The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 21, 1916, STOCKMEN'S EDITION, Image 10

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A 11C lttlgCdl 1CLU1U
we intend to carry
Violins, Guitars,
"a" "f u r
A I T T A XTt?
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MPiMiiftriri niT W
Mrs. McClung returned from 1 1;tHt -Iiiks
Thursday on 43.
B. B. Johnson was an Alliance vis
itor between trains Saturday.
Miss Frances Frlel is visiting at
the Michaels home at present.
Qrove Fosket returned Friday
from a week's visit with relatives in
ftoux county.
Clyde Whelan was in Alliance hav
ing dental work done, the latter part
f the week.
Miss Dessn Grimes was a visitor
at at the Klsea home, in Sioux
onnty, last week.
ttoss Knyeait came up from Lin
coln where he had been visiting for
a couple of weeks.
Sam Pitman now sports a brand
new Oram car which he purchased
of Isaac Hockey, the local spent.
Mrs. Ward. Mrs. K. L. Ilerce and
Irs. Carl Spacht were Alliance vis
itors the latter part of the week.
Mrs. 1. It. Walker was an over-
Bunday visitor with Mrs. Kenner at
Alliance Sunday, returning Monday.
S. A. Grimes .was down a Payard
a couple of days last week, where he
auctioned a horse sale for the Wlldy
Miss Mary lodence visited at the
Carl Spacht home over Saturday
night. Sh was a west-bound pas
enger on 4 3 Sunday.
K, jm'! .lii-i M-b't) a m 1 ihcir
wives returned Monday fro u three
weeks' camping trip up in the moun
tains near Thermopolis, Wyo.
The garage out at Mrs. E. Mabin's
farm was destroyed by fire Monday
night together with a Glide car and
some tools belonging to Ed Mabin.
Mrs. A. M. Miller. Mrs. Alice Cur
tice, Elmer Noe and Ben Humphrey
aotoed to Alliance Monday bringing
Mrs. I. K. Walker back with them.
Lynn Welker and Bud Swanson of
Lyons, Nebr., arrived here Monday.
They came by auto route. Mr. Wel
ker is a brother of Mrs. Mable Mc
Clung. Mrs. K. L. Pierce bad the misfor
tune to sprain her ankle quite badly
(Sunday evening and which caused
her considerable suffering for sever
al bours.
Rev. Palmer went over to Alns
worth Tuesday where be will attend
the Northwest Nebraska M. E. con
ference, which will be held there
this week.
J. T. Butler left on 43 Monday
Everything in Music"
. At The
At the same
Location opposite
the Postoffice
Pianos of Known Reputation
Alliance Representatives of
dlUUIV 111 VVCdlCIIl
a Sheet Music and Small Instrument Dep't
Mandolins, Accordians, Harmonicas, B
Strings, Etc., Etc.
Solicit Your Patronage
Opposite the Postoffice
XTT?nn a orr a
. cl
going over to Newport, Nebr where
he will viHit a brother and sister. He
will also visit a sister at Stuart be
fore returning.
Mrs. trni'st Kosenberger and baby
left lure the latter part of the week,
going to Fort Collins, Colo., to Join
her husband and where they expect
to reside in the future.
I.. F. Leavitt and family returned
the latter part of the week from a
month's vinit at Paris, III. The trip
was made by auto route, and was
greatly enjoyed by all.
Rev. and Mrs. Burleigh. Mrs.
Woods and Wuuneta went up to
Crawford Sunday where the ladies
wil visit for a few days while the
Rev. is at conference at Ainsworth.
G. F. Baker and wife and S. A.
Grimes and wife were In Alliance
Saturday evening where they attend
ed a special meeting of the Kebekah
lodge. They report a very pleasant
Mrs. Itustin and daughter Mrs.
Lee Watson, and little granddaugh
ter visited with relatives and friends
the latter part of the week, 'ihe.v
relumed to their home at Chadron
George Carroll received a carload
of posts the first of the week .which
were shipped from Iowa, and is haul
ing them out to his farm southeast
of town. We understand they 'are
for his own utte.
S veral from this place were in
Alliance Monday night, some of
whom were Geo. Baker, S. A. Grimes,
v. . Melitk. C. W. Graham. Ilev.
Pal er. Bill Cory, Geo. Jones and
'several others whose names we fail
I ed to get.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Moll and children
got home Monday from a cituple of
months' visit at the old Iowa home.
While they were away It was neces
sary for one of the children to be op
erated on for appendicitis. The lit
tle fellow is still quite sick but doing
Miss KU& Brown left here Sunday
afterioon on 43, going to Poison,
Mont., where she will be joined in
marriage to M. C. Addy, formerly or
this place. We extend to these
young people our hearty congratula
tions and wish for them the best of
everything. .
John Baumgardner of Phoenix.
Arlx., spent Sunday and Monday In
this place. John is an old Box Butte
resident and has a host of friends
here who are always glad to see him
and regretted very much that his
stay here was so short. Hope to see
you again, John, and stay longer.
Mrs. Mary Carter went down to
Alliance Sunday and from there to
Hot Springs, S. D.. where' she wa
joined by Robt. . Ttlford, where a
marriage was solemnised, so Dame
Rumor says. Their friends here feel
lCUIdbKU. riso M
n n
that they played a tood Joke on
them but "everything 1 fir in lov
and vir" and we ex'ei.u our coji
Kratulutiotis. Tuis locality has be n visited bj
several "deou ucilvo li-.-t lately. A.
Moll is the last to suffer. On Tues
day noon as the men were leaving
the house after dinner the barn was
discovered on fire. They succeeded
In getting the horses and one set of
harness out. All the rest was de
stroyed, together with 100 bushels of
wheat, some oats and a goodly
amount of hay. ,
Letterheads, envelopes, statements,
and all kinds of printing done j
promptly and neatly at The Herald;
office. Let experienced and expert i
printers do your work.
Wash the poisons and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Says Inside-bathing makes any
one look and feel clean,
sweet and refreshed.
Wash yourself on the Inside before
breakfast like you do on the outside.
This Is vastly more important because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties into the blood, causing illness,
while the bowel pores do.
For every ounce of food and drink
takeu into the stomach, nearly an
ounce of waste material must be
carried out of the body. If this waste
material Is not eliminated day by day
it quickly ferments and generates
poisons, gases and ' toxins which are
absorbed or sucked into the blood
stream, through the lymph ducta which
should duck only nourishment to sus
tain the body.
A splendid health measure Is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in It.
which la a harmless way to wash
these poisons, gases and toxins from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening
and freshening the entire alimentary
canal before putting more food into
the stomach.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs but very little at the drug
store but is sufficient to make anyont
an enthusiast on inside-bathing. Men
and women who are accustomed t
wake up with a dull, aching head or.
have furred tongue, bad taste, nasty
breath, sallow complexion, others who
have bilious attacks,, acid stomach or
constipation are assured of pro
nounced improvement in both health
and appearance shortly.
Most Inlet-eating Program Kver Pre
sented at a County Fair to be
' Hbown Her
The assistant secretary's office ot
the Box Butte county fair has been
more than active during the past
week arranging fair matters and glv-
ng the fair the desired publicity.
The premium list is now out and
may be had upon application to the
secretary's office.
The office is now engaged in send
n g premium lists and personal let-ers-to
over six hundred farmers in
Box Butte county, to a number of lo
cal exhibitors as well as several for
eign prospects. There has been plac
ed in the surrounding terlrtory forty
different newspaper advertisements,
while advertising campaigns have
been staged In every town and com
munity throughout the adjacent ter
ritory. Certainly the excellent pro
gram prepared, together with the in
tensified advertising done, will draw
a large and enthusiastic crowd to
Alliance on September 27. 28 and
It Is well for the residents of Al
liance and Box Butte counjty to be
ever mindful that this is their fair,
entitled to their support not only by
attendance hut by exhibiting and
contributing In every manner possl
ble. The success of the fair and es
peclally the night program depends
upon the reception and support ac
corded it by the citizens of Alliance
A large amount of money and con
siderable effort has been expended
to make the entertainment and ex
hibits worth while.
The management is anxious that
all .understand that the night pro
gram will be changed every night. It
Is worthy of your attendance not
alone on one night but every night of
the fair. The grounds will be open
ed, the concessions running, the ex
hibits on display, while the enter
tainment offered such as speaking,
Martin's phenomenal fireworks, vau
deville acts and band concerts.
Constipation the Father of Many Ills
Of the numerous ills that affect
humanity a large share start with
constipation. Keep your bowels reg
ular and they may be avoided. When
a laxative la needed take Chamber
lain's Tablets. They not only move
the bowels but Improve the appetite
and strengthen the digestion. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Adv Sept
Notice to Xon-ltetdrient Defendant
Cao No. 2355
You and each of you are hereby
net i fled that on the 16th day of Sep
tember A. D. 1916. Smith l Tuttle.
plaintiff, filed his petition against
you and each of you as defendants,
In the District Court of Box Butte
The Water Wagon is the
Band Wagon
The rcnomination of Gov. Carlson, of Colorado, is the people's endorsement of prohi
bition. In a recent election, British Columbia voted to abolish the saloon July 1st, 1917.
Canada is now 85 ptr cent dry and happy.
Russia, sober, is prospering as never before, in spite of their part in the world war.
' ' ' x
All political parties in Kansas endorse prohibition. Every Kansas Governor for 22
years has endorsed it.
From Colorado comes the word that the liquor question is settled is no lonper a po
litical issue.
From Oregon and Washington we hear of public men who fought the amendment on
purely economic grounds, who now admit they were mistaken.
From the Southern states, reports of general satisfaction, a shortage of convict labor
and a new era of prosperity, are announced.
The defenders of the saloon, with their endless array
of, misleading statistics, do not point to a single case
where people under prohibitory law are demanding a
return to high license.
Who is authority on the blights and blessing of prohibition, the expert statisticians of
the brewers, or the home owners and tax payers in dry states?
Vote Nebraska Dry
Box Butte County Dry Federation
Just Received
The Westerti Oriental Store
An unexcelled line of Kimonas, Dresses, Aprons, Notions,
Ribbons, Laces, Hat Trimmings
These goods have just arrived and I am offering the buying
public something in these lines that will
prove interesting to them
Quality is Right Styles
MRS. R. SIMMONS, Proprietress
county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to remove and
clear cloud from title, of plaintiff's
property, vis: Lot 19, in County Ad
dition to the City of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska; that a
Judgment by revivor was obtained by
the defendant Norwegian Plow Com
pany, in Kearney county, Nebraska,
against Smith P. Tuttle, plaintiff
herein, for the sum of $437.52, and
$6.73, costs of suit, on the 8th day
of February, 1892, a transcript of
said Judgment was dated March 4th,
1892, and was filed in the office of
the Clerk of the District Court, of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, March
7th, 4.692, and is Judgment No. 334,
on the judgment docket of said
Court; That said judgment by reviv
or haa by lapse of time become dor
mant, and has been dormant since
February 9th, 1897.
You are further notified and re
quired to answer said petition in the
Clerk's office of said court on or be
fore the 30th day of October, A. D.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
It is reported that W. H. Bower
box of the American Aviation Asso
ciation Is making all his flights in
the east with great success and the
association who have employed him,
and the crowds who have witnessed
his performances, are more than sat
isfied with the results. This is cer
tainly good news to the Box Butte
county fair, as It assures them of
spectacular aviation flights. Every
one possible should be present to
witneBB thb wonderful aviator In his
awe-lnspii lug. death-defying flights.
Mr. -Rowersox will be one of the
main attractions for the afternoon
are Right Prices are Right
program. He is a' sure flyer and
will undoubtedly please the crowd.
If yon are paying high Interest
rates In the Building & Loan call oa
the Nebraska Land Company and get
the money at reduced Interest rates.
In police court Robert Smith, and
Jessie Wilson, both colored, were
fined for disorderly conduct. In de
fault of the payment of the fines and
costs the defendants were sent to
jail for ten days each.'
The specific charge against these
people was indecent exposure. The
man, it is alegeld, has been In the
habit of putting on woman's clothes
and with the woman stand out in
front of their domicile near the rail
road tracks and raising their skirts
to an unprecedented height attract
the attention of passengers who
might be traveling on the passenger
trains of the Burlington Route. The
place where the couple hang out la
near the Burlington "Y".
All of this of course 1b against the
peace and dignity of the city of Alli
ance and Marshal Wheeler took the
guilty couple In tow and haled them
into the court of the police magis
trate y '
Typewriter ribbons of all kinds
The Herald carries the largest stock
in Alliance at all times. Phone 340.
Tvnewriter rlhhonn of All kinds
The Herald carries t,he largest stock
In Alliance at all times. Phone 340.