'oMitiiiMfi' Sefit to 1'i'isoii tor Lite Sidney. J. V. Cunuoll, former iost lii.ister of liismont, Colo.. u;ix found guilty i.f ilr.st-degrei- murder and sentenced lo life iinpi-isonmcii , for tl.e mu ril i i' of Ira V. Paup, near Sunol. Nebr., July 28, last. Council and Granger Lnkena of Denver were charged Kith killing P. nip ami Paul Vasik following the robbery of the State bank of Sunol. 1. ukens' trial began last week. J. F. Council, luu trial for the inurd'-r of Ira C. Paup lia.i attracted attention in western Nebraska and in Colorado, uws formerly poht mas ter at Insmont, Colo., where he was aliu interested in a summer hotel. The arrest of Council and Lukena followed a p'stol duel with farmers near Sunol, Nebr., on July 28. The farmers formed a por.se in pursuit of two men who held up the bank at Sunol, and at the end of the trail found Connell and l.ukens in an au tomobile. A running battle ensued In which Paup and Paul Vasik were killed. The men protested their inno cence, declaring they had been com pelled by the perpetrators of the robbery to drive the machine. A number of witnesses testified for the prosecution that Connell and Lu kena were the men who held up the bank. In their possession was found a considerable sum of money. In explanai io.i of this the men siild t!u) w-.e on a business tiip thru the Mate in the inienst of a iUkiio'.'.i ., lointi'i for which they were agent iti Dei.ver. Several thousand dollan; was tak en f ro i; the bank. inu:.i:i mi i.i m; . 1 1 ; 1 . 10. ui Ale-s, N'eb;-.i:'na man, v. iio was arn. tl. '-uvd-.-y--.---n' sieppi;l" from a train at the Union station in Denver, charted with luring Miry Moian. a 1 veai -oi l girl he net en route, to coiiie lo Denver with him, was turned over to District Attorney Ktish by the juvenile court. Miss M:ran, who wa.s to have changed cars at Brush, Colo., and go on to her home in Scottsblull. was' per suaded by Akca to accompany him. His allege dscheine lo harm her was only frustrated, it is said, by the con ductor, who overh-'ard their conver sation. Miss Morun is at the deten-1 Hon home pending the outcome of the ca.-.c. S.M IIILlTKANt III lis IMtOSPKIt1 The editor ei -joyed an excellent ilmittr Siiuda a, t lie ranch home of Herman Trin k 1 while in the stuid hills Hie liv.i ot the week. It cer tainly Was the !'i!CSt partaken of for m:iny was evcryihii'i! that sire. 1 tie people of are Indeed ma turn. Fvery ir.eal wo have months. There one could de the sand hills uig good from every .metier has plenty of teed for his 'k and many of ttiein i have sold il -luff that was ready for the fall market, all getting the prevailing hii'h prices. Mr. Trinkle has sold several thousand dollars wo, ill of cattle anil is c.oing into the Winter with iib.lli ion head of cattle, m uuii lias a nne bunch of hogs for w l:ii ,i lu lias been offered J 10 per I) u ml re, i ,m i t hi . - liny Springs Ni ws. Ili ;il Piil. I.S i'Olt DIU GS r.u .-i : r.v 1:1 koim:.x wak F; '.!'. ti'i'i'HiiiinV "drucgis of Alliance when iiiiervieweil regarding the pre vailing pi ices for mobt oil kinds of drills, du'lareil the. war in Kurope w as i f.ipjii. ihie for the exit'ting con dition ii not 1 priei s to prove tils assertion. Glance over the table which fol lows and see for yourself under what great burdens your retail druggist i.i laboring. Think of the thousands, c.f items iie must cury in stock many of them slow .i oving and profitless at best. advanced per cent Acilauilid 600 A. v plieni li lin 2,300 Aiil Benzoic Horn Toluol... 2,100 Acid Salicylic 800 Ad I Tartaric 120 Alum 400 Ammonia Brotui 1 815 Antipyriiie 2,700 Aspirin 150 Atropine Sulphate 440 HiMiiuihs 200 Borax 100 Caffein ..) 500 CatlYin Alkaloid 370 Calomel 200 Cai"r Oil 200 Chloride Lime 800 Chloroform 17 5 Your Interests will be well Looked After When You Consign Your Cattle, Hogs or Sheep to Omaha Live Stock Com. Comp'y Particular attention given to the business of Nebraska cattlemen. We make a specialty of handling stockers and feeders, both cattle and sheep. We Invite A Trial Shipment 1 EXCHANGE BUILDING, UNION STOCK YARDS SOUTH OMAHA SHORT COURSE IN ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS Especially designed for Farmers and Stockmen Unlike any Course ever before offered by any Business College 1 , Given under Two Plans: ' MINOR TERM, TWELVE WEEKS ; MAJOR TERM, TWENTY WEEKS V The Major Term leads to our Special Short Course Diplomr. EVERY TEACHER A SPECIALIST ONLY ESSENTIALS EMPHASIZED ALL "FANCY FRILLS" OMITTED We also offer Courses in Stenography, Bookkeeping, Hanking, Civil Service, Commercial Teaching, Etc. We occupy the only 6trictly Fire-proof Business College Building in this section of the West; Equipment modern, Faculty unequaled. Don't experiment. Better be safe than sorry It costs no more. APPROVED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Nebraska School of Business T. A. BLAKESLEE, PRESIDENT Cor. 0 and 14th Sts., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA i i v