r COMMERCIAL CLUB NOTES Itcwnt Doing of Intci-ext An Mind the Olllce of the Alliance Coyi-iiu-rrlal Club M J- Ba U " X. ,"v r. w IT Myers D. Hobbs came In Wednes day from Hoffland. W.s G. Wilson of Antloch was up Tuesday on business. Mrs. Robinson, of Orchard, arriv ed Saturday to spend a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson. John Mc(3oy, M. D. Office! and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 George Lowry, the new shoe store man, is installing his goods in the store on Box Butte avenue this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family expect to leave Friday morn ing for a short pleasure trip to Den ver. . Mrs. T. H. Woodruff and daughter of Hyannls came In Wednesday for treatment by Drs. Coppernoll and Tetersen. Master George MeCool left Tues day for Ellsworth for a short visit with his grandfather. He will re turn Saturday. A meeting for both men and wom en will be held at the city mission at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Every body is invited. Walter Buechsenstein left on Tuesday for Hot Springs to recuper ate after a spell of sickness. He has been 111 about ten days. Mrs. John Mitchell and daughter Vernon returned to Hay Springs Tuesday after a visit here with Mrs. Mitchell's son, County Clerk Monte Hargraves. The best talent of the cltywill take part in the Home Missionary Pageant that will be given at the Presbyterian church ou September 10. at 8 o'clock. HTOl LOOK LISTEN The Presbyterian Missionary Soci ety are going to give a Home Mis sionary Pageant on September 10th. Be there, it is going to be worth while. The National Music Supply Com pany, through Its local manager, Mrs. J. T. Wlker, announces the sale this week of new Kurtimau pianos to Robert Reddish and Pror. G. M. Burns. W. M. Robinson, of Omaha, who is Interested in the National Music Sup ply Company, the local branch of which la in charge of Mrs. J. T. Wlk er, Is in the city on business, having arrived the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Furman of Marsland autoed over Sunday and returned Tuesday evening. Mr. Fur man Is interested in the bank at Marsland and has quite an extensive automobile business at Crawford. Attorneys Joe L. Westover and Eugene Burton left Tuesday for Cheyenne, Wyoming, where they will appear for the plaintiff in a case In which A. J. Tiller, a former Alliance resident. Is suing the city of Chey enne in the federal court. Miss Eunice Burnett of the Alli ance School of Music Is back again for the fall term, after spending the summer on her ranch near Mullen. Sh spent a delightful summer on the ranch and says that she Is glad to be back at her duties again. W. D. Amsberry, one of Mason riiv'a'nrnsniTnus farmers, with his famllv and Chester Fisher, arrived in Alliance Sunday evening via auto, coming via North Platte. Sidney and Bridnenort. While in the city they vialU'd with Harvey Myers and C. E Amsberry, ' A welcome visitor at The Herald office last Thursday, with the Gordon visitors, was James W. Mumblehead, nt th it. s. Indian school at Pine Ridge, S. D. Mr. Mumblehead is an Wfttpd Indian. Is bandmaster at the Indian school and publishes the "Ogalalla Light", the magailne which Is printed and edited entirely by the Indians at the sc&ooi. Dr. J. B. Cams, pastor of the Al liance Methodist church, dropped In mi Th Herald office Wednesday. I Just wanted to tell you," he said, "thai we have been-notified that the subscription price on church papers has been raised from twenty-five to fiftr cents per year, beginning with January 1st, and that the prices of ii snndav school supplies have been raised." When Informed that the cost of print paper for this week's edition of The Herald was right a rniinii on A hundred dollars, be stat ed that he believed the poor publish er of a country newspaper was nu Just as hard by the Increase in paper prices and The Herald force agrees with him. Alliance may have a factory em ninvinc several hundred men If the present plans of Link Lowry and his partner, Henry, prore lutiiwomi. Link announced on Wednesday that he and Ed will begin the construc tion of an aeroplane witmn a lew The nlane will he duiii aocora nr tn nlans evolved by himself and " r ... . . i Ed. and will contain a numow new ideas which will eliminate the danger of accidents. Link states that a ninety-horsepower engine has been ordered and as soon as It ar rives work will start on the new style plane. If It proves successful work wllUmmediately be started on a factory :to produce them in large quantities. There will undoubtedly be a big demand for an aeroplane of this nature from the warring nations and perhaps some could be sold to the U. S. army for use In Mexico. Fred Mollrlng and Ed Marks were passengers going east on 4 4 Satur day. Barney Shepherd of Hemlngford was an Alliance visitor the last of the week. GIRL WANTED Inquire at AMI aitce Rteiun Laundry. 38-tf-7512 - M. C. Hubble returned to Denver Saturday after a business trip to Al liance for a week. A little boy arrived at the home of J. F. Tiller Thursday morning. Moth er and baby are doing fine. Attorney Fred Wright of Scotts bluff was in the city Saturday, stop ping over on bis way to his home af ter a trip to Billings. Mrs. C. E. Coleman left Saturday for her home at New Hampton. Mo., after a visit in the city for a month with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Corp, Mrs. J. G. Dole and Mrs. W. R Pate have issued Invitations for a i:3U o ciock luncneon to oe neiu at the home of Mrs. Dole Friday after noon. Mrs. M. J. Howard of Pueblo Colo., stopped over In Alliance Wed nesday while on her way home from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ford, at Rushvlle. Rev. H. J. Young went to Oshkosh Wednesday. He delivered an ad dress there Wednesday evening be fore the county teachers institute of Garden county. Mrs. H. M. Bushnell, Sr., mother of the secretary of the Alliance Com mercial Club, arrived Monday for a short visit with her son. hue was on her way to her home at Lincoln. Rev. A. A. Layton, pastor of the First BaptiRt church, has Just re turned from a revival campaign at Bridgeport, where he spent two weeks in the meetings. He will be In the regular services Sunday. H. P. Coursey of the Keeler-Cour sey Company, returned from Omaha the last of the week. While in Oma ha he renewed the Ford agency con tract. The company expects to sell 150 Ford cars during the coming year. Mrs. E. C. Drake and daughter . spent the first of. the week at the Charley Johnson ranch. They were taken out by Mr. Drake Saturday night and he went after them Wed nesday evening, making the trip lit his Ford car. Prof. Uniacke, teacher of the vio lin at the Alliance School of, Music, Is bark again at his duties. A sum mer spent in the hills has made him "as fit as a fiddle" and he is glad to be back among his Alliance friends and associates. , Rev. F. A. Woten and family of Scottsbluff were in the city a short time Saturday. Rev. Woten was for merly pastor of the Christian church at Alliance and is now pastor of the Scottsbluff church. He and bis fam lly had been to Adams, Nebr.. where he was called by the serious illness of his mother. James C. Tarver, "the tallest man in the world," with the Barnum & Bailey shows, was in the city Friday of last week. He was the envy of the small boys and a lot of the big ones while in the city. He posed for The Herald's photographer with Si Thompson of Alliance and Frank Plerson of Minden. C. A. Burlew, the stalwart Hem Ingford Democrat and a prominent business man of that town, was in the city last Thursday. Mr. Burlew is much pleased with the outlook for Democratic success and believes that Box Butte county will "go Democrat ic" strong. Mr. Burled is one of the first residents to settle In Box Butte county and has a wide acquaintance Dr. Fred Horton of Newcnstle, an old friend of the Mollrlng brothers, who formerly lived there, stopped over wlrh them for a visit Wednes day. He brought Arthur Dickinson, a resident of Newcastle, dowji for an operation at the hospital for appen dicitis. Mr. Dickinson was operated on Wednesday morning and Dr. Hor ton returned home on the afternoon train. The offices of J. Jeffrey, D. C. Ph. C. and A. O. Jeffrey, D. C. chiro practors, are being moved today from the Burner block to their new location in the Wilson building on Box Butte avenue. Dr. J. Jeffrey is absent on a trip to Davenport, Iowa, and Mrs. Jeffrey Is doing the moving in his absence. Dr. Jeffrey writes that he arrived In Davenport in his big Reo roadster Sunday. A prominent Alliance business man rarely takes a drink of strong liquor, but one day last week he was feeling slightly indulgent and pro ceeded to a drink emporium where he imbibed a couple of doses of "red eve". Shortly afterward he return ed to bis office and espied a nice pa per sack on his desk. Thinking that perhaps some kind friend had left him something for lunch he opened the sack and out ran a green lizard. "Well, 1 11 be Mowed." exclaimed the business man, I didn't anow inai strong drink would affect me that way." x A' n 37 t To 3 CO Co CO RAILROAD TOPICS laratloiiM Hani to (jet Railway employes. In view of the Impending labor troubles, are find ing it a difficult matter to get leave of absence from their Jobs. Officials of the railroad are keeping every body on the Job while there is dan ger of a Btrike. A railroad man, in discussing this matter, said: "If you were an employe expected to take some striker's place If worst comes to worst, wouldn't you rather be on a vacation, out of reach of the otllce. when the trouble begins? If you were a striker wouldn't you rather be away on a leave of absence hen the word comes? Of course nil applications -for vacations are not based on these reasons. This is a time of year when a great many of the boys plan to get away. Nat.ur ally they want to go. It peeves some of thein when they can't get away. Hut the situation is such that some officials feel It better to have a full working organization nearby." A poll of the railroad employes. regarding their attitude on the strike question, was taken at local headquarters the last of the week. The results of the poll are kept sec ret. lliitiinutoii OtllciaU Confer A "family" meeting of Burlington officials was held Friday at Omaha headquarters of the road, discussion of the lineup for winter traffic being the principal topic. Those at the meeting were General Manager Holdrege, Assistant General Manag er Thieoff, Omaha; B. B. Greer of Chicago, assistant to the vice presi dent in charge of operation; Gener al Superintendent Young. Alliance. and Lyman of Lincoln. Lincoln State Journal. Safety First Trttiii in N'ehraka The government's "safety first" npecial train, consisting of fifteen cars, has been showing In Omaha. Lincoln and Beatrice during the past week. This train started from Wash ington over the Baltimore & Ohio railroad two months ago and came into Nebraska from the west. - The train will get back to Washington In Septen.ber, when the cars will be dis mantled and the exhibits restored to the departments from which they were taken. The train was planned by the various departments at Wash ington and left that city on May 1. Twenty-seven united States em ployes man the train, which is beau tifully decorated in the national col ors. As nigh as lO.uoo people nave passed through the train in a day, and over a million people have In spected it since May 1. The government departments of war. navy, treasury, agriculture and interior have exhibits, as well as the interstate commerce commission and the American Red Cross. In the ev- ning moving picture shows are giv en outside the train, with skilled lec tures describing the "Safety First" features. Joe Sleeker WORLD'S CHAMPION WRESTLER Will appear in an Exhibition Match with his brother Anton on the Second Day of the Sheridan County Fair, Gordon, Neb. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1916 Trabert and Maunier of Alliance will wrestle as Preliminaries Anton Stecher is the man who developed Joe Stecher and ia a better wrestler than most of Joe's opponents. This should be a Brilliant Exhibition of the Great American Game. North west Nebraska 'a first chance to see Stecher iu action. Plan to be there NOTICE CHANGE OF DATE . - THIS EVENT IS FREE ALSO BIO WILD WEST SHOWS GOOD RACES LARGE EXHIBITS SAVIDOE CARNIVAL COMPANY FOUR BANDS Come and stay through the FAIR, SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7, and 8, 1916 The club is soliciting 1h aid of the four potash companies which are operating In the sandhill country from seventeen to thirty miles east of town, in order to get an open and improved graded road connecting the plants with Alliance. In order to get this done it will take work by the commissioners of Sheridan and Box Butte counties, the officials of the companies and the commercial club. A special train will be run by the club to Hyannls on the occasion of their "Home Day" on September 22. The train will be known as the Alli ance Commercial Club Special. Al ready a sufficient number of Alliance citizens have signified their desire to go to Insure a success of the trip. The matter of a Community Cal endar for the city is being discussed. The idea meets with favor with the board of directors of the club and with the merchants. However, as It was too late for 1917 at this time the matter will be allowed to rest until next year. A welcome visitor at the club of fice last week was . State Enginoer Johnson. He Is deeply Interested In the proposition of federal aid In road construction and desires to obtain the co-operation of all commercial clubs In the state In this work. The Alliance club assured him that they are strongly In favor of the move ment and will assist in every way possible to promote the bill which will come before the next state legis lature. Secretary Bushnell Is a busy man these days, with the Labor Day pro gram and preparations for the com ing county fair, and the good-roads movement and countless other things calling for his attention. He Is go ing after the work In the right way, however, and will get results that will count. He has secured a large amount of publicity for the city dur ing the short time he has been here by furnishing articles of a news na ture to the large dally newspapers In Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and other points. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jac- obHon, August 25, a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhu bottom, Sunday, August 27, a boy. Regina Delsing was operated on at J the -hospital for appendicitis Thursday. Miss Naomi Taylor had an opera tion performed Monday, having her toiiHils removed. Pan Foley of Hemlngford came down last Saturday for a slight oper ation on his throat. Mary Krlz of Hemlngford was op erated on at St. Joseph hospital for appendicitis Tuesday. Clare Kerr of Edgemont spent the first of the week In Alliance visiting friends, and on business. John Peterson of Seneca came up to Alliance the first of the week to receive medical treatment. Ida Walker of Torrlngton, Wyo., came to Alliance Wednesday to con sult a physician, returning Thursday noon. Dean and Mrs. Wm. Carson Shaw left Thursday noon for Ellsworth, where they will visit the homes of Mrs. ComBtock and Mrs. Richards. POSITION WANTED for man and wife on ranch. Experienced; can give reference. Address C. M. Mc Coy, Bayard, Nebr. 39-11-7685$ - J. C. Birdsell of Edgemont, for merly Burlington division superin tendent at Alliance, was In the city Saturday. He Is shipping a large number of cattle. The Standard Grocery Company Hre now Installed In their new loca tion In the Reddish building on Box Butte avenue. Their meat depart ment is to be installed next week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burke and fam ily, of Council Bluffs, la., were In the city Tuesday. Mrs. Burke and children had been on a vacation trip in the Black Hills for a couple of weeks. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases An Opportunity To secure for yourself the Cleanest and Most Modern trunk or trav eling bag or suitcase, at the most reasonable prices that we have ever been able to give. Trunks, suit cases trav eling bags, ward robe trunks at reasona ble prices. Reliable in every way, and GUARANTEED HOLEPROOF TWO YEARS WITHOUT A COMEBACK L "Modern Clothes for Men" Removal Sale of Hardware and Furniture continues the balance of this week. On Monday we move to our new lo cation and in order to close out as much of our stock as possible we will make Special Cut Prices on everything in.the store. There will be no reservations. This will be your opportunity to secure high grade goods at a big saving in price. Come Early And Avoid The Rush You will find hundreds of articles priced at cost and less. H ,.n .i..jL:i ......... hl.m.,,,,,,',,. .u.,.:. niMMJitoiiHill'Hi Geo. G. Gadsbp Third and Laramie Alliance, Nebraska li tiilliiili ill! .Iliill'iillililiillillll.U